Dragon's Lair

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Dragon's Lair Page 9

by Chantal Fernando

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, sitting up.

  “Nothing babe, it was just for you,” he says, lying back down next to me. It was just for me?

  “What about you?” I ask him, staring down at the hardness straining against his jeans.

  “Shh,” he says, pulling me into his arms.


  “Babe, I just wanted to take care of you, I don’t expect anything in return,” he says in a deep rumble.

  I lie there feeling confused. And a little rejected. Did he just reject me?

  “Did you just reject me?” I ask, voicing my concern.

  He sighs heavily. “No sweetheart I did not reject you. We will talk more about this tomorrow okay? Let’s just enjoy tonight.”

  I don’t understand, but I let it go. He can explain tomorrow.

  Feeling sated, I snuggle into him and fall asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I wake up in the middle of the night needing to pee. After finishing my business, I hear something. I look at Dex, who is fast asleep on his stomach, and then eye the door. The woman calls out Sin’s name again and curiosity gets the better of me.

  Who is calling out his name?

  I open the door and towards the voices out the front of the clubhouse.

  “Sin!” the woman screams. I peer outside through the window.

  “Shut the fuck up!” a man growls. The man is Arrow. His back is to me, but it’s definitely him. The woman, a curvy blonde, says something to him. Arrow pushes her back, with a hand to her chest. She staggers back, trips over, and falls to the floor. Irish, Trace, and Rake are standing by but don’t do anything.

  They just watch.

  What the fuck?

  I walk to the entry, and slam the door open as I run out. “What the fuck Arrow!” I yell, bending down to see if the woman is okay.

  “Fuck,” Arrow says when he lays his eyes on me. “Go inside Faye. Now!”

  I’d never heard that tone from him before, and I didn’t fucking appreciate it.

  “Fuck you!” the woman yells out. I think she’s talking to Arrow, but then I realize she’s talking to me.

  “What?” I growl, getting pissed.

  Rake walks over to me and pulls me into his hard body. “Darlin’, go inside, yeah?” he says, ushering me towards the door.

  “Who is that?” I ask Rake, my voice filled with confusion and anger.

  “Ahh, babe,” he says, giving me a look filled with pity. Pity?

  “Don’t look at me like that!” I snap, pushing away from him.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you feel fucking sorry for me! Who is that woman, and why does she hate me?” I ask him. Rake looks behind me, and I know Dex is standing there.

  “Come here,” he demands, his mouth tight. I walk to him, but only because I want answers.

  And I’m going to get them

  “Who is that?” I ask him. He ignores me, lifting me in his arms and carrying me back to the room.

  “You can’t just stay in bed can you?” he mutters as he puts me down.


  “That is the reason I couldn’t exactly give you any promises… just yet,” he says, grimacing at his own words.

  “Explain,” I demand.

  “She’s my soon to be ex-wife,” he says, slowly taking a step closer to me.

  I stop breathing.

  “You have a wife?” I say softly, not quite understanding what the hell was going on right now.

  “No babe, I had a wife. We’re separated and getting a divorce,” he says, studying my expression.

  A wife? A fucking wife.

  “Oh my god,” I say to myself. “I’m a fucking home-wrecker.”

  “You aren’t a home-wrecker. We were separated before you and I hooked up,” he explains, his hands making a calm down gesture.

  “You made me a home-wrecker you asshole!” I yell, ignoring him.

  My mind races.

  “Why did Arrow push her?” I ask. “Is this how you treat your women?”

  Now he looks angry. Eyes narrowed, he says, “Have I ever treated you badly?”

  “I guess not,” I say with a shrug.

  His eyes narrow further, “She was under my protection. Now she’s not. I told you, we’re not all good guys babe.”

  But Arrow? He was growing on me.

  “Why was she here?” I ask, my voice smaller.

  “She doesn’t seem to understand the concept of us breaking up. I can’t even get her to move out of my fuckin’ house. I’ve given her a couple of weeks to find a new place,” he admits, running his fingers through his messy dark hair.

  I gape. “That was your renovation? Your wife?”

  “I couldn’t exactly tell you that my ex was living there, and I was waiting for her to get the ass out of there, could I?”

  “Not without sounding like an asshole,” I say, staring daggers at him.

  “Exactly,” he says. “I didn’t wanna scare you off before you were even mine.”

  That shuts me up. For a few seconds anyway.

  “I’m not moving into that house,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Fine, I’ll buy you a new house,” he says, throwing his hands in the air.

  “I can’t believe this shit,” I growl.

  “I’m sorry, I wasn’t planning on you and our baby coming into my life. That’s not to say I’m not happy you’re both here. Cut me some slack babe, I’m trying to make things right. I just needed a few weeks that’s all, then she would be out, and we could move on. Start our life together.”

  “That’s why you were trying to put some distance between us? Until everything was sorted out?” I ask, trying to understand.

  He nods. “I wanted to do something right for once. I wanted the divorce to be finalized. I wanted us to get to know each other in the meantime. Build a friendship before we built a relationship. Set the groundwork for a relationship that will last.”

  I purse my lips together. “So you want points for good intentions?”

  “Faye,” he says in warning. His patience is waning but too damn bad for him.

  “Why don’t you go home to your wife?” I say, emphasizing the word.

  “Have you not been listening to anything I’ve said?” he says, starting to pace up and down the room. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are going to be holes in the carpet soon.

  “I have been listening,” I snap. Well, sort of. “I think I need time to process this.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” he growls, stopping in his tracks.

  “It means I’m going to bed, and you’re not sleeping here for the rest of the night,” I find myself saying.

  He stands there unmoving. “You know what, fine. I tried to do the right thing with you. I haven’t been with anyone else, I haven’t even looked at anyone else! I was going to get the hell away from Renee before I got in deep with you, then commit to you. If that’s not good enough then I don’t know what else I can do,” he says, walking out and closing the door behind him. It doesn’t slam, but the sound of it closing still makes me flinch.

  I climb back in bed and think over everything. I hate the fact he was married to that woman. Is that his type? I try not to be judgmental and fail. At least they had separated before the night I spent with him. Am I still the ‘other woman’? I’m way too young for all this shit. I take a deep breath and put my hand on my tummy.

  “It’s going to be okay little one,” I whisper.

  I try my hardest but sleep doesn’t come.

  Chapter Sixteen

  All conversation stops as I enter the kitchen. Tracker, who is sporting a black eye and a cut lip, stares at me intently. Arrow scowls, and Rake grins. Trace, Irish, and Jim stare at me impassively. I pour myself some juice and take a seat. It’s then I realize something.

  “Ummm where are the women?” I ask, looking around.

  “The women who know their place leave when the men are having a discussion,
” Jim says, looking less than impressed with me.

  I want to say something smart but instead I keep my mouth shut. Even I know pissing off Jim will not go down well. I bite my lip and sip on my juice.

  “Well. I’ll just be going then…” I say into the awkward silence.

  Jim sighs. He looks tired. “Are you okay?” I can’t help but ask.

  “Give us a moment,” he says, and all the men stand up. Tracker is the last to leave, his eyes never leaving me until they have to.

  “I’m getting old,” he says.

  “You’re what, in your late thirties?” I ask, staring at his ripped biceps.

  His laugh sounds like it’s been honed by years of smoking. “Add a decade onto that little girl.”

  “Awkward,” I mutter. He’s old enough to be my dad.

  “It’s Sin’s turn to take the gavel, except he’s a little preoccupied right now,” he says, raising his eyebrow at me.

  “You’re not going to kill me, are you?” I ask, laughing a little nervously.

  Jim grins. “I can see why he’s so taken with you.”

  “Yeah because I’m a trophy compared to his ex-wife,” I blurt out. My hands cover my mouth as Jim laughs harder.

  “You remind me of Cindy at her age,” he muses, smiling fondly. “Woman was full of sass.”

  She still is from what I’d heard from Jessica.

  “Look, Faye, the truth is my health isn’t what it used to be,” he says, looking unhappy to admit it.

  “And you need Sin to be on his game,” I surmise.


  “It is possible to be a family man and the president of an MC?” I ask him, looking right into his eyes.

  “It’s not easy, and it’s not always safe, but yes. It is possible. And no man will take better care of his family than Sin.”

  “That I believe,” I reply. “Any idea where he is?”

  “He went for a ride,” he replies. “We’ll be joining him. Be back in two days.”

  “What’s the deal with the wife?” I can’t stop myself from asking.

  “She cheated on him, they broke up when he found out,” he says, casually lighting a cigarette. “They were only married a year.”

  I hate that he loved someone else enough to marry her. I realize I’d said that out loud when Jim replies, “She’s got nothing on you darlin’. I’ve seen how he looks at you.”

  “Like how?” I ask.

  “Fishing for compliments, eh? Like he’s dying of thirst and you’re an ice cold beer.”

  I’m pretty sure that’s not how the saying goes, but I appreciate the sentiment all the same.

  “So,” I ask. “What’s the deal with the other MC you’re having issues with?”

  His mouth tightens around his cigarette. “Negotiations with another MC.” He pauses. “Women don’t get involved with club business Faye. You seem like a girl who thinks she’s the exception to every rule, but not this time.”

  I hate that he has me pegged.

  “What if in the future I become the club’s lawyer?” I blurt out. Holy shit where did that idea come from? Was Dex even serious when he mentioned this idea? Is this something I want in my future?

  He studies me under a new light. “Then that’s different, I guess. But you’d still be on a need to know basis.”

  “So I guess I’ll never be getting my own cut then,” I sigh, thinking about my conversation with Vinnie. Jim laughs again then starts coughing.

  I cringe. “Anything I can get you?”

  “A new set of lungs?” he replies, smirking at me.

  “How about some water,” I offer instead. He nods so I pour him a glass of iced water. Placing it in front of him he takes a sip then resumes smoking. I want to point out he should probably quit, but instead I stand up.

  “I’m going to do some assignments,” I tell him. “Hope you feel better Jimbo.”

  His rumbly laugh follows me to my room.


  I save my work and close my laptop the moment I hear the rumble of motorcycles. Is one of them Dex?

  Only one way to find out.

  I glance at my phone to check the time, five pm. He’s been gone for two days, and I’ve missed him like crazy. Mary’s been cooking for me, apparently Dex had called her and told her to look after me. I was a little annoyed, but I thought it was cute too. We had a healthy lunch yesterday and chatted for a while before she got called into work to treat an injured dog. Then I cleaned the kitchen, the living areas, my room, and the bathroom. Like spring cleaning. You could now eat off the floor, it was that clean. When I tried to clean up Jim’s office, Cindy yelled at me. That woman is scary. So I snuck into Arrow’s room and cleaned his instead. It took the longest—the man lives like a pig. The pregnancy book mentioned something about nesting, but I didn’t think that was supposed to happen so early. I make my way to the front door and stand there, watching Dex sliding off his bike. Dressed in his cut, he looks amazing. Arrow and Tracker stand next to him, chatting, until they spot me. Arrow nudges Dex, who turns to look at me, then makes his way over.

  “Everything okay?” he asks when he reaches me. I jump onto him, latching my arms around his neck.

  “I missed you,” I say, catching him off guard with my open-mouthed kiss. His hands grip my ass, holding me up. I hear the others whistling and cat-calling, and I smile against his lips as I pull away.

  “Weren’t we fighting?” he asks, breathless.

  I run my hands through his thick head of hair, slightly tugging on the ends. “I thought it over. Yes, you lied, but you also tried to do the right thing.”

  He nuzzles my neck. “Fuck this feels good.”

  “I think you’re worth the risk Dexter Black,” I whisper into his ear. “I want you.”

  He curses again and carries me into our room, ignoring the leers from the others. Laying me back on the fresh sheets, he pulls down my jeans and panties, then sits me up and removes my top and bra. I lie there bare, while he stands before me completely dressed.

  “This is all mine?” he asks in a deep rumble. His voice alone sends shivers up my spine, tingles throughout my body.

  “If you want it,” I reply, arching my back a little.

  “You know I do,” he growls now, pulling off his cut, t-shirt, and then his jeans. In nothing but his boxer shorts, I can see how much he wants me, how turned on he is from here. I can picture what his cock looks like in my head, and there’s nothing I want more than to see it again. To taste it. “When you look at me like that,” he groans, his heavy lidded gaze not leaving me as he slides down his boxer shorts.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he says, rubbing his hand on my tummy. He braces himself over me, and I pull him down against my body. The skin on skin contact causes me to emit a sigh, which he catches with his mouth in a hungry kiss. He tastes like mint and smells like leather, and I can’t get enough of him. Digging my fingers into his back, I move my lips down his neck. He suddenly rolls us over, so I’m straddling him, then lifts his head and pays attention to my breasts with his mouth. When I can’t take any more, I take him in my hand and guide him into my body. We moan simultaneously as he fills me up, stretching me deliciously. I grind on him in smooth strokes, lifting and lowering my hips. He thrusts his hips up in rhythm, his finger finding my sweet spot and circling.


  Heaven on earth.

  “Come for me,” he growls, his eyes dark.

  Two more strokes and my body obeys. Staring straight into his eyes, I let him see what he does to me. The effect he has on me. I mouth his name as the pleasure hits, enjoying the look on his face when he follows me into oblivion. I collapse onto his chest, sighing in contentment. As the haze lifts, I try to hop off him, but he holds me in place.

  “You’re something else, you know that?” he says when I’ve caught my breath.

  “Want to go again?” I ask, smiling with my eyes closed.

  “Death by fairy,” he says, causing me to laugh. “First
I need to feed my baby mama.”

  I slap at his chest playfully. “I’d rather you call me fairy than baby mama.”

  “Baby mama it is,” he says, running his finger over my nipple.

  “Hey! Hands off, don’t be a tease,” I say with mock sternness.

  He groans. “You stay here, I’ll bring you something to eat. Then I’ll show you the meaning of the word tease.”

  “Sounds good,” I reply, unable to stop myself from smiling.

  Dex looks around the room. “Did you tidy the room?”

  I hear Arrow yelling, asking who has been in his room.

  I hide under the covers.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I sit in the waiting room, nervously tapping my foot. Today is the day we are getting the scan to make sure everything looks good. We can also find out the sex of the baby if we choose to. Dex holds my hands, sitting beside me patiently. I lean into his warmth, laying my head on his shoulder.

  “Faye,” my doctor calls out, smiling at me warmly.

  “Hey doc,” I say as I walk into the room.

  “How have you been?” he asks, pushing a pair of reading glasses on his nose.

  “Good thanks, this is Dex,” I say. They shake hands then we get down to business. The doctor weighs me and makes me pee in a cup. When all looks well, we have a chat, and then he sends me to another room for the sonogram. I lie on my back as cold gel is applied to my stomach. Dex stands by my side, supporting me as much as he can. I appreciate his efforts. I stare at the screen, trying to make sense of it but seeing nothing but a blob.

  “Everything looks great,” the lady says. “Do you want to find out the gender?”

  I look at Dex. “Yes, please.”

  “It looks like you’re having a baby girl, congratulations.”

  “Fuck,” Dex mutters but smiles while he says it. I squeeze his fingers, emotion consuming me. I’m going to have a little girl. I try to picture what she might look like, dark-haired like her father? Dex leans down to my level and whispers, “She isn’t dating until she’s twenty-one.”


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