Glorious Companions

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Glorious Companions Page 51

by Summer Lee

  “Much of their wealth came from my mother’s first marriage to Prince Jubal.”

  “We’ll just stay hidden away for a while. I have sent Aaron out to find the pirates and make sure they will not bother you.”

  “Thank you. Your wisdom calms me. I will always be safe with you.” She hugged him tightly then leaned in to kiss his lips.

  “I want you to know that I will always love you. We will have our differences, but we will figure them out together.” Sammael was a true gentleman.

  Rachael thought about some of the sailors on the ship. She now knew that they were in reality, pirates, including Captain Cruz. They were a motley crew, with no good qualities about them, except for keeping their hands off her. They were ugly and not high-born. She recalled that they were mostly old and ate like pigs. She truly hoped Aaron would slay them all, just as Tyro had killed off most of the Nephilim.

  Right now, she was happy to have Sammael as a husband. He was a remarkably powerful and intelligent being, but now, she had to re-evaluate her part of the relationship. Ultimately, she had always been idealistic and naive. Was this her downfall now or could she change?

  The threat of those smelly pirates was on her mind as they had been ordered to kidnap her. Asher was such a good king. It had to be her mother who had made enemies with the subjects in Alalakh. Kenana was a mystery even to Rachael. The queen had not been a virgin when she had married Prince Jubal. Kenana had fallen in love with the fallen angel, Malluch, who was the one who had raped her. And then possibly, she had had an affair with Tall. Were there more affairs? What if she had slept with one of the men in a village? Rachael blinked back the tears. She loved her father, a good man, and could not bear to see him betrayed.

  Sammael’s voice pulled her from her thoughts. “I am willing to take our relationship one step at a time until you feel safe.” Sammael paused. “Let us rest now.”

  “Yes, let us rest.” She would not let herself think of the pirates or the citizens of Mesopotamia. Sammael was a good prince-angel. Her heart felt light and happy. She was hopeful for her future. Curled up in his arms, she slept.

  However, her slumber was not pleasant. The image of those tattered sailors on the ship filled her dreams. In the midst of her jumbled nightmare was a startling dream of her mother making love to Tall. This startled her awake. Tall was now a widower. Would Kenana pursue him and destroy her relationship with Asher?

  Drifting back to sleep, she chose to believe the dream was untrue and caused by her worries.


  The next morning, as brilliant rays of sunshine shone through her window. Rachael saw that Sammael was sitting beside her on the bed, studying her face. “It makes me glad to see you here when I awaken,” she said, smiling.

  “I want so much to be the husband that you deserve,” he said as he brushed a lock of her hair from her face.

  “Just break away from your relationship with those demons on that star of yours. They have followed you back to Earth to torment me for the last time, even in my sleep.”

  “Were your dreams so troubling?”

  “Yes.” Rachael hated demonic powers. She hated evil pirates, too. If they would all leave her alone, she could find happiness in her marriage.

  “I don’t want to leave you alone, but I need to get you some food. For now, it isn’t wise to take you outside. I want you to stay inside until I return.”

  “How long will you be?”

  “I will be right back.”

  Rachael watched him as he left. “Remember, you are coming right back, my love.”

  He returned shortly with food, new clothing for both of them, aloe gel, and a musical instrument—a lyre.

  “What are you going to do with that lyre?”

  “Let me entertain you.” He lifted her chin, smiling. “I can’t let you out until I am sure you are safe from pirates.”

  She picked it up. “My mother’s first husband used to make those. My mother actually came down here and sold some lyres when she was married to him.”

  “You have some interesting tales. I am looking forward to learning all of these things about you and your family.” With Rachael sitting at his feet, Sammael picked up the musical instrument and began strumming its strings. He sang to her a slow love song that Rachael remembered from her childhood. It was about flying through the starry skies in the arms of a lover. She closed her eyes, listened, and daydreamed. Sammael’s voice was rich and full of emotion, and made Rachael’s heart fill with love for him.

  When he stopped singing, he put the instrument down and leaned back against the cushions. “Life on Earth has its problems. The time has come to make sure Aaron has distracted the pillagers in Egypt. If not, we will make another plan. We will still get them.”

  “How do you plan to do that?”

  “Your brother, Tyro, is a zealous warrior. He has won every battle that he has taken on alone.”

  “Yes, that is true. Do you have an idea that involves Tyro? How will you find him?”

  “I am going to find him now.” Sammael gripped her hand. “Do you want to go with me?”

  “This time, I feel safer here where those men can’t find me. Go ahead and get Tyro to help you. You must get rid of them quickly.”

  Interlude – The Watcher

  Sammael was not feeling well in his soul. He did not feel capable of destroying the pirates, even with Tyro’s help. He would search for Aaron and see how the battle went.

  The safest place for him to recuperate was his private star in the sky. He needed time to contemplate the spirit of his journey. He wondered if he had gotten so far off the right path that he could never find his way back. He longed for genuine happiness, and wondered if, in order to receive it, he would have to give up the desire to satisfy his inner sexual drives.

  He had been deceitful to the people of Babylon.

  In the confusion of seeking his own way, Sammael had starved his soul and dried up on the inside. Now, he wanted to make amends so that he could continue caring for the lovely Princess Rachael. He needed to take her to safety. He needed to get her back to Babylon.

  Sammael once thought that Rachael was someone who would enter his life, stay for a short period of time, tire of his ways, and then move on. Now, the nicest dreams he had were dreams of her.

  Sammael did not know what was ahead for him or Rachael. Only God knew the future. Just as it was for Rachael, life was not much more than a supposition for him either.

  Observance was important to Sammael. Thoughts and observations were a way of life for him. That was how he was able to perceive Rachael as a good princess.

  To him, she was a work of art. He did not want to ever hurt her or allow her to be hurt by another. Yet, he knew it would happen. It was his destiny to reap what he was now sowing.

  “I have walked in a place that most angels dare not go,” he said to himself. He admired the strong angels who had not sinned.

  He had approached human women before, but none like Rachael. He had gotten much more than he had ever imagined from Rachael. She had promised to love him forever.

  Forever was a long time. He needed help before he could return to Earth and find Tyro. He went to the healing stream of Heaven and jumped in. Sitting in the water, he soaked up the minerals that he needed that could not be found on Earth. Hopefully, when he returned to his wife, he and Tyro would have destroyed the enemy.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Rachael thought they had shared their secrets. If she had not gotten him to talk, she would have been completely confused by now. She really felt that he needed her right now, but she didn’t know how she could help. “What is wrong, my love?” she asked.

  “There is something about me you do not know.”

  She feared what he could possibly say. She forced half a smile, felt deeply troubled, and then shrugged. “What is it?”

  “Don’t worry,” he said gently. “It’s not about you. I just have needs myself. When I feel a darkness come over me, I get ve
ry sad. I am feeling that way right now.”

  She was at a loss as to what she could do. Surrounded with so much secrecy, he had come into her life and swept her off her feet. She had married him, not knowing everything about him. At least he was opening up to her more.

  She took his hand in hers. “You know I have full confidence in you. You can talk to me. I am your wife. Perhaps I can help with these feelings.”

  “My struggle never ends, Rachael, dear. It is painful and frustrating to be sometimes good and sometimes evil.”

  She listened with her heart. As she thought about the situation, she had no ready answer, other than to say, “I will learn to live with it, if you will tolerate my worrying nature.”

  “Thank you.” He hugged her tightly.

  “Why don’t you try to sleep? Just rest. Perhaps it will leave you after a good night’s sleep.”

  There was a kind of darkness that surrounded Sammael, and the clouds outside grew darker as well; it was as though Sammael’s darkness and that of the clouds were one.

  “Is there something I can do to help?”

  “You can’t help.” He said, “It is something in me, and I don’t know what it is. I need you to stay here in the inn while I get help for myself.”

  “I’ll bring a physician to you. Just rest.”

  “Human physicians can’t help me. I must find an answer from the God of the universe. I am going to see if I can get an audience with him.”

  “When will you return for me?”


  “I love you.” Rachael watched him fly upward and disappear into the dark clouds. She was alone. Again.

  Interlude – The Watcher

  It was time for Sammael to make some serious decisions. If he was to save his marriage, he would need to put other angels in charge of the stars. Perhaps making decisions on his own had brought much pain to both he and his wife. He should have asked God what His will was earlier. But he already knew why he did not do it. He already knew that God was opposed to angels marrying humans.

  Sammael would have liked a comfortable and convenient way to do his own will in all areas of his life. That included ruling in Babylon, as well as those on his star. If Rachael was more of an ordinary woman, he could have accomplished it all. Right now, he needed peace. He needed to have a quiet time to reflect on his actions. Looking inside his soul, he could see his selfishness and his failures.

  These were the times that he would take personal moral inventory. He could not undo the past. He wondered if perhaps he could make positive changes in his future by being careful not to harm Rachael. Sammael was guilty of deceiving Rachael. One thing was for certain. He had to learn better ways of interacting with people. Being deceptive had caused so many to mistrust him.

  Sammael used this quiet time to examine his own soul. He had no redeemer to remove his sin as humans had. He could only take the time to think about his wife and what he could do to make her happy.

  To save his marriage, he would go to Babylon and have his leaders fix up the palace for Rachael and perhaps give her a party.

  He went first to his planet. His star was in disarray. The demons were out of control.

  It would take time to find a replacement. He could not return to Rachael until he found that substitute for his darkest tasks as the angel of death. So, he would travel from planet to planet as he searched.

  Chapter Twenty

  Rachael went for a walk. Since she thought she might be alone for several days, she would try to find a friend to keep her company. As she approached the waterfront, she saw the words Yarona on a docked ship.

  And then she heard her name. “Rachael! How did you get here?” It was Captain Cruz.

  “I was carried ashore by Sammael,” she said. “Did you miss me?”

  “I certainly did, little doll.” He clasped her hand. “I looked all over the ship for you just before we docked. I thought you fell overboard and I was grieving for you.”

  “Oh, Buck,” she said, squeezing his hand. “That’s so sweet.”

  He looked around. “Where is your man?”

  “He is on a godly assignment.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “For how long?”

  She tossed her head to one side. “Several days.”

  “I like that,” he said. “Now I have a chance to enjoy your company.”

  Now her hair fell across her face. “How do you know that is what I want?”

  “It is in your eyes and movement.” He winked.

  She just smiled. “I’m caught.”

  “Come, let’s get something to eat.”

  At least Rachael was not going to be alone. She could not think of anyone she would rather spend the time with than Buck. Her guess was that he could be a lot of fun. He clasped her hand and led her to a roadside booth that sold prepared food. He bought a platter of fresh-baked flatbread dipped in butter. It smells so good.

  “It was a good thing that I left the ship,” said Rachael. “Some pirates planned to kidnap me.”

  “No. That cannot be.” Buck looked shocked.

  “Yes,” Rachael said, a small smile forming on the corner of her lips. “Citizens from Alalakh hired them.”


  “My guess is that they wanted to get back at my mother for some slight of hers toward the people of her kingdom.”


  “Yes, Buck. When we came ashore, we saw the head servant from Babylon. He had a small band of soldiers out searching for any of the privateers.” She laughed. “They’ve gone to Zoan now. They’ll get them all. I am not worried.”

  “You are a brave girl.”

  “I’d like to think so.”

  Buck leaned back in his seat and studied her face. “So, what are your plans for fun while your man is gone?”

  She shrugged. “We’ve secured a room at an inn and I will wait there for my husband. Would you like to come over and take refreshment with me?”


  Rachael clasped his hand as they walked down the rugged road and turned into the inn. She unlatched her door and pushed it open. Inside, she poured him a drink, taking a sip before handing it to him. He clasped her hand. “Sit by me.”

  She barely sat down when Buck pulled her close. His mouth took hers. She stroked his shoulders, knowing in her heart that this was not a good plan. Yet, she had invited him to her room at the inn. He had not asked her if he could come. His mouth trailed down to her neck. I cannot allow this, she thought, as his kisses drove her into a frenzy. “I can’t do this,” she muttered.

  “But you are.” He cupped her face as his lips took hers tenderly. “I wish we could have met sooner.”

  Her heart hammered inside her chest. “Me, too.”

  That was all he needed to drive him forward. He lay back and pulled her on top of him. She felt him tugging at her bodice, exposing her bosom. She had to stop now or forever be sorry. “I just can’t,” she said softly.

  He relaxed his arms around her, holding her close. “All right. We won’t.”

  She did not move, but lay in his arms, contented to be held. “Just hold me.”

  Buck kissed her scented hair, his hands rubbing her back with languorous strokes. “I will honor your wishes, but not your wedding vows.”

  She sat up straight. “Why do you say that?”

  Buck sat up as well, dropping his arms. “I don’t think marriage between fallen angels and human women is legitimate.”

  She dropped her head into her hand. “It is a little late for that opinion.”

  “I’m going to go now and sleep on the ship. Why don’t you come aboard in the morning and break the fast with me?”

  “I’d like that.”

  He stood and walked to the door.

  She followed him. “Buck?”

  “Yes.” He stopped.

  “Thank you for…friendship.” She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. She sadly watched him walk away.

  One of the fri
nge benefits of having an absentee husband was being able to maintain a friendship with the opposite sex. Rachael liked that. She and Buck spent most of the days together, but she did not take him home again. She just happened to be at home alone when Sammael returned.


  Rachael was in a deep sleep when Sammael arrived. He climbed onto the bed beside her. Softly, he said, “You are lovely beyond words in body, mind, and soul. You are too good…just so beautiful.”

  Smiling at the sound of his voice, Rachael woke and looked into his beautiful face. “To me, you are equally beautiful.” She clasped his hand in hers. “We both have our good sides and our bad. We will stick together and help each other through it.”

  Sammael smiled. “You bring out the best in me. It is your focus on love that energizes me.”

  He had come to Rachael with an unknown energy. He had already given more to her than she had ever dreamed of receiving from a husband. “Thank you.”

  “How are you?” he asked.

  “I am happy, my husband,” she said. “Were you able to calm the evil spirit inside you while in Heaven?”

  “No. I feel a lot of anger now.”

  “Anger! Why anger?”

  “It is just a feeling I have.”

  “I know you will get well.”

  “It sounds like we are meant for each other.”

  She smiled. “I believe that is true.”

  He smiled. “Your energy burns within my heart whenever I am with you.”

  “Let it heal you.”

  “I will try.”

  “You know that I am not always good. No human is.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “It is just true.” She clasped his hand.

  As they sat there holding hands, “Close your eyes and listen,” she said.

  “I hear nothing.”

  “Yes, isn’t it beautiful?”

  As much as she wanted to, she could not tell Sammael of the feelings she and Buck had for each other. So, she hid her terrible secret inside her soul, that her heart was divided between the two men.

  Rather, she asked a hundred questions about the demons on his star and his search for a replacement for his darker tasks from God.


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