Taming Her Tycoon

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Taming Her Tycoon Page 5

by Yahrah St. John

  That comment brought a frown from Naomi, and she turned to silently stare out the window while Lucius uncorked and poured each of them a glass of champagne. “Here.” He held out the flute to her. She accepted but didn’t look at him.

  “Naomi, this night will turn out far better if you perhaps acknowledge that you don’t dislike me as much as you protest.”

  Her head spun around, and she glared at him underneath mascara-coated lashes. He noticed that she had more makeup on than he’d seen her wear on prior occasions. She was more put together, in a black and tweed dress that reached her knees and black pumps. Lucius didn’t like this stuffy Naomi. He much preferred the natural, more organic Naomi, who was more comfortable in jeans and a tank top.

  She finally spoke. “I—I don’t dislike you.”

  “What then?”

  “As I said before, you’re arrogant, but I also find you untrustworthy and unscrupulous.”

  “Unscrupulous? That’s a strong word.”

  “Did you or did you not send your attorney to speak with my partner, Kelsey, while I was in Anaheim so you could double-team us?”

  Lucius sipped his champagne. So she knew about that? No wonder she’d ignored his calls.

  “Are you going to deny it?” she asked when he didn’t answer.

  “No, that would be dishonest,” he responded curtly.

  “Which proves my point.” Naomi took another gulp of champagne. “I can’t trust you.”

  He turned to face her. “Do you want to?”


  “You heard the question. Why does my behavior bother you so, Naomi?” His steady gaze bored into her in silent expectation.

  “I don’t care one way or the other.”

  “Who’s lying now?” he asked quietly.

  She stared wordlessly at him, and Lucius knew it was time to tell her the truth. “C’mon, Naomi, did you really think I’m that callous that I don’t remember the awkward fifteen-year-old girl that used to follow me around in high school?”

  Naomi’s entire face flushed, and he could see he’d hit the nail on the head. She had remembered him. She gulped down the remainder of her champagne.

  “So you know who I am.” She set her empty flute in the cup holder. “What of it?”

  “So I know that you used to harbor a schoolgirl crush on me way back when. And I know that I thought you could be cute if you’d just take off those stupid glasses, get some better facial products, do something with your hair and stop trying to hide your figure. It seems I was right on all fronts.”

  Naomi sucked in a sharp breath. He could see he’d embarrassed her, but he wasn’t above using sentimentality to get his way. He leaned back slightly so he could assess her frankly. “Your skin is clear, which I’m sure is due to Brooks and Johnson products. You wear contacts now, and your hair, well—” he reached out to finger several tendrils “—natural looks good on you. And as for the figure...” His gaze lazily roved over her entire body. “I like everything I see.”

  “I’m so glad you approve,” Naomi replied flippantly.

  “Don’t be upset.” Lucius scooted closer to Naomi, and this time she didn’t move away from him. “It was a compliment.” He stroked the soft skin of her cheek. “You’ve turned into a beautiful woman. A woman I am very much attracted to.”

  His gaze immediately went to her lips. Lips he wanted to kiss. Had been craving to kiss since the elevator in Anaheim. He glanced upward to her neck and could see her pulse quickening. Gone was the embarrassment of a moment ago, and in its place he could feel the electricity he’d felt since they’d met.

  He bent his head and claimed her lips. He kissed her nice and slow so she didn’t push him away. He needed her to acquiesce. At first she remained still, but as his mouth covered hers hungrily, Naomi gave up the pretense she didn’t want him and her arms snaked around his neck.

  Lucius groaned as he broke the barrier of her lips and teeth and she allowed his tongue to surge inside her mouth. He left no part of her mouth untouched. He tasted every nook and crevice of its honeyed interior, but what was most surprising was how he felt while doing it. Instead of making her burn for him, he was burning for her. His hands threaded through her hair as he devoured her mouth. He had an aching need to forget all semblance of romance and just bury himself deep inside her right now in the back of this limo.

  Fate was on her side, because the limo came to an abrupt stop, causing him to slowly ease away from Naomi. When he glanced in her direction, Naomi’s hair was tousled and her lips looked swollen, because he’d thoroughly made love to them.

  Naomi used her fingers to comb her hair back into place. She didn’t say a word when the driver came around and opened her door. She just disembarked and waited for him on the sidewalk.

  Lucius exited right behind her and reached for her hand, but Naomi ignored it and walked inside without him.

  Naomi stared at Lucius after they’d been seated by the hostess and placed their order with a very supercilious waiter. In the limo, he’d told her that he was very aware of her when they were in high school. “Why did you say it? To get me off track from the real reason you’re so desperate to contact me?”

  “Say what?”

  “That you found me cute back in high school. You said it to disarm me, so I’d let down my guard. Very sneaky, Lucius.”

  “I meant it.”

  Naomi snorted. There was no way a man or boy as good-looking as Lucius had found an awkward outcast like her remotely attractive.

  “You don’t believe me?” Lucius watched her across the rim of his glass. “Of course you don’t, because I’m ruthless and can’t be trusted. Is everything so black-and-white to you, Naomi? Or don’t you see in shades of color?”

  “I see you very clearly, Lucius. And I won’t be played.”

  “Yes, I’m relentless when I want something, but one doesn’t negate the other. It doesn’t mean that I don’t find you desirable and want you in my bed.”

  “There!” She pointed her index finger at him again. “You’re doing it again. Trying to seduce me.”

  “I don’t have to try.” Lucius leaned back in his chair. “I think that was pretty obvious from the way you responded in the limo.”

  Naomi didn’t answer and reached for her water glass. All of a sudden, she felt very thirsty. Perhaps it was Lucius’s hungry gaze that was making her parched. She drank liberally, giving herself time to gather her thoughts.

  “You have a way with women, Lucius. Everyone knows it. And I know it. It’s not surprising that you could garner a reaction from me. I imagine you’re quite skilled in that department.”

  “I am,” Lucius said. “Skilled in the bedroom and out of it. And that’s why you and your partner shouldn’t toss aside the deal my team has presented. It’s more than fair.”

  “We’re not interested.”

  The waiter returned at that moment with the expensive bottle of wine Lucius ordered. He poured Naomi a taste, and once she’d sipped and nodded in agreement, he filled her glass and Lucius’s.

  Once he’d gone, Lucius wasted no time getting back to the topic at hand. “Am I the reason you’re not giving this offer credence? Are you doing this just to spite me?”

  “Spite you?” Naomi’s head fell back with laughter. “You give yourself a lot of credit, Lucius. There are other wolves just like you waiting to pounce in the wings.” She wasn’t about to tell him that her partnership with Kelsey was on rocky ground because motherhood and family had become central to Kelsey. And that she might be interested in his offer. “But I’ll tell them the exact same thing I’m telling you—I’m never giving up controlling interest in my company.”

  He watched her warily, as if he was assessing her answer. Naomi sensed that he wanted to say more, but he didn’t.

  The wa
iter returned with their entrées of succulent shrimp risotto and spiced duck. They both indulged in the delicious dishes in contemplative silence before Lucius took the conversation down a different path.

  “It’s clear, Naomi, we’ve reached an impasse on all talk of business for tonight, but that doesn’t mean the evening has to be a bust. So can we toast to having an enjoyable evening?”

  Naomi thought about it a moment. She didn’t know how she was going to do that. The wariness she felt for Lucius was armor for her to deflect the attraction she felt. Without it, she was forced to admit to herself that she enjoyed his company. Having removed his jacket, he looked gorgeous in the white button-down shirt that was open at the collar and black slacks. His hair was trimmed so that the wave in it was noticeable. His deeply set dark eyes stared directly across the table at her, waiting for her answer.

  “Yes.” She held up her flute reluctantly. “I suppose I can do that.”

  An irrepressible grin slid over his incredibly full lips.

  Naomi swallowed. It was going to be a long night.

  * * *

  Lucius was happy with how the evening progressed between him and Naomi. They’d adjourned from the restaurant to sit beside each other—Lucius on one side of a padded wicker love seat and Naomi far away on the other—on the terrace outside and enjoy the crisp fall evening with an after-dinner drink. The terrace was dimly lit by thin strings of light and strategically placed candles.

  Lucius regarded her silently.

  Sure, his interest in her company had been met with outright hostility, but once they’d agreed to put their differences on the shelf, he found Naomi a breath of fresh air.

  There was no pretense with her. What you saw was what you got. She wasn’t like other women, who, once they found out who he was or how much he was worth, were eager to fawn all over him or want him to buy them things. Naomi Brooks was nothing like them. In fact, she couldn’t care less about things. She cared about people.

  It was evident in the way she passionately spoke about her family. Throughout the course of the night, he’d learned her parents were still together after thirty-five years of marriage and she had a brother and a sister whom she loved dearly. Then there was her volunteerism—Naomi was involved in several charitable organizations that supported helping children and fighting breast cancer.

  Lucius wasn’t sure he’d ever met anyone quite like Naomi. She was more selfless than anyone he’d ever known.

  “What?” Naomi was staring back at him.

  He blinked several times. “I’m sorry, say again?”

  “Am I boring you?” she inquired. “I know I’m not like some of the actresses and models you’ve dated, who I’m sure indulge in more titillating conversation.”

  Lucius laughed broadly. “Boring? Ha. That’s the last adjective I would use to describe you, Naomi. I was just musing on the difference between you and my usual companions.”

  Naomi eyed him suspiciously. “Am I really all that different?”

  “You’ve certainly changed from the nerdy tomboy in baggy jeans and plaid shirts,” Lucius countered.

  “And you?” She eyed him in return. “You’re just as dangerous as you were as a teenager, which is why I must be cautious of you, Lucius Knight, despite how charming you’re being.” She glanced down at her watch. “We should call it a night. I have a busy day in the morning.” She rose from the love seat.

  Lucius hated for the night to end. He wanted to spend more time with her, but he would have to bide his time. “Of course.” He stood. “Shall we?” He offered her his arm.

  At first, he thought she wouldn’t take it, but she must have realized she was out of danger at least for tonight, so she accepted his proffered arm as they walked to the elevators.

  Several minutes later, they were back in his limousine and driving to her office so she could pick up her car. She was quiet on the way back, deep in thought. He wanted to know what was on her mind and why she had a concerned wrinkle on her forehead, but he doubted she would reveal her troubles to him. Why? Because she didn’t trust him.

  Lucius didn’t know why it bothered him, but it did. He wanted her to trust him.

  They made it back to the Brooks and Johnson building too quickly, in his opinion. Before Naomi could reach for the door, he used the intercom button to tell the driver he would need a minute.

  Naomi turned to him in confusion.

  “I really enjoyed our evening together,” Lucius stated.

  She looked relieved, as if she thought he was going to pounce on her. “So did I.” She reached for the handle, but Lucius grasped her hand. “Lucius, don’t...”

  “Naomi...” He used his index finger to turn her head to face him. He glanced down at her mouth. Her lips were slightly parted, and he watched when her tongue darted out to lick them nervously. That was his undoing.

  He reached for her and dipped his head to taste her mouth. Once, then twice before he began to devour her.

  * * *

  All the air in Naomi’s lungs left her at Lucius’s electric kiss. Every cell in her came alive, and her heart hammered loudly in her chest. Damn it! She’d tried to get out of the limo as quickly as she could without being rude, but he’d done it again. He was kissing her with no mercy until she had no choice but to return his kiss.

  He raked his tongue across her top and bottom lips until she parted them for his tongue. His arms vised around her body, pulling her close enough and positioning her underneath him. That’s when he began kissing her deeply and so passionately, Naomi’s head spun.

  He made her feel alive, desired. No other man had ever made her feel like this. And she hadn’t known that she could. He tore his mouth from hers long enough so his tongue could glide a wet path along the base of her throat and upward to her neck. And when his teeth made their way to her ear and he began tonguing it, Naomi moaned gently from underneath him as a wild rush of emotions began to rip through her system.

  Good God! What the man was doing to her was making her wet between her thighs.

  “Naomi...” Lucius groaned her name as his teeth and tongue left her ear to snake their way down. He pushed her peacoat aside so he could mold her breasts through the tweed fabric of her dress.

  Naomi could feel them turn into pebbles beneath his skilled touch. She wanted to feel not just his hands but his mouth on her. She didn’t resist when his hands roamed over her hip, thigh and leg. She didn’t stop him when she felt the hem of her dress being lifted. She could only feel.

  When Lucius’s fingers reached the thin, lacy fabric of her bikini panties and pushed them aside to cover her warm cleft, Naomi shuddered. He touched her intimately, and Naomi let out a long hiss.

  “Look at me.” Naomi heard Lucius through the haze of emotions whirling through her.

  She glanced up at him as his finger slid inside her. The glittering shine of hunger in his eyes was unmistakable as he stroked her in and out, over and over again until Naomi was a quivering mass of nerve endings.

  “Come for me, Naomi.” His fingers slowed their movements as they played with her swollen clit, time after torturous time, going deeper.

  “I—I...” Naomi couldn’t think. Lucius had her on the verge of coming. It was a mixture of ecstasy and agony rolled into one. She was panting for more, and when Lucius placed a second finger inside her and played her like a violin, Naomi broke, splintering into a thousand pieces.

  She closed her eyes and waited for her breathing to return to normal. She couldn’t look at him now. She was too embarrassed that he had just made her lose all control in the back of a limo. She was sure he was used to doing this kind of thing all the time with all sorts of women, but she wasn’t one of them. And she wouldn’t be used for his satisfaction. She had to put a stop to it.

  * * *

  Lucius was nibbling on Na
omi’s delicious neck when he felt her resistance. He stopped immediately and pulled them both upward. “What is it?” He searched her face for a sign of what had changed between them.

  That’s when he saw the tears in her eyes. “Naomi, I’m sorry...”

  “Don’t.” She held up her hand. “I was an equal participant.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” He was confused. Naomi had enjoyed that kiss as much as he had. He’d felt it. She’d felt it. And she’d had an orgasm. Was that what scared her?

  “I can’t do this with you, Lucius. I should have never allowed this evening to continue after that first kiss,” she said as she began rearranging her mussed clothing. He’d very much enjoyed finally having the opportunity to touch her body and feel her respond to him.

  “Clearly I’m not immune to you,” Naomi continued. “So I’m going to have to keep my distance.” She reached for the handle. “And I suggest you do the same.”

  Before Lucius could react, she’d jumped out of the limousine. “Naomi!” He rushed toward the door, but she was racing to her car and was inside before he made it out of the vehicle.

  Lucius watched as she started her car and sped away.

  Slowly he slid back into the limo. Why was she running from him? He’d rather thought they were off to a good start. He’d hoped to convince her to spend the night with him, but that wasn’t going to happen tonight—or any other night in the foreseeable future, if Naomi had anything to say about.

  She’d been right when she said she wasn’t immune to him, and Lucius intended to use it to his advantage. He wanted Naomi more than he’d wanted a woman in a long time. He would just have to wear down her defenses until she saw they could make beautiful music together.

  Chapter 6

  Images of Lucius kissing her in the back of the limo while his fingers were deep inside her flooded Naomi’s mind as she drove to her parents’ for dinner on Sunday. She was grateful for some semblance of normalcy after the crazy week she’d endured.

  Seeing Lucius again after all these years, spending time with him and then finally that last passion-crazed night in which she’d made out with him in the limo not once, but twice, was troubling. She’d tried unsuccessfully to get him out of her mind, but he kept coming back like a boomerang. The way he’d kissed her, the way he tasted, the way he’d made her come with his fingers!


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