Of Gods And Elves tgc-2

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Of Gods And Elves tgc-2 Page 2

by Brian D. Anderson

  “Rest here,” said Malstisos. “I’llscout ahead.” He pulled a small flask from his pack and handedit to Maybell. “Drink this. It will help you stay warm.”

  “What is it?” she asked. “Not jawastea I hope.”

  Malstisos smiled warmly. “It’s elf brandy,”he said. “A small sip should take the chill away. I’llreturn before dawn.” He strode off into the woods.

  Millet couldn’t help but look worried, watchingMaybell’s hands tremble as she lifted the flask to her lips.

  “I’m fine,” said Maybell. “Quitlooking at me like that.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Butplease understand I’m only thinking of your well-being. Even ayoung man couldn’t stand this cold for long.”

  “Then worry about yourself,” she said. Thewarm rush of brandy filled her, putting color back in her cheeks. “Imay be an old woman. But, you’re no spring chicken.”

  Millet laughed as Maybell passed him the flask. “Pointtaken.”

  Neither of them was able to sleep. The fire and thebrandy kept them warm, but soon the howl of wolves mixed with thehowl of the wind.

  “How close do you think they are?” askedMaybell, trying her best to hide her fear.

  “Not far from the sound of it,” he answered.“But don’t worry. Wolves rarely trouble travelers, andthey won’t come near the fire.”

  Malstisos returned just as the sun broke the horizon.“There is a garrison due east of here bearing the same standardas the other soldiers,” he said. “But I found a wayaround that should keep us out of sight.”

  “If they have built a garrison this close toHazrah, then it’s likely they’ve already taken the cityitself,” said Millet. “The king would never allow aforeign army to go unchallenged this close to the capital.” Heturned to Maybell. “There is a mining village a day’sride from here. I have a friend there that can shelter us while wegather information and form a plan. I don’t want to marchheadlong into the sights of Angraal unless there is noother choice.”

  “If Hazrah has fallen, this trip may have been fornaught,” said Malstisos. “The garrison is organized, andthey are well prepared. Whoever leads them is no fool. Entering thecity unnoticed may be impossible.”

  “If getting into the city unnoticed isn’t anoption then we’ll hide in plain sight,” Millet replied.“This is not my first dangerous mission.”

  “I may be able to help,” said Maybell. “Ifyour friend can get word to the Hazrah temple then perhaps they canfind us a way in.”

  “There may not be a temple to contact,” saidMillet. “Remember what Salmitaya did to the temples inKaltinor?”

  Maybell’s heart ached at the thought. “Ishould have killed her when I had the chance.”

  “Don’t second guess yourself,” repliedMillet. “Your actions were correct and merciful. I, for one, amglad you spared her. Once her masters discover her failure I’msure they will be less than pleased. I doubt that her comfortablelife in Kaltinor will last much longer.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Maybell wiped atear from her cheek.

  Millet explained to Malstisos their position relative tothe mining village so that he could scout it for patrols. They wereforced to change direction three times to avoid detection. When theyreached the edge of the village, they hid behind some bushes andwatched for a time. When no soldiers were in sight, Millet toldMaybell and Malstisos to wait while he entered and made contact withhis friend.

  “I don’t like you going alone,” saidMaybell.

  “Until we know what’s going on we can’trisk being taken together,” he replied. “I'll need totalk to Markus and make sure it’s safe.”

  “Don’t worry, Maybell,” saidMalstisos. “If he is taken, I will free him.”

  “Fine,” said Maybell, scowling. “Whois this Markus person anyway?”

  “He’s the foreman of the Kessel coppermine,” said Millet. “He and I were good friends when wewere young.”

  “How do you know you can still trust him?”she asked.

  “I don’t. But when we were young he was themost honest and dependable man I knew. Besides, it’s eitherthis, or we ride blindly into danger. I’d rather try to escapefrom here than from the city gates.”

  “If you are captured be certain to make enoughnoise so that I know to come get you,” said Malstisos.

  “Absolutely,” Millet agreed.

  Millet scanned the area one last time, making certain hewasn’t being watched, and then hurried to the nearby street.Malstisos handed Maybell the flask of elf brandy, which shegratefully accepted. An hour later Millet returned.

  “I spoke to Markus,” he said. “Heoffers us food and shelter.”

  “What news of Hazrah?” asked Malstisos.

  “It’s not good,” he replied. “Wecan discuss it at Markus’ house. Keep your hood on until we’reinside. Markus knows you’re with me so there will be no reasonto hide your identity once we get there.”

  Millet led them to the street and into the village. Itwas typical of a mining town, mostly single story, wood buildings,built for utility rather than aesthetics. The streets were empty,aside from a few workers on their way home from the mines.

  Being the mine foreman, Markus lived in one of thelarger houses in the village, but even so, it was not much biggerthan the average farmhouse. Millet tied the horses to a nearbyhitching post then walked straight up and opened the door. Theinterior was modest yet comfortable. A sturdy dining table wasalready set for the evening meal at the far end of the great room,and a fire crackled in the fireplace just inside the door. A balding,stocky man with deep-set eyes, and a weathered face stood next to thetable, slicing a loaf of fresh bread. He looked up and smiled as theparty entered.

  “Welcome,” said Markus. “Please have aseat. Supper will be ready shortly.”

  “Thank you, old friend,” said Millet. “Thisis Maybell and Malstisos.”

  Markus walked over and took Maybell’s hand. “Mylady, you are most welcome. A Priestess of Ayliazarah is sorelyneeded here.”

  Maybell curtsied. “I cannot tell you how gratefulwe are for your hospitality.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” he replied andturned to Malstisos. “And you must be the elf Millet told meof. Truly the world is changing.”

  Malstisos smiled and bowed low. “I am at yourservice and in your debt.”

  Markus smiled broadly. “Not at all. Millet is anold friend and his friends are mine.”

  They sat at the table while Markus passed around thebread and retrieved a small pot of beef stew from the stove. “I’msorry that there’s not more, but this is considered a feast inthese dark times.”

  Millet reached in his purse and brought out a gold coin.“Take this.” He pushed the coin to Markus.

  Markus pushed the coin back shaking his head. “Idon’t need the money, my friend. It's food we lack here. Mostof what we have is sent north to feed the armies of Angraal.I’m one of the lucky ones. As foreman I’m given extraprovisions.”

  “So the Dark Knight hastaken Hazrah,” said Malstisos.

  Markus stared down at the table. “He has. And he’sbrought misery with him. Of course, they call him the Reborn King andnot the Dark Knight.”

  “How long ago did his armies arrive?” askedMalstisos.

  “Three months ago. But his agents were here longbefore that. They negotiated our surrender. We didn’t even putup a fight.”

  “Why not?” asked Millet. “The King’sarmy could have held out for years. The city walls have never beenbreached.”

  “I don’t know,” said Markus. “Thosekinds of questions land you in prison these days. As far as theKing’s army, most have been sent north to Angraal.Some have returned carrying the banner of our conquerors. It’slike The Dark One is trying to eat the world and we're theappetizer.”

  “What of Lady Nal’Thain?” askedMillet. “Is she well?”

  “If that’s why you’ve come, you’vewasted your time,” replied Markus. “No one has seen orheard from the house of Nal’Thain
for weeks. The rumor is thatthe Lady has been sent north, but I don’t know how much truththere is in that.”

  Millet lowered his head. “What of her son?”

  “I’m afraid that I have no news of Jacob’swhereabouts. There are whispers that he was the one who convinced theKing to surrender. After that, he seems to have vanished.”

  “I don’t believe it,” cried Millet.“The son of Lee Nal’Thain would not betray his people.”

  “I only know what I hear,” said Markus.“Whether there is truth in this… who knows?”

  “We must find them,” said Millet. “Canyou get us inside the city?”

  “I doubt it. They check everyone coming in or out,but I may be able to help. I make monthly production reports to thecity clerk and the next one is due in two days. I could try andcontact them for you.”

  “What about the temples?” asked Maybell. “Icould claim to be sent from Baltria. Certainly they wouldn’tstop a priestess.”

  “I hate to be the one to tell you this,”said Markus, unable to meet Maybell's eyes. “But the templeshave been shut down. They house Angraal’s soldiersnow.”

  “What?” she cried. “Foul beasts!”

  “I’m sorry,” said Markus. “Worshipof the Gods is forbidden now. Most of the priestesses and monks weresent north for re-educationa week after the soldiers arrived.”

  “I still can’t believe the King has donenothing to stop this!” said Millet.

  “The time is long past for the King to takeaction,” said Markus.

  “Is there no resistance?” asked Malstisos.

  “There was at first. But Angraal crushedit. I know you won’t want to hear this, Millet, but it wasJacob Nal’Thain who helped them rout out the resistance. This Isaw with my own eyes.”

  Millet shook his head, rubbing his temples. “Itdoesn’t matter,” he said, finally. “I was sent toretrieve my lord’s family, and I will do as he has commandedme.”

  Markus sighed. “Very well. Tonight you and yourfriends will sleep in the basement. I will leave in the morning. ButI cannot promise that I will succeed.”

  “I thank you for your help, old friend,”said Millet. “I know how much you’re risking by aidingus. You can come with us if you wish. We can offer you sanctuary.”

  “My place is here with my men. I cannot abandonthem.”

  “I understand,” said Millet.

  After their meal, Millet retrieved their packs from thehorses which were then put in a small stable behind the house. Markusgave each of them extra bedding and led them into the basement.“Please keep as quiet as possible,” he said. “Thesoldiers rarely check my house, but a little extra caution won’thurt.” He walked up the stairs and closed the door. The clankof the latch echoed through the basement.

  “I don’t like being trapped,” saidMalstisos. “If we are discovered, there is only one way out.”

  “I don’t like it either,” agreedMaybell.

  “What choice is there?” said Millet. “Weare asking Markus to take a huge risk. If he says we should stayhere, I must trust him.”

  “I hope your trust is justified,” remarkedMalstisos. “Hardship can do strange things to a person’sloyalty.”

  “I don’t like what you’re implying,”said Millet. “I’ve known Markus for more than fortyyears. He is as solid and honest a man as I’ve ever known.”

  “We shall see,” said Malstisos.

  They set up their bedding and went to sleep. Bad dreamstroubled Millet and he woke up several times. Eventually he decidedto forgo sleep and spent the rest of the night huddled in a corner.After a few hours, he heard the door slowly creak open. Malstisoswoke immediately and drew his knife. Maybell stood up and movedbehind him.

  “What?” Millet asked in dismay.

  “There are a dozen soldiers upstairs,”Marcus announced as he descended the steps. “If you don’tdisarm they’ll burn you alive down here.”

  “Traitor,” shouted Millet. His hand shot outand his fist landed solidly on Markus’ jaw. Markus stumbledback and fell to the ground.

  “It’s not my fault,” said Markus,rubbing his jaw. “You were seen coming here by one of theirspies. Please understand, if I didn’t do this they would havekilled me along with half my men.”

  Malstisos glared furiously at the door. “I say wefight our way out.”

  “No,” said Millet. “Let me speak tothem first.” He looked down at Markus. “Lead meupstairs.”

  Without a word, Markus got up and led Millet up thestairs and through the door. He entered the main part of the houseand immediately saw twelve soldiers in full armor, swords drawn.

  With them was a man in a dark blue velvet suit, carryinga white ash walking stick. He had long, dark blond hair and fairskin. He smiled as Millet entered.

  “You must be Millet,” he said. “Myname is Brandis. I am here to escort you and your companions toHazrah if you wish.”

  “We will not be used as hostages,” saidMillet. “If that is your intent you might as well kill us now.”

  Brandis laughed. “No, no, no, you are not mycaptives, you’re my guests.”

  “And if I decide not to accept your hospitality,”said Millet. “What then?”

  “Leave if you wish,” he said. “But Ibelieve you are here at the direction of the former Lord Nal’Thain.Is this not so?”

  Millet remained expressionless and silent.

  “No need to answer,” said Brandis. “Ialready know. Markus was kind enough to fill me in. It’s a goodthing he did. Otherwise, you may have been foolish and tried to sneakinto the city. Naturally, you would have been caught. Heaven knowswhat may have happened before I could get to you.”

  “What do you want with us?” Millet demanded.

  “To help. You’re here to retrieve theNal’Thain family, and I’m here to see that you accomplishyour task.”

  Millet looked warily at Brandis. “So we can simplytake them and leave?”

  “Certainly,” he said. “Jacob Nal’Thainis a troublemaker we would be happy to be rid of. As for LadyPenelope, you have a choice.”

  “What might that be?” asked Millet.

  “She has traveled north to the court of the RebornKing,” said Brandis. “It will take several weeks for herto return. You may wait, or you may take young Jacob and leave.”

  “If you are being truthful, then have Jacobbrought here,” said Millet. “Now.”

  “I see your suspicions abound.” He chuckled.“As you wish. But I must ask that you remain here until he canbe brought.” He turned to leave. “Oh, I nearly forgot.You must surrender your weapons first, of course.”

  Millet made no move to comply.

  “Come now,” said Brandis. “They willbe returned when you leave. A small thing to ask all thingsconsidered.”

  Millet nodded and went back down to the basement.Malstisos was still standing in front of Maybell with his knifedrawn.

  “I could hear your conversation,” saidMalstisos. He handed Millet his knife. “We have little choice.”

  “I’m sorry for this,” said Millet.“Clearly Markus is no longer the man I knew.”

  “You are not at fault,” he replied. “Therewas no way for you to know.”

  “If you would all join me,” called Brandisfrom upstairs.

  Millet led Maybell and Malstisos up and handed Brandistheir weapons.

  “Thank you,” said Brandis. “Very wisechoice.”

  “What happens now?” asked Millet.

  “Now we wait,” he answered. “One of mymen is on his way to bring young Jacob. Then you may leave. That isunless you choose to wait for the Lady Nal’Thain.”

  “If she still lives,” said Millet.

  “As I told you,” said Brandis. “She isat the court of Angraal. I have no reason to lie.” Helooked at Malstisos. “I am honored to have an elf among us.”

  Malstisos said nothing.

  “No reason for apprehension,” continuedBrandis. “My lord holds your kind in high regard. Certainly youknow of our offer
of friendship.”

  “I know of the lies your master has told,”said Malstisos. “Empty promises of glory made to a generationthat still clings to the past. You will find that I am not as easilyswayed as some.”

  “Not empty promises,” replied Brandis. “Soonwe will spread our message of hope throughout the land, and when thathappens those that have seen the wisdom of our cause will benefitmost.”

  “Your cause?” snapped Maybell. “You’vedestroyed temples and murdered their followers.”

  “Ah, the priestess.” Brandis sneered. “Ihad almost forgotten about you.”

  Malstisos moved his body between Maybell and Brandis.

  “There’s no reason to be alarmed. I have nointention of harming any of you.”

  Maybell seethed with rage. “You've killed innocentpriestesses and monks. You are an abomination.”

  Brandis laughed and shook his head. “I haven’tmurdered anyone. Your own people betrayed you, not me, and not mymaster. All we have done is told people the truth.”

  “And what truth is that?” asked Millet.

  “The Gods are as corrupt as the people who servethem. Your elf friend will certainly agree with this. They havecaused nothing but harm to man andelf. They are greedy and petty, and now thanks to the Reborn King,they are gone.”

  “You assume that all elves believe the old tales,”said Malstisos. “Not all of us blame the Gods for the split.”

  “You are wise,” said Brandis. “You donot take what you are told at face value. Sadly, in this case, youare wrong. It was theGods that cursed the elves. But what you do not understand is theycursed man as well. They turned us into slaves. We were sent on apath of endless destruction without guidance. However, that horriblechapter of history is coming to an end. Soon the world will be atpeace, and both elf and human will be able to live as they weremeant, in peace.”

  Maybell sneered. “You speak of peace and freedom,and yet here you stand, conquerors and invaders.”

  Brandis laughed. “We have taken Hazrah withoutspilling blood. When in history has that happened? We allow you andyour friends to leave in peace, even though you have sworn to destroyus. We give you Lee Nal’Thain’s family as a token of goodwill and still you accuse.”


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