Prophecy of the Female Warrior

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Prophecy of the Female Warrior Page 9

by KA Young

  I laughed, realizing my hands were both in fists by my sides.

  “Cut the bullshit, Dan! I know that your family line works for the Nephilim. Joe knew what I was when he found me and so did you.”

  “Wait a minute. You don’t know anything. Yes, it was Dad’s line that was engaged with them. He only passed it onto Joe and me right before he died. We didn’t know too much about things then. We figured it out as we went. We were instructed to find you and hand you over to the Nephilim warriors, but Joe couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do it either, Anna.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “He did genuinely love you. We both did.” As he took a step toward me, I stepped back. ,

  “Anna, we knew they would come for you, but we thought if we kept you from developing that side of yourself, you would remain as you were. We couldn’t stand the idea of those yetzer hara things coming after you. Please, Anna.” Dan’s eyes pleaded with mine. I heard the truth in his words and knew that he believed every word he was saying to me.

  My chest began to ache. I went over and looked out the window. The moonlight was glistening off the lake. Dan walked up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

  “You knew I loved you all along. It was wrong to love my brother’s wife, but I couldn’t help it. That’s why I tried to stay away. Anna, this doesn’t have to be your life. We can just go away somewhere and leave all this behind.” Dan pulled me to him. I allowed him to turn me around then I rested my head on his chest. The smell of him reminded me of a life that seemed so far away. Could I just leave? As I pondered it, the room began to feel cooler and I shivered.

  Something was off, I could feel it. When I caught a whiff of rotting flesh, I pulled away and spotted a set of beady, red eyes behind the staircase.

  I unsheathed both daggers right as it lunged for me. Knocking Dan out of the way, with one dagger, I gutted it. As it slumped forward, clawing my neck, it became just low enough for me to decapitate it with my remaining dagger and then it melted into a pile of oily slime.

  A scream erupted from Elise’s throat. I bolted up the stairs and slammed through the bedroom door to find another yetzer hara gripping Elise, but it released her when it inhaled my scent and identified me. Elise had blood running down both arms.

  “I recognize your scent. I smelled it all over that human and, no matter how I tortured him, he never would give you up,” it snarled, pointing in my direction. “The master has a message for you.”

  So this was the one that took Joe from me. I smiled at it; he had just made my job a lot easier. “Is that so? It just so happens I have a message for both of you.” I pivoted on the balls of my feet and hurled a dagger at it, catching it in the side of its neck.

  The yetzer hara reached up and tried to yank it away, but I attacked it first, kicking it in the stomach. Holding its head in with my blade at its neck, I gritted out, “Never mess with anyone that I love. Enjoy your trip to hell, you sick freak!” I sliced through its neck and then there was only the oily slime left, spilt all over me.

  Being so focused on my prey, I hadn’t noticed Dan’s arrival. He and Elise were standing together in the corner when I turned toward them.

  “Elise, are you okay?”

  She looked down at her arms. “Yes, they’re already beginning to heal.”

  I didn’t make eye contact with Dan. I didn’t want to read his face to see what he thought of me at this moment.

  “I need a shower. Elise, can you get my backpack and bring it to my room? I’m going to need a clean set of clothes.” She nodded and I said, “Thanks.”

  After my shower, I went back into my room to find that Elise had left the backpack on the bed for me. I got a clean pair of black cargo pants out. I had thought about wearing a pair of the jeans I left here, but the cargo pants were truly my best option for fitting my thigh holsters and, after tonight, I intended to never go anywhere without them.

  I pulled on my socks and laced up my boots then decided to go down and get something to eat. I was suddenly ravenous again. Who knew fighting could make you so hungry?

  The sun had come up while I was showering and I didn’t even recognize my cabin in the morning light. It looked like a war zone with the holes in all the walls and the demolished furnishings. The front door was even ripped off the hinges. I didn’t recall doing that, but I supposed it must have been me.

  I smelled coffee percolating as I rounded the corner into the kitchen. I poured myself a cup and joined Elise on the front porch swing. She smiled and bumped me with her shoulder.

  “Where did Dan go?” I sipped my coffee. Mmm, it was simply divine. She must have used our water for brewing.

  “He went out back, mumbling something about being damned if he sat by and allowed you to get yourself killed. He must not have been watching the same you that I saw last night.” She took another sip of her coffee. “You looked like a savage killer. I was glad I was on your side.” “You mind if I borrow some clothes? I noticed your closet upstairs was nicely stocked and, since you’re sticking with the bad-ass, chick look…” She motioned to my ensemble. “Maybe, I could help myself to them? I mean they’re just going to go to waste.”

  “You don’t need to sell me. You’re welcome to anything you want,” I laughed.

  “Great! Thanks, Anna. You really are my best friend, you know?” She quickly hopped off the swing and went inside.

  I smiled. She was mine, as well. I stayed on the porch and finished my coffee, listening to the birds. Ugh… I needed a few more cups to face this day. I had a lot to figure out.

  I was pouring another cup of coffee when Dan came into the kitchen. “Anna, are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” I continued doctoring my coffee with a little Splenda. He looked me up and down.

  “When did you start dressing that way? You always wore pastels and girly stuff before all this.”

  I shrugged.

  “You can’t seriously be fine after all that happened last night. This can’t be the life you want to live.” He stood in front of me and lifted my chin. God, he was so close and I was so horny, again. I needed a pill or something to fix my lust problems. This was getting ridiculous. I was not going to have sex with my late husband’s brother.

  “Listen sweetheart, I’ve got a car packed and parked out back. I have enough money for us to live on for a year before we need to access any other accounts. We would be untraceable. No one would find us. You could be free from this life.”

  “Dan, I don’t know. I can’t just vanish, Elise is upstairs and...”

  “They’re trying to change you. Don’t you see that? You are more than fantastic just as you are.” He caressed my face lightly with his fingers. He was being so sweet to me.

  I did love Dan, just not the way he wanted me to. He needed someone that worshipped him.

  “My God, you are beautiful. You’ve always been so damn beautiful.” His eyes focused on my mouth as I moistened my lips.

  “Please, baby, won’t you come away with me?” He circled his arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

  “If you value your life at all, you’ll take your hands off her this minute.” Eli’s lethal tone cut through us like a knife. I knew he could sense the emotional turmoil inside of me; he knew what my body was going through. I turned to meet his gaze. I had never seen him look this way before; not even when he walked in on Torch and me. He wanted to kill Dan.

  Dan grabbed me and tried to put me behind him. He actually thought he could protect me.

  “I won’t say it again, Dan. Step away from Annabelle.” I stepped out around Dan. Eli could kill him with one hard blow; I couldn’t allow that.

  “You sick bastard!” Dan growled as he took my hand and held onto it tightly. “She doesn’t belong to you. If it were left up to me, I would have hidden her so far away; you and your freaks would’ve never found her.”

  “Contrary to what you believe, she has never belonged to you, either. If you assholes had done your job in the first place, Annabelle w
ouldn’t be having such a hard time transitioning. You can’t protect her; you never could” Eli glanced down at my hand in Dan’s. His eyes glowed even brighter, so I let go of Dan’s hand just as Eli’s head tilted to one side. “I smell yetzer hara.”

  He looked around, spied the remains on the floor, and his eyes narrowed as he sneered at Dan. “What were you doing while she was killing them? Hiding?”

  Dan leapt onto Eli, catching him off guard, and the two went down. I heard a crunch when Eli broke Dan’s nose with his elbow and pinned him to the floor with his knee and forearm.

  “You fucking idiot! You have no idea who you’re messing with. The only reason you are alive right now is because she wants you alive.” He left him on the floor as I went to Dan.

  “Let me help you.” He pushed me away and stood up to his full height.

  He stared from me to Eli and back to me.

  “Is this the life you want? Those sick fucks fighting over you? I love you! I will always love you.”

  I didn’t want to hurt Dan. “Dan, I do love you. You and Joe were my family.”

  Eli growled at my response.

  “They were, Eli, you know that!” I glared at Eli. He looked away, hating that they were ever part of my life.

  “Dan, you and Joe kept things from me. You kept me from the things I needed to know to be whole.”

  “If you stop eating their food and remain with mortals, you will stay a mortal. Did he tell you that? Did he even give you a choice? They’re using you, Anna. Can’t you see that?” As Dan pleaded, I felt so torn. I glanced up at Eli.

  “We can speak of this alone. It is none of his concern.”

  “The hell it isn’t. She is my concern.” Dan wiped his nose with his arm sleeve.

  “Human, I don’t like you. As far as I’m concerned, your entire family line is responsible for this shit. Be grateful for the blood vow. Without it, I would wipe every single member of your family off the face of the planet. So don’t tempt me. I would love to end your pathetic existence.”

  “The entire Nephilim race should be the one wiped off Earth. You’re all an abomination!”

  “Stop it!” I shouted. “Eli, if you want my cooperation, you won’t touch any member of his family. I mean it. I’ll walk.” I turned and pointed at Dan. “I am part of the Nephilim race. Do you believe that I am an abomination? ”

  “It doesn’t have to be. You have a…” I held up my hand, stopping him.

  “Yes, it does. I was born Nephilim. I carry the birthmark, Dan. It is who I am.” I put my hand over my heart for emphasis.

  “Last night revolted you and I understand that. A month ago, I too would have been disgusted, but not today. I’m not the same person I was. They’re not changing me, Dan. I’m becoming who I was born to be. I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin than I did while killing those bastards, Dan. I reveled in it.” I took a deep breath; I didn’t want to hurt him with my words, but I honestly had no choice. “I’m sorry I can’t go with you.” Dan stared at me for a long moment, the pain I caused him evident in his eyes, before he turned and stormed to the back door, flinging it open. When he paused and glanced back at me over his shoulder, I saw all the pain in his eyes had been replaced by anger.

  “This isn’t over. They’ve done something to you. I’ll get you out of this, Anna. I swear it!” He slammed the door.

  “What’d I miss?” Elise peered over the banister, towel-drying her hair as she came be-bopping down the stairs, wearing a pair of my J-Lo jeans and a pink, scoop neck top. She was smiling from ear to ear. I rolled my eyes at her, knowing she had heard everything that went on down here.

  “Anna, I just love these earrings.” She shook her head to showcase a pair of my sparkling, pink earrings then bent over to pick up the overturned loveseat before plopping down on it. Shaking a bottle of my bright pink nail polish, she began to polish her nails.

  Chapter 10

  “Elise, Annabelle and I need to have a private conversation, if you would excuse us,” said Eli. She started to rise when I stomped toward the stairs.

  “No, Elise, you can stay. Eli, I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now.” She sat back down and continued polishing her nails.

  I didn’t wait for him to respond. Instead, I went up the stairs to my room and began pacing while trying to process all that Dan had told me. When Eli burst through the door a moment later and kicked it shut, I was surprised it stayed on the hinges.

  “You don’t get to make that call, Annabelle. As much as you may dislike it, I am the leader here and you will obey me.” He scowled at me and I gave him a hostile look back.

  “Yeah? Well, how’s that been working out for you so far? I won’t be controlled by anyone anymore. Putting Van on guard for me last night was a tactical error on your part. That man is too easily led around by his dick.” I smiled smugly at him while crossing my arms over my chest.

  He was furious with me. “You almost got him killed with that little stunt you pulled. You will never throw your sexuality around like that again.”

  “Spoken just like a man. Blame it all on me, the woman. It doesn’t even matter that Van willingly participated.” Eli started to respond when I spoke over him. “Whatever, I’ll do whatever I have to do to get the job done!”

  “The hell you will!” He took a commanding step forward, but I held my ground.

  “Oh, please, Mr. High and Mighty. That is so the pot calling the kettle black. You have been doing exactly that, using me to get what you want.”

  “Bullshit!” He quite obviously hated being called out.

  Well, that was his problem. I wasn’t backing down from him anymore. “If anyone is going to call bullshit, it’s me. You need me to unite the race. All that sweet talk and sexing me up, it was just to create feelings in me for you so I would choose you. You know what? I don’t need you. I can take care of myself now.”

  “You think you have everything all figured out, don’t you? You have no idea what’s coming for you, what’s coming for all of us! You took out a couple of yetzer hara, big fucking deal. How about defending yourself against an army of them? You have no idea what’s going on all around us. ”

  “Well, if you would tell me what the hell is going on, I would know what is coming for us. But oh, no, you keep me in the dark. Always distracting me with your sexual advances.”

  I dug my nails into the palms of my hands, drawing blood. Eli’s eyes were blazing and I knew mine must be, too.

  He closed the distance between us. “As for my sexual advances, I tried to prevent our relationship from becoming too serious in the beginning because I didn’t want you to feel pushed, but I can’t fight the intense attraction I have for you. It is far beyond my control. You arouse me as no one ever has. Your anger toward me even makes me hard.” He took my hand and put it on the bulge in his pants. “I will kill anyone and everyone that tries to come between us. You are mine, Annabelle.”

  He grabbed my face. “I WILL NOT SHARE YOU.” He forced my mouth to his. I shoved against his chest, however he held me tighter against his body. When I relaxed against him, though, he loosened his hold on me and I took advantage, taking his legs out from underneath him. He fell hard, thudding against the floor. As I bolted for the door. He snatched my foot, tripping me up and I followed him to the floor. He dragged me back, turning me over and trapping me with his hot, hard body. Shit, this man was sexy as hell.

  I shook my head to clear it of those thoughts. “Get off me! I don’t want you!” I pushed against him.

  His eyes explored mine with intensity. “Liar,” he whispered and then his mouth was back on mine, forcing my mouth open wide. When his teeth nicked my lip, I tasted my own blood, but didn’t care. He was right, I was a liar. I wanted him like I had never wanted anyone in my life.

  I ripped his shirt down the back making him chuckle in my mouth and causing me to grin. Yet, as he pulled my shirt over my head and licked my nipples the way he knew drove me crazy with need, he groa
ned; all the laughter was gone now and replaced with desire.

  He looked at me with a hunger I never saw in him before. “I need to be inside you.” He ripped his pants down, his enormous erection jutting up against his stomach. I shucked my daggers and shimmied out of my pants, pulling them over my boots.

  “I’ve never seen anything sexier. Your face is all flushed, your eyes are glowing, your lips are so swollen, and to top it all off, you’re wearing my favorite shit kickers.”

  He lowered himself down to my entrance. “Ah… God, you’re so hot and wet for me. I’m not strong enough to fight this.” I arched into him, urging him on, digging my nails into his ass; letting him know that I was ready for this.

  Eli let out a sexy moan that made me so hot! He pushed home with one hard thrust and I cried out as my body stretched to accommodate his size.

  Holy hell! This man was big. I thrust my hands through his thick hair, pulling his head down, and bringing his mouth to mine. I thrust my tongue into his mouth as I wrapped my legs around his torso and he pushed into me faster. I could feel myself on the edge when I felt a strange sensation within me. I could feel a pull from inside me, an extension of my flame that ran straight to my soul. It was reaching for him. Realizing that it was the mating bond, I started to let go.

  Wait, he said he wasn’t strong enough to fight it, not that he wanted it. Besides, the whole thing scared the shit out of me. So, I pushed it back. There were too many uncertainties in my life right now; I wasn’t ready for another one.

  Afterward, we lay entangled together, panting. He lifted his head from my neck and rested it on my forehead.

  I never knew my need to claim you would be this fierce. Why didn’t you open up to me?

  I don’t know what you mean.

  The hell you don’t. You closed up on me. I could feel the pull from you, and then you pushed it back. Dammit! I wanted it!

  He abruptly peeled himself off me, then stood and forcibly pulled on his pants. A muscle ticked in his jaw. I couldn’t tell whether he was angry or just upset with me.


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