The Twisted Laird

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The Twisted Laird Page 5

by Cherime MacFarlane

  With pregnant women and children, Edan could not push. It was enough to be gone from the glen. With help from Glynis and Jean's two lads, the horses were unhitched from the carts, hobbled and set out to find what graze they could.

  Rut, Rhona and Nairna would sleep under the shelter of the carts. The other women chose to bed down under the shelter of the trees. Edan watched Daracha take their bedding to the far side of the clearing, as he turned out the last horse.

  Trying to curb his impatience Edan went to find Nessa. "I think we might have some of the smoked venison tonight. Will it suit, Nessa?"

  The older woman was attempting to get the lid from the chest where the smoked meat was stored. Edan untied the rope which held the top in place, then lifted the meat out.

  Nessa turned to him when he placed it on the overturned lid of the chest. "Thank ye, Edan. I will make another bannock or so. In tha morn, we willnae need tae cook. I ken ye wish tae be on tha move quickly."

  With a nod in response, Edan patted her shoulder. "Make as many as ye see fit, hen. I leave all tae ye."

  Nessa enlisted the help of Rut and Nairna to get pieces of smoked venison distributed to everyone. Glynis and the lads went to get water from the small burn. Everyone was fed and settled down before twilight.

  Edan and Daracha walked the short distance to the burn. Spreading out a waulked plaid, the young man lay down on his side on the heavy cloth. Daracha stretched out beside him then turned onto her back. Edan moved close to her before lifting her head, so he might give Daracha his arm to lie on.

  Placing a light kiss on her forehead, Edan breathed in her scent. "Ye smell of heather. I cannae find words for my feelings. Ye're beautiful, wife. Whatever made ye choose me?"

  Daracha reached up a hand to stroke his beard roughened cheek. "Ye've nae had much time tae care for yurself. Do ye want me tae shave ye in tha morn?"

  "If it bothers ye, gradh, I'll do so now."

  "Nae. At this moment ye're nae moving." Her hand fisted around the neck of his shirt. Daracha pulled his head downward and her tongue flicked across his bottom lip. "Ye're ah good man. But I didnae choose ye, my heart did. An, I approve of its choice. Ye're kind an I've never seen ye mistreat aught."

  The last words she spoke were whispered against his cheek. Edan rolled over to lie partially on top of Daracha. His lips took possession of hers. Edan kissed her until he nearly felt dizzy before letting his head drop to her chest.

  The last of the twilight faded into the darkness advancing over the land from the east. Stars began to light the sky.

  Daracha cradled her husband's head to her chest. She wondered if he had ever been with a woman. Neither Edan, nor Hamish toyed with the women of the clan. They had accompanied their father to Glasgow several times. It was probable Hamish and Birk indulged their desires of the flesh in the city.

  Edan was another matter. His horror of anyone, other than Gara seeing his injured leg, may have kept him from the brothels. Gara gave her the recipe for the horseradish salve the previous night, before she went up to see Edan where he kept watch.

  He wanted her, Daracha was sure of it. She did not expect much of this first coupling. Once the field was plowed the first time the sod would be turned easier, thereafter. Knowing what to expect, she was ready.

  Letting her hand slip downward between them she felt for the nubbins of his nipples. Touching them the night before caused a reaction in Edan she wished to see again. When she rubbed his chest through the linen of the shirt, Edan stiffened in her embrace. His breath against her neck was warm, as Edan's hands moved to tug on her petticoat.

  "Would ye like to help me remove my clothing?" she whispered.

  Rolling off her, Edan pushed himself up on to his knees. He leaned forward to caress her cheek. "I've nae notion how tae even begin tae remove all tha layers ye have on."

  Daracha laughed softly. "Tis tha reason I suggested ye "help". Once ye learn, I ken ah canny one such as ye, willnae ever have ah problem again."

  Rising to her knees in front of him, Daracha began to remove first her gown, then the petticoats. She scooted around with her back to Edan, so he might loosen her stays.

  "Stays are yur duty now, Edan. Ye may lace them any way which pleases ye."

  "Och, then I'll only loosen tha dratted thing, 'til I can see better in daylight. Can we slip it over yur head?"

  Daracha helped Edan tug her stays off. His arms went around her waist. Tilting her head to one side, Daracha silently invited Edan to kiss her neck.

  He nuzzled the skin beneath her ear, before placing a line of kisses to the top of her shift. "What other things might ye have beneath tha shift, my lass?"

  A shiver ran through her body in response to the trail of kisses on her neck. Daracha felt a return of the heat his touch awakened in her in the keep.

  "Naught but flesh, laddie. Some might think me forward, but mayhap we could remove tha shift?" Daracha said it tentatively. Edan heard the hesitation in her voice.

  "Who might think ye forward? There's none here tae watch us. I want tae see ye, all of ye."

  "The church says 'tis a sinful act. We should keep all hidden."

  "Bugger that!" Edan hissed.

  "Edan! As good Christians...."

  "Every laird of tha MacGrough's has been grateful we were far tae small tae support a full time priest. Do ye ken I've ah Latin book of scripture in my things? Every heir, of every laird since Gideon, has been taught tae read tha book. I ken what's in it, as well as any priest. I've never seen mention of tha knowing of ah man an wife being sinful."

  He placed both hands under her breasts with the linen of the shift still between them. Edan played his fingers over her breasts. Daracha felt her nipples harden in response to his touch.

  "I've ah yen tae kiss these beauties. What say ye, Daracha, shall we remove yur shift an my clothing? Would ye like to feel my skin against yurs?"

  "Aye husband. I've wanted tae see ye, an feel ye, for ah very long time."

  "Then turn my lovely, remove my clothes, if ye will. There's ah stane beneath my right knee an I would, just as soon be under the covers with ye than kneeling on a pebble in tha cool night air."

  "Och! Edan, ye should have said something!" Turning, she tossed his plaid off his shoulder. Removing his belt, Daracha hurriedly put it to one side. She stripped the shirt from Edan then pushed on his shoulders, so he might lie on the plaid.

  He began to chuckle as she undid the tie of his trews and pulled them from his body. Placing both hands on the ground, Daracha straddled him, as she looked at his naked body. Settling back down against his legs she gently placed her fingers on his cheeks. Slowly, Daracha trailed her fingertips down his face, to Edan's chest.

  She followed the line of hair down past his navel. With a light touch she stroked him. Her breath hissed out between her teeth, as she watched him grow beneath her touch.

  "Aye, Edan. Tis truly amazing how this works."

  "Daracha, gradh, would ye take tha damnable shift off? Ye have me where ye want me. Now, might I see what I'm aching for? For yur touch makes me ache tae be inside ye, wife."

  "Och. I will darling. Sorry, but I was so ....." She stopped talking when she looked down at the brace on his leg. With the cloth in both hands, she glanced shyly at his face. "Do ye wish tae remove tha brace? I could if ye wish, I dinnae want ye tae hurt."

  "Leave it for tha moment. Before ye cause my heart tae stop beating remove tha blasted shift, woman."

  With a slight giggle, she finally lifted the material over her head. Peeling it from her arms, Daracha threw it on top of the pile of their clothes. "If we had tae move quickly, we would never manage it. I cannae tell yurs, from mine."

  He reached for the discarded shift, then wadded it up to put behind his head.

  "Nae, Edan. How shall I put it back on, if it's under yur head?"

  "We're nae going tae worry about it, until tha morn. Ye'll have nae need of tha thing until then."

  Daracha giggled again at the de
pth of feeling in his voice. Placing both hands on the ground again she crawled up his body. His hands found her breasts and Edan gently tugged on her.

  "Come up here, luv. I promised ye kisses an kisses I'd give ye. I always keep my promises."

  Warm and wet, Edan's mouth on her flesh caused shivers of delight to throb through her body. Daracha went down onto her forearms with a soft moan, as he suckled her. Wanting to feel all of him against her bare skin, Daracha let her body settle on his. She wiggled slightly in reaction to the heat Edan was causing within her.

  "I am told this next bit will nae be easy for ye, gradh." Edan's moist breath against her skin caused her to wiggle against him again. His hands trailed down her body tracing the curve of her waist and hips.

  "Ye've never bedded a virgin before?" Daracha sat up with her hands pressed against his chest. Now, she would have the answer to her question.

  "Never bedded anyone, lass. But I have it on good authority, as to how to go about tha matter."

  "Even when ye went tae Glasgow with yer da an Hamish? Never then?"

  "Nae. An I wasnae going tae dally with any of ye girls. Da would have broken ah staff over my backside."

  Daracha knew there was more to his inexperience. She wanted no secrets between them. "An, ye didnae want any of tha women in Glasgow tae see yur leg. Ye never need tae hide from me. I luv every part of ye. Every hair on yur head, tae tha nail on yur littlest toe."

  Edan's chest lifted and fell with the soft sigh he exhaled. "Truth? Aye, I never wanted tae be rejected by some loose woman, as I was naught but ah cripple."

  Daracha slipped backward to settle on his stomach. His manhood was laying just within her and she felt the slight withdrawal at his words. Refusing to let the past ruin this first night with Edan, she rocked against him. Placing her hands on his hips, she stroked him with her body. Daracha's reward was to feel him harden between her legs.

  "I'll not put up with it, either from ye, nor any other. Ye're nae cripple. Now then, as ye've had some instruction in this, how do we proceed? I've ah wish tae cease being ah virgin an quickly. I want ye tae touch me again."

  "Demanding wench! Touch ye want? Does this suit?" Reaching one hand down between them, Edan slid a finger between her legs where they joined.

  He touched a place which at first, caused her to flinch away from him. "Easy, lass. A moment. I forgot I need tae be able tae glide in here."

  Removing his finger, he placed it into his mouth. Edan was grinning as he slipped his finger back between them.

  The feeling was grand. Daracha closed her eyes, as she gave way to the feelings he was creating inside her. "Och! I think ye listened well. It feels quite good indeed."

  "Very soon, luv, ye will nae longer be ah virgin. Another promise, gradh an I always keep promises, dearest."

  Chapter Seven

  Rhona was straining to listen. It was wrong she knew, but she was angry at both Edan and Daracha. What right did they have to take pleasure when no one else could? She heard Edan's laugh and anger rose inside her, as she listened. Anger and something else, a hot dark need she knew far, too well.

  Edan and Hamish were both right. Lying in Hamish's arms as they sought to breathe normally again, Rhona knew he had finally succeeded in impregnating her. Afraid to voice her sudden realization she tensed in his hold.

  "Och! Ye ken as well, this time it took." His voice was barely a whisper in her ear.

  "Aye, an why now of all times? Ye're going off tae fight for those who care nae ah whit about ye or tha rest of us."

  "Leave off! This is tha last night we have an ye're ready tae fight it out again." His breath slid across the top of her head.

  Hamish's words ripped through her mind. "What do ye mean 'tha last night'?"

  With a deep sigh, he rolled her over on top of his chest. "Tha sight can be ah rare bitch, Rhona. This war is ah lost cause. We're goin tae lose this time, Charlie is nae Tha Bruce."

  Taking both his cheeks in her hands, Rhona sought to see his dark eyes in the faint light from the dying fire. "But there's a chance ye'll come home. Why would ye go tae fight an die for naught?"

  Big hands gently pushed her tangled hair back behind her ears. One calloused fingertip traced the line of her lips. "For this. Tha clan, tha land and tha chance for our wean tae grow up in ah free Scotland. An cause I gave my word, I'm honor bound tae go."

  "But if ye nae come back, who is tae care for tha clan, for the bairn," her voice broke, "an for me? How can I live without ye?" Her fingers dug into his face.

  His response was a kiss which stole her breath. She took out her frustration on his big body. Nipping and scratching, until with a growl, Hamish rolled her onto her back and used her roughly. Rhona gave herself up to the anguish and fear tearing through her. It was more a battle than love making.

  When it was over, Hamish cradled her in his arms as he murmured an apology for being so rough with her. They clung to each other in the semi dark room. Neither said anything more, every argument was already laid out. She tried her best, but there was no moving him.

  They made love one more time in the early morning light. This time the fever was gone. Pleasuring one another, it was an exquisite coming together which would live in her heart forever. Just before he rose from their bed, he whispered in her ear.

  "I'll send Edan back, if I think all is lost. He will care for ye, all of ye."

  Muffled groans and other small sounds told Rhona the couple on the other side of the clearing would soon consummate their vows. Their noise and the memories of Hamish's hands on her body caused an ache inside her Rhona must ease. Sin or no, she couldn't help herself.

  Moistening a finger, as Hamish did so many times, she pulled up the hem of her shift under the blanket. The pulsing heat between her legs began to yield as she stroked herself. Hard knots of nipples encouraged her to go further. If one was going to sin, it might as well be worth it.

  A sharp intake of breath from Daracha told Rhona the young lass was a maiden no longer. She heard Edan's deep voice whisper something in the tension filled darkness.

  Another breach of etiquette on her part would not matter. Allowing herself to be aware of the couple was certainly bad manners. Using their passion to cool her own would probably earn her a place in hell.

  Continuing to fondle her own body, Rhona closed her eyes and imagined Hamish was touching her. She could smell the juices and knew a trip to the burn would be necessary before everyone else was up.

  But it felt good. Not as good as it would if Hamish really was there to lick and handle her body. When the release came, Rhona bit her lip to keep silent. No one must know what she had done. How would she manage to get release in the future? Surely, they would all be crowded into one room in Glasgow.

  With a sly smile, Rhona determined she would take pleasure when Edan and Daracha did. It was impossible for her to go without Hamish, even if it was only in her imagination. Putting her finger up to her face, Rhona sniffed. The lack of his scent mixed with hers was a bitter thing.

  Hamish always called her his "ripe juicy apple". It amused him greatly when he could cause her juices to flow by simply licking her throat. Discovering sex with him was a pleasure. Tasting the apple, they relished it together.

  Not wishing to be cold for the rest of the night, Rhona pulled her arisaid about her as she fumbled in a pocket for a bit of cloth. Leaving her bedding, she made her way to the burn. Squatting down, the dark haired woman swished the rag in the cold water. There was a noise to her left.

  Having failed to coniser the need for the couple to find water, she left the shelter of her bed too soon. It would be very awkward if the two of them found her here. Pulling the long length of cloth tightly about her, Rhona lowered her backside to the ground and quietly lay back in the grass.

  Giggling like two children, Edan and Daracha stopped by the bank of the burn a few spans above her. Listening to their whispered endearments caused an ache to build in her heart.

  Grief overtook an
y anger she previously felt toward them. Her man, her laddie, Rhona wanted him with a need that was painful. Pulling an end of the arisaid around her face, Rhona stuffed a corner into her mouth, hoping it would stifle the sound of her grief. She did not want the couple to find her.

  Lying in the grass, Rhona cried. If she thought her tears all cried out on the day they buried Hamish, she was wrong. A fresh flood overtook her. She eventually slipped into an exhausted sleep wrapped in the MacGrough plaid by the side of the burn.

  Waking near dawn, she sat up and listened to see if anyone else might be moving before she cleaned herself, as best she could. Hearing nothing other than the sounds of the land waking, Rhona again dampened the cloth. Wiping her hands and face to try to erase signs of her grief, she buried her face into the cold wet cloth.

  The last thing she did was to hurriedly clean her private parts. Knowing where the couple were bedded down, she did not wish to see them cuddled together. Pulling the free end of the plaid around the right side of her face, she hurried through the dew filled grass to her bedding.

  Fingers fumbling with the laces, she finally slipped her stays over her head. When doing up her stays, Hamish had used a very complicated lacing which she did not wish undone by anyone. It was a husband's job to lace the stays which helped keep her back supported, as she did the heavy lifting required of all highland women. Hamish had made the lacing a game for the two of them.

  Rhona would pretend to have slept in her bed as the others. Today, her mother would need to tighten the laces of her stays. But no one would be allowed to change the lacing Hamish had last done for her. She would wear the stays until they fell apart, before allowing any changes.

  Chapter Eight

  They broke their fast with water from the burn, slices of smoked meat and pieces of the bannock Nessa prepared the night before. They built no fire, as it would take time from the business of getting back on the road. Edan wished them to be far down Lomond side before the day was over.


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