by John Oller
Battle of Fort Sullivan, 38–41
British evacuation of, 228, 234–235
British occupation of, 3–4, 12–14, 46–47, 52, 145, 210–211
Marion guarding of, 37, 38
Charlotte (North Carolina), 74, 75, 101, 109
treaties with, 24, 25, 27, 234
war with (1759–1761), 24–29
Cherokee (ship), 36
Chloe (slave), 20, 31, 237, 245
Christophe, Henry, 48
civil war, in South Carolina, 14–16
conduct during, 64–65
Clarke, Elijah, 72, 89, 160, 163
Clinton, Henry, 11, 210, 215n, 228
assaults on Charleston and, 12, 38, 39, 40–41, 47, 50, 51–52
capitulation of Charleston and, 12–14
Cornwallis’s letters to, 71
Cornwallis’s sweep of rebel forces and, 57
proclamations issued by, 13, 14, 202
southern strategy and, 12
Coates, James, 171–175
Cochise, 9n
Coffin, John, 98–99, 189, 192, 195, 196
Colleton, John, 231, 231n
Colleton, Sir John, 231n
Colleton family, 209, 209n
Colleton plantation, 231–232
Committee of Correspondence, 34
Confiscation Act, 214–216
Continental regiments, raising of, 216–217
prisoners of war, 54, 55–56
Conyers, Daniel, 129, 137
Cooper, George, 182
Cordes, Antoine, 20
Cordes, Esther, 20. See also Marion, Esther (Cordes)
Cordes, Francis, 20
Cornwallis, Charles, 38
assault on Charleston and, 40
Battle of Camden and, 9–10
in charge of operations in the South, 13
concern over Marion’s effect on supply lines, 56, 81
Gates and, 5, 6
Greene and, 101
Guilford Courthouse battle and, 143, 144
Indians and, 16
King’s Mountain battle and, 74–76
on Marion, 72, 89, 99
on McLeroth, 95
Monmouth Courthouse and, 11–12
move to Virginia, 144–145
moving American prisoners of war, 54
ordering sweep of rebel forces in South Carolina, 56–57
plan to secure South Carolina countryside, 74
planned invasion of North Carolina, 109–110
pursuit of Greene and Morgan, 119–120
Rawdon and, 124
scorched-earth policy and, 65, 87, 89
on Sumter, 90
surrender of, 206
Tarleton and, 83
on Tory militia, 71
on Tynes, 80
Watson and, 126
Wemyss’s letter on failure to catch Marion, 63–64
on Whig militia leaders, 89
Yorktown and, 145, 187, 206, 207, 208
Council of Safety, 35, 36, 37, 45
Cowpens, battle of, 99, 118–120, 191
Cox’s Mill (North Carolina), 4, 5
Cruger, John Harris, 163–164, 166, 192
Cunningham, William (“Bloody Bill”), 182, 208, 215
Cunningham, Robert, 182–183, 215
Cusack, Adam, 63, 68
Custis, Martha, 114
Defense (schooner), 41
DeLancey family, 192
Delaney, James, 198
Delaware Continentals, 54, 191, 195
DePeyster, James, 131–132
deserters, punishment for, 147
d’Estaing, Charles Hector, 47–50
discipline, Marion’s style of, 44–45
Dog Days campaign, 168–177
Dollard, Patrick, 68
Dorchester, 185
British control of, 168, 210
British evacuation of, 176
Lee’s Legion’s attack on, 168–169, 171
Marion’s defense of arsenal, 37
double envelopment, 118–119
Doyle, John, 139, 221
destruction of Snow’s Island base camp, 140–141
Marion’s pursuit of, 141–142
Doyle, Welbore Ellis, 127
dragoons, 83, 169
Drake’s Plantation, 221
Drowning Creek area, 113
DuBose, Peter, 213
duelists, Marion’s and McLeroth’s, 97–98
Dunham’s Bluff camp, 105, 138–139
Durant’s Plantation, 221
Dwight, Francis Marion, 241–242, 244. See also Marion, Francis
(Dwight) Dwight, Samuel, 242
Edict of Nantes, 18
84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants), 153–154
election for General Assembly at Jacksonboro, 212, 213
Elliot, Barnard, 35–36
Elliott Millpond, 97
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 32
English in South Carolina pre-Revolutionary War, 19–20. See also British
Ervin, Hugh, 140–141
Ervin, John, 8, 64–65, 169, 185
Etchoe, 26, 27, 28
ethnic divisions in South Carolina, 15–16
Eutaw Springs, 188
Stewart at, 187, 188
Eutaw Springs, battle of, 189–199
assessment of, 198–199
casualties, 196–198
map of, 190
Fairlawn Plantation, 209, 209n, 210, 231n
Fanning, David, 226, 228
Ferguson, Patrick, 75, 209n
Fish Dam Ford battle, 91
Fishing Creek battle, 10, 53, 90
flogging, 44
foraging raids, 107
Fort Galpin, 160
Fort Granby, 123, 164
attempt to recover, 145
fall of, 159–160
Sumter’s siege of, 123, 124
Fort Johnson
Marion’s sinecure at, 239–240, 242
repairing of, 38
surrender of, 36–37
Fort Loudoun, 26
Fort Motte, 187
burning of, 157–158
siege of, 145, 153–160
surrender ceremony at, 158
Fort Moultrie, 41n, 52
Fort Prince George, 25
Fort Sullivan, battle of, 39–42
Fort Watson, 139
Marion and Lee’s siege of, 145–147, 149–150, 152
Sumter’s attack on, 123, 124, 145
Franklin, Benjamin, 8
Fraser, Charles, 179
Fraser, Thomas, 192
encounters with patriot militia, 125, 171, 172, 174, 221
Hayne’s capture and, 178–179, 180
Marion’s defeat of, 180, 181–185, 232–233
free persons of color, in armed service under Marion, 29, 197, 245
French, Christopher, 27
Freneau, Philip, 199
Gadsden, Christopher, 25, 35, 47, 52, 214, 216
Gadsden’s Wharf, 36, 234
Gage, Thomas, 220
Gaillard family, 68, 201
Gaillard, Peter, 68, 71, 172
Ganey, Micajah, 64, 232
bayonetting of, 78, 159
encounters with Marion’s Brigade, 59–62, 78, 107
in Georgetown, 77, 116
Murphy and, 65
treaty discussions, 226–227
Watson and, 142
yielding British commission, 227
Ganey’s Tories, 144, 154
British evacuation of Georgetown and, 162
treaty with, 162, 225–228
Gaskens, Amos, 80
Gates, Horatio, 15, 53
at Hollingsworth’s Farm, 3, 4
Marion and, 5–6
Marion’s letters to, 59, 62, 64, 65, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 92, 93–94, 100
Marion’s militia and, 5
Marion’s rescue of prisoners of war and, 56
rout by Cornwallis at Camden and, 9–10
/> General Assembly (South Carolina)
at Charleston after war, 237–238
in Jacksonboro, 212–219
soldier recruitment and, 45
George III (King of England), 12, 13, 15, 16, 211
British evacuation of, 162
Horry’s assignment to, 224
Marion in residence in, 21–22
Marion’s attacks on, 92–93, 115–118, 162
Marion’s desire to capture, 161–162
Marion’s forays into, 77–78, 89
Watson and, 144
Germain, George, 12, 13, 211, 220, 226
German Lutherans, 16
Gibson, Mel, 28
Giles, Hugh, 8, 61, 64, 105, 128, 169
Goatfield Plantation, 20
Goddard, Francis, 175
Goddard, James, 175
Godfrey’s Savannah, 182
Goose Creek, 19
Goose Creek Bridge, 210
Gordon, James, 216
Gould, Paston, 200–201, 207
Grant, James, 26–27, 28, 29, 35, 63
Grasse, François-Joseph Paul, 207, 208
Gray, Robert, 72, 116, 162, 225
Great Savannah engagement (Sumter’s plantation), 54–56
Great White Marsh, Marion’s Brigade at, 62, 65–66
Greene, Nathanael, 11, 142
assessing blame for failures, 165–166
assigning Marion to report to Sumter, 168, 175–176
battle with Rawdon, 151–152
on brutality of war in South Carolina, 15
combining Horry’s and Maham’s regiments, 224
coordination of Sumter’s and Marion’s militias and, 121
Cornwallis’s pursuit of, 119–120
Eutaw Springs battle, 189–199
evacuation of Charleston and, 234, 235
final liberation of South Carolina and, 208–211
gift of rice plantation, 214
Guilford Courthouse battle and, 143, 144
Hayne’s execution and, 180
Horry and Maham and, 169–170, 218
Horry’s letter to, 204–205
on Kolb’s murder, 154
largesse bestowed on after war, 214, 238
on Laurens’s death, 231
Lee’s letter to regarding attack on Georgetown, 117–118
Lee’s retirement and, 221
letter praising Horry, 224–225
letters to Marion, 101–102, 103–104, 151
Marion’s intelligence reports to, 79, 202
Marion’s relationship with, 109, 113, 200
Marion’s request to take Georgetown and, 161–162
Marion’s threat to resign and, 156
meeting with Marion, 159
military career, 100–101
need for reinforcements, 207–208
in North Carolina, 101, 110, 120, 123, 126, 142
opinion of partisan militia, 102–103
plan to attack Stewart, 186–189
praise for Marion, 246
prisoners of war and, 206–207
proposal to arm slaves, 217
reestablishment of legislature and, 212
rejection of British offer to buy supplies, 228–229
report of Fraser’s defeat, 185
request for intelligence, 103–104, 109–110
requests for horses, 110–112, 113, 154–155, 156
retreats to High Hills of Santee, 167, 201
return to South Carolina and “war of posts,” 144–145
siege of Ninety-Six and, 163–166
strategy to regain South Carolina, 145
summit meeting with Sumter, Lee, and Marion, 166–167
Sumter and, 102, 122, 125, 151, 160, 176–177
Sumter’s Law and, 148
on Thompson’s victory, 223
on victory at Cowpens, 119
on Wadboo Plantation engagement, 233
Greenland Swamp, 201
guerrilla tactics, 5, 9, 9n, 29, 72, 112
Guilford Courthouse, battle of, 143, 144, 165
Haddrell’s Point, 38
Hale, Nathan, 178
Halfway Swamp engagement, 96, 119
Hamilton, Alexander, 221
Hampton, Wade, 168–169, 172, 191, 194, 195, 196, 198, 243
Hampton Hill, 23
Hannibal, 118
Harden, William (Colonel), 180–181
Harden (Major), 181, 182, 184
Harrington, William, 94
Harrison, John, 78–79, 95, 127, 171
Harrison, Robert, 79
Harrison, Samuel, 79, 127
Harrison’s Corps (Rangers), 79, 85
Harry (slave), 201
Hayne, Isaac, 182, 206
hanging of, 178–180
Henderson, William, 187, 191, 194, 196
Hessions, 16, 93, 101, 104, 153, 181, 220, 231n
High Hills of Santee, 59n, 96, 125, 150–151, 167
Hillsboro (North Carolina), 10, 78, 90
HMS Bristol, 41
Hobkirk’s Hill, battle of, 151–152, 165
Hollingsworth’s Farm (North Carolina), 3, 5
Horry, Hugh, 7, 55, 79
Black Mingo Creek victory and, 69–70
General Assembly at Jacksonboro and, 213
Marion’s Bridges Campaign and, 128, 134
pursuit of Thomas Fraser and, 181, 185
wounding of, 197
Horry, Peter, 36, 47, 51, 96, 113, 215, 216, 226, 229, 233, 246
attack on Monck’s Corner, 171, 172
attack on Watson, 139–140
boat burning and, 9, 55
on celebration of surrender of Fort Motte, 158
in command at Georgetown, 181, 191
in command while Marion at General Assembly, 213, 217–218
foraging and skirmishing in Waccamaw Neck region, 110
friendship with Marion, 7, 241, 246
General Assembly at Jacksonboro and, 213
incapacitated, 220, 221
insubordination of, 203–206
letter from Marion on lack of recognition for efforts, 238–239
letter to Greene denying misconduct, 204–205
malaria and, 66
on Marion in General Assembly, 243
Marion on militia officers of, 142
Marion’s Bridges Campaign and, 128, 129
on Marion’s humaneness, 17
Marion’s report on Eutaw Springs to, 198
rivalry with Maham, 169–170, 200, 217–218, 223–225
skirmish with Ganey’s Tories and, 78
on Snow’s Island Whigs, 106–107
Sumter’s Law and, 170
on Thompson’s victory against Marion, 223
horses, Greene’s requests for, 110–112, 113, 154–155, 156
Horseshoe area, 181
houses, burning of, 7, 14, 46, 63–65, 88
Howard, John Eager, 194, 197
Howe, Robert, 46, 101
Howe, William, 38
Howell’s Ferry, 187
Huger, Daniel, 13
Huger, Isaac, 47, 49, 51, 85
Huger’s Bridge, 233
Huguenots, 18
in South Carolina, 19–20
Whigs and, 33
Indiantown, 61, 62, 95–96
Greene’s request for, 103–104, 109–110
Marion providing to Greene, 79, 202
from women, 213
Jacksonboro, General Assembly at, 212, 213, 218, 219, 220–221
James, Gavin, 129
James, John (Major), 104, 128, 246
attack at Singleton’s and, 98
conditions of parole and, 14
friendship with Marion, 7, 8
General Assembly at Jacksonboro and, 213
intelligence gathering and, 61, 62, 67
on Marion, 236
Marion’s Bridges Campaign and, 135–137
Wambaw Bridge and, 221
sp; James, John, Jr. (Captain), 7, 68
Black Mingo Creek victory and, 70
James, John (“of the Lake”), 7
James, William Dobein, 67, 79, 80, 97, 121, 133, 136
on Blue Savannah engagement, 60
on burning Fort Motte, 157
on clash at Wyboo, 131
dinner with Marion, 65–66
on discharge ceremony, 236
on “duel” at Halfway Swamp, 97, 98
on Eutaw Springs battle, 196
formal praise for Marion, 246
on impression of Marion, 6
on Marion’s performance in conflict with Cherokees, 28
on Marion’s preference for Maham, 224
on Mary Esther Videau, 241
on McLeroth, 99
on victory party, 206
Jarvis, Stephen, 183–184
Jasper, William, 40, 49
Jefferson, Thomas, 15, 42, 101, 166
Jeffries Creek, 123
Jenkins, Britton, 67
Jenkins, Elizabeth, 142
Jenkins, James, 198
Jenkins, Samuel, 67
Jeremiah, Thomas, 35
Johnson, Samuel, 22, 34
June (slave), 20, 31, 237, 245
Kalb, Johann, 4–5, 10
Keithfield Plantation, 120
King’s Mountain, battle of, 74–75, 84, 90, 208
Kingstree, 93–94, 135
Kirkwood, Robert, 191, 195
Kolb, Abel, 148, 154, 197, 228
Kolb, Jehu, 197
Kosciusko, Thaddeus, 164
Lafayette, 4, 151, 176
Lake Marion, 54n, 188
lashings, 44
Laurens, Henry, 28, 35, 47, 52, 107, 188, 213, 243
Laurens, John, 47, 49, 217, 221, 230–231
Lee, Charles, 39, 41, 46, 82, 101, 126
Lee, Henry (Light-Horse Harry), 205, 243
attack on Dorchester, 171
attack on Georgetown, 115–118
attack on Monck’s corner, 172–174
attempt to recover Fort Watson, 145–146, 147–150
commission of atrocities and, 158–159
on Eutaw Springs battle, 199
fall of Augusta and, 163
fall of Fort Granby and, 160
letter to Greene on Marion’s feelings of neglect, 149
on Marion’s appearance, 21
on Marion’s character, 115
on Marion’s number of horses, 155
military career, 113–114
retirement of, 221
siege of Fort Motte and, 156–157, 158
summit meeting with Greene and, 166–167
on Sumter’s resignation, 177
Washington and, 114, 207–208
working with Marion, 114–118, 143, 144, 150
Lee, Robert E., 114
Lee’s Legion, 113, 114, 120, 146, 154, 158, 168, 187, 230
Eutaw Springs battle and, 191, 194, 195–196
Stewart’s retreat and, 200
L’Enfant, Pierre, 48
Lenud’s Ferry, 83
Leslie, Alexander, 119, 201, 220, 222
evacuation of Charleston and, 234–235
Ganey yielding commission to, 227