The Secrets of Wiscombe Chase

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The Secrets of Wiscombe Chase Page 22

by Christine Merrill

  ‘Breathe.’ This time, it was not a command. Just a gentle whisper against her temple. He was not simply holding her up. He was cradling her against him, swaying slightly as if they were dancing. ‘I explained things to him as best I could. There will be more questions, of course.’

  ‘I must go to him.’ She started to pull away.

  He pulled her back. ‘Not tonight. He is settled now. Halfway back to bed, I should think. I thought diversionary tactics would serve better than a full account of how he came to be.’

  ‘A diversion?’ She smiled. ‘The pony.’

  ‘Exactly. There will be time enough tomorrow to talk about the past. I will help, if I can.’

  ‘Tomorrow?’ She had thought they would be packed and gone by evening.

  He leaned away so she could see his smile, which was gentle. ‘He and I discussed matters between us. We decided it might be best for you if we all lived together. Then we might both love and care for you without the inconvenience of distance.’

  ‘But... Love... Are you sure?’ Perhaps he cared for her. But much as she wanted it, the three of them living together sounded like an uneasy truce, at best.

  ‘You said before that I hated Stewart. He said the same.’ He was still smiling, but now his grey eyes looked sad. ‘It is foolish to hate a small child who has done nothing more to me than exist.’ He thought for a moment. ‘I hate his father, of course. Both for who he was and for what he did to you. But the boy has done nothing in his life to deserve such a parent.’

  ‘All I wanted was for him to have a father he could admire,’ she admitted. ‘That was why I lied.’

  ‘Not all of us can have a hero.’ Gerry said. ‘My father was a harsh man. I cannot say I liked him, or agreed with his hobbies. But neither would I say that I was better off without him. I am not as perfect as the man you were hoping for. But your son needs a father. I can be that for him.’

  ‘I never doubted it,’ she replied. But these sounded like rationalisations of a difficult situation. ‘But some day, you will want children of your own.’

  ‘Many,’ he agreed. ‘And soon.’

  ‘If you acknowledge Stewart, he will stand in their way to inheritance.’

  ‘What I want does not really matter. There is no way of knowing how many children we might have,’ he reminded her. ‘For all we know, there might be none. But there is no entail on the property. All could share equally.’

  It was the sort of solution she’d longed for since the moment Stewart had been born. But now that it was here, it was all too sudden. If it was but a ploy to keep her, it would not be enough to secure Stewart’s future. ‘I would like nothing better than that we could all be together as a family,’ she said, touching his cheek. ‘But why now? What has changed that you would allow it?’

  ‘Just now, I pulled your son from Satan’s stall. He risked death from a beast that terrified him, trying to prove his worth to himself and to me.’ And now, the brave Captain Wiscombe had to stop to swallow his emotion. ‘I will not let that happen again. The boy was born here, and he stays here.’ He hugged her roughly to him, as if the contact would give him the strength to master himself.

  She hugged him back, for it was clear that he had finally seen Stewart for who he was and not just a horrible mistake. ‘You will not regret this. Once you have got to know him, you will find he is so very much like you that he could be your own.’

  ‘Like me?’ He laughed.

  ‘He is like you on the day you proposed. Sweet and earnest. Ready to conquer the world, with no thought to what might go wrong. You were a hero in the making, Captain Wiscombe. It just took time for your true character to be revealed.’ She smiled and kissed him on the cheek to show him how dear he was to her.

  ‘As I remember it, you were convinced that I was a fool and marching to my death,’ he said, nuzzling her hair.

  ‘You proved me wrong,’ she reminded him.

  ‘As you did me, about young Stewart. And for your information, the boy is more like you. Smart. Stubborn. Fearless.’

  ‘And utterly devoted to you,’ she added.

  ‘Most important, he is a part of you. Since I love you to the last fibre of your being, I will love and honour your child, and make him my own.’ The kiss that followed was long and slow, and soothed the last of her worries about the future.

  ‘And I love you, Gerry Wiscombe,’ she said with a sigh. ‘More each day since the moment I met you.’

  He was smiling again. ‘I’ve dreamed of you saying those words almost as long.’

  ‘My father and brother said you married me because you were smitten with me. I did not believe them. You had other plans for your future, even from the first.’

  ‘You will have to take my word for it. I was smitten. I still am.’ He grinned. ‘And I had other plans. I still do.’

  ‘What are they?’ she asked.

  ‘To teach our son that horses are not to be feared. To live out the rest of my life quietly at Wiscombe Chase, surrounded by my loving family.’ Then he looked down at her, mischief in his eyes. ‘But first, I mean to bed my wife.’

  Before she could answer, he had scooped her up, tossed her over his shoulder and was carrying her up the stairs to their room.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from RAKE MOST LIKELY TO SIN by Bronwyn Scott.

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  Rake Most Likely to Sin

  by Bronwyn Scott

  Chapter One

  Dover—March 1835

  Lucifer’s bloody balls! Was that the time? Brennan Carr reached one arm out of bed and snatched his watch up from the crude table to be sure. He angled the pocket watch to catch what little light was in the room and peered at the watch face. He groaned and fell back on his pillows. It bloody well was. His ship sailed in less than an hour and it wasn’t even daylight yet. Brennan scrubbed a hand over his face. Where had the night gone?

  Beside him, the luscious Sarah—no, that wasn’t right, close, but not right—Sylvia? Serena? Cynthia! That was it. The luscious Cynthia stirred and raised herself up on one arm, her other hand exploring under the blankets until she found what she was looking for. She closed a firm, warm hand over his cock. ‘Ah, lovey, l
ike that, is it? You’re ready for li’l ol’ Cynthia again.’ She smiled in the dark, her long blonde hair falling over one shoulder. She executed a smooth move that had her straddling him. ‘Lucky for you, Cynthia is ready, too.’ She giggled at referring to herself in the third person. She sat atop him, scooping her extraordinarily well-endowed breasts into her hands and rubbing them together. ‘Cynthia’s bubbies want you to suck them.’

  Brennan blinked. That confirmed it. He must be brutally sober because he distinctly remembered the third-person bit being as funny as hell last night after copious quantities of ale in the taproom, but the hilarity had gone. He was going to be late and being late meant missing the boat. His body might still be enchanted with Cynthia’s charms, but his mind was done with her. He had no desire this morning to prove true the old adage about time and tide waiting for no man.

  His travelling companions would worry, especially Haviland. For the past twelve years of their friendship, it had been Haviland’s job to worry about him, but he’d promised himself he’d do better on this trip, give Haviland less to worry about. He would prove he was an adult. So far, only three days out from London, he hadn’t done a very good job.

  Brennan politely dislodged Cynthia. ‘I’m sorry, I have to leave.’

  Cynthia grabbed his arm and rolled a leg on top of his. She pouted with full lips. ‘Not yet, you can go one more time with Cynthia. No one has to be anywhere this time of day.’

  ‘I do.’ He tried to move away, but she held fast, resolutely ignoring the clues that he was finished. It wasn’t that he couldn’t overpower her but he didn’t want to make a scene. He’d rather leave politely. Scenes tended to ruin the memories of pleasure that preceded them and Brennan loved pleasure above all else. But Cynthia was surprisingly strong and increasingly tenacious, or desperate.

  ‘Really, you can’t go yet.’ She smiled brightly and reached for the tie holding back the bed curtains. ‘We could try ropes. We haven’t done that yet.’ She yanked, the tie coming loose in her hands. ‘I could get Mary from the room next door. She wanted a go with you, too. She could...’

  Brennan didn’t wait to hear what Mary could do. He leapt up from the bed, pushing Cynthia aside, no longer caring about her sensibilities. It was definitely past time to go. He was starting to divine there was more at play here than a pouting seamstress wanting one more tup before she returned to the shop. He reached for his clothes, shoving his legs through his trousers with haste.

  Cynthia rose from the bed, gloriously nude—it was hard not to be distracted—and she might have been successful in keeping him if it hadn’t been for that look in her eye—a hard, calculated look that said the time for games had gone. ‘Surely you aren’t going to leave without paying poor Cynthia. She gave you the whole night.’

  Brennan’s fingers stopped on his shirt buttons. Pay her? She was a whore? ‘You said you were a seamstress, that all of you worked at the dress shop.’ He remembered that very plainly. The three girls had come into the dining room of the hotel, smiling and flirting with him and his friends. Nolan had humoured them before going off to play cards. Archer had followed Nolan as usual. The ‘ladies’ had left after that, trading the genteel dining room for the adjoining taproom. He’d run into them there. Idiot! That should have been his first clue; Women in the taproom. There was only one sort of woman who frequented taprooms.

  ‘Seamstress by day.’ Cynthia closed in on him, advancing. ‘Cynthia has to support herself somehow. This room doesn’t come cheap.’

  They’d come here around midnight. She’d explained it was her quarters, just a few streets from the hotel. Brennan hopped into his boots, tugging them up. How was he to tell her he hadn’t any money on him? Everything was packed safely away in his trunk on board ship. That brought on a whole new wave of panic. If he missed the boat, he’d be cut off from all of his support: clothes, money, everything. All he’d have would be quite literally the clothes on his back.

  Brennan held his arms out wide in a gesture of contrition and tried a handsome smile. ‘I misunderstood the nature of our association, Cynthia. I never took you for a lady of the evening.’ He used the most delicate term he could think of for her occupation. Perhaps she would see the compliment he intended. ‘We did have a nice time. I had some pleasure, you had some pleasure.’ He knew that much was true. She’d liked him. No one was that good at faking it and he had what might be called an ‘excellent track record’ at supplying pleasurable experiences. He was sure last night had been no hardship for her. ‘Why don’t we call it square?’ He edged towards the door, scooping up his pocketwatch from the table. Too late, he remembered his greatcoat laying over the chair across the room. He thought about crossing the chamber to get it. That was when she screamed.

  And screamed.

  And screamed some more. She was going to wake the entire building. Which of course was exactly what she intended. His greatcoat would have to be sacrificed.

  Brennan threw open the door and shot a look down the hall both directions. People were peering out of their rooms as he bolted towards the stairs. He could hear Cynthia behind him, screaming specific names now—names like Jake, which he thought might belong to some sort of protector. Halfway down the stairs, he heard boots behind him; two men in varying states of undress in pursuit.

  Thankfully the wharf wasn’t far. He hadn’t the coin for a carriage even if there was one to be had. Brennan sprinted out into the morning, nearly colliding with a man delivering fruit to the hotel the next street over. ‘Which way to the docks?’ he gasped out.

  He ran, following his nose down alleys and narrow streets, as long as they led towards water. The men behind him followed. You’ll make it, you’ll make always do. The mantra coursed through his brain as his legs pumped. This wasn’t the first time he’d been pursued by angry husbands, brothers or other upset male relatives.

  He made the wharf and then realised he had no idea which ship was his. Haviland had made all the arrangements and, as usual, Brennan had not listened. Haviland took care of everything, all he had to do was show up. And he hadn’t even quite managed to do that, yet.

  It was harder to run on the docks. They were crowded with people and cargo waiting to be loaded. He dodged around crates and wagons. A few drivers called out curses as he spooked their horses with his sudden presence. He darted in and out of people carrying sacks of grain. Every so often, he glanced over his shoulder to see if he was still followed. He was horrified to note one of his pursuers had drawn a pistol, no doubt sensing the chase was ending. And it was. He would reach the end of the dock. If he didn’t find the ship, he would be finished. There’d be nowhere else to run.

  He heard shouts and looked out towards the far point of the dock. Three men stood at the rail of the ship just beginning to push off from the dock. One of them was waving madly, tall and commanding, his greatcoat flapping in the morning breeze. Haviland! Brennan would recognise that posture of control anywhere. Behind Haviland, Archer and Nolan raced the length of the rail, making wild gestures to something behind him. Archer was yelling full sentences worth of words, but Brennan could only make out one word, Archer’s favourite word: horse. It didn’t make sense. What would a free-running horse be doing here? On cue there was the pounding of hooves, the heavy thunderous breathing of a horse in full gallop and then the horse was beside him, matching his stride to Brennan’s.

  ‘Get on! Get on!’ Archer cried, cupping his hands around his mouth. Brennan knew instantly what to do. He didn’t stop to think, thinking had never done much for him and now was not the time to re-examine its usefulness.

  He grabbed mane and swung up on the horse’s bare back. There was twenty feet to the edge of the dock and then the leap. Brennan didn’t think of the consequences if he missed, or the impossibility of making the jump. This was nothing more than a Liverpool on a steeplechase, no different than racing neck or nothing across the countrysid
e, taking every stile and fence as they came—never mind this horse wasn’t a trained hunter, never mind he hadn’t a clue what this horse possessed by way of skill.

  The edge of the dock loomed. Brennan counted down the strides. Four, three, two... Brennan lifted his seat, his body balancing over the horse’s neck, giving the horse the least of his weight to carry over the distance. One... The horse’s hooves gave a mighty push off the dock and they were soaring, airborne over the expanse of dark water. Brennan kept his body still, his eyes forward, forcing his thoughts ahead to the landing, forcing them away from failure, away from falling. It was going to be close and that wasn’t good enough. Close wouldn’t help him or the horse.

  Hooves hit wood. Brennan registered a moment’s relief before the horse went down, the momentum of the landing taking the horse to its knees. The horse stumbled and fell on the deck of the boat. Everything was chaos. Hands were on him, Haviland pulling him free of the rolling animal, Archer and Nolan at the horse’s head, urging it to stay down.

  Down! He reached frantically for Haviland, pushing him to the deck, and covering his friend with his body. The real danger wasn’t the horse crushing anyone; it was the men on the dock with their pistols. They might have been far enough away from the dock to exceed a horse’s jumping range, but not a pistol’s. Haviland would not accidentally die for him because he’d been too lazy to roll out of a whore’s bed on time. Brennan felt Haviland struggle to rise beneath him, motivated by instinctive curiosity, perhaps not fully understanding the gravity of the situation. ‘Stay down!’ Brennan shouted, his voice sharp as a bullet whined overhead.

  Brennan made sure they stayed down a good long while until he felt certain the boat was out of range. He rose first. If anyone had to pay for his sins, it would be him alone. He looked about, giving the all-clear signal. His friends got to their feet, brushing off their clothes and exclaiming over his arrival.


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