An Alpha Torn (Nights Of Lust Book 1)

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An Alpha Torn (Nights Of Lust Book 1) Page 16

by Sascha Illyvich

  She slipped out of his mind with a precious caress and a promise of more later. Looking down at Kissa's soft smile, the pout of her lips and shape of her face reminded him he had a home. He'd be damned if he’d tear it down like he did with everything else.

  Istvan took a seat by Dave. He picked up kindling, tossed it in the dying fire before grabbing a large stick to stoke the flames. The fire burned brighter before Istvan left the log alone. Dave added more kindling and smoke billowed upward.

  For a few moments he and Kissa embraced in silence while he rested his head atop hers.

  Dave and Istvan took turns shifting wood around, looking at the ground or otherwise remaining quiet.

  Finally, Joséf lifted his head. "We need to formulate a plan."

  "Right.” Istvan stood, threw more wood on the fire and finally took a seat beside Dave.

  "So our plan is to get the pack in shape, and then get ourselves a flight out of Hungary and back to San Francisco, pronto. That about sum it up?"

  Dave nodded. "From what I hear you have more vampires per city than all of Europe."

  Joséf cuddled Kissa closer when she shuddered. "The vampires ran out of Europe when rogue shifter factions took control. San Francisco is home to over two hundred thousand of the undead."

  Istvan gasped. "Controlling freaks."

  Gritting his teeth, Joséf let the remark slide. "The undead have control over the fragile human mind.” Joséf leaned back against a tree trunk, the bark itchy against his skin, Kissa still wrapped around him.

  "Hence my strong dislike of humans and the undead, Joe. Ballsy move by the way.” Istvan stroked his beard again and ran his hands through his hair.

  Joséf studied him closely. He was Hungarian in his features, his eyes held a hint of kindness in them. Most of the time he appeared fearsome; especially when he stood up to his full height of probably 6'8.” He was taller than Joséf and Sapporo by a good few inches.

  Joséf shrugged. "What?"

  "Challenging Sapporo."

  Joséf wrapped both of his arms around Kissa. "I'm surprised with your power; you haven't done it first."

  She nuzzled his chest.

  She wanted to play and he'd give in to her, but not now. Yet, he couldn't resist touching her, feeling her every action and response to his movements. Joséf ran a hand protectively down her back, fingers spread to touch more of her.

  Kissa purred.

  "I just know better, that's all.” Istvan closed his eyes.

  "What's that supposed to mean?” Joséf tensed.

  Kissa ran a leg up his thigh. Jolts of arousal started low in his belly. A hand snaked down around his cock. His stomach tightened. Kissa…

  She giggled inside his mind.

  "It means Istvan can't stand losing and would rather die than be beat by a woman. Or a vampire, so he chooses not to fight."

  "Lucian…" Istvan's low growl was meant as a warning.

  "It's the truth!" Dave put his hands up in defense, unable to hide the dopey smile on his face.

  "Hmph.” Istvan leaned back and sighed.

  "So what's the plan, Cap'n?”

  Joséf shrugged. "Budapest is about an hour and a half from here, right?"

  Dave nodded.

  "Does anyone have actual money? Or are we broke?"

  "It'd take time to round up enough money for airfare for the four of us."

  Kissa lifted a hand.

  Joséf caught it and brought it to his chest. "You're not getting a job."

  She stuck her tongue out.

  “It'd take us about an hour and a half by car, but can you transport twenty of us in four or five cars? And for that matter, can any of us drive aside from the three of us?” Dave picked up a large stick and poked the fire. Sparks flew and died out.

  "You cannot even drive."

  "Can too.” Kissa stuck out her tongue.

  Joséf hardened beneath her, his cock nudging her spine.

  "In fact, I can drive stick.” She arched her hips into his.

  "Kissa!" Joséf's fingers bunched in her hair. She giggled.

  "I've always wondered about you Kissa. Now I know.” Dave wore a shit-eating grin.

  Joséf kicked a rock at the other lupine. "You two need to get rest before we go tomorrow. Do you think the three of us can manage on our own?"

  "Ahem?” Kissa's nails threatened his shaft.

  He glared at her.

  You need to stop forgetting your strength, Farkas. Livía's voice floated softly in his head. She should be asleep by now. Dead. Whatever.

  Joséf sighed. Kissa was his to protect, but she reared her stubborn head last time. While she didn't get hurt, she had certainly been in danger. She's still…

  Do not misjudge her. I am allowing her to accompany you because I have been around for almost four hundred years and have learned something about people. Trust me, Farkas. She is strong within her own right.

  "Yes, Kissa. The four of us."

  "All right, you two. Settle down. So it'll just be the four of us then. We can run to Budapest and board a plane?"

  "Waste of energy, running. We're not far from the travelers. We could steal a car and dump it in the city.” Dave laughed. "A good old fashioned human carjacking."

  Kissa's nails trailed up Joséf's stomach, skittering across his flesh beneath his shirt. His stomach tightened. His groin pulled. Glancing down at her, he saw her lick her lips.

  Istvan and Dave weren't paying much attention. Thankful, he decided two could play this game. Reaching a hand beneath Kissa's shirt, he gripped a handful of flesh and pulled her closer to him, nudging her ass with his cock.

  "Course we could just rent a car.” Istvan snorted.

  Dave closed his eyes. "Yeah. We could do that. What say you, Cap'n?"

  Arching forward for his hands to cup her breasts, Kissa wriggled her hips. Joséf's words caught in his throat but he managed to speak. "With what funds?"

  "I have money. Remember, I'm still a human according to tax purposes and draw unemployment.” Dave pulled out his wallet. “I've got forints.”

  "Thought we were on Euros.” This came from Istvan.

  Joséf shuddered visibly beneath Kissa. Damnit woman…

  She gripped his cock and wrapped her tiny fingers around his shaft. Giving him a squeeze, her nails dug into his flesh. I told you I can handle myself.

  Joséf sighed through clenched teeth. I'm going to show you what you told me…

  More laughter filled his head.

  Joséf exhaled slowly, waiting for the pressure on his cock to become pleasurable again. Damn Kissa. You're a little shit.

  I'm also very, very wet. She batted her eyelashes at him and stood. Dropping her human illusion, she changed into her beautiful wolf form, all soft and gray and large enough to intimidate but still small and feminine.

  "How in the hell…" Joséf let his thought trail off into nothingness while still staring at Istvan and Dave.

  "Go. Play. We've got a long road ahead of us tomorrow.” Dave gave Joséf the same smirk, letting him know he knew Kissa was being devilish.

  "And I'm not sure we'll make it out after what I saw last night.” Istvan poked the fire once more and then leaned back farther against the trunk of a nearby tree.

  "Relax. It's just a new country full of modern vampires.” Joséf stood and took off after Kissa.


  Joséf ran fast through the forest on foot but managed to transform in mid-stride, loving the feel of the ground beneath his pounding paws. Sniffing Kissa's arousal brought her scent to him, and the image of her juices coating the inside of her thighs made him all that much harder.

  When she stopped and changed forms, she'd be so slick her wetness would run down her thighs.

  And that arousal was all for him.

  Moving past underbrush and through the trees, he kept pace, trailing only a few feet behind her. Bigger, stronger, he should have the advantage, but she'd spent more time in lupine form.

  That mattered
not, when his cock bobbed between his thighs.

  He lost her scent for a moment, so he stopped. Lifting his muzzle to the air, he sniffed, picking up the clean freshwater scent of the lake until he picked out that subtle spice that belonged to Kissa.

  He sauntered through the leaves and trees until he spotted her. She sat on her haunches, tail wagging frantically while her tongue lolled about her mouth. Panting, waiting.

  He stopped. Then he met her gaze and started to trot over to her as though he owned this land.

  She raised her head to him then looked away.

  He sensed her mocking him. You'll pay for that.

  Not likely. She snorted.

  Now Joséf stood within five feet of her, her musky sex filling his nose.

  She looked at him, snorted once more and licked her lips. Then, without hesitation she took off running again.

  Joséf caught the glint of playfulness in her eyes. She wanted badly to play and run as wolves toward the lake.

  A quick glance revealed the full moon hanging in the sky. Waves lapped at the sandy shore, mimicking what would soon be the rhythm of Joséf buried inside his little lover.

  He'd started thinking of her as his little lover not long after Livía chastised him for trying to abandon her or keep them separate in his head.

  It seemed natural to let her in, just like he had with Livía.

  One was queen to his alpha, the other, his queen of the night.

  He'd make Kissa beg to be claimed, then he'd fuck her slowly.

  Joséf spotted her in the distance and stopped again. Her scent became masked with flowers native to the area. Joséf inhaled sharply, his sensitive nose picking up her unique scent.

  She barked.

  Trotting slowly after her, he stopped just a few feet from her. Knowing he could clear the distance between them, his loins burned for contact in this form. His cock throbbed, the familiar swelling between lupine thighs aching painfully. He burned with passion for her.

  Kissa stopped short of the water, tail wagging.

  Darting toward her, Joséf landed on top of her, taking her down with an oomph.

  The moment they made contact, both shifted and rolled forward, tearing at each other's flesh for just a bit of contact.

  Joséf wrestled for control of the kiss but Kissa refused to give in so quickly.

  He straddled her finally, pinning her hands by her head. The glint in her eyes told him he'd done the right thing. Smiling down at her, he released her and took her head in his hands. "I've got you.”

  She brought up a hand in mock protest. He captured her wrists with one hand and lowered his mouth to hers. Claiming her possessively, he savored her sweet taste and the feel of plump lips against his mouth. He shot his tongue between her lips, stroking hers, exploring the inside of her mouth and along her lips.

  She'd bruise in the morning. He didn't care.

  Right now, Kissa lay supple and alive beneath him, reaffirming his role in this world.

  She jolted her hips upward.

  He reached between them with a free hand and tugged at her skirt, tearing it from her hips. Shoving it down the length of her creamy legs, he revealed her shaved sex. "I want to fuck you," he settled himself directly over her.

  He'd been right. The head of his cock brushed against her slick heat and she practically dripped wetness for him.

  She sighed and pressed her hips harder into his.

  Sliding his hand between them, he nudged her thighs apart and felt instant stickiness.

  "Beg me," she closed her legs together on his hand.

  He growled deep and lowered his mouth to her neck. "Give to me, Kissa.” He bit her neck, capturing her flesh between pointed incisors.

  She arched into his body, her breasts swelling beneath her loose fitting top. "Not without a fight, kedvesm."

  He laughed, a low throaty sound. Nipping her neck again made her acquiesce beneath him just a little. Taut nipples strained against her top, begging for his mouth.

  Joséf lowered his mouth to her neck, nibbling and kissing her delicate flesh. She arched and writhed against him, still not opening her legs. Gripping the thin material of her top with his teeth, he growled and yanked the top from her.

  Kissa threw her head back in laughter, her curls spilling out behind her.

  Joséf gripped her wrists harder; sure in his rational mind he was hurting her.

  She only laughed harder and began bucking against his hand. "I want your cock."

  Was she demanding him? "No.” He dipped his head between her breasts and captured a nipple between his teeth. Rolling the thin pebble around between his teeth made Kissa hiss and buck against him.

  Her skin practically burned.

  Good. The fire in his body needed cooling. His cock swelled, aching painfully beneath his jeans.

  He released her wrists long enough to grind his hips into hers.

  Kissa reached down and grabbed the snaps on his jeans and tore them open.

  His cock sprang free, thick and heavy and wet with pre-cum. She gripped him. "I want this!"

  "No," he growled in her ear then dragged his tongue down her neck.

  She shivered beneath him and gave his cock a squeeze.

  He growled again, a sound of pure pleasure before he returned to suckling her breast.

  Struggling, Kissa shoved his pants down past his hips and grabbed his ass. She slapped him, digging her nails in his flesh. "I have been called a princess and shall not be denied.” The husky delight of her voice sent chills up his spine.

  Pain radiated in his ass and he hissed.

  Kissa drew her legs against her body and pushed off Joséf's thighs, freeing herself. She scrambled to get away.

  Joséf grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her back, turning her around.

  "I'm not finished with you, little girl.” He yanked her hips to his for emphasis.

  She made a sound, and started to scramble away again.

  Joséf lowered his mouth to her ass and bit her for punctuation.

  She yelped and cried out, giving him a dirty look before wriggling her hips again over his face and wound up on her back.

  He hovered above her, his thick hair parting on each side of his face. He lowered his mouth to hers, nipped her lip, suckled at it and hid the world from her with his hair. "Mine," he growled once again.


  Joséf ran a hand down her belly and found her pussy. Pressing lightly into parted lips revealed just how wet she'd grown. His cock brushed against her thigh, covering it in pre-cum.

  She jolted against him.

  He held her down, pushing on her hips and shoulders with his strength. Somehow, he figured he'd hurt her but if he had, she hadn't complained.

  She needed to beg, needed not to get her way in this one place. Kissa demanded of him, forced his head and hand in other matters, but if he was to be alpha, he had to rule somewhere.

  What a silly notion, considering he'd give her anything, including this release.

  Kissa reached between their sweat-covered bodies for his shaft. Her small fingers wrapped around him and began pumping, while her other hand cupped his balls and massaged them.

  Joséf groaned and bent over her, pleasure wracking his senses. He lowered his mouth to the crook of her neck and began kissing softly, sucking skin while he caressed her breasts and rolled her tight nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

  She was fire to his ice, heat to his water.

  He'd crawled up the length of her body, still letting her hold his cock. The way she rubbed her thumb over the head of his cock made him jump, shooting pleasure down his spine.

  He couldn't stand it anymore. Her plump ass wriggled, rose up and down just millimeters from the head of his cock. Her thighs trembled to hold herself over him.

  "Add ide vagy sikítok!"


  "Give it to me or I'll scream you bastard, put that damn thing in me and fuck me like you can—oh goddess just like that, my prince!"

  Joséf took one deep breath and then settled his cock at the head of her entrance. With one full thrust, he impaled her so hard he swore it knocked the breath from his lungs.

  Molten liquid caressed his cock, sweet and warm like velvet honey.

  The second their hips met, he muttered her name.

  He gripped her and pulled her tighter against him, hoping for more contact though it was impossible.

  Kissa bucked against him, sliding up and down his shaft until he'd popped out of her.

  She groaned low at the loss.

  Joséf thrust back in her and rolled again so she was on top.

  Moving strands of hair back from her face revealed the smoldering emotions she'd never failed to share with him. Slowly, she settled on him, easing him in, out, deeper, parting her lips with each impalement.

  Joséf cupped her breasts, rolling her nipples the way she liked, with every attempt to pleasure her before seeking his own release. He needed her orgasm, wanted to revel in it before reality came flooding back.

  She cried out, mouth open while her head fell back and her curls tickled the inside of his thighs. Then she gave him a wicked glint. "Might as well fuck my ass too—goddamnit!"

  On cue, Joséf slapped her ass.

  She yipped but began moving in slow, deliberate strokes.

  Tension built inside him, forcing his pulse to race and cock to throb.

  She took her fill, sinking down on him deep and hard.

  Joséf slid a hand down her stomach and found her clit with his thumb. He pressed into her, rubbing in time with her every stroke.

  Again, her aura surrounded them, blending into the night sky while purple and white colors mixed into her reddish silver tint. Sparkles filled the space between them.

  Instant warmth.



  Kissa wasn't just a desire or a need; she became his breath, pulling into his lungs, pushing out of his mouth, guiding him, helping sustain him. She became his world, narrowed down to the tiniest microcosm possible while they joined, and he found himself blessedly lost in her.

  Falling forward, Kissa rocked her hips against his, pounding him, the sounds of their lovemaking echoing in the night.

  He gripped her hips, helped her, spread her for depth.


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