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by Burt Neuborne

false advertising, 8

  false speech, 104

  fearmongering, by aristocratic speakers, 105


  Article VI and, 205–6

  Committee of Eleven and, 221

  in Constitution, 75

  Tenth Amendment and, 33

  Federalists, 237n2. See also Marbury v. Madison

  Constitution and, 200–201

  felons. See also convicted felons

  for draft card burning, 193–94

  fetus’s right to life, 32

  Fifteenth Amendment

  racial minorities and, 45

  vote for races and, 35

  Fifth Amendment, 25, 26–27, 205, 227n2

  Committee of Eleven and, 212–13

  Due Process Clause of, 15, 27, 175

  Grand Jury Clause in, 15, 215

  private property protections in, 31–32

  proof beyond a reasonable doubt and, 30

  property rights in, 31–32, 176

  slavery and, 176

  Takings Clause of, 15

  undercover agents in Muslim institutions and, 28

  filibuster, 90–91

  First Amendment

  abstractions in, 5–6

  in action, 76–96

  antislavery and, 31

  aristocratic speakers and, 99–100, 105, 116–18

  Article I and, 204–5

  aspirations and, 10–12, 109–16

  bad tendency doctrine and, 111

  Brandeis and, 8–9

  campaign finance and, 66, 67, 79–82

  censorship and, 185

  Cold War and, 192–93

  Committee of Eleven and, 210–12

  compelling interest and, 112

  conduits and, 103–4, 125–26

  Congress in, 5

  conscience and, 18–19, 133

  cost-benefit analysis for, 124

  deck-chair theory of, 194–96

  democracy and, 2, 11, 17–96

  deregulation and, 10–12, 109–16

  difficulty in reading, 5–12

  Establishment Clause of, 18, 76, 98, 132, 141, 142, 144–47

  fair political representation and, 14, 52

  flag burning and, 11, 99, 113

  flag saluting and, 134, 191

  forty-five words in, 1

  Founders and, 22–23

  Free Assembly Clause of, 14, 17, 19–20, 98, 127–29

  Free Exercise Clause of, 76, 98, 132, 134–35, 141, 144–47

  Free Press Clause of, 14, 31, 71–72, 98, 103–4, 125–26

  Free Speech Clause of, 13–14, 17, 19, 20–21, 39, 64–66, 72–73, 74, 80, 98, 102, 109–16, 118, 121–22, 125, 143–44, 210

  freedom of association and, 30

  “the freedom of” in, 5

  gerrymandering and, 82–86

  government regulation and, 9

  hearers and, 100–102, 118–20

  human dignity and, 8–9, 11

  Kant and, 18, 98, 129

  Kennedy and, 232n55

  libel and, 9, 111, 186

  literalism and, 174–75

  lost features of, 13–15

  lying and, 106–7

  Nazism and, 100–101

  Occupy Wall Street and, 127–29

  originalism and, 6

  participants in, 97–131

  Petition Clause of, 17, 18, 20, 88–91, 98

  as poem, 1–4

  primary elections and, 59

  pure speech and, 65

  purpose of, 7–10

  racial minorities and, 100

  religious conscience and, 134

  Republican Form of Government Clause and, 41, 42, 43, 230n6

  Republican Party and, 111

  right to know and, 102

  secrecy and, 102

  secular conscience and, 31, 134

  speakers and, 99–100

  speech in, 19

  speech targets and, 104, 129–31

  strict scrutiny and, 65, 121, 123

  Supreme Court and, 10–12, 19, 78, 99, 100–101, 106–9

  sweat equity, 127–29

  text of, 5

  third parties and, 60

  Vietnam War and, 193–94

  violent video games and, 107–8

  voting and, 14, 61, 76–79

  woman’s right whether to bear a child and, 101

  World War I and, 189

  flag burning

  First Amendment and, 11, 99, 113

  as pure speech, 123

  flag saluting, 232–33n7

  First Amendment and, 134, 191

  in World War II, 183

  Florida. See also Bush v. Gore

  convicted felons in, 49–50

  Equal Protection Clause and, 49

  Flynn, Elizabeth Gurly, 192–93

  formal accusation, Fifth Amendment and, 25

  Fortas, Abe, 183


  Articles of Confederation and, 198

  Bill of Rights and, 1

  conscience and, 30

  First Amendment and, 22–23

  Free Press Clause and, 31

  Petition Clause and, 89

  privacy and, 31

  religious conscience and, 138

  Republican Form of Government Clause and, 43

  Second Amendment and, 23

  Souter and, 29

  Third Amendment and, 23

  Fourteenth Amendment

  Burger Court and, 45

  convicted felon voting and, 45–46

  Due Process Clause of, 31, 71, 77–78, 78, 205

  Equal Protection Clause of, 41, 47–50, 54, 69, 71, 78, 230n4

  equality and, 44

  slavery and, 176

  Fourth Amendment, 25, 227n2

  Committee of Eleven and, 213

  exclusionary rule and, 123

  undercover agents in Muslim institutions and, 28

  “unreasonable search and seizure” in, 15, 26, 28, 175

  Warrant Clause of, 26


  free speech in, 105

  Jefferson and, 153

  judicial review in, 180–81, 240n34

  universal suffrage in, 35

  Frankfurter, Felix, 52, 57, 191

  Baker v. Carr and, 40

  “one man, one vote” principle and, 74

  Franklin, Benjamin, 6, 185

  Free Assembly Clause, of First Amendment, 5, 14, 17, 19–20, 98, 127–29

  Free Exercise Clause

  conscience and, 146

  democracy and, 135

  of First Amendment, 76, 98, 132, 134–35, 141, 144–47

  Supreme Court and, 144–47

  Free Press Clause

  campaign finance and, 71–72, 80

  for conduits, 103–4

  Constitution and, 71

  corporations and, 71–72

  of First Amendment, 14, 17, 31, 71–72, 98, 103–4, 125–26

  Founders and, 31

  Free Speech Clause

  aristocratic speakers and, 143

  aspirations and, 109–16

  campaign finance and, 20–21, 39, 64–66

  Committee of Eleven and, 210

  compelling interest and, 121

  democracy and, 20

  deregulation and, 109–16

  Establishment Clause and, 143–44

  of First Amendment, 13–14, 17, 19, 20–21, 39, 64–66, 72–73, 74, 80, 98, 102, 109–16, 118, 121–22, 125, 143–44, 210

  Kennedy on, 70

  nonprofit organizations and, 72–73

  procedural hurdles for, 121–22

  Supreme Court and, 13–14, 20, 102, 109–16, 121–22, 125

  torture and, 118


  in Bill of Rights, 2

  democracy and, 2

  “the freedom of,” in First Amendment, 5

  freedom of association, 19–20

  democracy and, 87

  First Amendment and, 14, 30

  Harlan and, 30, 76, 86, 111
r />   Supreme Court and, 88

  free-market capitalism, First Amendment and, 7

  French Revolution, 153

  Freud, Sigmund, 132

  Frohwerk, Jacob, 190

  Frost, Robert, 223

  Fugitive Slave Clause, 181

  gag rules, 90

  Gale, George, 207

  Galileo, 99, 233n2

  gatekeeper control, Free Press Clause and, 126

  Gates, Robert, 199

  gay marriage, 33

  gender equity, 78

  Georgia, 237–38n9

  Germany, free speech in, 105

  Gerry, Elbridge, 197, 199, 208, 217

  gerrymandering, 51–55

  Equal Protection Clause and, 54

  equality and, 84

  First Amendment and, 82–86

  Gerry and, 208

  by Republican Party, 84–85, 229n13, 229n14

  Senate and, 55

  Supreme Court and, 55, 83–84

  Gleeser, Carl, 190

  good-faith mistake, exclusionary rule and, 123

  Goodhue, Benjamin, 207

  Gore, Al. See Bush v. Gore


  censorship by, 9, 122, 125, 233n18

  Establishment Clause and, 142–43

  First Amendment and, 9

  power creep of, 32

  Supreme Court and, 121–22

  Tenth Amendment and, 32

  Grand Jury Clause

  Committee of Eleven and, 215

  in Fifth Amendment, 15, 215

  Greece, democracy in, 35

  Greene, Ray, 158

  Guantánamo Bay military prison, 171

  gun control, 184

  Hamilton, Alexander, 200

  Constitution and, 198

  originalism and, 177

  Hamilton, Andrew, 126

  Harding, Warren G., 189, 191

  Harlan, John Marshall, 19–20

  Baker v. Carr and, 40, 41

  CO and, 134

  conscience and, 30

  freedom of association and, 30, 76, 86, 111

  secular conscience and, 41, 134

  Souter and, 178

  United States v. Seeger and, 236n3

  Harper, William, 160, 239–40n20

  Harrison, Benjamin, 188

  Hayes, Rutherford B.

  Electoral College and, 189

  “safe-harbor” provision and, 232n51

  Haywood, Big Bill, 192

  hearers, First Amendment and, 100–102, 118–20

  Hill, Joe, 192

  Hitler, Adolf, 97, 191

  Hobby Lobby. See Burwell v. Hobby Lobby

  Holiday, Billie, 77

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 7, 8, 191

  Abrams v. United States and, 111

  Darwinism and, 182

  Debs and, 189

  First Amendment and, 99

  Whitney v. California and, 111

  Hooe, Robert Townsend, 160, 165, 239–40n20

  House of Representatives. See also electoral districts

  Article I and, 204

  Bill of Rights and, 217–22

  caucuses in, 91

  CO and, 220–21

  Committee of Eleven and, 217–22

  conscience and, 18–19

  Keep and Bear Arms Clause and, 219

  Marbury v. Madison and, 153

  Marshall, John, in, 155

  membership of, 208, 226–27n1

  voting for, 148

  “The House Was Quiet and the World Was Calm” (Stevens), 2–3

  Hovey, Alvin P., 188

  human dignity

  First Amendment and, 8–9, 11

  natural law for, 32

  speech and, 8–9

  idea market, 8–9

  New York Times v. Sullivan and, 177

  inclusio unis est exclusio alterium (inclusion of one thing is exclusion of the other), 29–30

  income tax, Sixteenth Amendment and, 44

  incumbents, electoral districts for, 22

  Indiana, voter identification requirements in, 69, 73–74

  individual self-defense, Keep and Bear Arms Clause and, 24

  “ink blot,” Bork and, 33

  International Workers of the World (IWW), 192–93

  interrogation, in Fifth Amendment, 25, 26, 28

  investigation, in Fourth Amendment, 25, 26

  IWW. See International Workers of the World

  Japanese internment camps, 183, 191–92, 195–96

  Jay, John, 152, 154, 155, 200

  Jefferson, Thomas, 2, 6, 239n17. See also Marbury v. Madison

  Alien and Sedition Acts and, 195

  equality and, 153

  French Revolution and, 153

  libel and, 186

  natural law and, 32

  originalism and, 177

  Supreme Court and, 161–62

  Jehovah’s Witnesses, 99, 191

  Jews, 138, 237n10

  anti-Semitism and, 8

  Supreme Court and, 145

  jihadist terror, 8

  Jim Crow laws, 130, 183

  Johnson, Andrew, 188

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 112

  Fortas and, 183

  Johnson, Thomas, 156

  Johnson v. Governor, 231n25

  judges. See also Marbury v. Madison; Midnight Judges Act; Supreme Court; specific judges

  democracy and, 2

  as oligarchs, 2

  power of, 180–81

  Senate and, 159

  judicial review, 148–96, 240n34

  Bill of Rights and, 149–50

  child-labor laws and, 181

  Constitution and, 149, 179–80

  corporations and, 181

  labor unions and, 181

  Marbury v. Madison and, 150–73

  minimum wage and, 181

  New Deal and, 182–85

  politicization of, 180–85

  Roosevelt, F., and, 182–85

  slavery and, 181–82

  source of, 150–51

  “train wreck” cases and, 172–73

  Judiciary Act of 1789, 154, 238n7

  jury trial

  in civil law, 27

  Committee of Eleven and, 215

  for criminal law, 27

  Seventh Amendment and, 206

  justice-of-the-peace. See Marbury v. Madison

  juveniles, death penalty and, 27

  Kagan, Elena, 121

  Kant, Immanuel, 98, 99, 106

  Keep and Bear Arms Clause

  House of Representatives and, 219

  in Second Amendment, 14, 24, 219

  Kennedy, Anthony

  on Citizens United v. FEC, 70–71, 74

  on corporations, 73

  First Amendment and, 232n55

  on Free Speech Clause, 70

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 139

  Kilty, William, 156

  Kimball, Hazen, 165, 240n27

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 129, 130

  Knox v. SEIU, 235n39

  Koch brothers, 64

  Korematsu v. United States, 183, 191–92, 195–96

  Ku Klux Klan, 111

  labor unions

  conscience and, 135

  judicial review and, 181

  as unlawful conspiracies, 6

  Lachowsky, Hyman, 190

  lame ducks

  Midnight Judges Act by, 157

  Twentieth Amendment and, 44

  Lansing, John, 199

  law enforcement, amendments for, 25

  leafleting, about World War I, 6–7, 189–91

  Lee, Charles, 159, 160–61, 162, 164, 165


  First Amendment and, 9, 111, 186

  Jefferson and, 186

  Lincoln, Abraham, 2

  Civil War and, 6, 186–87, 195

  Merryman and, 186–87

  military and, 186–87

  Milligan and, 187

  third parties and, 60

  Lincoln, Levi, 154, 158, 159, 161

Lingan, James, 159

  Lipman, Samuel, 190

  Stalin and, 191

  Lispenard, Anthony, 152

  literacy tests

  for voting, 36, 45

  Voting Rights Act of 1965 and, 45

  Warren Court and, 45


  Constitution and, 173–75

  First Amendment and, 174–75

  of Thomas, 29

  for “unreasonable search and seizure,” 175

  Livermore, Samuel, 218

  living constitution, of Brennan, 29, 177

  Locke, John, 99


  electoral districts in, 78

  racial minorities and, 48–49

  Supreme Court of, 48–49

  LULAC v. Perry, 229n13

  lying, First Amendment and, 106–7

  Lyon, Matthew, 6

  Magna Carta, 198, 207

  Mao Tse-tung, 97

  Marbury v. Madison, 184, 239n19

  Bill of Rights and, 173

  Constitution and, 167

  District of Columbia and, 168–69

  Exceptions and Regulations Clause in, 170, 188

  House of Representatives and, 153

  judicial review and, 150–73

  lack of facts for, 162–66

  Midnight Judges Act and, 160

  patronage and, 155–59

  rule of law and, 166–67

  Scalia and, 173

  separation of powers and, 171

  Marshall, James, 156, 159, 165

  Alien and Sedition Acts and, 185–86

  Marshall, John, 40. See also Marbury v. Madison

  appointment as chief justice, 155

  in House of Representatives, 155

  patronage and, 158–59

  as Secretary of State, 157, 162

  Marshall, Thurgood, 41

  Martin, Luther, 199

  Mason, George, 199, 203

  McCardle, William H., 188–89

  McCarthyism, 115–16

  Cold War and, 192–93

  Supreme Court and, 110–11, 196

  McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, 74, 220n17

  McGovern, George, 62

  mentally deficient defendants, death penalty and, 27

  mercenaries, Second Amendment and, 23

  Merryman, John, 186–87

  Miami Herald Publishing Company v. Tornillo, 235n36

  Midnight Judges Act, 207

  circuit judges and, 156–57, 162, 169–72

  by lame-ducks, 157

  repeal of, 160, 168


  chaplains in, 142–43

  checks and balances for, 23

  Constitution and, 229n19

  Establishment Clause and, 142–43

  Lincoln, A., and, 186–87

  in Reconstruction South, 188–89

  Second Amendment and, 23–25

  Third Amendment and, 229n18

  military draft. See also draft card burning

  as slavery, 190

  militia. See “well-regulated Militia,” in Second Amendment

  Milligan, Lambdin P., 187–88

  Milton, John, 99, 125

  minimum wage, 181

  Minnesota, third parties and, 61

  minor parties. See third parties

  Miranda warnings, 26


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