Goblin Queen

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Goblin Queen Page 13

by D. L. Harrison

  At the bottom of the stairs, the two ogres in front activated a trap of some kind, and coruscating energies of lighting shot from the walls and below their feet, engulfing them both for a handful of seconds. When the trap cut off, the two ogres fell to the ground dead and quite crispy.

  The other four roared, and charged forward. I winced, but the trap was exhausted, or was a one time thing, because they charged right past that spot and started to lay waste to the zombies and skeletons on the other side. The war-bots joined, firing when they had a clean shot, and once again we moved slowly but surely across the second floor.

  I hated that I couldn’t feel the magic, I felt vulnerable despite the ogres taking the lead. My ring was slightly vibrating as well, the mage’s shield setting it off, though it faded the closer we got to the stairs down. When we got to the third floor below ground in the catacombs, we’d have to backtrack toward him again.

  At the end of the carnage on floor two, the ogres were attacked by two wights and a specter, but the war-bots were quick to shoot them with the lasers, three of them per undead, which killed them quickly. Three of the remaining four ogres looked a little drained and weak, but recovered quickly.

  The ogre out front stepped onto the stairway down to the third floor, which caused the walls on the back half of level two to send out explosive fire. There were three of us, plus twelve war-bots and four ogres. I couldn’t possibly protect us all from the firestorm, and didn’t have any time at all to think about it. I reached out with aqua-kinesis and surrounded us three, and the four ogres with a thin layer of ice, and continued to build it even as the fire melted it, layer after layer.

  It took a lot of concentration, all of my concentration, and it helped that my riding outfit, Gerard’s under armor suit, and my mom’s attire were all flame resistant like a super suit would be. I coughed when the flames finally stopped, and shattered the thin layer of ice. I was sweating, and hot, and probably had first degree burns on my face and arms like everyone else. But we were all alive.

  “Damn, sorry about the war-bots mom, I was hoping they were flame proof, I couldn’t protect all of us.”

  The war-bots’ frames were fine, but the heat had obviously had an effect on the internal circuits, and shorted out their weapons.

  Mom giggled, “All things considered, I’m very proud of you. How did you react so fast?”

  “Planning and reflex. When I was younger, it was how I planned to live out a bomb explosion if I ever became a hero, or even a villain. I practiced building an ice shield around my body a lot. I’ve been using aero-kinesis for fireballs on this world, but I knew it wouldn’t block the explosive flames. We’re lucky it wasn’t another lightning trap, because I’m not sure if I have a counter for that. I’d have probably teleported us if I was able to.”

  Mom waved that away, “Super suit. It would’ve acted like a lightning rod, although it won’t work if you’re flying, something to keep in mind when facing a mage of talent.”

  The slight burns were uncomfortable and stung more than a little, but the healing would have to wait until we left, I still couldn’t sense the goddess. My mom held the MFW higher, without the twelve war-bots, the three of us would have to pick up the slack as we followed the four slightly burned ogres to the bottom level of the catacombs.

  The ogres roared and charged once again into the skeletons and zombies, but another trap was set off. This one not of magic, but several wights and specters rushed out of the wall to the sides. The ogres screamed in mortal pain. My mother’s laser was stronger than the ones on her robotic minions, which wasn’t a surprise, and killed them with one shot. I also sent my dagger and sword forward with my mind, and attacked two at once, and then two more. Gerard simply pulled his sword and took a guarding stance.

  The specters and wights died quickly, but not quickly enough as the ogres died, and the undead rushed us. My mom pulled the trigger, and didn’t let go as she waved the laser back and forth, fanning the front line. All the undead piled up and died, as the laser cut them in half and set them on fire, each subsequent wave of undead falling right after the ones before it.

  I used aero-kinesis to clear the air around us of smoke, and we took a short breather when the long rush of undead finally ended.

  An angry voice said, “Come no further, and I’ll let you leave alive.”

  My mother cackled evilly, “And why would we do that?”

  The low voice responded, “Because you’re out of fodder, and there are far more deadly traps down here.”

  I had to admit, that was a compelling argument.

  My mother hit the dial on the side, and fired down the hallway, dragging the ray along the floor. The stone started to shake apart, and I knew she was using the disruptor setting. There were two explosions of fire far down the corridor, a release of lightning, and a cone of cold.

  She grinned at me, “I wasn’t sure if that was going to work, but breaking up the stone seems to set off the traps, probably by destabilizing the structure of the magic set into it instead of actually triggering it which probably takes a live person.”

  She started to walk forward, sweeping her disruptor ray across the floor, walls, and the ceilings. It wasn’t enough to cause a collapse, but it set off several more traps. As far as undead, we’d apparently killed them all, except maybe what was waiting in the large room at the end of this floor.

  Several specters and wights rushed us as we got close to the door, and it turned out disruptor energy killed them even faster than high intensity lasers. The non-corporeal beings were simply torn apart.

  Is it strange, that I was extremely proud of my mother in that moment?

  We stepped into the now empty room, the necromancer stood before a dark altar. He had light blonde hair, and blue eyes, so I supposed he wasn’t a total cliché. But his eyes were narrowed in anger and fear, and he wore a satin robe that looked like liquid night in the low light of the torches. His skin was bleached white, and he looked half dead already. The dark altar had a sacrificial dagger on it, and was stained with blood.

  I didn’t understand the significance of his bleached skin until he smiled cruelly, and revealed his fangs. He was a vampire necromancer, too weak to be a lich, but he’d still sold his soul to become the undying dead.

  My mother didn’t hesitate, and nailed him with a sonic pulse that deformed his chest and threw him back against the wall.

  “Mom, the laser, he’s undead.”

  She cursed and flipped the selector, but the vampire was fast and already back on his feet. He started to mutter in the words of magic as he quickly dodged my mother’s shot. It wasn’t so much he could dodge light, it was that he was too fast for my mother to aim well. I wasn’t sure what he was casting, but knew it wasn’t a good idea to let him finish.

  I grabbed him, shield and all, with aero kinesis. Spun him like a top, and then slammed him face first into the wall and held him there. The muttering had stopped, my rough handling as I’d suspected had disrupted his spell.

  “Mom,” I wasted my breath, as she was already shooting the laser into his back.

  The vampire necromancer mage’s shield held for almost three seconds, then he screamed as his heart was vaporized, and his body went up like a flash fire explosion, blackening the wall as his body flew apart in exploding ash.

  Mom asked, “Why didn’t you just kill it with that shield hole and TK punch thing?”

  I shrugged, “The way we did it seemed surer, what if I failed because his shield was too strong, and he finished the spell? It probably would have worked, but why risk it when there was a better way. Besides, this was a team effort. One more thing to do.”

  I slammed the altar as hard as I could with my telekinesis, and it broke into several pieces with a loud crack of sound as the stone split. I sighed in release, as I felt the goddess with me again and the tension from being separated from her disappeared.

  I healed the burns on my mom, and Gerald, while my husband took care of mine.

/>   I bounced on my toes and smiled, “Loot?”

  Mom snorted, but we searched the room, and then the mansion. Shadow may have been one of the three powers to be reckoned with in Chilik, but he was a relatively poor bastard. Still, already rich or not we made the effort, and walked away with a little over a hundred gold in various coins, and three devices that looked magical in nature. I couldn’t tell for sure, but they had the magical symbols on them and a jewel, which made it a pretty good guess.

  Then we returned to the ship, and I put the magical stuff with the swords from last time, we could sell them later.

  Dad asked, “You going to stay for lunch?”

  I bit my lip, “We’ll be back, I think we need to make sure the king isn’t looking for us, we said we’d be back before lunch. I’m also looking forward to a bath, the catacombs were nasty.”

  It was true, I was a total mess, covered in dust, ashes, the scent of smoke, and undead… stuff.

  Mom gave me a hug, now she was truly the goblin queen, or queen of Chilik? Either way, Chilik was united for the first time in known history, under the leadership of two supervillains.

  What could possibly go wrong with that?

  I teleported Gerard and I home…


  The king hadn’t looked for us, he was probably closeted with the dwarves all day, but we’d managed to get a bath before lunch, and had enjoyed dinner as well. There was no information to be had and even the rumor mill didn’t have anything to say. Alexander was obviously being very careful that the Jendas spies didn’t get wind of anything regarding the negotiations.

  I really wasn’t sure what would happen next, but there was a lot going on. The dwarves and Jendas, assassinations looming over our heads, and of course who knew what Arella might have in store for me in the future.

  Gerard pulled me tightly against him. I felt warm, contented, and safe.

  Gerard said, “Chilik being neutralized is really good news for Trelin. It’s a shame we can’t just celebrate it, but instead we have to worry about how Jendas reacts. Same with the dwarves, whatever happens the influx of goods will help us, I just wonder what it will cost, and again, how Jendas will react.”

  I sighed, and nuzzled his neck, “Chilik is a good thing. I just hope my parents don’t get bored. I doubt it though, my mother has all that research to do on magic, and will be busy making the goblins and the other evil races get out their evil violent natures by raiding each other instead of us. Not to mention putting together a syllabus for me to follow.”

  It was highly unlikely she’d get bored and decide to invade Trelin, wasn’t it? I wasn’t too worried, still, I think I’d keep that worry to myself…


  I hope you enjoyed this story, if you did please leave a review. Reviews are the lifeblood of independent authors, and I would greatly appreciate any constructive feedback or opinions.

  Katrina’s story still has a way to go, I have five books mapped out for it before it wraps up. Her and Gerard should be back soon in book four, Dwarven Steel.

  About the Author : If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at [email protected] If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book. I can also be found at https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7456808.D_L_Harrison

  Other books by D. L. Harrison:


  The Formerly Dark Mage, by D. L. Harrison – This stand-alone fantasy book follows the life of Silvia and takes place in a world unique and separate to our own.

  Silvia is a dark mage. Unfortunately, she finds herself about to be sacrificed. Someone must have told her evil master about her plans to kill him and take over. After that, things just seem to go downhill. She has no choice but to escape the kingdom of Zual, something that to her knowledge has never been done before. She will need to deal with many issues she never had to face before.

  Among those issues, the white mages, and her conscience.

  The Rise of a Dark Mage - This stand-alone fantasy book follows the life of Cassandra, it takes place in the same world as The Formerly Dark Mage, but happens three hundred years later, long after Silvia is gone and some shocking changes have taken place in the world.

  Cassandra is a dark mage in the kingdom of Zual, she’s also a mage prodigy.

  She hates both her kingdom, and her master. She wants him dead, not to take his place, but so she can leave and explore the world. Her ambition will drive her to rediscover the secrets of the strongest of magics.

  She is determined to succeed, or she’ll die trying.

  Celia Winters Novel Series

  Witch’s Moon: A Celia Winters Novel Book 1

  Celia Winters was raised by her single mother, and her earliest memories are of the store her mother owns and the nearby coven, who have always been her family’s close allies and friends.

  She grew up believing her magic was weak, but she was satisfied with her life, and happy. She was a midwife, healer, and supplier of surrounding covens.

  Then her mother died, and she’s about to discover she isn’t who, or what, she believes herself to be, not completely. She will learn that her entire life up until now was a lie. She’ll need to figure out her place, who she is when she no longer recognizes herself, and try to hold on to her closest friends as she gathers enemies for the simple crime of her existence.

  She’s stronger than she believes, but will it be enough?

  Power of Air Series:

  Just a Psychic: The Power of Air Book One starts off this series.

  Ben has grown up with missing memories of his early childhood.

  He has known he was a psychic since his earliest memories, seeing the future and gaining knowledge with his gifts.

  Is it possible he isn't just a psychic?

  Ben's world is about to be turned upside down as he turns twenty-one, all is not as it seems.

  Alicia Jones novels is a series that follows a bright young inventor and scientist named Alicia Jones. It is a space opera and light science fiction.

  The first book is titled First Contact:

  Alicia Jones is a genius, and a little odd. At just twenty-three years of age, she is close to finishing her doctoral dissertation. But when she tests her latest theory in the lab to generate a strong EM field, it has very unanticipated results. Results that lead to faster than light travel, and first contact with another race.

  Her life just gets more complicated after that, when she finds out who she really is, and that the universe may not be as nice a place as she’d been told. Her determination to help keep Earth safe takes her to places more dangerous and strange than she’d ever envisioned.

  Spirit Sorceress series, by D. L. Harrison is a new urban fantasy series. Miku is a spirit sorceress who spent the last one hundred years growing up and learning about her power in the forests near Seattle Washington. She’s about to make her debut in the big city, but not in a way she ever expected.

  The first book is titled Spirit Sorceress:

  Miku is a spirit sorceress who spent her unusually long childhood in the forest away from the city with her mother and father. After tragedy strikes, she finds herself alone and on her own. She knows that one day she’ll need to move to Seattle, and fully accept her birthright, and if necessary finish her training on her own.

  But before she’s ready, and still in grieving, a rogue vampire and his band come along and change everything. She’ll need to learn her new place in the world, and find some allies quick if she’s to survive.

  Katrina Baker Novels, by D. L. Harrison is a new series about a super named Katrina Baker. Problem is, she gets caught up in her mother’s plan, who is a mad scientist and supervillain, and gets herself transported to another world in the multi-verse. A world where mages, witches, clerics, and the gods are real. Not to mention the monsters…

  The first book is titled Banished:

  Katrina baker is a super. She has ment
al abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, and others. Her parents are supervillains, and she isn’t all that sure she’s cut out for that line of work. Her empathy with others through her power makes it hard to be uncaring, much less mean or evil to people. Problem is, the last thing she wants to do is disappoint mom and dad.

  Katrina gets caught up in her mother’s supervillain plot to get rid the world of the indestructible hero Omega, and that’s when it all goes really wrong, and she finds herself on another world.


  Will she be able to find her way back home, or even understand this new world of gods and magic, or will she die trying?

  Book Description

  Katrina baker is a super and she was banished just three weeks ago to a world of gods, magic, and evil races. A place without plumbing, electricity, Facebook, and lattes. Things have moved fast, and she’s managed to handle two very serious problems for the goddess, and things slow down enough for her to process everything, including a reunion with her fiancé Gerard. Katrina has accepted that she has can never go home, but can she learn to embrace her new world?

  Unfortunately for her peace of mind, she’s in for the biggest shock of all when she makes her way to Southwater, and runs into the Goblin Queen who is destined to change the face of Chilik.

  If that wasn’t enough, things with Jendas seem to be heating up, not only between Trelin and Jendas, but the king has painted a target on Katrina’s back as well. She’s only been in her new world for three weeks, but she’s managed to create quite a grudge already. Will she survive it?




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