The Incubus, Succubus and Son of Perdition Box Set: The Len du Randt Bundle

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The Incubus, Succubus and Son of Perdition Box Set: The Len du Randt Bundle Page 17

by Len du Randt

  ‘Would it be possible?’ Simon asked.

  The man nodded. ‘Because of free will, it would; yes.’

  ‘Assuming that what you’re telling me is true, why didn’t God just blind the forces of darkness until the child fulfilled his destiny? How did they find out about the plan to misguide the demon in the first place? Wouldn’t God have known that the original plan wouldn’t work?’

  The man smiled. ‘You have a lot on your mind,’ he said. ‘You of all people know that we don’t always understand why the Father does what He does. We don’t see the entire picture like He does. I’m sure that everything eventually turns out the way it’s meant to. Remember that the Lord’s plan to misguide the demon did not just affect the demon itself, but the parents of the child as well. Who knows how many people’s lives were influenced in ways we can’t possibly know or see? Who knows what happened to the hardened heart of a doctor in the Radiology department in that split second in time that her eyes locked onto those of a terrified mother?’

  ‘None of this makes sense,’ Simon said. ‘What do I have to do with all of this?’

  ‘To catch the enemy unaware and save the child, an angel was required to give up his life in the Kingdom and spend life on earth as a human being. Only one volunteered for the responsibility.’


  The man nodded. ‘It was the perfect cover. The demons suspected nothing. They still don’t. Simon, you are to use your gifts discreetly to avoid attention, for the time of your encounter is near.’

  ‘This isn’t real,’ Simon said. ‘None of this is real. You are not real.’

  The man didn’t say anything.

  ‘This is ludicrous! You’re lying!’

  ‘I am incapable of doing so, Simon.’

  Simon stood up. ‘Get out of my house!’

  ‘You wanted to know the truth...’

  ‘Get out!’

  The man stood up. ‘Nine weeks and two days. We’ll show you the pictures once we’re finished with dinner.’


  ‘I’m sure that he will make you both very proud,’ the stranger said, and with that, disappeared.

  Simon fell back into the couch, wondering if anything that just happened was real. The two glasses of water that they were drinking from were still there, both very real.

  ‘Why God?’ He asked. ‘Why me?’

  No answer.

  His mind reeled. No! This can’t be happening! Simon kicked off his shoes and lay down on the couch. This is insane...

  Minutes later, he was fast asleep.

  * - - - *

  He was charming.

  He was attractive.

  He was always there when she needed someone.

  Rebecca looked at Dominic and the two of them embraced. They both closed their eyes, and for a moment their mouths only searched. He pulled her closer and pressed his lips tightly against hers. Her knees weakened and buckled, but he held her upright and kissed her even more intently.

  ‘I...I can’t do this,’ she said, but didn’t do much more to discourage the man that held her so firmly. She longed to be held like that for a long time now, but Justin didn’t hold her like that anymore. He never kissed her anymore and never made an effort to make her feel attractive. So she kissed Dominic without much resistance.

  ‘Yes you can,’ he said and picked her up and carried her to the bedroom where he gently lowered her onto the bed. He leaned forward and kissed her in the neck and she was lost to him.

  It was then that she woke up. She breathed heavily in the darkness of the room and felt with her hand at the empty spot where Justin would usually be sleeping. The pressure on her arms, wrists, and chest subsided a little, but not a lot. It still felt like someone was holding her tightly and she sat up straight. In the corner of the room she could sense someone standing there, watching her in the darkness. She switched on the bed lamp and squinted at the sudden light.

  There was no one there.

  She breathed deeply and lay down again. It wasn’t long before she slumbered off with the light still on.

  Chapter 11

  ‘I think it’s Simon,’ Justin said as someone knocked on the front door. ‘He’s usually early.’ Justin opened the door to a smiling Tanya. ‘Oh,’ he said and his face dropped. ‘It’s you.’ He opened the gate and half-heartedly hugged her as she entered the apartment.

  ‘Disappointed?’ She asked, but did not wait for an answer. She immediately made her way to the kitchen.

  ‘Oh, no,’ he said as he closed the door and followed her. ‘I thought it was Simon.’ He quickly tried to change the topic. ‘Long time, no see, eh?’

  ‘Indeed,’ she said and then dispersed of the small talk. ‘Becky!’

  The two women greeted one another as if they hadn’t seen each other in years.

  Justin rolled his eyes and retreated to the living room. He was halfway there when someone else knocked on the door. He sighed and made his way back. ‘Hey bud,’ he greeted Simon as he let his colleague in. ‘Glad you could make it.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Simon said.

  ‘Make yourself at home. Rebecca and I will make us something to drink. Would you like some coffee?’

  ‘In the middle of a heat wave?’ Simon asked. ‘No thanks. Although a glass of water would be great.’

  ‘Done,’ Justin said and joined Rebecca in the kitchen. ‘Go meet my friend,’ Justin said and nudged Tanya from the kitchen.

  ‘We are discussing something important,’ Tanya said.

  Justin ignored her. ‘That’s nice,’ he said and gently shoved her towards the hallway. ‘I just need to speak to my wife quickly. You two can go on yakking in a moment.’

  Tanya pulled a face and then headed for the living room where she reluctantly introduced herself to Simon.

  ‘What is it that you want to talk to me about?’ Rebecca asked once she was sure that Tanya was out of earshot.’

  ‘Nothing,’ Justin said with a sly grin. He took a glass from the shelf and asked Rebecca to hand him some of the water in the fridge.

  ‘So why did you chase her away?’

  ‘Because,’ Justin said and his grin grew, ‘I wanted your single friend to meet my single friend.’

  ‘Oh,’ Rebecca said and giggled. She flipped the switch to the kettle and took a few cups from the cupboard. ‘That’s thoughtful of you.’

  ‘I have my moments,’ Justin said proudly and both chuckled.

  ‘Would you mind if I made myself some tea?’ Rebecca asked.

  ‘Sure,’ Justin said. ‘Would you mind making me some coffee while you’re at it?’

  ‘Ahead of you,’ she sang and waved his mug around. She missed this type of interaction with him. This was the Justin she knew and loved. This was the Justin she married and missed. ‘Are we going to show them the sonar pictures?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course, Justin said. ‘I’m just relieved that everything’s still okay in there. Must admit that I was worried when the doctor did the scan.’

  ‘Me too,’ she said and allowed him to rub her stomach.

  ‘To think that soon there will be a huge bump there,’ he said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. ‘We’re having a baby and so far everything is growing fine and looking strong and healthy.’

  Rebecca smiled. She didn’t want this moment to end. ‘I love you,’ she whispered.

  ‘I love you too.’

  A knock on the door interrupted their perfect moment.

  Justin sighed. ‘I’ll get it,’ he said and went to open the door.

  ‘Sorry I’m late,’ Dominic said as Justin let him in. ‘I was making the pudding and got a little carried away. My sincerest apologies.’

  ‘Not at all,’ Justin said. ‘Come in and meet the others.’ He introduced Dominic to the two making small talk in the living room. ‘I’m going to help Becky with the coffee.’

  ‘Oh no you don’t,’ Tanya said. ‘I’ll help Becks with the coffee. You men sit here and entertain one a
nother. We’ll be right back.’

  Before anyone could object she was up and out, leaving the three men standing there alone, each one wondering what on earth they could talk about.

  * - - - *

  ‘And...?’ Rebecca asked. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘Oh wow,’ Tanya said almost too loud. She stole a quick glance around the corner at the three men in the living room. ‘Did he fall from Heaven? Because he’s an angel.’

  ‘Justin thought you might like Simon,’ Rebecca said and giggled.

  ‘Oh, not him,’ Tanya said with a hush. ‘He’s okay, but I’m talking about the other one. The one with the dark hair.’


  Tanya nodded. ‘You’re married, so he’s legally mine.’

  ‘I told you that you’d like him.’

  ‘Becks, if I had any idea he would be like this, I wouldn’t have waited two entire weeks for this dinner.’

  Rebecca grinned. They poured the coffee and then joined the men in the living room.

  * - - - *

  ‘This is delicious,’ Dominic said as he finished the last of the chicken on the plate. ‘Mind if I help myself to some more?’

  ‘Not at all,’ Rebecca said, pleased that someone at least enjoyed the fruits of her labour.

  ‘I agree,’ Justin said. ‘This really is lovely, Becky.’

  Rebecca smiled. Too late. No prize for second place, honey.

  Tanya said something with her mouth full which no one caught. She swallowed hard and then smiled sheepishly and asked Dominic to pass her the chicken when he was done with it. She also couldn’t resist a second helping.

  Justin placed his hand on Rebecca’s knee and took a deep breath. ‘We went to the doctor today,’ he announced.

  ‘Really?’ Tanya asked. ‘And...?’

  ‘Nine weeks and two days,’ Rebecca said.

  Simon looked up at Rebecca and his heart skipped a beat.

  ‘We’ll show you the pictures once we’re finished with dinner.’

  Simon mouthed the words as she spoke them. The angel’s words echoed in his mind. He felt too weak to even lift his fork.

  I’m sure that he will make you both very proud.

  ‘Congratulations,’ Dominic said. ‘I’m sure that he will make you both very proud.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Justin said.

  Simon’s thoughts were racing. ‘What makes you so sure it’s a boy?’ Simon asked.

  ‘Excuse me?’ Dominic asked. ‘I’m not sure I understand the question.’

  ‘You said ‘he’ as if you know for a fact that it’s going to be a boy. How would you know something like this at only nine weeks?’

  Dominic looked at Rebecca who only rolled her eyes. ‘It’s just a manner of speaking,’ he said. ‘I apologize if my choice of words offended you.’

  For a long moment Simon only stared at Dominic. ‘Would you all please excuse me for a moment?’ he asked.

  ‘Sure bud,’ Justin said. ‘Is there anything you need?’

  ‘Just directions to the bathroom,’ Simon said and got up.

  ‘The door right in front of you as you enter the hallway.’

  With a quick nod to Justin, Simon went to the bathroom. His hand shook as he closed the door behind him and locked it.

  His legs felt weak, and his mind numb. Looking in the mirror he could see that his face was almost completely drained of colour. Was it perhaps the chicken? Something else? He didn’t know, but whatever it was; was poison to his system.

  * - - - *

  ‘Well,’ Dominic said and pushed his chair back. ‘I’ll use that note to go fetch the pudding at my place.’

  ‘Need a helping hand?’ Tanya asked.

  ‘It’s okay,’ Dominic said. ‘It’s right next door, so I’ll only be a moment.’ With that he stood up and left the apartment.

  * - - - *

  Simon splashed his face with water. His stomach twisted and churned.

  I’m sure that he’ll make you both very proud.

  He drank some water and when he looked back up into the mirror, he saw someone standing behind him. Simon spun around and stood face-to-face with Dominic.

  ‘How did you get in here?’ Simon asked.

  Dominic brought his face close to Simon’s and sniffed like an animal. ‘There’s something about you that I don’t like,’ he said and sniffed again. ‘I can’t put my finger on it, but your mere presence makes me feel ill.’

  ‘The feeling’s mutual,’ Simon said and took a step back. ‘Now would you please leave?’

  In a flash Dominic was upon Simon. The young man grabbed Simon by the throat and slammed him into the wall. Dominic brought his face close to Simon’s and sniffed again. ‘Who are you?’ he demanded and pulled his upper lip back into a snarl to reveal razor sharp jagged teeth. The irises of his eyes glowed bright yellow as his grip tightened around Simon’s throat.

  Simon tried to speak, but the pressure on his throat was unbearable. His head spun and consciousness was slowly slipping away. It would only be a matter of time before everything would fade to black.

  ‘Who are you?’ Dominic insisted.


  Dominic lessened his grip on Simon’s throat. ‘Speak now, or I’ll kill you where you stand.’

  A knock on the door.

  Dominic looked over his shoulder at the closed door and then back at Simon. ‘You’re lucky this time,’ he hissed. ‘Next time you will not be so fortunate.’ He then released Simon’s neck, took a step back, and vanished into thin air.

  ‘Simon,’ Justin’s voice came from the other side of the door. ‘Are you okay in there?’



  ‘I...I’m fine.’

  With fumbling hands Simon unlocked and opened the door. ‘In fact,’ he said, still trying to catch his breath. ‘I don’t feel too well. Would you take offence if I left?’

  ‘No problem, bud,’ Justin said. ‘Can I give you a ride home?’

  Simon declined, and after greeting Rebecca and Tanya, he left.

  Just then Dominic entered the apartment with a warm tray. He smiled cheerfully. ‘Pudding anyone?’

  * - - - *

  A conspiracy was conceived in hell to kill the child and a very powerful demon was sent to complete the task.

  Simon picked up his pace. He had walked to Justin’s apartment just as the sun was setting, but now wished that he had rather driven.

  Nine weeks and two days.

  Instead of trying to kill the baby, the demon now seeks to divide and conquer the parents, driving them apart so that it can take possession of the child.

  Simon decided on a short cut. He took a side street and quickened the pace.

  Only one volunteered for the responsibility.

  ‘It’s not true,’ Simon said with what little breath he could muster. He was almost running now. ‘It can’t be...’

  You wanted to know the truth.

  ‘It’s impossible!’ You’re lying!

  I am incapable of doing so.

  Simon stopped running and leaned forward against a wall to regain his breath. Dominic’s face with the yellow eyes flashed through his mind. He could still feel the heat of the glowing eyes on his skin.

  There’s something about you that I don’t like.

  ‘How can it be true?’

  A scream nearby broke his chain of thought. Simon froze. It was a woman, and came from a construction site nearby. The woman screamed again and Simon instinctively moved in that direction.

  ‘It’s no use screaming,’ a man’s scruffy voice taunted. ‘No one can hear you here.’

  ‘Please,’ Simon heard the woman plead in the darkness. ‘Please don’t—’

  ‘Shut up!’ Another man said and slapped her.

  ‘Step away from the woman,’ Simon said as he walked around the corner.

  The two men squinted in the darkness. ‘Who the hell are you?’

  ‘What difference does it make
?’ Simon asked. His heart pounded in his ears. His entire life, he always opted for the diplomatic solution to any confrontation. He wasn’t used to showing anger or giving in to aggression. But something was different this time. He could feel it. He tried to suppress it, but he realized that he couldn’t.

  Not this time.

  ‘I want you both to leave; now!’

  ‘Or what?’ one of the men said and pulled out a pistol. ‘What are you going to do, tough guy?’

  The scruffy man moved to the left of Simon while the one with the gun approached him head on. He raised the pistol and pressed it against Simon’s forehead. ‘Or what?’ he asked again.

  Simon didn’t answer.

  ‘Shoot him!’ the man to Simon’s left encouraged.

  A brilliant light at Simon’s feet drew the men’s attention. Simon instinctively reached to his side and the men only saw the glowing sword for the briefest moment before it swung through the air and slashed through the man with the gun. Another lightning fast flash and the thug to Simon’s left also fell to the ground; dead.

  Simon stared at the sword in his hand. The light pulsated and after a moment faded and vanished along with the sword. He looked at his shaking hands in disbelief and then remembered the woman.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked as he rushed to her side.

  She was trembling with fear and bordered on shock.

  ‘Please don’t kill me,’ she pleaded.

  Simon looked at the two lifeless bodies not too far from them. ‘I won’t harm you,’ he said. ‘Now go.’

  The woman side-stepped one of the bodies and then ran from the construction site, leaving Simon there alone, looking at the dead men and wondering what had just happened.


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