The Incubus, Succubus and Son of Perdition Box Set: The Len du Randt Bundle

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The Incubus, Succubus and Son of Perdition Box Set: The Len du Randt Bundle Page 19

by Len du Randt

  * - - - *

  ‘I don’t think you should go,’ Simon said, ‘I really have a very bad feeling about this.’

  ‘So do I,’ Justin said. ‘If I go, Rebecca will leave me. For good this time. I know it.’ He sighed. ‘But if I don’t, the company will lose its biggest paying client and most likely fire or retrench me; something we can’t afford now that there’s a baby on the way.’

  ‘They can’t put that kind of pressure on you,’ Simon said. ‘Is there no one else they can send instead?’

  Justin shook his head. ‘Not according to Lance, no. I’m the chosen one that will save the company. The corporate messiah.’

  Simon didn’t laugh at Justin’s joke. ‘Have you spoken to Rebecca about your concerns with Dominic yet?’

  ‘I haven’t, no,’ Justin admitted. ‘Didn’t have the time to do so yet. She was troubled about something when I got home the other night, so I didn’t want to upset her any more than absolutely necessary.’

  ‘When are you going to the site?’

  ‘Tomorrow afternoon; after work. Just have to shoot by the apartment to pick up some stuff and say goodbye to Becky before I leave.’

  ‘Will you be able to talk to her tonight?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Justin said. ‘I guess I could at least try.’

  ‘I still don’t think you should go,’ Simon said.

  ‘Tell that to Lance.’

  Simon rubbed his face. ‘This is really bad.’

  ‘Why couldn’t they just send you?’ Justin asked. ‘No offence.’

  ‘I have that roll-out to finish,’ Simon said. ‘It has to be done by Friday, and there’s no way that anyone could be brought up to speed in time for me to take over your site.’

  ‘This sucks,’ Justin said. ‘Guess I have no choice but to face the music then, do I?’

  ‘Everything will turn out fine,’ Simon said. ‘I’m almost sure of it.’

  Justin shrugged. ‘Tell that to my wife,’ he said and walked off.

  * - - - *

  Rebecca sat on the couch with her face in her hands. She didn’t know what to believe anymore. Was Justin having an affair? Should she just leave him and get it over with? Did Dominic really care for her and the baby as much as he claimed that he did, or was it merely an infatuation? Did she really like Dominic enough to cheat on her husband? Tit for tat, Tanya would say. Rebecca switched on the television. She desperately needed companionship right now.

  ‘People of Kelwick are baffled about the heat wave that has been ravaging the small town for the past five months. Many have been hospitalised due to dehydration and heat stroke, and many more have been treated with severe sunburn.’

  She muted the television. White noise would have to do.

  A soft knock on the door made her jump. She instinctively knew who it was, and as she walked down the corridor she secretly hoped that she was right. She opened the door to find flowers blocking her view from whoever was at the other side. So many flowers.

  ‘A kiss-and-make-up present for the most wonderful lady on earth,’ Dominic said.

  Rebecca held her hand to her mouth and then stepped aside and let him in.

  ‘Where can I put this?’ he asked.

  She had no idea. ‘Put them on the table for now,’ she said. ‘I’ll deal with them in a moment.’

  ‘Do you like them?’ Dominic asked.

  ‘I love them,’ she said. ‘Thank you.’

  Dominic just smiled.

  ‘What on earth are they for?’

  ‘Just a gift,’ he said. ‘It’s my way of apologizing for upsetting you the other day.’

  ‘No need to apologize,’ Rebecca said. ‘I just had a lot on my mind lately, that’s all.’

  ‘That’s a relief to know,’ he said. ‘For a moment there I figured that I lost a wonderful friendship.’

  ‘Not at all,’ said Rebecca while she smelled the flowers.

  ‘I’m glad you feel that way,’ Dominic said. He extended his arms for a hug and Rebecca accepted. The hug went on for longer than it should have. She felt butterflies in her stomach and her heart pounded her chest. When she looked up at him she was still held firmly in his embrace, and he in hers. Without saying anything, the two of them brought their lips together and kissed.

  * - - - *

  Justin came home with a small bouquet of flowers; substantially smaller than Dominic’s.

  ‘Oh my,’ Rebecca said when he gave her the flowers. ‘What are these for?’

  ‘Just because I can...’ Justin said. His words trailed off as he spotted the two vases filled with flowers on the dinner table. ‘What’s that?’ he asked.

  Rebecca hesitated. Her stomach churned and it felt as if Justin could see right through her. She wanted to confess to kissing Dominic, but for some reason didn’t feel that she had to justify herself. ‘These were from Dominic,’ she said as casually as she could manage.


  ‘Not sure,’ she said. ‘I think it might be to thank me for dinner the other night.’

  Justin clenched his teeth and for a moment it felt like they would snap off in his mouth. ‘I want you to take it back,’ he said. ‘Tell him that you can’t accept it.’

  ‘I already did accept them, Justin,’ Rebecca said. ‘He didn’t mean anything by it.’

  ‘Oh no?’ Justin asked. ‘And how would you feel if I gave another man’s wife all those flowers?’

  She hesitated. ‘It’s different...’

  ‘Really? How?’


  ‘How Rebecca? How is it different? You’re married. Men shouldn’t be giving you flowers.’

  ‘Well, you’re married too,’ she snapped back. ‘You shouldn’t be spending time with other women.’

  ‘What?’ Justin asked. ‘What the hell are you talking about?’

  ‘Don’t pretend like you don’t know. The ‘late’ nights at the office. The constant ‘sites’ that you have to go to. Your lack of physical attention. The lack of emotional attention. The missing ring that you never bothered replacing. The list goes on, Justin.’

  ‘What are you on about?’ Justin asked. ‘Do you seriously believe the things you’re saying?’ He didn’t wait for an answer. ‘I’ve been breaking my back to put food on the table, Becky. I’ve gone to the sites so that you might have a better life. And you know damn well that I’m waiting until payday to replace the ring.’ He paused to regulate his breathing and regain control of his voice. ‘Wait…are you implying that I’m having an affair?’

  Rebecca pursed her lips. ‘Are...are you?’

  ‘Of course not, honey,’ Justin said. ‘That’s absurd! I don’t even have time to focus on you and our baby properly, let alone anyone else.’

  ‘I...I don’t know what to believe anymore,’ Rebecca said. Justin took her in his arms and gently stroked the back of her head. Her lip quivered. ‘I’m sorry that I’m such a terrible wife.’

  ‘Nonsense,’ he said. ‘You’re not a terrible wife. It’s me that’s the terrible husband.’

  ‘You’re not,’ Rebecca said and bit her lip.

  ‘You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Becky. Don’t ever forget that.’

  Rebecca looked up at Justin. She wanted to tell him so desperately about her mistake, but couldn’t find the strength or courage.

  ‘I know that I haven’t been much of a husband to you lately,’ he said. ‘I’ll make it up to you.’ Might as well go all the way. ‘The first thing that I’m going to do when I get back from the site is get myself another job.’

  Rebecca pushed herself away from Justin. ‘Another site?’

  Justin frowned. ‘This will be the last one,’ he said. ‘I promise.’

  ‘You promised before,’ she said.

  ‘This time it’s different. I’m going to quit when I get back.’

  ‘Why don’t you just quit now?’

  ‘It won’t go down too well with management. I need them as reference when I look fo
r another job. If I burn my bridges now, all my hard work to date would have been in vain. The time away at sites; everything I’ve done would have meant nothing.’

  ‘I need you more than you need them,’ she said. ‘You can always get another job somewhere, with or without their reference.’

  ‘Becky, it took me months of actively searching to get another job after I lost the previous one.’

  ‘Well,’ she said. ‘You have to decide now, Justin Greene, which is more important. Your job or your wife. Because it appears that either way, you’re going to lose one of them.’

  * - - - *

  Despite the numerous amounts of explaining Justin did, Rebecca couldn’t understand why he would choose to go to the site instead of staying with her and their unborn child. Did they mean so little to him?

  ‘I’m going to resign,’ he said after he finished packing his bags. ‘This time it’s for real.’

  You might as well not come back, Rebecca thought. All your belongings are already packed. She just stared at him. She wanted to be tough, but couldn’t stop her lower lip from quivering.

  ‘We’re going to work something out,’ Justin said and hugged her. She didn’t want to let go of him, for if she did, he would leave. She clung to him. He gently pushed her back. For just the briefest moment in time, she managed to make herself believe that he didn’t really have to go; that they would have a nice relaxing evening in front of the television. He broke himself free and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. ‘When I come back,’ he said, ‘we’re going to sit and work through this. I promise.’

  She waved as he drove off until the car disappeared around the corner, and then with tear-filled eyes returned to the cold emptiness of the apartment.

  * - - - *

  The woman entered the large empty room with a huge pentagram painted in the middle of the cement floor. She walked around the pentagram and placed a black candle on each point of the star while she chanted something in a foreign language. The cloaked woman then lit the candles and stepped inside the circle painted around the pentagram and walked to the middle of the five-pointed star. There, she sat cross-legged and chanted for a while longer. She suddenly stopped and opened her eyes.

  ‘Oh, prince of darkness,’ she said while forming various patterns in the air with her hands. ‘Hear me and guide our chosen one to complete his appointed task in this final hour.’

  Invisible demons danced around the circle and chanted along with the woman.

  ‘Oh, lord of darkness,’ Tanya said. ‘Hear my prayers and give strength to our champion.’

  * - - - *

  Simon watched the skies as dark clouds formed rapidly over the town of Kelwick. Something unnatural was brewing. He could smell it in the coming rain. Something of un-imaginable evil was on the verge of happening.

  ‘Dear Lord,’ Simon prayed. ‘Please protect Justin from any harm on the road.’ Images of a horrific head-on-head collision involving Justin and a pick-up truck flashed through Simon’s mind. ‘Please protect my friend.’

  * - - - *

  Justin wanted to send a text message to Rebecca, but just as he was typing it, his battery died.

  ‘Nuts,’ he said and flung the useless phone to one side. Much needed rain was coming. Clouds billowed thick and dark at a rapid pace. Wind kicked dust into the air, lending a certain purple colour to the late afternoon skyline. Justin switched on the headlights of his car.

  Although he was confident that he would sort out everything with Rebecca when he returned, something gnawed at his stomach. Something made him feel uncomfortable.

  Well you have to decide now, Justin Greene, which is more important. Your job or your wife. Because it appears that either way, you’re going to lose one of them.

  Justin shook his head. It wasn’t fair.

  It’s in your hands now. You alone control the fate of this company.

  Justin knew that he had an obligation towards his employer. He bit his lower lip. He also had one towards his wife. Justin hesitated a moment longer and then pulled off the side of the road.

  Just imagine to what advantage it could be, career wise, if news would reach the board members that you single-handedly saved the company.

  ‘I don’t care,’ Justin said out loud. ‘My wife needs me.’

  It’s in your hands now. You alone control the fate of this company.

  ‘I-don’t-care!’ Justin shouted and slammed the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. He took a few deep breaths, weighed his options, made up his mind, and then made the U-turn back home.

  * - - - *

  Rebecca opened the door. Dominic’s pleasant smile was a warm contrast to the cold and lonely feeling in her heart.

  ‘I need you,’ Dominic said.

  Rebecca hesitated, and just stood there, holding on to the door without saying a word. The wind ripped it from her hand, but Dominic grabbed it in mid-swing. He stepped inside and closed the door.

  ‘I can’t…do this...’ Rebecca said.

  Dominic placed his finger over her lips and brought his mouth close to her ear. ‘You deserve more, Rebecca,’ he whispered. ‘You deserve better.’

  ‘Better...’ Rebecca repeated. She felt her legs buckle from beneath her, but Dominic’s powerful arms kept her from falling to the ground. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom where he gently lay her down onto the bed.

  ‘Am I dreaming?’ Rebecca asked in a daze. Her head was spinning and her breathing felt deep and forced. ‘Is this a dream?’

  Dominic leaned forward and kissed her passionately. ‘This is no dream, my love,’ he said. ‘Let go of your fears. Free yourself.’

  ‘Free...’ Rebecca whispered. Dominic’s voice echoed in her mind. Darkness slowly engulfed her vision as she slipped deeper and deeper into Dominic’s trance.

  ‘Free yourself from the bondages of marriage. Save yourself from the clutches of Justin.’


  ‘Let him go.’ Dominic brushed her hair gently. ‘Let go of Justin and come with me.’

  ‘Let go...’

  Rebecca’s eyes rolled back into her head. When she spoke, the sound of each word came out hollow and empty.

  Dominic kissed her again. ‘Come with me and leave all this behind you.’


  ‘Come with me.’


  Rebecca closed her eyes and a moment later opened them again. They were devoid of any sign of emotion or self-control.

  ‘Come,’ Dominic said and took her hand. He gently guided her from the bed. ‘Follow me.’

  Sheepishly, Rebecca obeyed.

  Lightning flashed outside as the two of them walked hand-in-hand from the room.

  * - - - *

  Justin couldn’t shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen. He almost crashed the car into a wall as he pulled in to park it. The wind ripped at the door as he opened it, but he tightened his grip. Sand peppered his face from all directions. Now and again he felt a raindrop hit random parts of his body.

  Justin had a hard time hearing anything above the wailing of the wind. He ran to the apartment, his jacket snapping in the wind. He reached the door and was surprised to find it unlocked.

  Rebecca will be equally surprised when she sees I’m back, he thought, feeling relieved that he ultimately decided to go home instead. Lightning flashed as he opened the door.

  * - - - *

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Justin asked as he entered the living room. ‘And what the hell are you doing with my wife?’

  Dominic’s facial expression made it obvious that he was caught off-guard. ‘You’re not supposed to be here,’ he hissed and shook his head. ‘It doesn’t matter. She is no longer your wife,’ he said. ‘She’s coming with me.’

  Justin couldn’t believe that this puny excuse for a man would even dare challenge him. ‘Like hell she will,’ He said and charged at Dominic. He slammed his fist into Dominic’s face, sending the young
man tumbling backward into the couch.

  ‘Rebecca,’ Justin said and shook his wife gently on the shoulders. ‘What’s going on here?’


  The wind howled. Dominic looked up and snarled.

  Justin looked at Dominic and his blood froze when he saw the glowing eyes and the razor sharp jagged teeth. Teeth like a shark! Justin thought. Before he could blink, Dominic was upon him and had his throat clamped in a vice-like grip that was meant to crush.


  ‘You should have been dead by now,’ Dominic hissed. ‘Smashed into a truck. I don’t know how you managed to survive that, but I can promise you that you will not survive this.’

  Dominic flung Justin across the room, and his huge frame smashed into the wall unit with enough force to shatter every bone in his body. Only the angle that he struck the wall unit with was what spared him of that fate. In a fraction of a second Dominic was upon Justin again. He lifted his claw-like hand into the air.

  ‘In the name of Jesus Christ,’ a voice at the door shouted above the wind. ‘Leave that man alone!’

  An invisible force flung Dominic from Justin and sent him sprawling into the couch again.

  ‘This has gone far enough, demon,’ Simon said.

  ‘You?’ Dominic sneered with a snarl. ‘A mere human? You think you can threaten me?’

  ‘I’m warning you,’ Simon said. ‘Stay away from these people.’

  Dominic jumped up and sprinted towards Simon, his teeth bared and his claw-like fingers ready to rip apart whatever it grabbed hold of. At the last possible second, Simon side-stepped him and shot out the ridge of his hand into Dominic’s throat, sending the man toppling head over heels before slamming him into the ground.


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