by Mick Farren
Ferrier, Louise 192, 292
Ferry, Bryan 339
Fiery Creations 283, 284, 285, 287, 288
Fillmore Auditorium 81, 82
Finches 27–8
Findlay, Karen 296, 405
Flamingo 26
Flies, The 117
Flynn, Errol 377
Flynt, Larry 109, 333
Ford, Lita 345
Foulkes Brothers 283
Fourrat, Jim 379
Fowley, Kim 260
France 167–8
Fraser, Robert 127, 128, 129
Free 271
French Blues 42, 97
French Revolution 68
Frendz 331, 340
Friend, Judge Gordon 129
Friends 293, 295, 330
Fripp, Robert 252
Fugs, The 37, 224
Fuller, Bobby 13
Fuller, Jesse 37
Fury, Billy 36
Gannon, Mr 80, 151
Gay News 293
Gaye, Marvin 194
Geldof, Bob 340
George, Ugly 379
Gilbert and George 56
Gimme Shelter 343
Ginsberg, Allen 36, 37, 58, 59, 81, 84, 87, 103: ‘Who to Be Kind to’ 112
girlie magazines 332–3
Glastonbury Fair 300–3
Godfather Part II, The 343
Gong 328
Good Guys 382, 388
Goodge Street 27–8
Goodman, David ‘Boss’: joins Deviants 165; famous hammer 171; at Essex University 173; and police roadblock 175; in Canada 230, 232; at Dingwalls 250, 358, 383; and Phun City 268, 269, 273, 277, 278, 280; and Special Branch 298; and nitrous oxide 321; feud with Ingrid 330; at Wheeley Rock Festival 337; at Carnival 349; in New York 380; and Elvis 391, 392; in America 394–5, 398
Goodman, Lord 147
Gordon, Lucky 9, 27
Graham, Bill 81, 275
Graham, Davy 159
Granada Publishing 351, 355
Grateful Dead 91, 201, 321
Great Nitrous Oxide Heist 320–2
Greene, Graham 67
Green, Jonathon 309: Days in the Life 60
Greer, Germaine: and Farren 137, 218–21, 272, 338; and IT trial 317
Gregory, Dick 106
Grosvenor Square 176, 178–85
GTOs 247
Guevara, Che 33, 64, 70, 104
Guiffre, Jimmy 23
Gustavson, Johnny 253, 254
Guthrie, Woody 13, 34, 44, 45, 211
Gwen 307, 335
H (Howard Parker) 249–50, 278, 323, 324, 325, 326, 358
Hair 205–6
Hall, Dave: running IT 145–6, 157, 236, 239, 291; and Phun City 273, 277
Halperin, Danny 257–8
Hammond, Steve 253
Happening 44 135–6
Harder They Come, The 342
Haresnape, Brian 76
Harper, Dave 79
Harris, Zoe 70–1, 73, 75
Harry, Deborah 376, 377
Harvey, Alex 206
Hawkins, Jack 28
Hawkins, Spike 33
Hawks 47, 60, 62 see also Band, The
Hawkwind 279, 281, 302, 303, 307, 330, 334, 359, 402
Haynes, Jim 70, 119
Heatherington, Chas 387
Hebditch, Joy: begins relationship with Farren 52; and Carlisle 52; description 53; erotic expertise 53; pressures Farren to live together 53–4; moves to East End 54, 55; and Roundhouse 71, 72, 75; and IT 110, 295, 305, 306; and Mandelkau 212, 237, 387; rents flat in Chesterton Street 235–8; and Nasty Tales trial 317, 319; moves to Old Brompton Road 330; relationship with Farren cordial 387
Hell, Richard 376, 378, 381
Hell’s Angels 200, 222, 223, 234, 253, 278, 280, 321
Helms, Chet 78, 81, 92
Hemmings, David 276
Hendrix, Jimmy 66, 82: Farren’s first glimpse of 92; at Marquee 96–9; ‘All Along the Watchtower’ 99; attention to detail 99; ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ 99; ‘Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ 99; ‘Stone Free’ 99; ‘Purple Haze’ 100; TV recording 100; as voodoo child 247; at Isle of Wight 283, 288
Henshaw, Laurie 45
heroin 28, 263
Herr, Michael 357
High Numbers 10, 159 see also Who, The Hilary 17, 22
hippies 44, 68, 82, 89, 137, 205, 269, 370, 371
Hitler, Adolf 103
HIV 346
Ho Chi Minh 177
Hockney, David 12–13
Hodgson, Ralph 35, 36, 38–41, 51: instrument 51, 52; as electrician 54–5; returns to Newcastle 93
Holly, Buddy 34: ‘Rave On’ 15, 38; ‘Midnight Shift’ 225
Holstrom, John 378
Hopkins, John (Hoppy): Farren introduced to 73; and IT 80, 108–9, 111, 239; and UFO 80, 111; busted 109; Great Event 109; and Alexandra Palace 116, 121; inside 129
Horowitz, Michael 33
Houlihan, Big Jimmy 276, 279
Howard, Tony 248–9, 250
Howe, Steve 82
Howlin’ Wolf 248
Howson, Dave 108, 110
Hughes, Bart 89
Hugo 180, 182, 185
Hundred Club 373
Hunter, Russell 154: joins Deviants 95; character 95–6, 165–6; debut gig 103; at Essex University 173; and Doors 190–1; and Jefferson Airplane 193; at Chelsea College 197; at Royal Festival Hall 208; at Hyde Park 224; in Canada 228, 231; and Pink Fairies 260; and Phun City 279
Hustler 333
Hutchinson, Mick 136
Hutchinson, Roger 319, 330, 335
Hutt, Sam 206
Hutton, Lauren 386
Hyde Park free concerts 90
Hynde, Chrissie 340, 367, 383, 386–7
Idol, Billy 358
Indica Books 84–7
International Times: and Nuttall 60; Farren introduced into 70–1; logo confused 70; launching 71, 73, 80; and Roundhouse 72; appearances become regular 80; and Indica Books 85; busted 105–15, 123; and UFO 111, 112; Editorial Board 119, 124, 239, 294; no charge to be brought against 123; design 124–5; changes in 145–6, 239; gay-sex ads 148–9, 240, 293; Betterton Street premises 150; Farren in control of 242–3, 290–1; street sellers 242; and LSC 243–5; Screwing Causes Clap headline 290, 294; survival on its own merits 293; new corporate structure 294; routine at 294–5; visitors 295–6; Special Branch descends on 297–300; busted by Obscene Publications Squad 303; preparations for trial 304–10; trial 310–19; post-trial problems 330–1
Isaacs, Mel 39
Isle of Wight festival 234, 281, 282–9
Izzard, Eddie 64
Jack the Ripper 49–50
Jagger, Mick 16, 36, 63: and Roundhouse 74, 75; arrested 127; sentenced 128, 129, 130; released 133; satanism 142, 143; and Grosvenor Square demonstration 185; as elite 240; ‘The Girl with the Faraway Eyes’ 372
James, Elmore 348
Jansch, Bert 27–8, 159, 211
Jefferson Airplane 191, 193
Jefferson, Blind Lemon 211
Jenkins, Roy 68, 107
Jenner, Peter 90, 118, 222, 223
Jerry, Mungo 281
Jesus 192
Jethro Tull 283
Jett, Joan 345
Johansen, David 308–9
John the Bog 336
John, Elton 365
Johns, Andy 189–90
John’s Children 90, 117
Johns, Glyn 189
Johns, Jasper 10
Johnson, Lyndon Baines 177
Johnson, Robert 354
Johnson, Wilko 359, 360–1, 386
Jones, Allen 252
Jones, Brian 46, 63, 65, 130
Jordan 367
Joseph, Anthea 257
Joseph, Nat 210, 211, 239, 254, 257
Judson, Horace 45
Jung, Carl 282, 286
Kane, Arthur 307
Keeler, Christine 9, 82
Keen, Graham 239
Kefford, Ace 153
Kennedy, John F. 8
nbsp; Kent, Nick 331, 339, 340, 366, 367, 371, 373
Kerouac, Jack 12
Kesey, Ken 81, 141, 164, 324
Keylock, Tom 279
Khrushchev, Nikita 8
King, Andrew 90
King, B. B. 348
King Crimson 251, 252
King, Stephen 329
King-Hamilton, Judge 313, 314, 316, 317–18, 319
Kirkpatrick, Jeane 400
Kramer, Barry 331
Kramer, Nicky 130
Kramer, Wayne 278, 280, 309, 360, 394, 395, 396–7
Krassner, Paul 84
Kray brothers 48, 55, 107
Kristina, Sonja 206, 386
Kubrick, Stanley: Dr Strangelove 20; A
Clockwork Orange 342
Labour Party 147
Ladbroke Grove 26, 31, 35, 330, 335, 367
Ladies of the Canyons 306
Laing, R. D. 103
Late Night Lineup 99
Lazenby, George 220
Leary, Tim 140, 142
Led Zeppelin 171, 172, 173, 174
Lee, Calvin 202
left-wing politics: homophobia 29
Lemmy 235, 347, 359, 361, 362, 381, 383, 388
Lennon, John 12, 36, 46, 104, 120, 139, 252, 294, 372: and OZ 304
Lennox, Annie 368
Levy, Bill: editor of IT 125, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 157, 219, 240
Lewis, Jerry Lee 37: ‘Down the Line’ 38; ‘High School Confidential’ 39
Lewis, Paul 295, 305, 306, 319
Lightning Raiders 139
Liquid Len and the Lensmen 359
Little Red School Book 106
Littlewood, Joan 103–4
Logan, Nick 331, 338, 340, 341, 344, 367
Logo Records 386
London: West 7; Ladbroke Grove 9; East End 48–50, 55–6, 1139
London Arts Lab 119
London Street Commune 240, 243–5
London Zoo 30
Lord Buckley 85
Los Angeles 345
Lowe, Nick 384, 387
Lowlands Paradise 153
Lowry, Ray 341
LSD see acid
Lucas, George 333–34
Luciano, Lucky 405
Luigi 248
Lydon, John 259, 272 see also Rotten, Johnnie
McCarthy, Senator Joe 89
McCartney, Paul: and Roundhouse 74; and UFO 82; and Jane Asher 86; piano 104; and IT 110; Eleanor Rigby 254
McClean, Don 234
McDonald, Ian 338
MacDonnell, Michael (Mac) 67, 165, 167, 303
McGrath, Tom 88, 108
McInnerney, Kate 137, 138
McInnerney, Mike 108, 109–10, 123, 137, 138
McKechnie, Caroline 273, 295
McKenzie, Scott 123–4
McLaren, Malcolm 69, 343, 367, 375, 400
Macmillan, Harold 9
McNeil, Legs 378, 398, 399
Mad magazine 12, 405
Madonna 400
Magic Michael 309
Maldoon, Clive 93, 96, 153
Malik, Michael Abdul 32 see also de Freitas, Michael and Michael X
Mandelkau, Jamie 140, 330; in Canada 229, 231, 232 (Ace); and Joy 212, 237; moves into Farren’s apartment 212–13; and Social Deviants 217–18; and Pink Fairies 260
Mandrax 209, 263
Mankowitz, Gered 97
Manly, John 303, 330, 335, 391
Mann, Steve 239, 273
Manson, Charlie and family 116, 143, 144, 352, 375
Marie-France 324–5, 326, 327, 328
marijuana 23–6, 27, 88–9, 106, 143, 206, 315
Marley, Bob 343, 347
Marquee, The 96–9, 279, 280
Marsh, Dave 332
Martin 50–1, 52
Marx, Groucho 15
Marx, Karl 33
Mason, Nick 90
Matlock, Glenn 373
Matusow, Harvey 89
Max’s, Kansas City 377
May, Phil 195–6
Mayall, John 46, 135
MC4 307
MC5 249, 274–5, 276, 280, 394, 399
Medalla, David 82
Mehta, Sonny 351
Melly, George 67, 208, 317, 371
Melody Maker 331, 342
Memphis Jug Band 37
Mercury Records 202
Merry Pranksters 81, 164
mescaline 83
methedrine 186
Michael, Magic 309
Michael X 32, 103, 151 see also de Freitas, Michael & Malik, Michael Abdul
Middle Earth 203, 207
Miles: and Indica Books 85; background 86; conversation with 86; and economics 87; and IT 88; and UFO 88, 152; busted 106; and Stones’ jail sentences 130; Grosvenor Square demonstration 180, 181, 182; collection of psychedelia collection 355
Miles, Sue 110, 117, 130, 131
Miller, Samantha 394, 396
Millington, Johnny 26
miners’ strike 319–20
Mingus, Charlie 23
Mino 248, 252
Mitchell, Adrian 59
Mitchell, Joni 283, 288
mods 41–4, 122, 372
Money, Zoot 152
Monteray Pop Festival 249
Moon, Keith 57, 82, 197, 219, 248, 251
Moondog 379
Moorcock, Michael 357
Moore, Jack Henry 119–20, 157–8
Morgan Sound 187, 189, 218
Morrison, Jim 47, 144, 190–1, 193, 194–5, 288, 372: and Gene Vincent 260, 261; Farren visits his grave 324
Mosley, Oswald 50
Motherfuckers, The 275
Mothers club, Birmingham 207–8, 218, 219
Mothers of Invention 90, 122
Motorhead 279, 362, 388
Move, The 119, 153
Mox 251
Muehl, Otto 96
Munro, Pete 35, 36, 37–8, 41: instrument 51, 52; at Whitbread brewery 55–6
Murray, Charles Shaar 64, 288, 331, 338, 339, 340, 343
Murvin, Junior 375
music industry 239–40, 339–40
Nasty Balls 304–10
Nasty Tales 106, 296–7, 303: prosecution 304–5; trial 310–19
National Assistance 29
National Front 50
Neville, Richard 70, 192, 243, 287–8, 291–2:
and OZ trial 304, 319
New Musical Express 64, 309, 331, 338–44, 365–6, 367: ‘Thrills’ section 340–2
New York Dolls 308, 367, 337
News of the World 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 221
Nice, The 97
Nightingale, Anne 188
Nin, Anaïs 125
Nixon, President Richard 1, 204, 235, 357, 403
Norman 126, 151
Notting Hill 9, 73
Notting Hill Carnival 346–50
nuclear weapons 19–20
Nureyev, Rudolph 10
Nuttall, Jeff 33, 59–60, 88
Nylon, Judy 383, 387
Oldenberg, Claes 51
Oldham, Andrew Loog 18, 195
Ono, Yoko 120, 139, 158, 160, 231, 252, 304
Oppenheimer, Robert 301
O’Rahilly, Ronan 275–6
Ork, Terry 379–82, 384
Orton, Joe 10
Orwell, George 67
Osborne, John 38
Oswald, Lee 19
Owens, Tuppy 335
Oz 70, 106, 242, 247, 291: put to sleep 330; Schoolkids’ OZ bust 291; trial 304, 313
Page, Bettie 378
Page, Jimmy 172, 173, 343
Paglia, Camille 137
Paladin, Patti 387
Pallenberg, Anita 65
Paris 322–8
Parker, Howard 249–50
Parsons, Tony 369, 370, 371
Pathway Studios 385, 386, 387
Paul, Les 153
Peace News 88
Peel, David 379
Peel, John 84, 161: and Radio London 90; spiked 126; and Disposable 188; and Tyrannosaurus Rex 198; and Farren and Greer 218–19; and Gene Vincent 260
Pennebaker, D. A. 36
Perry, George 317
Phun City 268, 272–81
Pilcher, Norman 207
Pink Fairies 139, 166: formation of 215, 259; changes in 266–7; and Phun City 278; at Glastonbury Fair 302; in Paris 322–8; stumble on 359
Pink Fairies Motorcycle Gang and Drinking Club 250
Pink Floyd 74, 91–2, 118, 164
Pink Panthers 379
pirate radio 275
Plant, Robert 171, 172, 173, 174
Plaster Casters 247
Police 206, 386
police corruption 107
Pop, Iggy 161, 307, 309, 373, 399, 405
Pound, Ezra 85, 88
Pountain, Dick 182
Povey, John 196, 199, 251
Powell, Alan 382, 385, 386, 402
Powell, Enoch 348
Presley, Elvis 8, 272, 341: Lovin’ You 48; death 389–93; Memorial Poster Magazine 392–3
Pretenders 367, 387
Pretty Things 195–6, 207, 278
Price, Alan 46
Prince, Viv 196, 197, 251
Princelet Street 54, 55
Princess Alexandra pub 330
Private Eye 208, 291
Process Church of the Final Judgement 142–4
Profumo, John 9, 31
prostitutes 9–10
Pryor, Richard 343
Public Image Limited 259
punk 344, 356, 366–7, 370, 374, 383, 398–400, 401: style 68–9; dawn of 83; mating habits 369; and Roxy Club 371
Punk magazine 378
punks 358
Purple Gang, The 118, 211
Purple Hearts 42
Qualuudes 209
Quintessence 225
Race Relations Act, 1966 32
race riots 50
Rachman, Peter 31
Radical Feminists 296, 306
Radio Caroline 275
Ramone, Dee Dee 379
Ramones, The 377
Rauschenberg, Robert 103
Raven, Genya 377
Ravers 18
Raymond, Paul 333
Reagan, President Ronald 25, 399, 400, 402–3, 404
Redgrave, Vanessa 176, 177, 185
Reed, John 243
Reed, Lou 307, 405
Reed, Oliver 248
Rees, ‘Bun’ 162, 163
Rees, Cord 155, 161, 162–3
Rees-Mogg, William 132–3
Release 287
Renbourne, John 35, 211
René 325, 326, 327
Rhodes, Bernie 367, 400
Ricardo, Ronna 9
Rice-Davies, Mandy 9, 31
Richard, Cliff 36
Richards, Keith 36, 341: arrested 127; sentenced 128, 129, 130; released 133; Swiss blood changes 341
Richardson family, 107, 135
Rifkin, Danny 201
Rio, The 27
Riviera, Jake 384–5
Robbins, Ira A. 388
Robins, Dave 146, 148
Robinson, Lisa 340
rock & roll: and anger 12; women in 246–7; tours by big bands 338; and cinema 342–3; stadium 365–6
rockers 43, 44, 135
Rocky Horror Picture Show 342
Rodney Biggenheimer’s English Disco, Los Angeles 345