Goblin Queen

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Goblin Queen Page 6

by D. L. Harrison

  My mother sighed, “We never had a chance of turning you supervillain did we? Not that we’re trying anymore.”

  The door opened at the end of the hallway, and it was a small hangar and storage bay. I saw shelves with the little floating orbs, as well as various robots, and other objects I couldn’t identify, but was sure they were capable of mayhem and destruction.

  “Not really, sorry mom. I should have told you a long time ago, but I was afraid of disappointing you and dad.”

  Dad laughed, “You’re still not going to tell us, are you?”

  I blushed, “It’s probably pointless, do you really want to know?”

  My mom sighed, “I suppose not, it doesn’t matter anymore. Even if he did manage to live for hundreds of thousands of years, I wouldn’t shift dimensions back there just to kill him. I have plenty of things to do here, and a daughter to keep an eye on.”

  A purple beam shot from the ceiling, completely covering us, and we lifted off the floor about half an inch. It felt weird to be weightless.

  Mom said, “Don’t panic, we’re here.”

  Then the floor I was standing on, but hadn’t noticed was a round bladed iris, slid open, and then we started to float down the purple beam. We were at least five hundred feet up, and we landed right outside the temple of Arella. My mother looked around in disgust at all the people casually walking around us. A few stopped to trace the light up to the silver thing in the sky, but shrugged it off and kept going.

  I laughed, “Were you expecting terror, screaming and running?”

  My mother pouted, “This world is far too jaded by magic. Oh well, I wasn’t here to start a panicked riot anyway.”

  I giggled, the light cut out, and we headed toward the entrance. I felt flush, my heart was beating a staccato rhythm, and I couldn’t stop smiling after I sighted Gerard in the sanctuary straight ahead. He was speaking to Danielle right in front of the large statue of the goddess. I’d never been in the sanctuary yet, and somehow it felt right. As I got closer to the entrance of the main worship room, I saw many of the same paladins that I’d seen a number of times at the palace sitting on benches.

  As I crossed the threshold into the sanctuary, a wave of dizziness hit me, and everything went dim for a moment. When my vision cleared, I was somewhere else very bright, and the goddess stood before me, arms crossed, with a grudging smile on her face.

  “Hi Katrina. So very nice of you to finally visit me.”

  “Arella, did I do something wrong?”

  She shook her head quickly, “No, but most of my new paladins visit me sooner than two weeks later, and usually not by accident on the way to their wedding.”

  “Oh,” I breathed, not really sure what to say. She wanted me to visit her?

  She smiled wider, “Yes. Which is why I’m not really upset, you’re from another world and still can’t quite believe the gods talk to those that follow them. Thing is, out there I can only send you visions, so you need to visit my home more often. Not just to gossip, there is a lot of ugliness out in the world, and you’ll find yourself a lot more centered if you do. You’ve been hiding it, even from yourself, but I know the elven situation really hurt you. Not the big thing, saving them, but Aleisia and the royal family.”

  I bit my lip, I had been trying not to think of it. There was nothing I could do to help anyway, sometimes life sucked and there was nothing to be done for it. I did feel better, or at least, in her overwhelming presence I did. I felt the same awe as last time, and her love and caring for me was almost tangible.

  She smiled, “I won’t keep you, your Gerard is waiting for you, and if you stay here much longer you’ll start to fall, which would be embarrassing. This,” she waved a hand, “is all happening in the blink of an eye. Oh, and I suppose I owe you an apology.”

  I asked, “You do?”

  She nodded, “I told you two weeks ago your parents were long dead and far beyond my reach. At least the second part of my statement was true. Even the gods aren’t perfect, we’re neither all-knowing or all-powerful. The evil gods keep my vision shrouded when it comes to Chilik. Unless they plan an attack in the future, and I can see them leaving Chilik, I generally don’t know what they get up to. So… I didn’t see them down south, or I would have told you.”

  I… couldn’t have been angry at her if I tried, but I supposed I appreciated the apology all the same.

  “I’ll visit more, I just…” and trailed off, she already told me why I hadn’t earlier.

  She nodded, “Go, get married, and know you have my love and blessing.”

  Another wave of dizziness, but there was barely a hitch in my walk as my foot hit the ground right passed the threshold. I looked back up, and my ridiculously happy smile was back at the awed look on Gerard’s face as he took me in. He looked nervous, but at least he wasn’t running. I smiled wider as I walked down the aisle, my father had taken my arm and rested it in his.

  He paused us for a moment, as my mom walked up front and picked out the front bench, then he said, “This world’s traditions or not, I’m walking you down the aisle and giving you away.”

  “Thanks dad,” I managed to get out. It was all overwhelming, getting married, my parents being alive, feeling the presence of the goddess again, and then my father walking me down the aisle.

  I felt tears gather in my eyes, this time ones of happiness, but they stopped almost immediately when I felt the skin around my eyes tingling. Apparently, my mom’s nano-pack wouldn’t let tears ruin the look, I suppressed a giddy laugh and wondered how long they’d last. Probably a few hours, maybe a day at most?

  We made it down the aisle and my father kissed my cheek, and then put my hand into Gerard’s. Gerard looked a little confused, obviously not the tradition here, but luckily, he’d just gone with it. After my father sat down on the bench next to my mother, Danielle cleared her throat, and we both looked her way with a blush.

  I couldn’t help it, he was wearing armor as usual, I don’t think the man had normal clothes, but it was perfectly buffed and shined, and Gerard had gotten his hair cut and was well groomed. He looked, and smelled, gorgeous. I’d had to remind myself the kissing part hadn’t come yet, and hoped that was one of the traditions. I’d never been like this with anyone before, but Gerard truly did turn me into a little hedonist.

  Danielle was a mature woman in her sixties, but she still looked beautiful in her white robes. She wore a soft smile, and her eyes held joy as she took us in.

  “We are here before Arella, who has given her blessing for Gerard and Katrina to be wed, and become one before the eyes of the gods, so long as they both live, they will be bound by their oaths.”

  Oh good, he can’t get away.

  After a pause, Danielle continued, “Gerard, do you take Katrina as your wife, swear to be faithful forswearing all others, and honor, protect, and cherish her for the rest of your life?”

  Gerard said in a clear strong voice, “I do so swear.” It made my knees feel weak, in a good way.

  Danielle turned to me and I was suddenly nervous. Maybe I should have gone over the oaths before we got to this point? This was a patriarchal society, what if obey was one of mine? I guess the real question was did I trust him, and I did.

  She smiled, “Katrina, do you take Gerard as your husband, swear to be faithful forswearing all others, and honor, succor, and cherish him for the rest of your life?”

  So wives here aided and supported husbands after they protected their wives and maybe got wounded? I supposed I could live with that, it wouldn’t stop me from standing at his side when the shit hit the fan.

  I said clearly, “I do so swear.”

  She said, “The gods have heard your oaths, I declare you husband and wife before Arella, and share in your joy. You may now kiss the bride.”

  Danielle giggled, and I wondered why as Gerard kissed me before the paladins and others in the church. We managed to keep it PG… 13.

  When he broke it, I looked over at Danielle and rai
sed an eyebrow in question.

  She said, “I just added that last part in, Arella told me too, but not why.”

  I laughed, I was feeling… overwhelmed in a very good way. I also imagined it had been part of what they were discussing when I’d gotten here, since Gerard hadn’t batted an eye at the departure from tradition on this world.

  I explained, “It’s how the marriage ceremony ends on my world. My old world.”

  This was my world now, I had to start thinking of it that way.

  Danielle grinned, “You need to get over to Ictia’s temple. Sharon’s already out of sorts from losing first wedding to me.”

  I nodded, and we all headed that way, and I do mean all, the entire sanctuary emptied out and reassembled at the next temple.

  The second ceremony was the same, just under Gerard’s goddess instead of mine. Sharon was in her thirties, black hair, green eyes, and even in robes she had the eyes of a warrior and a dagger at her side. I supposed even the clerics of the goddess of battle could fight. Despite Danielle’s comment, I’d felt very welcomed, but knew it would be a rare thing. I supposed weddings were one of the few times that paladins of other faiths were welcome in another temple.

  As we left Ictia’s temple, married under two goddesses and two oaths, my mother intercepted us.

  “Congratulations daughter, I’d like you both to come up to the ship for one drink, and a few wedding gifts, before you go back to the castle for the reception.”

  Gerard and I shared a look, honestly it was the least we could do since they couldn’t come to the castle. After Southwater, it was awkward enough for the king that they were in his city at all. He really should be trying to arrest them after all.

  Gerard said, “That would be great.”

  Before I could speak, that green light came back on, and we floated up into the sky…

  Chapter Ten

  We were back in the lounge, and my father went behind the bar for a moment. When he came back out he handed us a couple of drinks. We all took a seat, and there were a handful of wrapped gifts on the table.

  I felt the ship move off, or at least, the hum of the power source increased. I couldn’t blame them for heading back to Chilik, I could teleport the two of us back, and it actually calmed me a bit. I’d half expected one of the paladins to have orders to try and apprehend them, or kill them, at some point tonight.

  I may have known and understood my parents, but the king didn’t. Sometimes people would rather the devil they knew, than to trust that change might be a better alternative.

  My mother said, “I liked the ceremony, simple, but with gravity.”

  My dad said, “I know you both need to get back, so go ahead and drink up, and open the presents. We’ll see you again soon enough, and can contact you at need.”

  Gerard nodded, and took a large sip of his drink. I narrowed my eyes, and cautiously sipped mine. It was good, had an alcohol bite to it. I’d gotten used to ale over the last three weeks, but I was still just eighteen and hadn’t drunk much. I was also still cautious, because if I got too tipsy I’d probably have power control issues.

  After another sip, I reached down and put the glass on the table, and grabbed a thin rectangular box that screamed clothes. I ripped off the paper and opened it up. It was brown leather pants and a vest, much like my riding outfits, but when I touched it the material was as soft as silk, like my old black leather cat suit. Except, it was done in this world’s style of clothing.

  I already loved it, and if I knew my mom it was made from carbon allotropes, spider silk, and various polymers in addition to the outer layer of thin soft leather, that would make it twenty times more effective than steel at stopping a blade, arrow, or bolt. Essentially, it was a super suit in disguise. I already had plans to burn the uncomfortable riding outfits. I’d be wearing this when on duty, and decided since it would be comfortable I’d stop switching clothes, and stick to dresses only when off duty.

  “Mom, thanks so much. I love it.”

  She smiled, “You’re welcome.”

  Gerald had three presents, to my one, and I watched curiously as he unwrapped it, my hand perhaps unconsciously ended up on his leg.

  The first one he opened had one of the communicators in it, and I immediately showed him the mute button to my mom’s frown.

  The second present was a dagger and sheath.

  My mom explained, “It’s a carbon polymer blade with a nanoparticle edge. Be very careful with it, it can cut through metal like a hot knife through butter.”

  Gerard looked dubious, but nodded, “How do I take care of it?”

  She replied, “It shouldn’t get dull, and it won’t rust. If it does break, I can print out a replacement.”


  She smiled, “Make another. A three-D printer is a machine that can make them.”

  He grunted, then carefully put it back into the sheath as if it were a live snake, and then attached it to his belt. He drank down the rest of the drink before he grabbed the third present which was a clothes box like mine had been. He was actually taking all this very well, considering.

  He ripped off the paper and opened the box, and pulled out a full body suit that was brown. It was obvious from looking at it that it would be skin tight from neck to ankles. He looked at me questioningly, and I looked at mom the same way.

  She shrugged, “I had Sia take measurements when you were here two days ago. I know there’s a status and social reason for that armor you wear, so I made a suit for you to wear under it. Just wear it instead of your padded under armor shirt and pants. Not only will it be more comfortable, but anything your steel fails to stop, the suit under it will. Of course, you’ll still need to be wary of impact trauma, but you won’t have to worry about your guts falling out.”

  I got up and gave her a hug.

  She frowned, “Be cautious though, and don’t count too much on the edge it gives you. I’m not sure how protective it would be from magical or holy weapons, but normal ones shouldn’t have a chance to get through. I’ll figure out a defense against magic eventually, but it may take years.”

  Gerard said, “Thank you for these gifts.”

  She snorted at his formality, “You’re a part of the family now. Come give me a hug, and then get to that party, I bet they’re all waiting for you.”

  We said goodbye to my parents, and I teleported us back directly to the suite, the guards could deal with us not going through the gate just this once. I sent my new riding clothes to my temple room, and checked myself in the mirror. I still looked perfect, and wished I’d have remembered to ask about the nanites. Surely, they’d run out of power soon.

  Well, I wouldn’t worry about it unless they were still active tomorrow.

  Gerard wrapped his arms around me from behind, and kissed the side of my neck. I sighed and leaned back against him.


  He replied, “I like the sound of that. We should go now, or we’ll never get out of the room. I know you must be hungry.”

  I smirked, he was right of course, but me being hungry was always a good bet. I stepped away and took his hand, and we headed for the dining room to eat.

  Chapter Eleven

  The reception was kind of a blur, Gerard held my attention through most of it, but I did dance with the king and several other paladins after we ate. We had live music, and enough alcohol to put everyone there in a coma. It was late before we slipped away and returned to our room.

  His touch set me on fire, as we undressed each other. We’d done it before, but tonight felt different, and I freely admit I was putty in his hands as he took me to bed. Our wedding night was long, and filled with pleasure and delight.

  I cuddled into him as we fell asleep, feeling a sense of peace and satisfaction, when I noticed he was a bit too warm.

  “You okay?”

  He murmured, “Fine, just a little sore and achy.”

  I giggled, “Was I too rough with you? I forget at times your olde
r and all.”

  He snorted, “Bite your tongue. You were magnificent. I’ll be fine in the morning.”

  It was as we fell asleep, that I remembered I hadn’t given him my gift, but it could wait until the morning…

  He was fine in the morning, or at least the fever was gone. He also had a surprising amount of energy, and I fully approved of the use of that energy. I’ll just say it was closer to lunch before we finally stirred from the bed, took a bath, and got dressed. It was our honeymoon after all.

  He pulled on the rope by the door, something I was still a little uncomfortable doing. Having servants was weird to me. Gerard ordered us enough food for a squad of soldiers, and then kissed me breathless. He obviously wasn’t ready to share me with the world again yet, and we had almost a full week for a honeymoon. I certainly wasn’t going to complain if he kept me in this suite the whole time.

  “Oh, before you distract me and I forget again, I bought a marriage gift for you.”

  He frowned, “I didn’t, it’s not a tradition here.”

  I nodded, “It’s just something small to remind us of the day we got married, and I don’t need a gift, but it’s one of my traditions. I think originally on my world, it was meant as a way to help a new married couple to get started. Obviously, my mother took that to be protection in battle for both of us, and we don’t really need the help.”

  That was true enough, we were both far wealthier than even the king knew with the stash of obsidian crystal we had. Rich enough to last a lifetime if we didn’t spend indecently, enough to last even my lifetime.

  He still looked uncomfortable, and I said, “If it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine for not telling you. If you really want to, you can buy me something later.”

  I grinned unrepentantly, and summoned the small wrapped box to me, and handed it to Gerard.

  He opened it up, and looked at the small carved pewter scene. It was actually two statues a couple of inches tall, standing on a pedestal with their arms joined. The man was dressed in armor, and the woman a dress, and the detail was amazing as they both stared off together. There were a few precious stones placed around the base, and it looked lifelike. I supposed in a way, the gift was for both of us.


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