Can't Get Enough

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Can't Get Enough Page 17

by Molly McLain


  He cleared his throat. “You want some hot chocolate?”

  “Sure.” Nicole nodded toward the other side of the barn. “Bri and I are going to browse the crafts and the other goodies.”

  He let them wander off before he approached the food booth, where Luke and Ally’s mom sat on a stool, knitting. “Mrs. Barrett,” he greeted her with a dip of his chin.

  “Hello, dear. It’s good to see you out and about with the little one.” She smiled up at him, her soft gray eyes lined with years of laugh lines. “Even better to see you with a lady friend.”

  “She’s just that, Mrs. B.—a friend.”

  “Not what your mother tells me, sweetie.” Mrs. B. winked and set her mess of yarn on the seat as she stood. “Now what can I get for you?”

  Obviously, his mother had even more lingering connections to River Bend than he knew about. His shoulders loosened a bit with that knowledge, though he wished she’d find a different topic to gossip about.

  He cleared his throat. “Give me a half dozen of the chocolate chip cookies, one plain sugar, and two hot chocolates, please.”

  “Coming right up.”

  Luke appeared out of nowhere with a shit-eating grin on his face and Tony gave a mental groan. It’d be so much easier to explain what this was with Nicole if he actually knew himself.

  “I’m not sure if I should slap you on the back or punch you in the face,” his friend said, out the side of his mouth, while waving at Nicole.

  Tony frowned. “Why?”

  “I crushed on that girl hard in high school, but she was always with that asshole boyfriend of hers. Darren, I think. Or maybe it was Derek.” He said the guy’s name with a grunt. “Fucking fucker.”

  Yeah, no shit. But he was damn glad Luke had never dated her or he’d feel guilty for getting involved with her. Regardless of the decade in between.

  “Anyhow, I’m happy for you, man. Even if I wanna kick your ass right now.”

  Tony was the one to grunt this time. “I’m not sure we’re more than friends.”

  Luke laughed. “Right. That sure as hell didn’t sound like a friendly conversation you two had in my garage the other day.”

  Tony rubbed a hand around the back of his neck. “About that—”

  “Your daughter just reminded me that she didn’t get that picture with you,” Nicole said, coming up to them with Bri on her hip. “Can we get one over by the hay bales maybe?” She pointed toward a display near the side of the barn. “It’s a pretty backdrop.”

  “Uh, sure.” He hated pictures, but Brianna’s first trip to the pumpkin farm was something he wanted to remember. She’d probably get a kick out of the pictures someday, too.

  Luke snatched Nicole’s phone out of her hand. “I’ll get one of all three of you. You know for the scrapbook.”

  Tony coughed. Nicole coughed. And Brianna gave a hiccuppy squeal.

  “Your daughter has spoken,” Luke chuckled, ushering them into position. A minute later, he had Tony sitting on the hay, Nicole on his lap, and Brianna nestled on hers.

  “I’m really sorry about this,” Nicole sighed as Luke took his sweet time finding the right angle. Even Mrs. Barrett had wandered over to provide input, and a couple of the other customers were grinning behind Luke, directing him here and there to get best lighting.

  “This is way more than your five minutes,” Tony muttered, hoping like hell she didn’t feel his dick, stiffening against her ass.

  “I owe you.”

  “Damn right you do.”

  “I’ll give you a half hour. How does that sound?”

  “I want six weeks.”

  Nicole jerked her eyes toward his. “What?”

  “You heard me.”


  But suddenly Laura was smack in front of them, her phone flashing away. “Smile big, little family!”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Come on, ladybug, time for bed.”

  Nicole reached out to stroke Brianna’s little head as Tony set the empty bottle on the coffee table. Their outing had tuckered her right out and she’d barely stayed awake long enough to eat before passing out in Tony’s arms.

  “Be right back,” he whispered as he stood and carried the little girl to her bedroom.

  Nicole watched them go, then sank back into the couch as soon as they were out of sight. Could she really do this? Could she really have a flash-in-the-pan fling with a guy who would never be more than that?

  She’d dated since her divorce, and while she’d never been in a hurry for a relationship, she’d always kept an open mind about the future—and only dated guys who might fit there. With Tony, there was no future. If they were going to do this—and she suspected he was game—they would spend their days counting down until the end instead of looking back at how far they’d come.

  She didn’t want to think about how easily she could imagine Tony and Bri fitting into a hypothetical future. One where she and Tony could pursue something more than a quick fire relationship and one where she could maybe be more than just the babysitter to Bri.

  Nerves flitting around in her stomach, she rose from the couch and went to the kitchen for a drink. Hopefully tonight hadn’t made things more awkward for them. She poured a glass of lemonade, stared blankly out the window, and sipped.

  “Hey.” Tony strolled in after her, lingering by the table. Keeping a safe distance on purpose?

  “Did she go down easy?” she asked, carefully turning and setting the glass on the counter. Her fingers shook so badly, she didn’t dare drop it.

  “Yep. Not even a whimper.” He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, watching her. “Thanks for tonight. It was fun, and Bri’s gonna love the jack-o-lanterns once we get them carved.”

  She nodded. “Yeah. She will, for sure.”

  Silence spread out over several long beats and then Tony chuckled. “What the fuck are we doing, Nic?”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but he lifted a hand.

  “Here’s how I see this going down,” he began. “You’re going to tell me this is a bad idea. Again. And I’m gonna nod my head and agree, because I don’t wanna risk scaring you off by asking you for something you might not want to give.”

  She sucked in a breath and he flashed that wicked smile of his.

  “But just so you know, if this were to go down like that, what I’d want, but wouldn’t tell to strip you down to that pretty bare ass of yours, lay you out across this table, and make you scream again. It’s been five days, Nicole. Five, long fucking days since I heard my name on your tongue like that.”


  “It’s killing me, babe. Absolutely fucking killing me that I don’t know if I’ll ever have you again. You tell me you want me. You act like you want me. So I gotta know...can you handle this? Or am I just getting my hopes up?”

  Her heart thumped in her chest and rush of warmth spread from her insides out, heating her skin. “You and Brianna are going to break my heart, you know that?”

  He nodded. “You’re gonna to break ours, too.”

  She went to him, smoothed her hands along his stomach and balled his t-shirt in her palms. “I don’t want to do that.”

  His eyes softened as he lifted a hand to the side of her face. “You know what I think?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head.

  “I think we should stop worrying about then and live a little more for now.”

  “We can’t be naïve...”

  “We won’t be. We both know it’s gonna hurt like a son of a bitch when you go. But don’t you think it’d be stupid to waste the time we have together right now?”

  “We could make things worse. Harder.”

  “We could. Or we could make more memories instead.”


  “I’m scared.”

  “I’m not.” He lowered his forehead to hers. “Because it’s not every day a guy meets a woman as amazing as you and it’s definitel
y not every day that woman is standing in that man’s kitchen looking good enough to eat for dinner.”

  Despite the nerves racing through her body, she put a hand to the center of his chest, pushed him back and totally freaking smiled. The wicked promise in his eyes broke down her defenses like nothing else.

  “No playing around this time, babe.” He shook his head, his eyes lowering to her mouth. “If we do this, we do this. No wishy-washy shit tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Fuck yes.” He wound his hand in her hair and pulled her back to him. “I haven’t had you in my bed yet.”


  “That’s a memory I want to create as fast as humanly possible. And one I’m not likely to ever forget.” His lips hovered above hers, just waiting for the go-ahead. “Say the word, Nicole. Say it and I’ll make sure every night we have together is one you’ll never forget.”

  Sweet Jesus.

  She scraped her teeth along her lower lip and ventured a glance up at him. “I can’t give you more than this.”

  “I’m not asking for more.”


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “Kiss me.”


  That was all he needed to hear. He crashed his mouth down on hers, tasting the woman who’d so quickly and easily become an addiction. A potent combination of temptation, trust, and torture all rolled into one hot little package.

  Breaking away only to reach behind his head and pull off his shirt, he was all over her, mouth and hands everywhere, devouring and claiming, memorizing every single detail. The flare of her hips beneath his palms, the hungry, sure press of her tongue against his, the soft but coaxing sounds that came from low in her throat.

  She was an enigma. Something he knew he shouldn’t want and shouldn’t let himself get caught up in, yet he couldn’t stay away from her either. Every touch, every taste made him want her a little more. To hell with the consequences.

  She broke away to work on his belt and fly, hands frantic and shaking, making every muscle in his body twitch with anticipation. He couldn’t wait any longer.

  “I want you. Right fucking now.” Down her pants went, along with her panties, and then he lifted her to the kitchen table and pushed her back on her elbows, spreading her legs wide at the same time. “Is this how you want me?”

  She nodded and ran her hand over his head, desire flaming bright in her eyes, as she lifted her ass and slid closer to the edge of the table.

  Hell yes. She wanted his mouth? He’d eat her until she forgot her friggin’ name.

  He dropped to his knees before her, the scent of her arousal making his nostrils flare and his dick grow impossibly hard. Thank God she’d already worked his fly free to give him room, because when a woman looked at a man like she’d die if he didn’t give her his tongue immediately, there was only one thing to do—make her scream.

  Her thighs trembled beneath his hands as he kissed his way from the inside of her knee, all the way to where she was already so wet for him. The last time he did this, he’d rushed through it, on a mission to get her off as quickly as possible so he could get inside and find his own release. Tonight he was gonna take his time, making sure he drove her out of her mind crazy with the most intense pleasure of her life. That way, months down the road, when her nights got long and lonely, she could think back to these moments and remember how damn good he’d made her feel.

  He parted her pussy with his thumbs and a strangled growl rumbled in his chest. She was so fucking pretty. So perfect. And right now, completely his.

  He ran his tongue from the very bottom of her slit all the way to the top, where her tiny clit pulsed against his lips. Her fingers wound tight in his hair as he bathed her flesh with his mouth, sucking here and licking there, until her body quaked and she arched off the table, pushing herself against his face.

  “Don’t stop,” she moaned. “Please, don’t stop.”

  Despite her ravenous cries for more, he did stop. Instead of his mouth, he used his fingers to drive her mad. Pressing his thumb just shy of where she needed him most, he rubbed firm, intentional circles, dragging her flesh along and working her nerves to precipice again and again...and then slowing down before she flew.

  “Fuck!” She jolted up, shooting him a lethal glare. His eyes dropped to her heaving chest and he grinned. Just how far could he push her? How wild could he make her before she broke?

  Sliding his hands beneath her t-shirt, he hitched it over her breasts and bra. The pink satin and lace was pretty, but not nearly as appealing as the flesh plumping out of it. He worked the front clasp free, then swept in to suck one hot, pointed nipple between his lips.

  Her hands were in his hair again and her hips rode rhythmically against his stomach, seeking out that connection he’d give her soon. But not yet.

  While he sucked and teased and nibbled at her tits, he reached into his jeans and freed his throbbing cock. He flinched at his own touch, the first stroke always so sensitive.

  “D-don’t,” she stuttered, her body shaking, as she tried to push his hand away.

  He popped her nipple from between his lips and arched an eyebrow. “You don’t like it?”

  “I...I want to touch you.”

  “Not until you come, baby.”

  She threw her head back and groaned. “Then make me fucking come!”

  He chuckled and slid his shaft through her slick folds, the head bumping her clit and making her go momentarily rigid. So he did it again. And again. She thrashed against the table, her hands going everywhere at once. Scouring down the center of his chest, then over his back. Growing impatient, she fisted his hair and then the waistband of his jeans, bringing him even closer to her. The slightest shift of his hips and he’d be inside, on a fast track to absolute fucking heaven.

  But this wasn’t about him right now, so he refrained, and in a couple more purposeful, taunting strokes, he felt her pliable center grow firm.

  He dropped his dick and lowered his mouth once again, giving her all of him at once. The flat of his tongue, the suction of his lips, and his wet heat, covering her pussy from one end to the other.

  She dug her nails into his forearms braced against her legs and he felt her crash down around him, her body fluttering like hundreds of little butterflies let go all at once. She didn’t cry out like she had the first night. Instead she bit her lips together as muffled sobs wracked her core, forcing tears down her cheeks.

  And to think they hadn’t even made love yet.

  “Baby...” He reached for her hand, intending to pull her close until she came fully back down to earth, but she pushed him away and was on her feet within seconds.

  Swiping the tears away, she sucked in a deep breath, then rid herself of her shirt and bra, tossing both on the floor. He liked where this was going, liked having her bare-ass naked in his kitchen with her flavor still ripe on his tongue. But the way she eyed his dick...well, it looked like she had other plans.


  “I want you in my mouth.” She took a step forward and wrapped her soft hand around his shaft. She normally didn’t do blow jobs. In fact, it had been six years. But this wasn’t an experience she was willing to miss with Tony.

  “Baby, there are probably some guys in the world who don’t like getting head...” He slid his fingers into her hair, gently kneading her scalp. “I’m not one of them. If you wanna suck my dick, I’m not gonna argue.”

  She laughed and stroked her fingers along his length. So hot and thick and perfect. Her thumb traced around the wide head, teasing the soft edges, and wiping away the bead of moisture at the tip. Unable to wait, she slowly slipped the pad of her thumb between her lips, licking off the salty smear.

  “Are you for real right now?” he asked, his dark eyes drooping as he watched her.

  “As real as you were a few seconds ago.” She smiled up at him.

  Growling, he tightened his hold on her and his erection grew h
eavier in her hand. The flurry of excitement whirling in her stomach crested too, and she dropped to her knees before him, nuzzling her lips over his thighs.

  He smelled so damn good, and the heat rolling off his skin served as a delicious reminder of everything she’d ever loved about this simple act. He was all man, and right now he was at her mercy.

  “I can’t wait to taste you,” she whispered, placing kisses on his hips and along the V of hard muscle that pointed straight to the good stuff. She even licked up along the trail of dark hair that bisected his abs idea struck.

  Reaching behind her, she grabbed her glass of lemonade from the counter and tugged at the denim bunched around his knees. “You might want to take these all the way off.”

  He glanced between her and the glass and then frantically got himself naked too.

  So eager to please...and be pleased.

  When she curled her hand around his cock once again, taking just the head between her lips, he gave a head-thrown-back-eyes-rolling groan. And when she drizzled the lemonade down that tempting southbound trail, he flinched. The muscles in his abs tensed and, God, she loved having the power to make him lose control like this.

  Best part? He let her guide every second of it.

  “Ah, babe,” he murmured, his hands curving so hard around the edge of the table behind him his knuckles turned white.

  She grinned and took her time licking off every last drop of the sugary liquid, enjoying every twitch and jerk that jumped beneath her tongue. He tried so hard to hold back and his restraint was a total turn on.

  “Is this what you want?” She blinked up him, her lips brushing against another droplet on his tip.

  He laughed and fisted his hair, his body shaking like a livewire. “I hate you a little right now.”

  Well, they couldn’t have that, could they?

  She took another sip, opened her mouth wide and took him all the way to the back of her throat.

  “Oh, my fucking God.” He dropped back to the edge of the table, his eyes heavy-lidded as he watched her. “I need to touch you. Can I?”


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