Fall of the House of Ramesses, Book 1: Merenptah

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Fall of the House of Ramesses, Book 1: Merenptah Page 43

by Max Overton

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  SCARAB - TUTANKHAMEN, Book 3: Scarab and her brother Smenkhkare are in exile in Nubia but are gathering an army to wrest control of Egypt from the boy king Tutankhamen and his controlling uncle, Ay. Meanwhile, the kingdoms are beset by internal troubles while the Amorites are pressing hard against the northern borders. Generals Horemheb and Paramessu must fight a war on two fronts while deciding where their loyalties lie--with the former king Smenkhkare or with the new young king in Thebes.

  Smenkhkare and Scarab march on Thebes with their native army to meet the legions of Tutankhamen on the plains outside the city gates. As two brothers battle for supremacy and the throne of the Two Kingdoms, the fate of Egypt and the 18th dynasty hangs in the balance.

  Finalist in 2013's Eppie Awards.

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Scarab3.html

  Amazon (ebook and Print): http://mybook.to/ScarabBook3

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  SCARAB - AY, Book 4: Tutankhamen is dead and his grieving widow tries to rule alone, but her grandfather Ay has not destroyed the former kings just so he can be pushed aside. Presenting the Queen and General Horemheb with a fait accompli, the old Vizier assumes the throne of Egypt and rules with a hand of hardened bronze. His adopted son, Nakhtmin, will rule after him and stamp out the last remnants of loyalty to the former kings.

  Scarab was sister to three kings and will not give in to the usurper and his son. She battles against Ay and his legions under the command of General Horemheb and aided by desert tribesmen and the gods of Egypt themselves. The final confrontation will come in the rich lands of the Nile delta where the future of Egypt will at last be decided.

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Scarab4.html

  Amazon (ebook and Print): http://mybook.to/ScarabBook4

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  SCARAB - HOREMHEB, Book 5: General Horemheb has taken control after the death of Ay and Nakhtmin. Forcing Scarab to marry him, he ascends the throne of Egypt. The Two Kingdoms settle into an uneasy peace as Horemheb proceeds to stamp out all traces of the former kings. He also persecutes the Khabiru tribesmen who were reluctant to help him seize power. Scarab escapes into the desert, where she is content to wait until Egypt needs her.

  A holy man emerges from the desert and demands that Horemheb release the Khabiru so they may worship his god. Scarab recognises the holy man and supports him in his efforts to free his people. The gods of Egypt and of the Khabiru are invoked and disaster sweeps down on the Two Kingdoms as the Khabiru flee with Scarab and the holy man. Horemheb and his army pursue them to the shores of the Great Sea, where a natural event...or the very hand of God...alters the course of Egyptian history.

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Scarab5.html

  Amazon (ebook and Print): http://mybook.to/ScarabBook5

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  SCARAB - DESCENDANT, Book 6: Three thousand years after the reigns of the Amarnan Kings, the archaeologists who discovered the inscriptions in Syria journey to Egypt to find the tomb of Smenkhkare and his sister Scarab and the fabulous treasure they believe is there. Unscrupulous men and religious fanatics also seek the tomb, either to plunder it or to destroy it. Can the gods of Egypt protect their own, or will the ancients rely on modern day men and women of science?

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Scarab6.html

  Amazon (ebook and Print): http://mybook.to/ScarabBook6

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  THE AMARNAN KINGS SERIES COLLECTION: Collection of all six books in the series.

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/The-Amarnan-Series-Collection.html

  Amazon: http://mybook.to/ScarabBook1-6


  {Paranormal Thriller}

  From the rainforests of tropical Australia to the cane fields and communities of the North Queensland coastal strip, a horror is unleashed by those foolishly playing with unknown forces...

  A fairy story to amuse small children leads four bored teenagers and a young university student in a North Queensland town to becoming interested in an ancient Tibetan technique for creating a life form. When their seemingly harmless experiment sets free terror and death, the teenagers are soon fighting to contain a menace that reproduces exponentially.

  The police are helpless to end the horror. Aided by two old game hunters, a student of the paranormal and a few small children, the teenagers must find a way of destroying what they unintentionally released. But how can they stop beings that can escape into an alternate reality when threatened?

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/TULPA.html

  Amazon: http://mybook.to/TULPA

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  We Came From Konigsberg

  {Historical: Holocaust}

  Based on a true story gleaned from the memories of family members sixty years after the events, from photographs and documents, and from published works of nonfiction describing the times and events described in the narrative, We Came From Konigsberg is set in January 1945.

  The Soviet Army is poised for the final push through East Prussia and Poland to Berlin. Elisabet Daeker and her five young sons are in Königsberg, East Prussia and have heard the shocking stories of Russian atrocities. They're desperate to escape to the perceived safety of Germany. To survive, Elisabet faces hardships endured at the hands of Nazi hardliners, of Soviet troops bent on rape, pillage and murder, and of Allied cruelty in the Occupied Zones of post-war Germany.

  Winner of the 2014 EPIC Ebook Awards.

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/We-Came-From-Konigsberg.html

  Amazon (ebook and Print): http://mybook.to/Konigsberg

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  Book 2: Mycroft Up Against It

  Once again Anna and Mycroft Holmes tear through London in hansom cabs as they pursue three further adventures set in the eighteen-eighties.

  "The Deadwood Stage": When an anarchist threatens mayhem at Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Anna finds herself having to impersonate Miss Annie Oakley and hobnobbing with Bill himself before the Prince of Wales. Mycroft puffs and pants his way through another case, applying his keen mind while Anna faces death in a spectacular Indian "attack" on the Deadwood stage with the Prince of Wales on the driver's box and four European kings as passengers.

  "Murder At The Lyceum": Anna is accused of committing murder during a performance at the Lyceum Theatre. Fellow actors Henry Irving and Ellen Terry believe in her innocence, but will Inspector Athelney Jones? Anna goes into hiding, and Mycroft must find the truth before the wrong person pays the penalty.

  "The Green-painted Door": After a hideous slaying in Wimbledon, Oscar Wilde exercises his scornful wit, but Mycroft Holmes is roused to action yet again. His privately-printed copy of the Kama Sutra (translated by Sir Richard Burton) stimulates another kind of action, as Anna has every reason to know. The book also saves Mycroft's life in a sudden confrontation which leads to the discovery of the murderer.

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  Book 3: Mycroft and I

  Hansoms, bicycles, a passenger liner and a Cambridge punt transport Mycroft, Anna and their enemies through four more tales.

  "The Adventure of the Endangered Princess": Doctor's orders send Anna on a much-needed sea cruise to Madeira. Among those on board is, surprisingly, Princess Victoria Kaiulani of Hawaii. The sudden appearance of Mycroft aboard Anna's ship launches a case involving the Princess, political intrigue, murder, sudden betrayal…and deadly action on the moonlit beach of Madeira.

  "The Case of the Disappearing Witness": Following the Madeira adventure, Mycroft and Anna are drawn into a new investigation while also appearing as witnesses at the Old Bailey. Suddenly, Mycroft goes missing and Anna does her best to find him, using her skills both as investigator and as a crack-shot to save his life.

  "The Mystery of the Brazen Idols": The murder of a member of the Diogenes Club finds Mycroft and Anna perplexed by brass idols which are placed on a trail of fresh murders--a trail which misleads Mycroft and leads to his arrest! Left on her own, Anna receives a message that sends her to where she recognises a deadly enemy. There, she meets someone returned from the dead who assists Mycroft in closing the case.

  "The Unpleasantness in Hanover Square": What strange illness threatens the beautiful Lady Emmeline Tarragon? Dr Watson is baffled. Mycroft thinks he has the
answer, but Sherlock has unexpectedly returned and brotherly jealousy hampers the investigation. Anna, meanwhile, is recruited into the Secret Service. When the scene shifts to Cambridge University, Mycroft and Anna confront the vampire.

  Publisher Book Page: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Mycroft-and-I.html

  Amazon: http://mybook.to/MycroftAndI

  AmazonSmile (US Region): https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00AUQFEBO

  Book 4: Mycroft at Large

  Villainy galore, heroism in heaps, and a gallery of memorable characters await you in the three stories in this volume:

  "The Roosevelt Deception": An up-and-coming American politician attends an important ball in London, but he's actually an impostor working for Mycroft as part of a diplomatic intrigue which threatens war between Britain and the USA. Mycroft's old enemy, Colonel Fritz von Tarden, is behind the scheme. Sherlock Holmes is consulted, vital clues are recovered, and the scene shifts to Ireland where Mycroft and Anna pit themselves against von Tarden and his dangerous allies. But a small black cloud appears on Anna's horizon: Mycroft and the beautiful Lady Bywell seem to be attracted to each other. Should Anna allow herself to be drawn to Lady Bywell's handsome husband?

  "The Five Fingers": Upon learning Mycroft has gone shooting in the company of Lady Bywell, Anna is decidedly uneasy. She learns from her friend Joanna that he's previously been unfaithful with Joanna's sister Lucy. Emotional desolation for Anna accompanies news that Lucy is now at the mercy of one Baron Gruner, a suspected sex trafficker, and his equally odious nephew, who live in the outwardly respectable suburb of St John's Wood. As a Government agent, Anna is dispatched to find out what she can. Deception and kidnapping envelop Anna and Lucy, and Mycroft and his friends track the culprits to the Continent where the showdown takes place at the mysterious Five Fingers.


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