The Twisted Laird

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The Twisted Laird Page 2

by Cherime MacFarlane

  "They're all dead? All, Edan?"

  Cadha, Daracha's grandmother placed a hand on his arm. With a heavy sigh, Edan nodded. All the women were now clustered around him in a tight knot.

  "Can ye tell us of it, Edan? We would ken." Evina asked.

  He stepped backward to lean on the horse. The burning pain in his leg did not ease, but he understood they must hear what he knew. "It was a charnel house. But I only saw after all was over. Hamish insisted I come back here to be Laird."

  He nearly spit the title out. Then, Daracha's hand holding a cup of water reached up to him.

  "Ta." Edan thanked her.

  The women silently watched him drink. When he lowered the cup to return it to Daracha, Edan looked at the faces clustered around him. Several were already crying. Tears poured down their cheeks.

  Pushing back his long hair, he showed them the scab from the wound Hamish gave him.

  "I wanted to be with them. I would have fought. Hamish would have none of it. He made sure I did his bidding. I was tae hurry, but I nae could leave without something. I thought as he was MacGrough, I brought a piece of each of them back tae ye when I brought him home. There is more we need tae discuss. I need ah wee mite o rest, but first there is one thing which cannae wait."

  He looked over his shoulder to where Rhona was still moaning, as she lay across Hamish's body. Edan lifted his chin in Evina's direction.

  "Hamish said Rhona is with child. We're tae nae let her do anything tae harm tha bairn. He cautioned me tae keep her safe. What'ere it takes, we're tae safeguard tha next laird."

  Cadha nodded. "Aye. Hamish had tha sight. We must abide by his wishes."

  The women all looked at each other. There was a bobbing of heads all around. The sight was something Cadha understood, having counseled Hamish many a time, as all were aware.

  "He told me there would come ah time when tha glen would be MacGrough land again. But he dinnae ken when it might be. Perhaps, far intae tha future, but he gave me tha duty. As Laird, I seek yur help in keeping Rhona an tha seed she carries, safe."

  "Edan, ye should come inside an rest yur leg. Ye walked all tha way. Ye must be in pain."

  Daracha's words warmed him. Her thoughts were of his well being. She was a good, true woman.

  "Nae yet. I've ah matter we must deal with before some Sassenach, or traitor grabs tha keep. If ye help me up onto tha horse, I can ride down the trace. I'll need two of ye tae help. Then I can bide for ah bit, if ye will take care of Rhona."

  As he thought, the women looked at each other then back at him. They nodded. What was left of MacGrough, was ready to take up the burden. Kyla and Glynis helped him to mount. The other women gathered around Rhona. Some of them were weeping themselves, but, they were ready to do what was necessary.

  It was difficult to stay awake. Edan found even the pain was giving way to exhaustion. On reaching the front entrance of the keep, he slid from the animal's back. The two women kept him from falling.

  "I need tae get tae tha storeroom. There's ah portion of tha floor we need tae lift away. I dinnae think I can manage it."

  The three of them, with Edan supported between the two women, walked into the great room. Edan glanced around hurriedly. So far nothing was touched. Soon enough, the scavengers would gather to rip apart what was there.

  Making their way into the kitchen they went directly to the storeroom door. Everyone who lived in the glen knew there was a secret passage from the floor of the storeroom under the yard to a small stand of trees near the burn. Only the Laird and his heirs knew of the treasure hidden in the wall of the passage.

  It was placed there by Gideon MacGrough during the reign of The Bruce. It was said he was a Knight Templar and what was stored here was the remnant of his share of the temple treasure. No matter how it came to be there, Edan must have the gold. There was a necklace of uncommon beauty, as well as loose jewels and two other small pieces of jewelry. All Edan wanted was the gold. The gold itself was in a separate niche from the jewels.

  The two women sat him at the table, as they opened the storeroom door. He directed them to remove a pin hidden behind a basket of rags. When the pin was turned correctly, it became the handle of the floorboards, which swung upward.

  "Och! Well, it does exist! I though it only ah tale. There's truth tae tha riddle o' Aileen's necklace."

  "Aye, Kyla, Tis nae ah foolish tale. We're going tae take gold, as we will need it tae survive. There're tae few of us tae hold tha glen. We are Glasgow bound once Hamish is buried and we can gather our things." Edan told her.

  "Glasgae? Dear Jesu! How can we live there? So many in one place, all ready tae cut each other's throat for ah coin."

  "We're nae discussing this now, Glynis. Tis my duty tae keep us alive an well. 'Tis all I ken tae do. We cannae stay here. I cannae trust my mother's family tae give us ah place. There's naught tae be done, but go tae tha city."

  Kyla and Glynis raised the floor and Kyla climbed down the ladder into the tunnel. Above her the faint light from the kitchen window illuminated the "MacGrough" chiseled into the capstone above her head.

  "Now stand in tha doorway, Kyla. Feel tha supporting stanes with yur fingers?"

  "Aye, Edan. I feel tha edges."

  "At tha base of tha last stane there is ah smaller one, mind? Tha top of tha smaller one has what feels like ah crack. Do ye feel it?"


  "Follow tha crack with yur fingers round tha side. Mid way down ye will find ah slight depression. Put tha tip of yur finger into tha depression an slide the stane forward. It will come all tha way out. 'Tis hollow, so it doesnae weigh much. Behind it ye will find ah leather pouch. Pull tha pouch out then push tha stane back intae place."

  "God's teeth! Edan tha bag is heavy. There's ah second pouch here, but I think it must be empty."

  "Good, it means we will have an easier time of it in tha city. Tha more gold, tha better. Leave tha empty. We've nae time tae bother with it. Have ye tha stane back in place correctly?"

  "I do. Glynis, here, reach down an take tha drawstrings. I'll push it up ontae tha floor. Are we takin tha gold back tae the cottage?"

  The two women hoisted the pouch onto the floor. All three of them hurried out of the keep as quickly as they could. At the door where the horse waited patiently, Edan carefully looked around, before urging the women out of the keep.

  Again they helped him to mount. This time Edan had no trouble keeping his eyes open, as the bag threatened to tumble from his hold each time the horse plodded up the old track.

  Kyla began to sing the MacGrough Riddle.

  "Cadell MacGrough gave her life,

  Gideon Templar took her to wife.

  Ailene dug it out alone,

  Gideon set the capstone.

  The front bears the weight,

  Behind lies the gate.

  Beloved husband, Beloved wife,

  Wi Bruce through all tha strife."

  "Och, Edan, is there more in there? Why did ye have me place tha stane back?"

  Edan thought how best to phrase his answer without outright lying to her. This was a secret he must not allow to become common knowledge.

  "I've never seen anything other than tha gold Kyla, but it was there for clan use in ah time of trouble. Trouble is upon us. This gold will sustain us, as we try tae find ah way tae survive in tha city. We have bairns tae raise an feed. I've nae wish tae be on tha parish poor rolls."

  "Bugger that!" Glynis snorted. "An tha minute they ken who we are, it's tae tha gallows with tha lot o us."

  "Surely they wouldnae hang women an bairns, Glynis? Surely nae that."

  "Dinnae be daft, Kyla. Ye're talkin o'tha Sassenach. Have tha lot o' vipers ever been kind tae us? Do ye trust them tae throw us ah crust?"

  As the two women continued to talk, Edan's thoughts turned to the resources they would need. He broke into their conversation.

  "I ken the cattle are likely scattered hither an yon. Have we another mount? I ken there were but tae
when we left."

  Glynis kicked a rock ahead of her. With a curse, she stopped to rub her bare foot. After a moment she began to limp forward.

  "Jean told her weans, Adie an Blane tae move tha mounts tae tha corrie. They're both hobbled there. We havnae seen ah blessed cow since tha day after ye left. Adie said he heard some men in tha west end o' tha glen tha first night tha moon were bright. They likely gathered tha herd."

  Edan agreed. In his heart he thought Campbells probably took the herd. Neither the MacFarlane's nor the MacGregors had ever bothered them. But it mattered not at this point. Without men, there was no way to hold the cattle. At least they were not slaughtered out of hand.

  When they finally reached the cottage, Jean called Adie to take the worn horse up to the corrie. There, the animal could rest and regain its strength. Edan wondered if he would ever regain his strength.

  He noted the women had moved Hamish's body into the shade of the forest. Rhona was no longer clinging to the corpse. She was probably inside waiting to pounce. Repenting of his uncharitable thought, Edan handed the bag to Kyla before sliding off the back of the horse. Glynis put her arm around his waist, as she stepped up under his right shoulder.

  Edan ducked his head to the side to enter the cottage. There was one bed in the far corner. Sobbing uncontrollably, Rhona lay there. The women had made a pallet against the wall opposite the fireplace. Glynis helped Edan to the pallet, where he lowered himself to the floor with a groan.

  Kyla put the pouch of gold behind Edan against the wall. He needed to close his eyes for a moment, then they would discuss his plan. There was the smell of a stew in the air. Edan was hungry. Perhaps in a little while he would eat.

  He woke to the sound of angry voices. There was the sound of the door being slammed. Edan forced his eyes open.

  Rhona was screaming at her mother, Evina. Jean, along with Gara, was standing guard at the closed door. Edan forced himself to consciousness. It was time to deal with Rhona. With a grunt, Edan sat up. Folding his left leg beneath him, Edan used his good leg and both arms to force himself upright. Pain shot up his right leg and he sucked in a great gulp of air.

  Rhona turned her attention to Edan. "Ye great miserable hunk of cac! 'Tis yur doin. They willnae let me out o' tha house! They have taken my sgian!"

  He kept his tone low. The woman was already in a near hysterical state. Edan understood why. Rhona loved Hamish desperately. Edan watched her tag along after Hamish for years. Rhona worshiped his brother.

  "Ye've nae need for ah sgian, Rhona. What might ye be planning tae cut woman? Yer wrists, perhaps? An ye're nae going tae jump off tha cliffs, nor drown yurself in tha pond in tha corrie. Hamish told me tae keep ye safe, an I will. Ye're carrying his bairn. Ye ken this, Hamish told ye so before he left."

  "Och, aye. An ah man kens my body better than tha one living in it? An what if I told ye my monthly came? Need I show ye tha bloody rag?"

  "Aye ye would, an more yet. I'd need tae lift yur skirts tae see tha truth of it myself. Ye're nae getting yur way this time woman!"

  Her dark eyes were flashing fire at him. Rhona walked over to slap his face. The sound of her hand meeting his flesh caused the other women in the room to gasp. Edan looked down into her eyes.

  "Did it help ye, Rhona? Did it ease tha ache? I ken tha hurt. I loved him as well. I loved them all. They're gone now. We must find a way to live with it an ourselves.

  Chapter Three

  There was a tugging on her arm. Rhona was still looking into Edan's multi colored eyes. One blue eye, one green stared back at her. Those strange eyes did not break contact with hers.

  "Come away, lass. Leave Edan be, luv. He's only doing what Hamish asked of him. Tis nae right for ye tae think about ending yur life. Ye ken tha church says it's a sin. An why would ye want tae leave me alone, darlin?"

  With her mother's voice in her ear, Rhona finally looked away from Edan. Her mother was still pulling at her arm trying to get her to step back from Edan. Rhona glanced back at him. Edan was still staring at her.

  "Ye're ah miserable coward, Edan. Ye left him alone. Why are ye nae dead as well?"

  "God's teeth! Leave tha man be, Rhona! Hamish made him come back tae care for us."

  His eyes narrowed as he took a deep breath. Rhona saw her barb hit home. Batting her mother's hand away from her, Rhona took another step closer to Edan.

  "Nae! Ye should be tha one wrapped in tha plaid nae Hamish!"

  His right hand reached out to take hold of her shoulder. Edan gave her a slight shake.

  "Och, I ken ye're trying tae bait me, Rhona. I've nae idea what ye think ye might accomplish by it, but it's nae going tae move me. Hamish told me what tae expect from ye an he was right. Naught ye say tae me is going tae make ah difference. I will do my duty as charged."

  He looked at her mother, before turning his strange gaze back to her.

  "Go on with ye. Do what Evina says. Let her take care of ye."

  Edan turned away from her. She reached up to slap his back, but her mother grabbed her hand. Rhona found herself tugged away from Edan.

  "Nae! He must be made tae pay for leaving Hamish!"

  Rhona broke away from her mother easily. Running over to Edan she kicked him as hard as she could on the back of his lame right leg. Edan went down on one knee with a grunt.

  "Whore's son! Ye're ah bastard, Edan Campbell. Yur mother was naught but ah Campbell whore. Somehow, I'll see ye dead Edan."

  She tried to kick him again, but was caught off balance by her mother. Jean hurried toward her from the door.

  "Give way! Enough, Rhona, stop it."

  Jean gave Rhona a sharp push, which caused her to stumble backward. Catching her heel on an uneven place in the tamped dirt floor, Rhona fell backward. Her head slammed against the hard dirt. Ears ringing, Rhona lay on the floor, as she tried to take a breath.

  Jean stood over Rhona shaking a finger at her. "Ye're ah fool, Rhona!"

  "Leave her be, Jean." Edan's deep voice rang strongly through the room. Jean took a step back.

  "I didnae mean tae make her fall, Edan. ‘Twas an accident."

  Rhona watched as Gara helped Edan rise from the floor. Once he was upright, Edan turned to look at her.

  "Aye, Jean, I ken. Rhona is enough tae make ah saint lose patience. Naught she says tae me changes anything. Find ah bit of rope. We need tae tie her hands behind her. Then tie her ankles. Nae too tightly, ken? Then put her into bed. Let her rest for ah wee while."

  Then he looked at Gara. "Can ye see tae finding me ah walking stick? I need something fairly sturdy. An how long did I sleep?"

  Evina replied to Edan. "Tis early morn. Ye slept tha night away. We have ah fire beneath tha stew. Would ye eat now?"

  "Aye. Once ye find tha rope an get her trussed gather tha others together. We need to include tha lads, Adie and Blane. They're old enough tae ken tha difficulties we face."

  Gara flew out the door to do the Laird's bidding. Rhona shook her head, then raised her body onto her elbows.

  Her mother put a restraining hand on her cheek. "Lie still, sweeting."

  Rhona lay back down, as her mother suggested. Her head still rang with the force of the blow. There was nothing she could do now.

  "Cowardly lout!" Rhona swore under her breath, as she lay on the dirt.

  Now, he was going to have them tie her up like an animal. Her mother tapped her on the shoulder.

  "Be quiet, Rhona! Dinnae make it worse on yurself."

  Edan was still issuing orders. Now he addressed Glynis. "Is yur Lara able tae watch tha weans while we talk? It will be close in here. Could she keep them outside?"

  "Aye, Edan. She can manage."

  "I need tae get off my leg for ah wee mite. If ye help me over to tha pallet again..."

  Glynis looked down at Rhona on the floor. Her gaze flicked over Rhona dismissively. "Nae, Edan. Ye take tha bed. Rhona can sit on tha pallet. She willnae have ah difficult time getting up from tha floor. Come, I'll help ye."

  Gara came back into the cottage with Nessa, Jean's mother, on her heels. Handing the thick branch she was carrying to Nessa, she joined with Glynis to help Edan over to the bed. He sat down and Evina began to fill an old wooden trencher with stew. Taking it over to Edan the older woman placed it on the bed beside him.

  Rhona heard Jean talking to Adie outside. It seemed the lad found some rope, as Edan requested. Her head began to throb. It was not entirely due to the fall, she was incensed. The other women were going to tie her up on no more than Edan's order. Rhona vowed to make them all regret taking his side over hers.

  Her own mother, along with Cadha sat her up and began to tie her hands behind her back. Rhona cursed the two old women. Edan spoke, causing her to look up at him.

  "Ye would curse yur own mither? Cease yur yammering, or I'll have ye gagged as well. Ye're behaving like ah camp follower. Haud yur wheesht!"

  He meant it. Rhona knew he hated her. She knew the reason for his hatred. It was justified. Clamping her lips together, Rhona tried to be silent, for as sure as the sun would rise in the morn, he would have her gagged.

  Hamish warned her often enough not to take out her frustration and anger on Edan. But he was such an easy target, Rhona was unable to resist. Part of her ill temper stemmed from her father's inability to get a son from her mother. Her father had little time for a girl.

  But her cousin Hamish was there for her. He even indulged her need to learn how to use a sword. They practiced in hidden places, so as not to anger Hamish's father, Birk. Neither of them knew if he would be angry at them, neither wished to take the chance.

  Edan knew. It seemed to Rhona, Edan knew everything. He was always skulking about. For a cripple he moved very silently and swiftly.

  Would he be as light on his feet now? Rhona regretted kicking him in his lame leg, but had no plans to tell him of her regrets. It might not be her fault in any event. He had traveled a long way in a short time on foot.


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