She Had It Coming

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She Had It Coming Page 26

by Mary Monroe


  “I ain’t never been to The Ivy before,” Marvin said, looking around the patio area of my favorite restaurant. He was in awe. The slack-jawed look on his face embarrassed me. I was horrified when he blew on a spoon, then wiped it with the tail of his shirt. It was almost like being out with one of the Beverly Hillbillies. “I’ve heard a lot about this place, though. I read about it in the tabloids, and it was in that movie Jane Fonda did with J. Lo.” Marvin rotated his neck to look around some more, rolled his eyes, and then shook his head. “I knew that any place that the stars hung out at was way out of my price range.” He paused again and looked me straight in the eye. “Thank you. I really appreciate you being so good to me.” He kept his eyes on mine, and a thousand and one thoughts ran through my mind. I was ashamed of every single one of them.

  “Uh, you look nice today,” I said after an awkward moment of silence. I was disappointed to see that Marvin had on the same dusty jumpsuit that he had on the first time I met him. But I was glad to see that there was no dirt, grease, or oil underneath his fingernails. He looked so out of place sitting one table away from a rap star I used to fantasize about. I promised myself that if I ever agreed to see Marvin for drinks again, it would be in a truck stop off the freeway, or one of those dimly lit little bars where the bikers and construction workers hung out. I scolded myself for entertaining such thoughts. The fact that Marvin seemed so ordinary, in appearance and personality, made him even more appealing to me.

  “I don’t know about that. But I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one not sitting up in here in a three-piece suit. I expected a bunch of Hollywood studio suits with fat wallets to be here, cutting deals and talking all kinds of shit about making or breaking the next American idol.”

  “Marvin, you’d be surprised at how many regular working people come here. I started coming here when I was still living paycheck to paycheck, so it can’t be that expensive,” I assured him, gently squeezing his large calloused hand. He seemed to like my touch. He gave me a mysterious look, and then he smiled. It was the first time I noticed the slight dimple in his left cheek. Then he flipped his hand, covered mine, and squeezed. That smile was still on his handsome face. I smiled back. “And don’t worry, this is on me. I owe you that beer.” I eased my hand away from his and looked around to make sure I didn’t see anybody I knew. Other than Valerie I didn’t know anybody else who visited The Ivy. But that didn’t mean that other people I knew didn’t visit it, too.

  When the waiter took our order for drinks, Marvin ordered the same white wine and the same grilled garden salad that I’d ordered. I could not remember the last time I’d felt so relaxed. I refused a third glass of wine because my buzz was already at a point where I could not be held responsible for my actions. Two hours later, while Marvin was in the men’s room, I checked my cell phone for messages and returned a call to Paul. I was glad he didn’t answer so I could leave him a voice mail message. Then I called up Valerie. I must have looked suspicious as I whispered into my cell phone. That rap star gave me an amused look, like he thought he was the subject of my conspiratorial phone call. Had I been alone, he would have been. But there was a bigger “star” in my book in the men’s room, and he was with me.

  “Woman, where the hell are you?” Valerie asked as soon as she heard my voice. “Floyd has called me twice looking for you. He really wants to look nice for you at your party, so he wants you to go shopping with him for a new suit.”

  “Listen, Paul left me a message on my cell. I just called him back and left him a message that you and I are going to spend the evening at a spa and go to a wedding shower afterward.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I’m with a friend. We just had lunch, and a few drinks . . .”

  “Dolores, what are you up to now? You sound like you are either drunk or delirious.”

  “I’ve never felt better,” I said proudly. “I’m just taking a break from my exciting life as a biggie mist,” I slurred, having trouble saying the word right. I cleared my throat. “I just needed to regroup, that’s all. It’s hard out here for a bigamist.”

  “What’s his name, and where did you meet him?” Valerie seemed to be enjoying this new development. “You nasty little slut!”

  “His name is Marvin!” I snapped. “And he’s gorgeous. But you don’t have to worry about me marrying him. I don’t think he’s the marrying kind. He’s the strong, silent type,” I bragged.

  “So was King Kong,” Valerie reminded.

  “I’m serious. He seems like the fun, no-strings-attached kind; and that’s what I need right now.”

  “All I can say is, get enough for me. I have a lot of catching up to do in that area. Where will the sensuous encounter take place?”

  “I never said I was going to fuck him, but I probably will, sooner or later. He’s cute, and fun to be with. Especially for a man his age.”

  “Oh shit. Please don’t tell me you’ve latched onto one of those old geezers who lives in one of those mansions in your new neighborhood.”

  “Not exactly. He’s younger. Younger than us.”

  “Younger, huh? Uh-huh. Well, I hope you and your hypocritical ass will enjoy this young piece. Maybe you’ll think twice about dogging me when I mention Russell the next time.”

  I spent the afternoon in the arms of a man I didn’t plan on ever seeing again. And that was why it didn’t bother me to whip out one of my platinum credit cards and pay for the room at the Marriott near LAX.

  “You had on a different wedding ring the first time I saw you,” Marvin commented, right after we had fucked like two dogs in heat. I gasped and balled my hand into a fist. One thing I had always been careful about was switching to the right wedding ring at the right time. When I was not going to be around either Paul or Floyd, it didn’t matter. “I know you’re married, Dolores, but if it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t bother me. Next time I won’t even mention it.” Next time?

  “Um, I love my husband to death. And this is the first time I’ve done something like this. I don’t know if there will be a . . . next time,” I responded, my hand still balled into a weak fist. I had already slid back into my clothes, but Marvin was still naked on the bed, with his dick propped up on his thigh, ready to spring into action again. Having sex with Floyd and Paul was still good and exciting. And the variation between the two of them kept it that way. But this additional variation was more exciting than I had imagined it would be, and that scared me. Despite what I’d just told Marvin about a next time, I was already thinking about a return visit.

  “Well, if we ever do have a rematch, like I said, I won’t mention marriage again. I have a lady friend myself, and she’s dying to get married.”

  “Oh? Are you going to ask her?”

  Marvin let out a loud breath as he sat bolt upright. “I guess I should,” he replied with hesitation. “Ever since I met her, she’s been like a mother to me.”

  My mouth dropped open, but I closed it right away because I didn’t want to startle Marvin the way he’d just startled me. “Marvin, let me give you some advice. As long as you live on this planet, don’t ever tell a woman who loves you that she’s like a mother to you—unless it is your mother.”

  Marvin gasped and gave me a confused look. “What’s wrong with that? My woman is like a mother to me! She even irons my underwear when I spend the night at her house.”

  This woman, who was like a mother to Marvin, was making it hard for the rest of us. No wonder some men were so spoiled and expected so damn much from women! “I don’t care if she is or not. Don’t tell her that.”

  “I hear you, and I know you must be right. Anyway, I think she’ll be good for me. As a matter of fact, I was going to pop the question this week.”

  “If you are getting married, then there won’t be a next time for us,” I stated in a stiff voice.

  “Whatever. That’s cool with me. No hard feelings. That’s why we should get all we can now.”
Marvin patted my crotch and took a deep breath. Then he covered my body with his so completely, if somebody had walked into the room, they would have thought that he was humping the mattress. It was only after we’d both come all over the place several more times that it dawned on me: we had not used a condom the second time.

  “Shit!” I yelled, reaching for the towel on the nightstand and rubbing his juices from the insides of my thighs. “You forgot to put on a condom this time!”

  “Baby, you ain’t got a damn thing to worry about. You don’t have to worry about me infecting you with nothing. I just got tested last month and I’m as clean as a monk,” he replied, sitting up. He put on another condom. I didn’t protest when he climbed back on top of me again.

  It was around nine when I finally untangled myself from Marvin’s arms and legs. He gave me a very long, very wet kiss, and if I had not pulled away from him when I did, there was no telling when I would have left. I gave him the number to the cell phone that only Floyd called me on now, but I didn’t expect to hear from him. And then I left, sneaking out the door of the room like a burglar.

  I wasn’t sure if Floyd was at our condo, but I knew that Paul was up north, so I went to the condo on Manchester. I planned to chill out for a couple of hours before I had to face Floyd. And with my luck, he’d want to fuck my brains out as soon as I hit the door.

  After a long hot bubble bath, I wiggled into some fresh underwear and my white terry cloth bathrobe. Then I poured myself a glass of wine, plopped down on the sofa, and called Valerie.

  “How was he?” she asked, giggling.

  “Just what the doctor ordered.”

  “You . . . you . . . you—HO!” Valerie laughed.


  “Damn right!” She guffawed. “No, I am not jealous. I’m happy that you’re happy. You know, this is the first time we’ve both been this happy at the same time.”

  “And I hope we stay this way,” I said, meaning every word.

  “We will. Lo, can I ask you something? I’ve been wanting to ask you this for a long time.” The serious tone in Valerie’s voice made me hold my breath. I had no idea what was coming.

  “You can ask me anything, Valerie,” I told her. “What is it?”

  “What is it really like to be married to two men at the same time?” Valerie’s voice sounded dull and listless. “I know I’ll never be in that position, but I’d still like to know what it’s like.”

  I blew out a silent sigh of relief. “Is that all you wanted to ask me?” I chuckled. “Well, except for all the lies I have to tell, and all the running from pillar to post to be with them, it’s nice. I feel so special knowing that two gorgeous men loved me enough to want to marry me. That neat freak thing about Paul drives me crazy. But it keeps me on my toes. And that’s a good thing because I’ve always tried to be a clean woman. Floyd, well he’s got that ‘bad boy’ thing going for him. And after the drama that Whitney Houston starred in with Bobby Brown, we know how sprung a woman can get when it comes to a bad boy. Girl, I lucked out. Not only are both my husbands handsome and fun fucks, they both have money.” I paused and let out a long, loud sigh. “I wish every woman could try it once in her lifetime. It’s a damn shame that it’s not legal to have more than one spouse.”

  “It is legal. Idi Amin had several wives, and other men all over various parts of the world have several wives at the same time. I read in the National Enquirer about some sultan in one of those desert countries who has eleven wives. Whew! I bet his dick looks like a raw hot-link sausage by now. Unfortunately, I’ve never heard about a woman who was able to get away with having more than one husband at the same time. Not in anyplace in the world. You should—”

  “I should change this subject. Now can we get back to the subject we were discussing earlier?” I suggested. “Now, what’s up with my surprise birthday party?”

  “Yeah, right,” Valerie said, the spark back in her voice. “We need to get together to go over the details.”

  “What’s there to go over? And if this is supposed to be a surprise, why am I involved in the planning?” I yawned. “You of all people know that I have more than enough going on in my life to keep me busy.”

  “Don’t rub it in, bitch. I just thought you’d like to see the guest list and meet the DJ. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine with me. Just don’t complain to me if you don’t like something.”

  “Valerie, whatever you want to do is fine with me.” I sighed and took a drink from my glass. “By the way, how’s your lover boy?”

  “Things couldn’t be better.” Valerie swooned. “He’s not as dapper as Paul, or as rich and handsome as Floyd, but he’s good enough for me. You’ll see. He’ll be at your party. And I am warning you in advance to keep your roving eyes to yourself.”

  “Now you know you don’t have to worry about me flirting with any of your men. I’ve never stooped that low, and I never will. I do have a few scruples.”

  “I know. I’m just tripping. It’s just that Russell is so fine. Everywhere I go with him, women look at him like he’s something good to eat. It’s obvious that he’s younger than me, so a lot of these heifers are schoolgirls. And you know how bold and brazen those bitches can be.”

  “Like I said, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m not a schoolgirl. Floyd will be there, and I’ll be busy keeping my eyes on him.”


  Paul was not at the San Francisco airport to pick me up when I flew up to the Bay Area to celebrate my birthday with him. I had to take a cab. He didn’t answer his cell phone, and he wasn’t in his office when I called him up. And none of his relatives knew where he was when I tried to pry the information out of them.

  I was just about to start calling the hospitals when he stumbled in the front door at our swank, beachfront condo in Alameda. His clothes and hair were so disheveled and unkempt that it looked like he’d been in a fight with a bear. The tails of his white shirt had been tied into a clumsy knot. And he had the jacket to one of his fifteen hundred dollar suits tied around his waist like an apron!

  “What happened to you?” I yelled. “You look like hell! Where the fuck have you been?” I demanded. He dismissed me with a wave and kept walking. He didn’t stop until he reached the liquor cabinet next to the plasma TV. “I broke my neck trying to get up here in time for you to take me out for my birthday and you are nowhere to be found. Do you think I enjoyed taking a cab all the way from the airport? And look at you! You are as drunk as hell!” I was right up in his face, trying to wrest the wine bottle out of his hand. He jerked his hand away and threw the bottle against the wall, spilling wine and broken glass onto the light beige carpets and the back of a plush white love seat. Then he viciously kicked over a large green plant on the floor by the sofa, spilling coal-black soil and leaves. I dreaded the clean-up frenzy I knew he’d involve me in once he calmed down.

  “You no-good, whoring-ass bitch!” he shouted through clenched teeth. “My mama told me I should have married Councilman Hardy’s daughter. But did I listen? No! I had to tie myself down with your cheesy, ghetto, black ass! You cocksucking bitch!”

  “What?” I shrieked. “What’s the matter with you?”

  “You! You are what’s the matter with me! With your nasty self!”

  I stood there blinking at him with my mouth hanging open. My ears were ringing with disbelief, confusion, and fear. There was red hot rage all over his face. His eyes looked as if they were on fire. His nostrils were twitching and his lips were trembling. I moved back a few steps, because it looked like he was about to throw a major hissy fit. “What are you talking about?” I asked, moving back a few more steps until I was against the wall. Now he was in my face. “Paul, what—”

  “Whore!” he hollered. The word hit me like a baseball bat.

  “Paul, will you tell me what this is all about?” I demanded, now moving sideways against the wall. He moved right along with me. He swung at me with his fist, but I ducked and he missed. He hit
the wall with his fist. When he swung at me again, I grabbed his arm and held it in place. The man was so drunk, he could barely stand. Had he not been so drunk I would have been in serious trouble. “Baby, you’re drunk. Let’s have a cup of coffee and talk.”

  “Fuck a cup of coffee! Fuck talking! Fuck you, bitch!!” he boomed.

  “Well, then let’s just talk,” I begged, trying to lead him to the sofa. He took a few steps back and slapped his hands onto his hips, glaring at me with so much contempt I feared for my life. “Paul, please tell me what this is all about!” I wailed. My heart was beating so hard, I thought that if he didn’t kill me first, I’d have a fatal heart attack.

  “Do you know how many seminars I’ve conducted at the Marriott?!” he roared.


  “I know everybody that works in that damn hotel. I’ve flashed your picture around that damn place so many times, they know every inch of your face. Did you think that you could take your whoring ass into that particular hotel and me not find out about it? I ought to kill your bitch ass right here and now!” Paul shook his fist in my face. Then he untied his jacket from around his waist and flung it across the room.

  “Calm down! Baby, let me explain!”

  “Calm down? Calm down my ass! What the fuck is there for you to explain?” He sucked in his breath and folded his arms. “I’m listening!”

  “It wasn’t anything. It didn’t mean anything to me.”

  “I bet it didn’t! Did you suck his dick as good as you suck mine?” At this point, Paul grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me across the floor toward the sofa. I was glad I didn’t have on one of my wigs. When he got me to the sofa, he plopped down. With my hair still wrapped around his hand, he forced my head between his legs. With his other hand he unzipped his pants. Then he made me suck his dick so long and hard I got the hiccups.


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