Evince Me

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Evince Me Page 2

by Lili Lam

"Lise baby, what's wrong?" Tristan's concerned voice broke me out of my stupor as he shook me gently on the shoulders. I looked around realizing everyone in the room was staring at me with worry. How long was I in a trance for? When the heck did Tristan move in front of me without me even noticing?

  Taking a deep breath, I nodded my head quickly offering a small smile. "Yea, sorry. Guess I'm just still really tired...jet lag maybe?" I suggested in hopes that they'd believe my lie. I didn't want them knowing I was worried about Marco and his ulterior motives. Something didn't seem right and it wasn't sitting too well with me.

  If Tristan had the slightest inkling that I was afraid of Marco kidnapping me, his worrywart ass would have us on the first plane back to Port Clyde. Not wanting to put a damper on anyone's summer vacation, I figured the best thing to do would be suck it up and act as though nothing was bothering me.

  Besides, I'm pretty sure my brothers and Dad have this all under control. They wouldn't allow anything to happen to me. Neither would Tristan or Luke for that matter. I planned on enjoying the last possible summer of fun I'd be having before we'd have to return to Port Clyde and commit to our obligations.

  Just the thought of all the upcoming responsibilities had me feeling anxious. I wasn't afraid of having to fulfill my duties as Luna, I knew I'd be able to complete them with no questions asked. What worried me was, would I be able to amount to even half the Luna Tristan's mom is currently? Those were some big heels to fill as she set the bar high above the typical Luna standards.

  "You look a little tense." Alonso commented as he stood beside me examining my body language. "I could go for a run. Need to get out all my frustration, want to come?" He asked with raised eyebrows. A run sounded like a pretty good idea right about now. I needed to get my mind off things and try to enjoy our time here.

  "Sounds like a great idea." I answered glancing up at my brother with an appreciative smile. Sometimes Alonso seemed to understand my own feelings better then I did. "You gonna come with us?" I asked turning my head towards Tristan.

  Tristan's eyes twinkled with humor as he looked at me like I just asked the dumbest question in the world. "Of course." He smirked raising an eyebrow at me. Of course he wouldn't let me go off for a run into unfamiliar woods by myself...even if it was with my brothers...how silly of me!

  The pitter-patter of my paws against the soft grass echoed in my ears as my eyes scanned the serenity of the forest surrounding the pack house. It's been almost a week since we've shifted and my wolf was itching to frolic around. Luke stayed back at the pack house with Anya and my Dad.

  It's ashame she's not a wolf, we'd have so much fun running around like nuts together. 'I wonder if she feels left out?' I thought to myself and made a mental note to discuss it with my best friend as soon as I returned.

  Perking my ears up in hopes of hearing any sound I could, giving me a clue as to where these suckers were hiding at...I was only greeted by the tranquil sounds of rushing water and a few birds chirping. I was in the vast forest behind the pack house with Tristan, Rico, Alonso, Juan, and Carlos.

  We've been out here for about an hour, initially we just ran around allowing me to release my stress. Then Alonso suggested we play a game of hide and seek. I know real mature of us, but at the time it sounded fun. Can't blame us for wanting to have fun, right? I was having a blast up until the point I was found first by Juan causing me to become the seeker. Blah, it always sucks having to be the one to find everyone. These damn guys are good at hiding, I've been wandering around aimlessly for the past ten minutes with no luck!

  Knowing these guys they probably climbed up the freaking trees or something. Or they could have gotten hungry and went back to the house to eat, thinking 'ahh what the hell, she'll still be looking for us until we get back!'

  I'll strangle them if they left me out here. Reaching the edge of the water I could feel the dryness of my mouth as I began getting thirsty. It must be the heat combined with the running around that was causing my dehydration.

  Cringing slightly, eww I normally wouldn't drink from a river. Who the hell knows what's been in here? Let alone what type of people use this water for a bathroom! I couldn't take it anymore, my tongue felt like sandpaper as I tilted my head downwards.

  Ugh, I silently prayed that wolves aren't able to contract diseases as I took a drink of water from the water rushing by. Yuck! I shook my head from side to side immaturely, but I had to admit I instantly felt better.

  The snapping of twigs caused me to divert my attention behind me as a huge ball of fur came racing in my direction causing me to freeze on the spot. My eyes widened in fear as I took in the black wolf barreling towards me, but I soon relaxed as I recognized it as Tristan.

  OMG is he in danger? Is he running from something chasing him in the woods? Should I run too? 'Prepare yourself for payback!' Tristan's voice grunted evilly into my head. 'For teasing me about the movers.'

  What's he doing? He kept advancing on me, I was watching it all unfold in slow motion before I finally realized his intentions. This isn't tag, we're playing hide and seek for goodness sakes! He was totally blowing his cover by coming out from his hiding spot.

  'Don't you dare, Tristan!' I mind linked coming to terms with the fact that he was going to pounce on me, but he didn't slow his speed not one bit. There was no time to react before he went airborne and all but playfully tackled me causing us both to go flying into the water.

  Ugh great...just great! Now my fur is going to be all over the place, he's so gonna get it! We rolled around until we came to a stop in the shallow water. I stood on all fours and allowed a growl to rumble from deep within my chest cavity, so pissed off he just did that to me.

  A wolfy smirk graced Tristan's face as his gray eyes watched me comically. Thought he was so damn funny did he? I'll show him funny. 'You're a dead wolf.' I threatened jokingly as I tried the best I could to snap at him, but he's too damn quick.

  Dodging out of the way of my oncoming nip at him, Tristan mused. 'Gonna have to be quicker then that to catch me.' With that though, Tristan bolted off running in the opposite direction he came from. Naturally, me being one to never give up without a fight, I decided to give chase.

  I was pleased to find out that since I've shifted and became a she-wolf, my bout of clumsiness has receded and I'm a bit more agile on my feet. I'm not saying I became an Olympian all of a sudden and could run a marathon, but I was no longer athletically challenged which I was grateful for.

  'Where's the rest of the boys?' I asked trailing behind Tristan. My tongue was hanging out my mouth as I ran trying to catch up with him. The trees were whizzing past us we picked up speed. At least I can say he's not one of those boyfriend's who lets me win at things, I've never beat him in anything.

  I loved that about Tristan, he doesn't give me any special treatment by allowing me to beat him in something unfairly. If I get a win I want to know that I did it fair and square, not a pity win. Tristan believed in order to enjoy a win, one needs to have earned it and I whole-heartedly agreed.

  'Rico and Alonso had to go back for an important phone call that came through and Juan and Carlos got hungry.' Tristan answered his pace slowing down drastically. This action should've warned me to slow down, but of course I sped up.

  What? These punks left? About how long ago and did they ever plan on letting their little sister know so I could stop wandering around like a moron searching for them?

  'How nice of 'em to tell me.' I grumbled, pushing my front legs forward in an attempt to gain some momentum to be able to tackle Tristan to the ground with force. Just as I launched myself into the air to tackle Tristan, he came to a flat out stop.

  'Ha, ha, got you now. Told you you're a dead wolf!' I rubbed in victoriously as I watched Tristan standing there, staring towards the woods up ahead. His muzzle was turned upwards sniffing the air. Tristan's ears perked up and his back straightened out as he listened for something intently. What's he listening for?

  'Lise baby, NO, Sto
p!' Tristan's distressed voice echoed over and over again in my head as if on repeat. 'This isn't Manzanares territory anymore!' Why did he sound so worried? What does he mean it's not their territory?

  Surprisingly, while watching Tristan I never realized I miscalculated my jump and ended up soaring over his enormous body. My small one went tumbling on the dirt and into a nearby tree knocking the wind out of me as I let out an 'Oomph.'

  Within seconds I heard a series of growls erupt in the air as five large wolves came stalking out from behind the trees. In a flash Tristan was by my side picking me up by the scruff on the back of my neck and carrying my like a pup back to the area he initially stopped at.

  Dropping me gently on the ground, Tristan licked at my nose before asking. 'You ok, stay still and don't move ok?' His eyes roamed over my entire length checking for any injuries. I was perfectly fine, maybe just dirty and a little sore with my run in with the tree, but otherwise fine.

  Satisfied with his inspection, Tristan stood to block me from the scary wolves standing on the other side of this imaginary line. 'I'm ok.' I responded cowering slightly behind him. These wolves looked a bit deranged, almost rabid like as they stood their ground and snarled at us with saliva dripping from their teeth as they foamed at the mouths.

  A muscular figure dressed in only a low slung pair of basketball shorts appeared from beyond the trees. He looked a bit older since the last time I saw him and a bit more rugged. Yes girls, he's still handsome for those of you who are asking.

  "My, my it's been a long time since I've seen the two of you." Marco announced as he stood there with his arms across his chest. The smug look on his face was sinister as he called off his mutts, which caused them to stop growling at us. "Tristan...Mi Princesa." He directed with a head nod to each of us. "I apologize for the behavior of my pack."

  A deep rumble escaped Tristan's lips as Marco's eyes stared at me in a lot longer than they should have. "I'm sure you're well aware of territorial lines being an Alpha and all." He directed towards Tristan with a raised brow.

  "Seeing how it's the first occurrence, I'll allow you to slide this time. I can assure you the next time it happens..." Marco said cockily with an air of authority to him. You could feel his power drifting off him in waves as the five wolves stood flanked at his sides. "The Princesa becomes my property and you, well you'll be dealt with accordingly, because I don't like to share."

  This caused Tristan to let out a knee trembling snarl as he barked angrily in Marco's direction. In the matter of a second Tristan was standing naked in front of me without a care in the world as he stood pointing at Marco in a threatening manner.

  As this all transpired I was busy trying to focus on listening to the exchange going on between the two, but at the same time I was mind-linking Alonso and Rico my S.O.S distress call. I was terrified Tristan would lose his temper and end up having to take on six wolves on his own.

  "Let this be the first and last warning I'm ever giving you..." Tristan seethed angrily, he was literally shaking with rage. "If I see you even looking at my mate ever again, I'll be the new Alpha of your pack of mangy mutts. You hear me, you prick, I’ll murder you!"

  "Guess we'll just have to finish off that little challenge we started three years ago then won't we." Marco stated calmly tilting his head to the side. "And this time without any interruptions, winner gets the Princess."

  What the hell am I some sort of prized possession? Marco is so lucky I have no damn clothes to change into after I shift, because I'd be standing there in front of them giving him an earful. Guess he hasn't learned his lesson yet!

  "Over my dead body, you're ever taking my mate." Tristan spat out in disgust as he turned to glance at me over his shoulder. I'm guessing to make sure I was still ok and in one piece. I was standing there mentally preparing myself for a fight, in case it came down to it.

  "Gladly." Was the only remark Marco could utter before being interrupted by the sound of Rico's voice. Marco's chocolate brown eyes focused on the group that seemed to be fast approaching.

  "Back off Marco, I think you're walking a fine line here." Rico threatened as he walked up in shorts and a singlet standing next to Tristan. Alonso, Juan, Carlos, and Luke joined us in wolf form.

  "I'm not a member of your pack so you can't tell me what to do, Alpha Perez." Marco remarked defiantly, "But I can assure you all, this is far from over." On that note Marco turned on his heels and shifted and in the blink of an eye the six of them were gone.


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