Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 10

by William Gladstone

  To help with this analysis, I organized a weekend meeting with my good friend and noted academic authority on healing and “spirit” communication, Professor Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona. Gary is an expert on what he calls the survival of consciousness after death. Gary is the first mainstream university scientist to carry out research with mediums that demonstrates scientifically that there can be communication through mediums with entities no longer present in physical form. Many would call these entities souls, so it seemed an ideal fit to have Gary study Dr. Sha and the phenomenon of soul healing miracles. Also, Gary had investigated energy and spiritual healers as part of his NIH–funded Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science as reported in his book, The Energy Healing Experience.

  At the time I arranged for this meeting, Gary had just completed the first post-materialist science conference with the participation of noted authorities from around the world. Gary has a Ph.D. from Harvard University and taught at Yale University before accepting his post at the University of Arizona. He is connected with top scholars and researchers at major universities, including one of the co-chairs of his conference, Lisa Miller, Ph.D., a professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University in New York.

  To say Gary was intrigued with Dr. Sha is an understatement. Gary’s most recent books have focused on the need for modern science to find a way to incorporate spirit and the wisdom of spirit into mainstream science and mainstream healing. Despite Gary’s enthusiasm or perhaps because of it, Gary was careful throughout the weekend meeting to constantly press Dr. Sha for scientific facts and explanations of what Dr. Sha was doing during his healings. Gary was not willing to take anything for granted, and without insulting Dr. Sha pressed for basic explanations for every claim Dr. Sha was making and for details on the circumstances surrounding each and every healing. Gary stated many times throughout the weekend that he was held to the highest possible standards by his colleagues to ensure that all of his experiments met the stiff criteria that would result in the data revealing the truth and not the opinions or feelings of his research team. Those who have worked with Gary know that this is true. Gary lives to show that science, when pursued vigorously, can tackle any question and do so objectively.

  Throughout the weekend, Dr. Sha constantly spoke of soul as the primary component in his healings, as the primary component in all aspects of reality. “The soul is the boss. Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow. The cause of all sickness is blockages of soul mind body. The blockages of soul are negative karma. The blockages of mind include negative mind-sets, negative beliefs, negative attitudes, ego, and attachments. The blockages of the body include energy blockages and matter blockages. The key blockages for sickness are soul blockages, which are negative karma. Why have I created hundreds of thousands of soul healing miracles in the last ten years? Because I offer Divine Karma Cleansing for soul blockages and also I teach people how to self-clear negative karma by forgiveness practice and by other spiritual and energy practices,” Dr. Sha explained. Gary responded as a good scientist should: “So where is the soul? How do you measure the soul? How do you know if the soul is wanting you to heal?” The questions kept coming, and Dr. Sha kept smiling and answering the questions with ever-greater details.

  “Soul is a light being. A human being is made of jing qi shen (pronounced jing chee shun). Jing is matter. Qi is energy. Shen is soul. They are three elements but they are also one. Soul has matter also. Soul is not just a light being,” Dr. Sha started to explain. As an observer I was not always able to follow the details of the discussion between Dr. Sha and Professor Schwartz. Some of the topics were quite specialized, full of paradoxical statements and seeming contradictions. Dr. Schwartz kept explaining the fundamental requirements he had for determining if what Dr. Sha did with his soul healing practices could be studied scientifically or not. By the end of the weekend Dr. Schwartz concluded that it could and agreed to work with Dr. Sha to assist with large-scale studies that might someday not just authenticate Dr. Sha as a true miracle soul healer, but also discover the exact mechanisms that allow the participation of soul in the healings.

  During the course of the weekend I learned a great deal about what Dr. Sha means when he speaks of the soul. Understanding Dr. Sha’s concept of the soul struck me as fundamental to penetrate the mystery of soul healing mysteries and how Dr. Sha operates. Gary kept pushing Dr. Sha to explain the nature of the soul and Dr. Sha kept smiling as he gave long, detailed answers:

  “Jing qi shen, matter, energy, and soul are three. People do not know they are one. Yin yang, Heaven and Mother Earth are two, but they are one. People forget that yin yang are two. The most important, however, is that they are also one. Jing qi shen are three but they are one. That is what I explain in my books. Energy means tiny matter. Soul is the tiniest matter. You cannot say soul without matter. Soul carries matter also. They are one. You cannot truly separate them. You are made of jing qi shen. The books you write are made of jing qi shen. Everything is made of jing qi shen.”

  Dr. Schwartz would step in and be sure he was understanding. “Let me rephrase. What you are saying is that everything has density. Everything is incorporated into the soul and the soul is the source of energy and everything has density. Then at the level of energy there is an explosion or transformation from the physical and energy is less dense than matter in that it has been transformed. So even though soul has density, soul has less density than either body or energy. Theoretically then we should be able to measure the density and energy of the soul,” Gary concluded at one point during the discussion.

  “What I am suggesting is a way to integrate soul healing miracles with science. I believe scientific research could prove the effectiveness of soul healing. It takes time for scientists to realize soul healing. I am writing a new book, Soul Mind Body Science System, with Dr. Rulin Xiu who is a physicist. We are explaining in scientific language about soul, mind, and body including soul healing, negative karma, and much more. It could serve the scientists and modern medicine to realize the importance of the soul for a human being’s health and every aspect of life.”

  My head was spinning with the introduction of so many ancient Chinese concepts being reinterpreted by Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Sha in terms of modern science, and yet it became clear to me that with or without the arduous scientific experiments and studies that Gary was proposing to “prove” the reality of Dr. Sha’s soul healing miracles, fundamentally it was going to come down to a matter of belief. If researchers were unwilling to believe in the concept of the soul, I was certain they would be unable to measure the energy of the soul. It was somewhat similar to the experiments that have been done showing that light is either a particle or a wave depending upon the perspective of the observer. Those who are unable to believe in the existence of a soul will never truly comprehend that a soul exists and that it is through soul energy that Dr. Sha is able to perform his soul healing miracles. And yet whether anyone believes in the soul or not, soul healing miracles will continue to take place. We have documented them in the previous chapter. They are real. Those who do not believe in the soul will have to come up with other explanations.

  Each of us must find our own way to believe or not believe in the existence of the soul. My father on his deathbed was certain that there was no afterlife and no possibility of a soul. As a chemist under Nobel Prize winner Harold Clayton Urey, he had studied the elements that create life, and he was certain that upon his death those elements would just decompose and the atoms and molecules would transform and find ways to become part of other elements after his death. There would be no more Milton Gladstone. I believe that my father did have a soul and that his soul exists even now and is aware and pleased that I am investigating these soul healing miracles that prove his own beliefs were wrong.

  My own beliefs, like those of many others, change over time. I believe that we are eternal beings and that we do have souls. I guess that without that belief I woul
d not have come this far on my journey to understand and appreciate Dr. Sha. To some extent, my belief in the existence of souls is based on knowing rather than belief. I had my own near-death experience when I was just fifteen years old. I discuss this experience in my novel The Twelve and also in the film Tapping the Source. I was clinically dead for several minutes and experienced a kind of euphoria that I have never known while limited to my human body. As a young man I seldom discussed my near-death experience, as it seemed “too weird” to my friends and family and business colleagues. And yet I have “known” I have a soul and whenever possible sought to find confirmation throughout my life. Dr. Sha knows he has had communion with the Divine. He does not believe he has had and continues to have such communion. He knows he has. He knows exactly where in his body to locate his connection with the divine soul that provides him information necessary to perform soul healings. Dr. Sha described for us the exact location in the solar plexus where the soul resides within each of us. Dr. Sha showed us the hand gestures to use to access the energy of the soul. He has described these practices in his previous books. So for Dr. Sha, nothing in his practice of soul healing miracles is theoretical. It is just factual. This is how it is, this is how it works. And amazingly it does work, and not just for him, but for the thousands of patients he has healed and for the hundreds of students he has taught.

  Dr. Sha speaks of his Divine Channels. He has certified over thirty Divine Channels thus far. He has over four hundred Divine Channels in training. He has created more than five thousand Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers. Dr. Sha views himself as a divine servant. He does not make the decisions on how he is best able to pursue his mission to heal the world. He knows it is through a combination of training others and healing others. He knows he is in partnership with the Divine. This is not his belief but his knowing.

  When I observe Dr. Sha healing, training, or teaching I am struck by his sincerity, his integrity, his commitment, his intensity, and his joy. He is clearly exuding love for all humanity. His songs of healing and forgiveness allow others to participate in these genuine expressions of love and caring. Dr. Sha has such childlike joy when healing and teaching that it is infectious just observing. Perhaps this level of emotional commitment is part of the reason why he is successful and why his students have learned to adore him. It is almost as if through a contact high they too experience the joy of communion with the Divine that is at the center of Dr. Sha’s practice. Whether based on belief or true knowing, those who are open to Dr. Sha’s soul healing miracle system benefit. They feel the true emotion that Dr. Sha experiences and to some level they experience this emotion themselves. You can also see this level of emotion in many of the patients when they reflect back on their healings. They are truly grateful and overcome with emotion. It is the emotion of a connection with someone powerful and loving, with some force in the universe that has recognized and healed them. Some of them are grateful specifically to Dr. Sha, but Dr. Sha does not seek this gratitude. He tells everyone, “You can do soul healing miracles. You can heal yourself. Practice, practice, practice. Serve, serve, serve. That is all I do. That is all you need to do. We are all on this journey together.”

  But in addition to belief and emotion, there is the matter of purity. Dr. Sha is a very pure soul. He works at it daily. He keeps his karma clean. He believes that purity is the key. Purity is health.

  Purity and Divine Love

  MY UNDERSTANDING FROM observing Dr. Sha is that spiritual purity is essential to performing soul miracle healings. Dr. Sha is able to determine instantly the level of spiritual purity of those who seek his healings and teachings. Dr. Sha serves everyone who needs his help. However, those who want to be accepted as disciples must have a high level of purity.

  “Is the nature of all beings innocence and purity?” I asked Dr. Sha.

  “All beings have the nature of innocence and purity. But many people lost their innocence and purity or do not have enough innocence and purity. The reason is that people have many desires and attachments. People have made so many mistakes in many lifetimes. These mistakes include killing, harming, taking advantage of others, cheating, stealing, power struggles, ego, and much more. When you have these conditions, a person loses their purity or it is reduced.

  “Why do millions of people search for ancient sacred wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques for their spiritual journey? Because people’s souls understand that they need to purify in order to be more pure and more innocent. This is why we need spiritual practice to purify the soul, heart, mind, and body. The sacred practice is to do forgiveness practice and to serve others. To serve others is to make others happier and healthier. The more one serves, the more the soul mind body blockages are removed. Then the purity and innocence will increase.”

  “That is very helpful, Dr. Sha. I have heard you say that love melts all blockages and transforms all life. If that is true, why are we not all equally pure?” I asked.

  “Because people do not offer unconditional love. They have limited love. They have conditional love. Therefore, people do not have equally pure conditions. It is easy to say ‘unconditional love’ but it is very difficult to perform ‘unconditional love.’ The transformation from conditional love to unconditional love is the purification process,” replied Dr. Sha.

  There was really nothing to say after Dr. Sha’s enthusiastic explanation of his mission. Purity and love. Those are the qualities that he represents. Those are the qualities that he believes are the basis for creation itself. And of course those are the qualities that he believes are fundamental to the practice of self-healing and his ability to perform soul healing miracles.

  For those wishing a deeper understanding of the concept of Purity and its importance to soul healing miracles, read Master Maya’s contribution in Part Three of this book in the chapter on Divine Channels, page 211.

  Can a Book Heal?

  ONE OF THE most outrageous claims I have ever heard in my fifty-plus years in the book business (yes, I started working for my father’s book publishing company, Arco Publishing, when I was just six years old), was made to me by Dr. Sha.

  “You know, Bill, my new Soul Healing Miracles book that is being published by BenBella Books is going to have my healing calligraphy in the book. This calligraphy can actually heal people. The book itself can heal people. The book is not just a book but a healing tool,” Dr. Sha informed me just a few weeks before Soul Healing Miracles was to be published.

  “But, Dr. Sha,” I responded, “Soul Healing Miracles is just a book. The printer is printing on normal paper and I am sure the book will look good, but how can you put your healing energy into a book that will have more than a hundred thousand copies printed in just the first printing?” I asked.

  “Oh, you will see. Even if the printer prints two hundred thousand copies, each copy will have healing energy. It is not about the paper, it is about the images in the calligraphy and the healing energy and intention of the Divine to convey blessings through this calligraphy. I have been learning from an esteemed professor and grandmaster of calligraphy. She learned from Tai Shi in the palace of the last Qing Dynasty. Tai means greatest. Shi means teacher. Tai Shi (pronounced tye shr) means greatest teacher. Tai Shi taught the children of the emperor and the emperor’s relatives. If anyone had that kind of position, we know in our heart he or she is one of the best in the country. This calligraphy is unique even in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Professor Li had kept this secret for her entire life. She is more than one hundred years old,” Dr. Sha explained.

  Though I was in complete disbelief, I decided better not to argue with Dr. Sha and to just wait to receive my advance copies and test this claim then. I was sure it was impossible that he could be correct. I love books. I have helped thousands of authors get their books published. I have earned a very comfortable living for my entire life entirely from books, and yet I had never heard any author claim that their book could heal anyone. Provide information that might be he
lpful in many ways, yes, but actually heal people, no. This just was not plausible.

  When my advance copy of Soul Healing Miracles arrived, I was quite pleased with the quality of the book and of course went immediately to the eight-page color section in the back, where on high quality glossy paper there were a total of nine images excellently reproduced. “Beautiful,” I thought as I examined each image. I had no idea what each image represented, and I was late to meet my mother-in-law in Laguna so I just put the book in the passenger seat next to me in my car and started driving away, not thinking anymore about the calligraphy. I was meeting Gayle and her at the time eighty-nine-year-old mom for dinner and then to see the Pageant of the Masters show. The show ended at close to 11 P.M., and since Gayle had driven up earlier I had to drive back on my own. As luck would have it, as I approached Oceanside the main freeway, Interstate 5, was closed for late-night roadwork. I had to exit and take side streets. Side streets from Oceanside to my home in Cardiff require going through Encinitas. Encinitas has many late-night bars, and the police monitor those side streets carefully to stop and arrest any drivers who have been drinking. I had not been drinking, but it was almost midnight and I was exhausted, having started my workday at 6 A.M. I drive a convertible BMW and I drive fast. Part of the problem is me and part of the problem is the BMW. The car was built for speed. It does not enjoy going slow. As a result, I get many traffic tickets. Just that morning I had received a letter from the California Department of Motor Vehicles. The letter opened, “Dear Mr. Gladstone, you may think you are a good driver but our records indicate otherwise. . . . If you get another ticket your driver’s privileges will be suspended ”


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