Fallen Angel

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Fallen Angel Page 14

by Meg Xuemei X

  Now, the new regime didn’t wish me to leave the realm anymore, but they needed to control me. That was when marriage and children came to the picture.

  “The realm needs an heir,” Senator Wellstone said. “The bachelors are the best the realm can provide.”

  Oh really? An heir? The governor and the senators had been giddy that I didn’t claim the throne.

  I sent away the first two waves of the suitors. But when the third group of young men came, I happened to be in a good mood after having hot, dream sex with the Archangel.

  While the candidates and I were having a glass of sparkling wine, some cheese, and chocolates in my sunroom in the center of a forest-like garden, I caught a glimpse of black velvet feathers.

  The next, Gabriel stormed into the room, wings arching high behind him in an agitating manner.

  I shook my head. Now I started seeing things even at daytime.

  The Archangel was haunting me.

  But then, all the men around me stopped talking and gawked at him and his wings.

  “Wait,” I asked. “You all can see him as well?”

  “Yeah.” One of them rose. “Who is him? He has freaking wings!”

  “Who are you?” another suitor demanded. He was the heir to the Prox House, one of the richest houses in the realm. “Do you have an idea where this is? Do you even have an invitation?”

  Gabriel grabbed him and tossed him through the window like the man weighed nothing. Luckily, the window was open, or the Prox heir would have fallen on shattered glass.

  The Angel turned to glare at the rest of the men, towering them threateningly, dark green eyes spiting fire. “Take your hands off my woman. Get lost. Now.”

  None of them left, though they all shot to their feet, red-faced and ready for a battle. They thought all of them could take one winged savage.

  I pulled my seat back and rose. “Ga—Gabriel?”

  “Glad you still remembered!”

  It was truly him, given that attitude. And suddenly, I felt light swimming in my eyes, and I came alive like a shark smelling blood in the water.

  My heart pounded in joy.

  I wanted more than anything to throw myself into his arms and latch on to him, so he would never leave again. But I held myself where I was by sheer will, my chin high, and regarded him coolly.

  “How are you here, Archangel Gabriel?” I demanded. “Explain.”

  He gave me a searing look. “I came as soon as I could,” he grated. “Not expecting me, were you, while you’re enjoying your harem?”

  “They aren’t my harem,” I said, offering him the same scorching look. “If they were, I’d have let you know.”

  The Wickedest Witch had returned, facing off the Archangel.

  “I threw out one of your lover boys,” he said through his clenched teeth. “Aren’t you going to ice the blood in my veins, or let your darkness snuff out the light in me with your dark magic, as you did to me and many others? I survived. The others didn’t!”

  Great! Now the suitors were going to think twice if they wanted to continue to court me. A dark, roguish light flashed by Gabriel’s eyes. He’d done that intentionally to terrify them.

  “I thought you liked my magic, especially my fire,” I said.

  The suitors paled. None of them wanted to be burned.

  “Where’s your ice spear, Fiammetta?” Gabriel asked. He wasn’t done with damaging my reputation yet. But my name in his sensual lips sounded more caressing than taunting. Maybe my judgment was always at fault when it came to him. “Aren’t you going to summon it when I least expect it and stab me in the heart? Right, summon it and impale my heart, but you’ll be disappointed, because you’ve broken it into two and took the other half.”

  “I did no such thing,” I said. To add the effect, I stretched a hand, and Defender appeared in my hand from the mist, its ice spearhead hissing steam.

  The suitors gasped and stepped back.

  Gabriel moved to my side, unbelievably fast. His one hand grabbed my wrist that held the ice spear, the other hand wrapped around my waist possessively to prevent me from getting away. “Are you really going to stab me, after I’ve gone through everything to come to see you?”

  “Don’t tempt me, Angel,” I said.

  I let go of Defender, and it vanished into the mist. But as I twisted in his arms, my ass rubbed his huge erection covered by his trench coat.

  Gods, my blood immediately heated. I wanted him. I wanted the Angel’s big cock inside me now. Gabriel spun me and pulled me against his chest, his breath growing heavy as his lips brushed against mine.

  Looking at the wicked sparks in his eyes, I knew he also remembered the last time when I’d tried to use my ice spear to pierce him. I’d ended up being fucked by him against a chair in my Witch Tower.

  He’d entered me from behind with one powerful thrust and driven into me again and again as if he’d never fucked.

  I had spread my hands on the wall when I’d come so hard, my ice lighting the entire chamber.

  “You remembered it, Fia, don’t you?” he asked, his voice thick with heat and desire. “You remember every bit.”

  “When did you arrive?” I asked.

  “A few days.” At least he had the decency to look a bit sheepish.

  His hand on my waist only tightened, and his wings formed a half-ring around me, protectively and possessively.

  My eyes narrowed and peeked into his. “It was you that night, was it?”

  “You dismissed me as a dream!” He had the nerve to complain.

  “How dare you toy with me!”

  “I did not toy with you, witch. I couldn’t help myself. I want you; always have and always will. You want me, too, more than you know. While you deny it all the time, your body knows better. If you keep at it, your body and your instinct will bite you in the ass.”

  “Threaten me again, creature!”

  He suddenly laughed. “This is us, isn’t it? We can’t keep our hands off each other, but when we’re with each other, we fight all the time.”

  That reminded me. “Take your hands off me,” I demanded, though my entire being begged him not to listen to me. His every touch set me ablaze and made my every cell alive.

  To my delight, Gabriel ignored my command but wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer.

  “Princess Athena asked you to remove your hands,” someone at the corner called sternly.

  We both paid him no attention.

  “Why didn’t you announce yourself earlier, Angel?” I asked, displeasure in my tone.

  “I was trying to secretly observe you, to protect you, and in the meanwhile figure out a way to win you back, but you started to gather your harem!”

  “They aren’t my harem.”

  “Then why are they all here, dressing flashily and with slick smiles on their stupid faces?”

  “It’s called a civilized society and proper courtship.”

  Maybe I shouldn’t have taunted him with the word courtship, since his face reddened with jealous rage again. He let go of me this time and stalked toward a senator’s son, who wore a self-important look.

  “What are you doing, Gabriel!” I hurried after him.

  “Clearing up your harem! That’s what I’m doing.”

  The bachelors scattered. I sighed. I’d thought they would stay and try to defend me.

  Just as I reached Gabriel, before he hurt another innocent man, my royal guards charged in, followed by the armed security personnel some of the suitors had brought.

  Gabriel grabbed me, his wings wrapping around me in protective walls.

  “I’m not the target, Gabriel.” I reminded him. “You are. You can let me go now.”

  “Freeze!” Ariston, my head guard, shouted, his weapon trained on Gabriel.

  “Why must I freeze?” Gabriel asked. “That’s an idiotic instruction.”

  Ariston’s face reddened in anger. “Drop your weapon and let go of Princess Athena!”

iel released a wing and stretched it to rudely shove away Ariston and two other armed guards beside him, and they stumbled back. “This lot is more annoying than your former guards on Pandemonium. If they weren’t yours, I’d have eliminated them for daring shout at an Archangel. We used to kill for the slightest offense.”

  At least this time, he hadn’t added “highly decorated superhero of an epic angelic civil war.”

  “Back off, Ariston,” I ordered. “He’s with me.”

  While Ariston lowered his gun and glared at Gabriel, a sentinel, who had accompanied the senator’s son, fired his laser beam—the most advanced weapon the realm’s top security personal used now.

  “You dare not!” I hissed, and my icy wind and darkness lashed out, sending him flying backwards.

  The sentinel’s laser beam shot to the ceiling instead, a patch of concrete and dirt plunging near us from a hole.

  Gabriel was at the offender’s side in an instant, lifting him from the ground to the air effortlessly.

  “Should I crush his windpipe?” he asked.

  The other guards all wanted to shoot Gabriel, but my darkness twirled in the room, hissing, and kept them at bay.

  “Let him go,” I said. “You can’t really blame him. You crashed our party, said something inappropriate to me, then resorted to violence first.”

  “If you put it that way,” he grunted, “I guess I must self-punish myself for being rude to you.” He dragged the laser weapon from the sentinel and turned it toward his chest.

  “What are you doing, Gabriel!” I called in panic, and before I could stop him, he fired the beam at himself. The laser light bounced off his chest, leaving no hint of dent.

  The guards and bachelors in and outside the sunroom all gasped and shouted, their faces paling, their eyes flashing fear. They hadn’t met anyone who could diffuse such a lethal laser beam with a chest.

  I now recalled that only an angelic weapon could hurt an Angel, and Gabriel was wisely wearing armor.

  With a single hand, he bent the laser beam bar, flung it out of the door, and sent the sentinel to follow his weapon. “Think your rudimental toys can do anything to a mighty Archangel and a decorated war hero?” He snorted. “Now get lost. I’m serious this time. I wish to have a few words with my mate!”

  The guards stared at me, dumbfounded. Right, the invincible winged savage had just declared that I was his mate.

  “Dismissed,” I told them.

  Everyone was more than happy to retreat.

  Then, I was in Gabriel’s arms again.

  He grinned in self-satisfaction. “Have you noticed that your first instinct is always to protect me, like mine is to safeguard you? You threw a good, strong wind at them, Fia.”

  I slammed a handful of ice crystal at his face, and he blinked. “What’s that for, baby?”

  “How dare you spy on me!”

  “For a good reason,” he said shamelessly, and slanted his mouth on mine, sealing my further complaint.

  Our breaths mingled, and his scent of fire, wind, and sandalwood enveloped me.

  His kiss became the only real thing in the world.


  The Angel

  Fiammetta sat with the men around her, her gray eyes bored and distant, but as soon as I stepped into the room, her eyes glowed silver.

  Just like that, I’d forgiven her for her plan of collecting a harem. Anyway, I’d shattered her harem and driven them away. When I grabbed her for a kiss, she melted to me.

  Fire burned hotter than anything beneath her ice.

  I thrust my tongue through her parted lips, and the witch’s little pointed tongue twirled around mine in a circle. My nostrils flared at her scent of arousal. She inched closer when she felt my erection against her belly.

  Then darkness rippled out of her and formed walls around us, even though my wings had done just that.

  “Baby, did you miss me?” I broke from the kiss and whispered against her lips.

  “Gabriel,” she said, her cool hand cupping my face. “You’re real. You’re here.”

  “And I’m going nowhere without you. You’ll never be able to get rid of me again.”

  My hand slid into her glossy, lustrous hair, and my mouth claimed hers again.

  Our tongues mated, and my witch’s fire burned hotter. She wanted me to fuck her, right now. I chuckled, palming between her thighs.

  I could take her right here, right now, and with her darkness shielding us, no one could see us, and no one could break in.

  But my witch was more modest. “Take me to my bedroom,” she moaned. “I believe you know where it is.”

  I scooped her up into my arms.

  “You can let go of your darkness, baby,” I said. “I’ve activated a cloaking device. No one can see us.”

  “That’s how you hid from me, but I scented you. I just couldn’t believe you would come for me.”

  “I’ll stay here with you,” I said. “I’ll live wherever you live. For my mate, a little sacrifice is worth it.”

  “But I’ve changed my mind,” she said.

  “Why do you always change your mind? It’s hard to keep up.”

  “I’ll go wherever you go,” she said. “If you don’t like that, you don’t have to take it.”

  “You’ll go with me if I want to keep traveling among the stars?” I asked incredulously, my heart beating in joy. “Could you run that by me again?”

  “You heard it correctly.”

  I brushed a kiss on her sweet lips. “Baby, you won’t regret it.”

  We approached her chamber, and my witch’s wind swung the door open. As soon as I walked in with her in my arms, her wind shut the door. I grinned at her. It was convenient to have a witch as your mate, and you could keep your hands on something more desirable, like what I was doing now.

  In a second, I’d stripped her bare and laid her in bed.

  My hungry gaze roamed from her silver eyes, to her shivering pink lips, then to her perky breasts, and at last, to her gorgeous pussy.

  Without warning, I was upon her, my mouth suckling her taut nipple, gently at first, then greedily, my hand cupping her other bountiful breast. Fiammetta threw her head back, letting loose a moan of pure bliss, which only made my primal male lust burn fiercely.

  “I need to relish you now, baby,” I said.

  I pushed her legs wide, lifted her hips, and buried my head between her thighs.

  She smelled of honeysuckle and flame.

  I twirled my tongue around her plump clit, and she jerked her leg and moaned my name.

  “You’ll forever moan my name and mine only,” I said before I swept my tongue over her sweet pussy, to tease, to explore, and to savor.

  “Fuck me, Gabriel, please,” she said.

  “Soon,” I promised, and I thrust my tongue into her tight channel to have more of her.

  She let out a low growl, leaned up, and pulled my hair.

  She wanted some control as well, as always.

  I thrust my tongue into her heat as far as it could go, withdrew a little, and thrust back into her narrow passage again. Then it twirled around her silky tight walls.

  Her fingers found my cock and pumped it up and down.

  A beastly groan rumbled in my chest. My horny witch was killing me.

  “Please, Gabriel,” she moaned. “I need you to fill me, completely.”

  “Is my cock the only cock you have?”

  “I haven’t had any except yours.”

  “Swear it. And no more harem.”

  “How many times do I have to swear this?” She rolled her eyes. Her thumb brushed over the moistened slit in my crown, and her hand wrapped around the head of my shaft, squeezing it with a naughty force.

  My cock jerked achingly. It wanted to fuck her more than anything.

  “You’re the only female for me, little mate,” I said, lifting her hips, pulling her toward where I wanted her to be.

  With my cock aiming at her small entrance, I thrust into the c
enter of her heat.

  “Gabriel, yes!” She arched her back and moaned. “Just like that. And more!”

  “I’ll give you more. I’ll give you all!”

  I pulled out and thrust right back in, harder this time, and she gasped in pleasure. I thrust in repeatedly, pounding between her thighs with abandon.

  Our mating bond brightened, reactivating.

  My mate’s pleasure echoed mine.

  I fucked her harder and faster. There was no gentleness this time, unlike the other night.

  “Your sweet pussy is mine, baby, and I need to claim you again,” I said.

  Just then, a chime beeped on the communication device on my wrist armor. I’d told my crew not to contact me unless it was an emergency. This had better be important.

  “What?!” I called, not slowing down my thrust into my witch.

  “Captain, five Lithuaria battleships and seven armored flying vehicles are heading your way.” Racer’s voice came through the device cheerfully. “I’m betting that you must have caused some distress on the ground. We intercepted their communication, which stated that you were trying to kidnap Princess Athena and force her to submit to you and do something indecent.”

  I kept driving to my mate’s sweet depth. She gasped, her fingers sinking into my thighs.

  “That’s a fucking lie!”I said, and ground my hips, my cock moving clockwise inside her.

  Fia suppressed a moan, but her lips whispered, “More.”

  “They don’t think it’s a lie, Captain.” Racer’s voice sounded beside us. “Their governor ordered the force to kill you at sight.”

  I slowed down my movement. “What did they say about their princess?”

  “Not to kill. To contain and to control.”

  If they wanted to kill Fia, I’d tear this empire apart with my bare hands, until nothing was left.

  “Permission to eliminate the Lithuaria battleships and their military vehicles, Captain?”

  “No!” Fia called. “No bloodbath. I won’t allow it.”

  “Who’s that, Captain?” Racer asked.


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