Avoiding Commitment

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Avoiding Commitment Page 18

by craziebabe45

  "So what would you like?" Ramsey asked her. "Valentine can make you anything."

  Lexi giggled a little at her name. Valentine really? God, that was awful. Sounded like a stripper's name or something. She quickly composed herself as Ramsey looked down on her fondly. She hadn't meant to giggle. "Oh well a Grateful Dead would be nice," she told the bartender picking a drink at random. Within seconds the drink was before her complete with a cherry and everything. She was impressed. "This is kind of awesome," she admitted. The smile she received from Ramsey was nearly blinding. He genuinely looked ecstatic that she approved.

  Another uncomfortable cough emanated from behind them, and Lexi hastily turned around to find Jack looking between her and Ramsey. She wasn't sure why he was acting like this. Honestly, it was ridiculous. He was here with his girlfriend after all. She was the one who was supposed to be jealous. Not him. But it was kind of nice to have the upper hand every once in awhile.

  "We're going to go dance," Jack said pointedly grabbing Bekah's free hand and pulling her into the crowded living room. Lexi watched their trailing backs immediately become enveloped in the mass. She hated how they were acting. Wasn't she supposed to be getting over Jack? She couldn't see that hanging out with him like this was helping anything. Quite the contrary. She felt just as compelled to him as she had when she had first glimpsed his brown hair at the coffee shop or those enticing blue eyes at the club. She had been right to say that things weren't different. And Chyna had been right to say that she needed some semblance of closure. She needed to be over him. She couldn't keep living her life hoping they would one day find the right moment to be together. Her heart told her that she didn't really want out, but she couldn't allow him to keep breaking her.

  Turning back to face Ramsey's perfect smile, she downed her drink as fast as she could automatically reaching out for him to steady her weak legs. "Wow, that's the good stuff," she said returning his smile.

  "Want another?"

  "Mmm...sure. Wait," she cried stopping him before ordering, "let's do lemon drops! Those are my favorite."

  The peculiar look he had given her earlier returned. She liked it. He was very cute indeed. He turned back to Valentine. Seconds later, two lemon drops were in front of them. The dizzying effects of vodka coursing through her body were helping her successfully escape from the hold Jack had on her. She needed another. After two more rounds of shots her mind was good and cloudy, and she was ready to dance. Ready to forget. Lexi grabbed Ramsey's hand and pushed her way through to the center of the crowd. He seemed surprised that she wanted to be around him all of a sudden, but quickly got over that as she began to shamelessly grind her ass against him.

  There was hardly enough space for her to breathe let alone move around much. That left her the option of being plastered against Ramsey's strong chest, and really she didn't mind. He was a solid rock of muscles. She had to be right in her assessment that he worked out constantly. There was no other option for how strong he was.

  The best part was that he was a great dancer. Each time she would change up the style, he would instantly follow somehow making the movements even sexier. Lexi reached up, and wound her hands around his neck as she stood on the balls of her feet. He took advantage of the opportunity to move his hands along her exposed body feeling the hot skin through her clothing. Leaning back against his chest, she let her head fall back and stare up into his amazingly well structured face. Just as that happened, a rather well-endowed blonde shimmied up to them and began grinding on Lexi. The girl was doing things with her body that Lexi had never dreamed people were capable of. She was contorting and twisting all the while touching herself. The girl's eyes were blood shot and unfocused occasionally rolling back into her head. Lexi was sure she was on drugs.

  Ramsey grasped the girl's arm forcefully and squeezed. Her eyes snapped open. Lexi stared between the two and stopped moving. "Not tonight Coco." The girl glared at him.

  "You sure baby?" she purred despite the fact that she looked murderous.

  "Go get that shit out of your system," he said his voice lowering in warning.

  "Whatever," she said yanking her arm away from him and exiting the living room.

  Lexi's head jerked back to Ramsey's face. "Sorry about that," he said his voice returning to normal.

  "What was that about?" she asked curiosity getting the best of her.

  "Just don't worry about it. She comes here like that all the time. She's supposed to be clean," he said grasping her hips that were now facing him and pulling her close.

  The hypnotic feel of intoxication was hitting her hard and she giggled compulsively. "Is her name really Coco?"

  "Just a nickname," he said swaying his hips in time with her.

  She stopped thinking as the next song came on, and focused on dancing in Ramsey's muscular arms. The music and dancing took her back to times in New York when she was just able to be fun and carefree. Hanging out with Chyna tended to bring out the best in her. Those situations usually involved clubs, and an exorbitant amount of alcohol. No matter how much she drank, she was still the cheapest date of anyone she had ever met. Her tolerance never wavered. She was sloshed after the first drink, and would likely be throwing up if she exceeded five.

  As she let her body roll against Ramsey, she focused in on a couple in front of her seductively dancing against the wall. Lexi's heart rate picked up as she watched. Bekah pushed Jack back against the wall and began to kiss him feverishly. Lexi couldn't pull her eyes away. She hadn't even thought of Jack since she had gotten out on the floor with Ramsey. It had been a comfort to forget him, but now here he was…on display. Bekah gripped his hips and slid alluringly down his front. She took no care of her tiny skirt as she perched with her head in front of his crotch. Lexi felt as if she were intruding on a very private moment. Had they been alone, Bekah could have been giving him a blow job their intimacy was so erotic. She watched as Bekah forced herself up and back against him. He moved easily with her as if this were a common motion. Just a transfer of sexual emotion from the bedroom to the dance floor.

  Lexi hated to admit it, but they looked good together. It sickened her watching them move together so perfectly…to fit together so perfectly. She could feel alcohol induced tears welling in her eyes. She turned around so fast she knocked into Ramsey, and nearly fell back from impact. He snatched her before she could fall into another person, and looked down upon her terrified face. The tears were threatening to seep out, and that was the last thing she wanted.

  He seemed to comprehend that as he bent down to speak into her ear. "Do you want to get some fresh air? I'm kind of suffocating," he admitted, though she knew it was more for her sake.

  The crowd parted as he passed through, and he staved off his roommates. Opening the back door, he ushered her out into the humid August air where they were alone. She checked her cheeks and found them dry which was her sole comfort in that entire episode.

  "Are you okay?" he asked purposefully giving her enough room to breathe.

  Lexi remained silent but nodded. After a few minutes of strained silence, she felt much more composed, and a little extra tipsy from the emotional whirlwind she had just undergone. She breathed out heavily, and leaned her elbows back against the wooden banister. Ramsey scooted over and stood in front of her. She couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked in the moon light. She smiled at him endearingly.

  "It's good to see that you look better." She shrugged again. The earlier incident, though not out of her mind, was at least momentarily forgotten.

  "Thanks. I think I dress up well too," she said biting her lip and staring at him flirtatiously.

  "Yeah, well, I think both clothing options work for you," he said taking a step closer to her.

  "Well thank you very much. I have to say…" She eyed him up and down. "Both options work for you too." She hiccupped and leaned forward against him as she giggled. "Though, these muscles are much better in your t-shirt."

  He smiled his perfect
smile, and reached out to support her. "I'm glad you like them."

  "I didn't say I liked them," she said blushing.

  "Well fine. I'm glad they look better in my t-shirt," he corrected taking another step towards her and circling her waist. She let him. It was a nice feeling. He wasn't exactly holding her, but having his big strong arms this close was nice indeed. "So you really don't remember me then?"


  "Well, you know I wasn't being completely honest with you," Ramsey said sliding her back another step and leaning her back against the balustrade.

  "It doesn't matter," she slurred staring at his lips. By now, she wasn't all too sure what he was talking about. She couldn't remember if it was important.

  "No. I don't like to lie. Well, I guess I wasn't lying. More like not telling all the truth."

  "That's very common." Her head felt heavy and it lolled backwards twice before she looked back up at him. God, his lips looked damn near edible from this close up. They were a soft pink color and perfectly proportioned. He licked his lips as she watched, and couldn't help but let loose a soft breath out as her heart rate picked up.

  He chuckled quietly when he noticed she wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying. "Lexi, don't you want to know what I'm talking about?"

  "Yep," she said letting her focus shift back to his emerald green eyes. "I want to…"

  "You want me to…" he began letting the words hang in the silence. Her eyes widened and pupils dilated with longing at the words. "tell you what I'm talking about?"

  "Oh," she said, sucking in her bottom lip in confusion. "That's not what I thought you were going to say."

  He sniggered again. "What I have to say can wait. What did you want me to say?" he asked leaning into her.

  She blushed furiously as her thoughts turned sexual. She tilted her head back to look up at him. Suddenly, she wanted to be sitting on the banister so she could get a better look at him. She wanted to be eye level with him. She didn't want to make him bend so far forward if he did decide to kiss her. "Put me up," she demanded slapping her hand playfully on the banister.

  "Alright, but be careful," he said hoisting her up and sitting her on the top of the railing. He held a firm grip on her so that she wouldn't fall. A ten foot drop while she was drunk probably wouldn't do her any serious damage, but he didn't want to take chances.

  She liked her seat. Now she was even with him. This was much easier. His hand came up and swept the hair away that had blown into her face. "You know, Lexi, you're very beautiful."

  She smiled at him through her lustful eyes. "Thank you." Her breath began to quicken as she noticed how close they had gotten. She hadn't noticed it before, but he scooted in between her legs to block the view from the window. She felt her bare thighs press against his sides, and realized her skirt was just barely covering her lower half. One hand was wrapped around her holding her securely in place. The other was on the back of her neck gently kneading the muscles. His breath was hot on her face. Their mouths were so close together.

  There was no reason for her not to kiss him. She was single. She was completely one hundred percent available. Jack was nothing to her. She couldn't have him. Not the way she wanted him. So she might as well go for what was right in front of her. She pushed herself a little closer to Ramsey. She was so close she could almost feel his lips against her. His breathing was wretched with anticipation. Just as he moved closer to her, something caught her eye in the window. She let her gaze shift only briefly, and saw the most brilliant blue eyes lock onto her own. Then Ramsey was kissing her, and all thoughts were lost.

  * * *

  K.A. Linde

  Can't Take It Back

  Damn, ain't it crazy

  When you're loveswept

  You'll do anything for the one you love

  'Cause anytime that you needed me I'd be there

  It's like you were my favorite drug

  -Rihanna "Rehab"

  * * *

  Chapter 10: May Three Years Earlier

  Lexi crept back into the beach house just before sunrise. Her and Jack had sat together all night peacefully enjoying each other's company. Their attempt at a pleasant friendship had been mildly successful. Lexi was just glad that they had resisted kissing again. She was pretty sure they had gone over the line that was normally reserved for friends. But it was so incredibly mild and tame compared to their normal impulsive demeanor, neither of them had complained. She had given Jack a long hug at the base of the stairs. Both were staying on the cautious side, and didn't want to be caught together like that in the house. She checked to see that the coast was clear and then slunk across the den and into the bedroom. Being extra careful not to wake Sandy up, Lexi gently twisted the handle and secured it into place. When she turned around, she realized all efforts were futile. Sandy wasn't there.

  Lexi's heart beat in a panic. If Sandy wasn't there, then that meant that she knew that Lexi hadn't been in bed. She could feel herself beginning to hyperventilate in terror. Sandy would tell everyone that she hadn't been in bed. Lexi had no idea what to do. She couldn't risk everyone finding out that she had been gone.

  Quickly changing clothes, she lay down on the empty bed, and contemplated her options. She could rush out of bed now and start making breakfast or something. However, she wasn't sure at what point Sandy had left last night and it might make her look even more conspicuous. She figured she could go find Clark, and snuggle with him. That would cover her tracks if Sandy came back, but would hardly explain anything if Sandy had snuck out earlier in the evening. And anyway, after staying up all night with Jack, she hardly wanted to see her boyfriend. They hadn't done anything wrong…well after they had talked it out they hadn't. But either way, she wasn't quite ready to wash the familiar scent off of her skin or erase the memories of their night together just yet.

  So she was fresh out of options. Just as she was about to give up, the door burst open and Sandy sauntered in looking all too pleased with herself. When she noticed that the room wasn't empty, she gasped dramatically and swung the door closed behind her.

  "When did you get back?" she asked hesitantly fear evident in her face.

  Lexi wasn't sure why she looked so terrified. Lexi was the one who was out at all hours of the night doing things that she didn't want anyone to know about. Why would Sandy be so scared? "What time is it?" Lexi asked stalling.

  "Please don't tell anyone I was out," Sandy squealed rushing to the bed and sitting heavily on the quilt comforter. "Oh God, please don't tell anyone." She looked to be about to go into hysterics. "I didn't expect you to be back this morning."

  Now Lexi was really confused. Where had she been? Why was she so frantic about people finding out? Luckily, this gave Lexi an out from being confronted about why she had been out all night. "Where were you?" she questioned Sandy trying to compose her features.

  "Okay, I'll tell you, but promise you won't say anything," she demanded grabbing for Lexi's hands as tears became to well in her eyes.

  "Sure I promise." Lexi was just damn curious.

  "Okay. Okay," Sandy said taking her hands back and brushing at her eyes. Obviously, she took some comfort in the fact that Lexi wouldn't say anything. Her hysterics abated, she began speaking. "Well I woke up when you left. I knew immediately where you were going."

  Lexi tried to keep her face neutral, but couldn't help her look of surprise. "Where was that?"

  "Obviously you were going to Clark's room," Sandy said making the most girly giggle Lexi had ever heard.

  "Oh." Lexi breathed out a sigh of relief. Of course that was where this girl would think she had been. Most sane women would have gone to see their boyfriend in the middle of the night while they were on vacation. That would have been the logical thing to do. She scolded herself.

  "Don't worry," Sandy said conspiratorially, "I won't let anyone know that you guys were up all night."

  Oh God, Lexi didn't know it was possible to feel this bad. This little innoce
nt girl was being so kind to her, and reminding her that she had a loving boyfriend only a floor above her. Lexi bit her lip to the point of pain and then began to push her hair behind her ear. She did not want to cry right now. But Clark was so damn smart. He would know. He would see Jack all over her. He'd be able to piece everything together and realize what had really gone on last night. She stared wide-eyed at Sandy in terror. This was going to be one long vacation.

  "But when I saw you were gone, I snuck upstairs to the master bedroom." So maybe she wasn't all that innocent. Lexi nodded along anyway. Really, she should have figured as much. The two had been all over each other since they had arrived. "Well Seth was very persuasive, and I…well…I stayed most of the night. I didn't sleep much though," Sandy said feeling as if she were confiding in a friend. "I know you and Clark are together, but have you and Seth ever?"

  Lexi quickly shook her head no. There was no way in hell. Seth was such a pig. Her terror temporarily subsided she answered. "No. No. No. No. No."

  "Oh well, you should maybe give it a try. He's…wow…amazing."

  Lexi had never been a take-a-guy-out-for-a-spin type of girl. Actually, that kind of made her nauseous. "Yeah I don't think so."

  "More for me then," she said contentedly. "He just made me swear not to tell anyone. It's our little secret. So if you could just keep it between us that would be great."

  Lexi smiled at the girl. Not innocent…no, but naïve. Obviously Seth wouldn't want Sandy to tell everyone that they were sleeping together. That way he could sleep with the other two girls he had brought with them without any of them knowing about it. How did Sandy not see that? Lexi didn't really care to find out. As long as they were both under the impression that they were keeping each other's secrets that would work out just fine for her.


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