The Incubus, Succubus and Son of Perdition Box Set: The Len du Randt Bundle

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The Incubus, Succubus and Son of Perdition Box Set: The Len du Randt Bundle Page 76

by Len du Randt

  ‘It’s true,’ Trevor said; his voice hardly above a coarse whisper. He looked down at his shaking hands. He was about to receive the Mark of the Beast. He was about to sign up for eternal damnation.

  ‘Say what?’ the nosy woman in front of him asked, assuming that it had been her that he spoke to.

  ‘Nothing,’ Trevor said and ran to his motorcycle as fast as he could.

  ‘You’ve just lost your place, buddy!’ the man behind him in the queue shouted.

  Trevor didn’t reply. He just kept running as fear clutched its claws around his heart and squeezed.

  ‘Oh, Jesus,’ he said when he finally reached his motorcycle. ‘Forgive me, please! I beg of you!’

  He wept as his hand clenched around the throttle. ‘I ask your forgiveness and pray that you help me, oh Lord,’ he said. ‘Please help me, and please forgive me for what I have done to Andrew.’

  An N-Force parking security officer tapped him lightly on the shoulder. ‘Sir, are you here for the Shield?’ he asked. ‘You have to get in line or leave, please. There are many people still looking for a parking spot.’

  ‘No, thanks,’ Trevor said as he kick-started the bike. ‘I was just leaving.’

  - - -* * *- - -

  ‘It is with great pleasure that I announce,’ Antonio Pascale said at the live GMN press conference, ‘that the dates will no longer reflect to that of the terrorist leader, Jesus, but instead to our own Sovereign Emperor and saviour, Victor Yoshe.’

  There was silence as the reporters waited for Antonio to explain.

  ‘Thus from now on,’ he said, ‘the dates will no longer reflect B.C. or A.D. as has always been the case, but instead as B.V. and S.V, which simply means: Before Victor, and Since Victor.’

  The reporters scribbled furiously.

  ‘At the break of the new year, we will implement this global time system, and thus on the first of January next year, you will no longer use the dates that you have been using until now, but will instead refer to the year as 4S.V.’

  Cameras flashed and many questions were asked, some especially focussing on how the date change was to affect computer systems globally. Antonio answered each with exceptional accuracy.

  ‘This is a new era,’ he finally concluded, ‘Embrace it as you embrace your God.’

  - - -* * *- - -

  ‘This is preposterous!’ the representative of Egypt to the European Empire shouted. ‘Sovereign Emperor Yoshe cannot just be allowed to change the times and laws as he pleases! This has simply gone too far!’

  The room buzzed as many raised their agreement and many their disagreement.

  ‘Order!’ the Chairman shouted. ‘I said, order!’

  Everyone quietened down again.

  ‘I will not allow this to become a power struggle. We have placed Sovereign Emperor Yoshe in his position of power because he has the power and knowledge to guide us, and the miracles to back his claims. He has proven himself worthy on every level, and I believe that he should be free to do as he pleases.’

  ‘That’s insane!’ the representative said louder than he had intended to. ‘He and his N-Force has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the last six months, and if he is not stopped, who knows how many more would have to die?’

  ‘Those people were terrorists, and if it had not been for their executions, millions of people, innocent people, would have perished. Sovereign Emperor Yoshe’s method of cleansing the planet is, by my vote, the best idea in a long time.’

  ‘Then I declare a retraction,’ the representative said. ‘Egypt will no longer be part of the European Empire.’

  ‘That decision is not yours to make,’ the Chairman said.

  ‘Our house has agreed unanimously, and we have heard from the people of our country. This is what we all want,’ the representative said with spite in his voice. ‘You shall either allow us to retract, or we will declare war, and remove Sovereign Emperor Yoshe with force.’

  ‘Fine,’ the Chairman sighed. ‘Those who wish to retract should do so within forty-eight hours. But keep in mind that you will no longer be under the protection of the European Empire or any other international coalition, and would have to fend for yourselves if ever under attack.’

  ‘So be it,’ the representative said.

  ‘So be it,’ the Chairman said and dismissed the meeting with the loud bang of his mallet.



  ‘Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.’

  - Blaise Pascal

  Victor stood on the edge of the cliff. He stared out across the ocean at the vast body of water that covered two thirds of the Earth. The sun created a brilliant display of sparkles on the surface of the water, and the relaxing scene was a sharp contrast to the early morning breeze that ripped at his cape.

  ‘Are we ready?’ Victor asked as Antonio and Ryan approached him.

  ‘We are ready, my Lord,’ came the confirmation that Victor had been waiting for.

  ‘Fine,’ he said and turned toward the city in the distance. ‘Let us proceed then.’

  - - -* * *- - -

  ‘What is the meaning of this?’ the king of District Seven yelled at Victor as he approached him.

  ‘You have retracted from the Empire, Daniel’ Victor said calmly. ‘That makes you an enemy.’

  ‘District Seven has retracted for personal reasons, Emperor,’ the king said. He didn’t want to show any sign of disrespect for fear of what Victor might do in retaliation.

  ‘It’s Sovereign Emperor,’ Victor corrected the man. ‘The reasons submitted to the Chairman were all quite personal, Daniel,’ Victor said. ‘They were directed mostly at me and did you put it...? Methods.’

  ‘So we don’t see eye to eye about everything,’ the king said. ‘But does that now make me an enemy?’

  ‘If you’re not for me,’ Victor said, ‘you’re against me.’

  ‘You’re so full of it, Victor...’

  ‘Yes?’ Victor said. ‘Go on...’

  The king of District Seven took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he exhaled. He then pointed at the direction of the GMN news crew. ‘What are they doing here?’ he asked, hoping that it would divert Victor’s attention away from his previous comment.

  ‘They’re here to capture the event live,’ Victor said.

  ‘Event?’ Daniel asked. ‘What event?’

  ‘The event that will also happen two more times,’ Victor said. ‘At the other two Districts that have retracted.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ the king asked. ‘What are you talking about?’

  Victor pointed to the city in the distance. ‘See that city over there?’ he asked.


  ‘That is the capital of District Seven, is that correct?’

  ‘Yes...’ Daniel said. ‘But I still don’t see what—’

  ‘Wrong, Daniel,’ Victor hissed and nodded to Antonio. ‘That was the capital of District Seven.’

  Antonio raised his hands into the air and chanted in a foreign tongue. Dark clouds piled in the skies and the wind picked up. Barely a minute later the skies were as black as night. The wind almost jerked Daniel off his feet, and he had to hunch down to regain his balance. Antonio appeared to be unaffected by the gale and just chanted louder and louder above the wailing of the wind.

  The clouds above the city opened up, and streaks of fire poured down from the skies and consumed the skyscrapers and city streets of District 7. In the distance, the citizens of the city were running and screaming, but in a matter of minutes, the fire had consumed all.

  ‘Oh my...’

  ‘Do you see, Daniel?’ Victor asked and his mouth went from smile to snarl. ‘Do you see what I am about to do with my enemies?’

  Daniel wasn’t paying attention to Victor. His heart exploded in his ears as he realized that his wife and children were all in the city, probably still sleeping when the fire came down.

bsp; ‘Yes, Daniel,’ Victor said as if reading his thoughts. ‘They’re all dead; and it’s your fault.’

  ‘ murderer!’ Daniel shrieked and ran towards Victor, flailing his fists violently through the air.

  Ryan moved between Victor and Daniel, and a punch to the attacker’s solar plexus sent him tumbling to the ground.

  ‘You seriously underestimate me, Daniel,’ Victor said slightly irritated. He then turned to his right-hand man. ‘Ryan,’ he said and pointed to Daniel. ‘Pick that up and impale him in my holy city for all to see. I want him impaled alive and kept alive for as long as possible. I want him to suffer for days, or even weeks if you can.’

  ‘Understood, my Lord,’ Ryan said and picked the man up by the collar.

  Victor turned toward the GMN camera crew and spoke directly into the camera. ‘Join me in my cause,’ he said as he aimed his words directly at the leaders of the other retracted districts, ‘or you will suffer an even worse fate. It is time for me to clean up the bad elements in this world as I have done with Sodom and Gomorrah back in the day. You have not learnt from their mistakes, and thus you too shall perish in your sins.’

  He paused for a brief moment, and then concluded: ‘Join me now, or die.’

  - - -* * *- - -

  Trevor stared unbelievingly at the footage that played off live on GMN. He found himself still struggling with the reality of living in the last days of Earth. Thank you for opening my eyes, Jesus, he prayed as Victor made his speech to the rest of the world leaders. Thank you for pulling me from the fires of Hell in the nick of time.

  - - -* * *- - -

  ‘Three more countries have joined our forces,’ Ryan said as he pointed to three strategic locations on a map that was spread out and covered a large wooden table.

  ‘Excellent,’ Victor grinned. He pointed to two sections on the map. ‘We will take these next.’

  ‘No offence, my Lord,’ Ryan said, ‘but Kazakhstan and Mongolia are two large countries. It will be no stroll in the park to take them.’

  ‘That is indeed so,’ Victor said. ‘But we need the space.’

  Ryan didn’t know what that was supposed to mean, but he knew that once Victor had put his mind to something, he accomplished it.

  - - -* * *- - -

  ‘Kazakhstan and Mongolia have fallen under Emperor Yoshe’s powerful onslaught. Hundreds of thousands of terrorists have been taken prisoner and await their fates in enemy concentration camps while thousands of others have handed themselves over, and have joined the N-Force army in their crusade to cleanse the world of terror.

  ‘Sovereign Emperor Yoshe will have a meeting in mainland China next week where he will divide his army and send them in three different directions. These armies will then march toward India, Russia, and Burma where they will then take Bangladesh, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam.

  ‘In other news: all people are asked to report, hand in or burn any terrorist propaganda that they might find. These include so-called Worship CDs, DVD Movies, books, Tracts, Websites, Churches, and Bibles. Those who are found with such propaganda will be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  ‘Roadblocks will soon be implemented across the Empire, and vehicles will be searched for terrorist propaganda. N-Force troops will also check the allegiance of people, and those within the Empire without the Shield will be considered and treated as terrorists.

  ‘This is Roland Jackson for GMN, live.’

  - - -* * *- - -

  China: One Week Later

  To Ryan, taking Kazakhstan and Mongolia were nothing short of a miracle. But going for India, Russia, and Burma at once would be suicide. They weren’t nearly equipped for a military coup of that magnitude, and besides, Antonio could only be at one place at any given time.

  ‘Ryan,’ Victor said as he entered the tent. ‘Come.’

  Ryan stood up. ‘Where to, my Lord?’

  ‘Come,’ Victor said. ‘I want to show you something.’

  - - -* * *- - -

  They were on the road for more than an hour before the Jeep came to a standstill. Ryan had no idea what Victor wanted to show him, but complied with everything his Lord requested.

  As they got out of the Jeep, Ryan felt the ground vibrate and heard cheers like that of a live football match in the distance.

  ‘Wait here,’ Victor told the driver. He then guided Ryan lightly by the elbow. ‘Come,’ he said, and Ryan followed him and Antonio.

  They walked through some shrubbery and trees, and as they advanced, the vibrations intensified and the cheering grew louder. Ryan knew that the crowd waiting behind coverage of the trees were waiting for Victor’s arrival.

  Oh my, Ryan thought as they cleared the trees. He could see millions upon millions of people, all cheering and stomping their feet when they realized that Victor was there. Between the millions of people was a huge path down which the three of them walked. Ryan now realized why Victor needed so much space.

  It was like walking through the parted Red Sea. A sea of people. But they were not people. As they walked, Ryan saw that they were taller than the average person. Broader too. Their leathery skin was a rotten, greenish-grey colour and appeared to be as thick as an elephant’s hide. They had fangs instead of teeth and were more hideous than the creatures in many modern movies. And they were real.

  The beast-like figures carried huge swords instead of modern firearms. Finally, after twenty minutes of making their way along the path past thousands of the non-human soldiers, did they reach a large podium.

  As Victor approached the podium, a hush fell over the crowd of foul smelling monsters.

  Ryan took a seat next to Antonio, who in turn was seated next to four of the brutish soldiers. But these four were different: they were more intimidating than the rest and visibly larger too.

  ‘They are generals,’ Antonio whispered, and then motioned for Ryan to focus on Victor.

  ‘My fellow soldiers,’ Victor shouted into the microphone. ‘Today we march together into battle!’

  The stage shook as the monsters cheered and stomped their feet. Victor raised his hand and they grew quiet again.

  ‘For too long have the vermin of this planet stood in our way,’ Victor cried out. ‘For too long have we allowed them to spread their hatred and lies! Today we take back what is rightfully ours! Today we take back our planet!’

  The soldiers roared and shouted and stomped, but this time Victor did not quiet them. He allowed them to cheer and shout.

  A shiver went down Ryan’s spine as he realized that no one would be able to stand in Victor’s way.

  Victor smiled and stood next to Ryan. He waved at the soldiers who cheered him on even more.

  ‘With these two hundred million Imperial Soldiers,’ Victor said, ‘I will establish my kingdom over this world. Let all who see tremble, and all who oppose be crushed.’

  - - -* * *- - -

  ‘Military N-Force traitors worldwide were captured today and are being taken to a central detainment camp in Russia where they will await their fates. This follows the public introduction of Sovereign Emperor Victor Yoshe’s elite force, the Imperial Soldiers.

  ‘Lord Yoshe ordered the arrests after rumours exposed several divisions of N-Force as ‘against the Empire,’ with possible affiliations with terrorists. They will be tried by the World Court this coming week, but insiders say that all of them will probably receive the death penalty.

  ‘N-Force fire fighters, Hospital workers, Community Workers and other public relations departments were unaffected by the sudden arrests. Lord Yoshe proudly announced in a press release that the Imperial Soldiers outnumber the N-Force military units four hundred to one, and use substantially less resources than normal soldiers. They are also more versatile as they can run for days without tiring, and are resistant to most calibre firearms, as well as disease.

  ‘We will keep you informed as the story unfolds. This is Ivan Rankoff, for GMN News Live, Russia.’

  - - -* *
*- - -

  The trip from Jerusalem to Al Jalil had been a stroke of luck more than anything else. René had lost her friends somewhere in Jerusalem, and some careful bartering managed to land herself a plane ticket to Al Jalil. She didn’t think that she would actually see her saviour, but as long as she was in the same city as he was, there would at least be a slim chance. Now she was walking the very streets that he walked in; possibly even on the same pavement he had walked on some time or another. René couldn’t be more thrilled.

  ‘Excuse me,’ she asked a man as he walked past her. ‘How do I get to Lord Yoshe’s temple from here?’

  The man didn’t even look as her and almost knocked her over as he walked past in full stride.

  She scratched a slight itch on her elbow and asked another man, who also ignored her. Chauvinist pigs, she thought and decided to ask a woman instead.

  ‘Would you be able to help me?’ she asked the first woman that appeared to be a tourist as well.

  ‘I could try,’ the woman said as she scratched her leg.

  ‘All I need is directions to Lord Yoshe’s temple,’ René said as she scratched the nape of her neck.

  ‘Sure,’ the woman said and scratched her cheek. ‘You just...’ she scratched her arms. ‘Just go down...’

  René didn’t focus on the woman anymore. She was too busy scratching herself. What started out as a light itch had now turned to a burning sensation all over her body. The other woman too—it appeared—was too busy scratching herself to continue giving directions.


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