Hard Hit: IceCats series

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Hard Hit: IceCats series Page 8

by Toni Aleo

  They are now, though.

  And I bet Jaylin would be good at this girly shit… Whoa, buddy. Don’t get pussy-whipped after the first time.

  I am. Fully pussy-whipped, and I have no regrets.

  I just want more.

  I make sure Celeste is settled before heading out of the room. I shut the door behind me as I quietly call out Jaylin’s name, checking the kitchen in case she’s there. When I see she’s not, I head down the hall, a little pep in my step and a shit-eating grin on my face. Round two is bound to be even hotter than round one. I dreamed up some things I want to do to her, and I know she’ll have no complaints. She may be a lady on the streets, but in the sheets, she’s a straight-up freak.

  And I want so much more.

  I call out her name once again. When I get no answer, I head toward my bedroom, only to find she isn’t there. I also notice that her clothes are gone from where I threw them. Wait. Did she leave?

  I head back toward the kitchen, and to my dismay, her purse and shoes are gone from beside Celeste’s baby bag. Well, fuck. Is this really happening? Was it not good for her? I go back to my bedroom to retrieve my phone, but just as I grab it, I remember I don’t have her number.

  I check the time, and I see it’s well past midnight. Shit. I open my mail to look for her email before I remember I deleted it to keep myself from obsessing over it. Since I’m one of those crazy people who don’t like reminders, I also deleted my trash. Why can’t I just be normal? Damn it. I check the time once more, and maybe, just maybe, I can email Willa and she can get me Jaylin’s number. But what if Jaylin doesn’t want her office knowing I want her number? Why did she leave?

  It had to be because of Celeste. She was ready for round two, I was ready, but of course, my child comes first. Jaylin isn’t about that life. Never has been and I knew that, so why am I in my feelings? I got mine; she got hers. We’re square. Problem is, I don’t want to be square. I want to be circled so we can continue to do it over and over again. I want to hold her. I want to be with her.

  Isn’t this some shit?

  I fall back into the counter, the hard edge biting into my back, but the pain isn’t anything compared to the dent her leaving has made to my pride.

  But I’d be damned if she thinks she’s getting away that easy.

  I didn’t sleep a wink last night.

  I tap my foot against the island in my kitchen as Celeste happily eats her oatmeal. It’s more a hot mess of oatmeal everywhere, but she’s having fun learning how to use a spoon. As I help her, I wait for Nico to answer my call. I’ve been calling him since seven a.m., and he’s bullshitting me by not answering. I tossed and turned all night, trying to figure out what to do to get ahold of Jaylin. I was going to ask Willa for her number, but I don’t want to get her involved. I thought about calling Aviva. But I don’t know if Jaylin is truly blowing me off, and if she is, I don’t need more people knowing about it. What I need is the opinion of my buddy who has no filter and will tell me the honest-to-God truth, even if I don’t like it.

  Nico answers groggily. “When I don’t answer the first nineteen times, it means I don’t want to talk.”

  “Ew, someone sounds like they woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

  “Yes, Aviva kicked me out of the bed last night, so I had to sleep on the couch, and I’m too damn big for that thing.”

  I can totally see his long body falling off the couch. Since I doubt laughing will help the matter, I say, “That sucks, bro. What’d you do?”

  He groans loudly. “My dick slipped into her ass, and she has hemorrhoids. So, she was all kinds of butthurt over it.”

  I hold in my laughter. “Literally, eh?”

  He scoffs. “Yeah, basically. But she’s pissed and not speaking to me.”

  “Because you put your dick in her ass,” I say very evenly so he can see his wrongdoing. I mean, I’m all for some ass play as long as my partner is into it. Easy to say Aviva was not down.

  “It slipped.”

  “Okay, stick with that story,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I need your advice.”

  “Well, I just gave you the best advice about not letting your dick slip in your girl’s booty,” he says flatly, and I chuckle. “But what else can I help with?”

  “I already knew that,” I retort. “But it’s a good reminder not to do that.”

  “Exactly. You’re welcome.”

  “Anyway,” I deadpan, and he laughs. “I slept with Jaylin last night.”

  Might as well come out and say it. His laughter stops, and he whispers, “For real?”

  “For real,” I say, and it’s like a movie in my head again. I see her moving over my body as I eat her out, I feel her ass in my hands, and damn it, I want more.

  “Well, slap my ass and call me Sally. I didn’t think you had the balls.”

  “I do, and they’re bigger than yours, thank you very much,” I snap back, but I’m only met with laughter. “But things didn’t go as planned.”

  “You couldn’t get it up?”

  “I hate you.”

  “I know. Continue.”

  “Celeste started crying once we finished, so I went to get her—”

  “Please tell me you washed up first, or I honestly can’t listen anymore.”

  “Jesus, Nico. Focus.”

  “Tell me you washed up.”

  “For the love of God, yes, I washed up, you freak. Focus!”

  “Thank God. A baby doesn’t need sex juices.”

  I choke. “You made me gag.”

  “Now you know how I feel,” he throws back, and I want to remind him that he just told me his dick slipped into the hemorrhoid-riddled ass of his future wife, but I keep that to myself.

  “After washing up—”

  “Thank you.”

  I’m going to scream. “I went to get Celeste, and she needed to be rocked back to sleep. Problem is, I fell asleep, and when I woke up, she was gone.”

  “Celeste was gone?”

  I groan. “No, Jaylin.”

  “What did you expect? For her to wait for you?”

  “Yes. I put some damn good lovin’ on her.”

  “I doubt that,” he says dryly, “or she wouldn’t have left.”

  “Why did I call you?”

  “Because I’m your only friend,” he says like he’s right. He’s not. “So, like Aviva, you’re butthurt?”

  “Yes, I am. What if she only used me for the dick?” When he scoffs in disbelief, I ignore him, continuing with what is ailing me. “Or what if she didn’t like that I was a dad? I don’t have her number, so I can’t call and find out.”

  He doesn’t answer right away; he thinks it over. “Jaylin isn’t an asshole like that. The dad thing wouldn’t bother her since she knows you’re a dad, and from what I’m told, she thinks it hot.” Well, that’s hopeful and seems right. I mean, she did say she liked that I was a dad on numerous occasions. I really need to let that go. “But she does love dick. She doesn’t settle down or stay with one guy, so using you for your shrimp dick is a huge possibility.”

  I should have called my boy Chandler. He would have lied to me and told me I was pretty.

  “The fact that she didn’t leave you a number gives me reason to believe she was only in it for the dick.”

  Fuck me. “I was afraid of that.”

  “But you won’t know until you call her or talk to her. Send her an email asking for her number.”

  “I don’t know her email address. I deleted that email.”

  “So, look it up on the website, doofus.”

  While Chandler would have told me what I wanted to hear, he probably wouldn’t have given me that advice. He has baby brain right now and is still very upset we lost the Cup. “Good plan.”

  “Yeah. Or do something she can’t say no to.”


  “Go to the office, throw yourself out there.”

  I blink. “You know damn well I won’t do that.”

e. You have no balls.”

  “I hate you so damn much.”

  “Same. How’s my girlie?”

  I laugh. “She’s eating some oatmeal.”

  “Good. We’re leaving tomorrow to take Callie to school, so make sure you get ahold of Jaylin before then because she’s going with us.”

  She didn’t tell me that. Though, we didn’t talk much. Maybe it was just a hookup. “I really don’t want this to be just a hookup.”

  He hisses a breath. “Then you shouldn’t have picked Jaylin. I like her, she’s a cool chick, and I’m not one of those dicks with double standards about women. If she wants to fuck around, she can—I would if I weren’t completely in love with Aviva—but Jaylin isn’t the completely in love kind of girl.”

  I think that over, and it doesn’t sit well. “I don’t think that’s true. It was different with her.”

  “For you, sure. I bet you ask any guy she’s been with, he’d say the same. She’s gorgeous and hot. Smart as all hell too, but I haven’t seen a man who can tie down a girl like her. At least, that’s how Aviva says it. She’s too independent, set in her ways.”

  He’s right. “Fuck me.”

  “No thank you. Maybe get ahold of Jaylin and try for hookup number two?”

  Why did I call him?

  Because I needed the truth, and he’s right. I have to reach out. I have to figure this out, or I’ll drive myself crazy. I got to use my big-boy balls. I have them; I know they’re there.

  But I don’t think they can protect me from being rejected. Especially by someone like Jaylin.

  Nope, her rejection would be a kick in the gut.

  Chapter Thirteen


  * * *

  I’m ten seconds from slamming my head against my desk.

  “Keep burning every single bridge I build for you. I don’t even know if we can show our faces at church this weekend. How do you dump the pastor’s son!”

  My mother is relentless. “For one, we weren’t together. We were just fooling around.”

  “Jaylin! Don’t even repeat that, because his story is he told you he was in love with you, and you told him to go screw himself.”

  I make a face. “I didn’t say that.”

  “That you had a group of guys ready to kick his ass. You can’t kick the pastor’s son’s ass!”

  I groan loudly into my desk phone. “That’s not how it played out,” I say as calmly as I can. I wish I didn’t have to talk about Allen. I wish I could still be in Kirby’s bed. With Kirby. He seemed so tired last night, I’m giving him until noon before I call. I got his number from Willa’s file, which may be against attorney-client confidentiality, but the risk is worth the reward. I doubt he’ll have an issue. I really hope I get to see him today. We’re supposed to leave tonight for Nashville to take Callie, so I need some more Kirby-loving and Celeste-grins before I go.

  It’s funny how quickly I crave the attention of both of them. The little package deal.

  My mom screeches, “Then please, enlighten me on what happened.”

  “I’d rather not. You’ll get upset.”

  “I don’t care! I’m already upset.”

  True. “Allen grabbed me funky after basically calling me a whore, and a friend of mine stepped in. It was handled. Nothing to even speak of, and if Pastor John wants to act funny, let him know I have the marks on my arms to prove his son held me against my will, and I will press charges.”

  My mom is silent for a moment. “I’m going to castrate that boy.”

  I snort. “It’s over, Mom. No big.”

  “I never liked him.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “It isn’t, but fine, we’ll move on. Kathrine Anne’s son is coming back to town—”

  “Mom, I’m good.”

  “Really, he’s cute.”

  “I’m sure he is, but I’m—” I pause. This may be premature, but I can’t help but be hopeful. I hate how I stutter. “I-I’m actually involved-ish.”

  “I’m sorry, what is involved-ish?”

  “Um… Well, you see, this guy I wanted to get to know better about a year ago had something go down, but now we’ve reconnected. He’s actually pretty wonderful.”

  “Uh-huh. What does he do?”

  I roll my eyes. “I don’t want to get into that. I just want you to know I am good for right now. Let me see how this plays out.”

  Before my mom can complain or even protest my request, my cell phone rings. I glance down to see it’s Aviva. “Hey, Mom, let me call you back. Aviva is calling.”

  “How are you going to let me go for her? I’m your mother!”

  “And she’s my best friend, who I’m riding with to take her sister to college. So, yeah, she trumps you right now.”

  “That is disrespectful—”

  “Sorry. Love you. Bye.” I hang up quickly as I answer my cell phone. “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

  “It’s damn near noon, and I had to find out from my future husband, who I am not speaking to, that you slept with Kirby last night.”

  I grin. “I have so much to say right now. But first, why aren’t we speaking to sweet Nico?”

  She growls. “Asshole ‘accidentally,’—yes, that’s air quoted—slipped into my ass last night.”

  I cringe. She has some serious ass issues right now. “Oh, Nico, come on. Aviva, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

  “No, my ass hurts.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I made him go buy me a donut for the ride.”


  “And ice cream.”

  “Smart lady.”

  “I may even make him buy me something pretty.”

  “Do it, boo.”

  “Oh, I will,” she groans. “My poor ass.”

  “I’m sorry. But, question,” I say, tapping my chin. “How’d you know I slept with Kirby?”

  “He called Nico, and Nico told me.”

  “Oh, so I must have been incredible.”



  “Yeah. Tell me how it happened,” she demands, exasperated. “I thought you went out with Allen last night.”

  “I did. Things didn’t work out because Kirby showed up, and yeah, I can’t think of anything but him. And oh my God, Veev, it was absolutely amazing. He’s incredible,” I gush, my stomach doing flip-flops. I keep reliving what we did, the way he touched me with such care, looked at me, made me feel everything ten times over and then some. It was just perfect. “I knew he was special, but damn, he rocked my world.”

  She hesitates, which confuses me. “Jay, then why did you leave?”

  I bring up a brow. The way she says that makes me feel like I did something wrong. So, of course, I deflect. “Wow, I didn’t know Nico and Kirby were that close.”

  “They are,” she informs me. “Kirby is really bummed you left.”

  “He is? He fell asleep! What was I supposed to do? Wait around?”

  “I get that, but why haven’t you called or texted or even left a note?”

  “I was going to at noon!”

  She doesn’t miss a beat. “He has a lot going on with Celeste, and he doesn’t need someone playing with his heart right now.”

  “Whoa! Veev, relax,” I say quickly and defensively. “I know all that, and I’m not playing with him. I plan on calling. I just figured he was tired, and I would call at noon after I finished all my conference calls and shit.”

  “He thinks you just wanted to hook up,” she says. “And Nico seconded that.”

  My jaw drops. “What the hell? That’s not the case at all. Tell Nico to not only stay out your ass but my business!”

  She scoffs. “Jay, what are you doing? It’s not unusual you left like that. It’s classic Jaylin. You don’t sleep over at guys’ houses, and you don’t call. So, if that’s your plan, then just don’t call him.”

  “What the hell!” I complain once more. “I told you before I thought he was different, someone I
could commit to. And Jesus Christ, that was sorta a first date and hookup. Relax. Give me a fucking minute.”

  She lets out an annoyed breath. “I know you, and I worry about Kirby. He doesn’t have the best history.”

  “Well, I don’t plan on adding to that history,” I say, and then I pause. That was a bold statement. “Fuck, give me some credit, Veev.”

  “I am not knocking you at all. You live one hell of a life, Jaylin. I envied you before I found Nico. You’re so bold, so confident, but I don’t want anything else hurting Kirby.”

  “Oh my God, Aviva. I’m not going to hurt him. Shit, I’ll text to see if he’s awake. Also, I feel very attacked,” I snap as I put her on speaker and text Kirby, Hey.

  I know, very original.

  “I don’t mean to make you feel like that. I just worry that no one ever thinks to protect Kirby, and I’m super mama bear right now. I already cried four times because Callie is leaving me.”

  Ah. That all makes sense. Aviva isn’t usually emotional. She’s a hard-ass like me, but this makes sense. “It’s okay. I’ll fix this.”

  Kirby: Who’s this?

  “Ah, he texted me back. Hold on.”

  “What did he say?”

  I ignore her as I tell him it’s me.

  Just then, Jaime, my assistant, comes over the speaker. “Ms. Raventorn, you have a Mr. Kirby Litman here to see you.”

  “He’s here!”

  I look up and meet Kirby’s gaze. He holds his phone in one hand and a rose in the other. My heart explodes in my chest as a grin takes over my face. It’s as if I’d forgotten how gorgeous he is. His dark hair is a mess at the top but clean shaved on the sides. His dark eyes are intent on mine, and I love how even in athletic shorts and a tee, I find him irresistible. I’m so used to dudes in suits, or stupid lab coats, it’s refreshing to be into someone so casual.

  “Veev, I gotta go.”

  “Yeah, call me.”

  “Yup. Jaime, send him in.”

  I watch as he acknowledges what Jaime says while I get up, fixing my skirt before coming out from behind my desk. He walks toward me like a cat on the prowl. His eyes never leave mine. The heat rushes through me like a tsunami, and fuck, I want him even more than I did last night. I open my door just as he reaches it. “Hey.”


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