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Granite Page 3

by Ronin Winters

  The phone dinged almost immediately, as though he’d been waiting for her to say something like that. You are welcome, but please don’t thank me again. You owe me nothing for this.

  Frost curled around herself, that odd heat pulling at her as she reread his message. She was used to always owing a favor for a favor. It was the way of her life before this little detour she’d been put on. That this male had made it clear multiple times he expected nothing from her…it was different. A nice different, but also it made her nervous. This was a game she’d never played before, and she’d always been someone who liked knowing the rules.

  The safe thing to do was thank him one last time for what he did and then wish him goodnight, turning off the phone afterwards. The safe thing to do was exit this game, to bury her head in sand and ignore everything supernatural to the best of her ability.

  She sent the text. What do you do? Besides being a dragon and helping out damsels instead of eating them?

  There was a long pause before his response. I’m in finance, and don’t believe all the myths. Dragons don’t eat damsels.

  Frost giggled, and only then did she realize she’d been holding her breath. She’d been waiting, though it hadn’t been conscious. She’d been waiting for the sexual innuendo, waiting for him to start something, waiting to find out that maybe the favor wasn’t so free.

  But he hadn’t. Maybe he wanted to, if that pause was any indication, and she had no problem with him wanting to. In fact, the wolf near wagged with joy at the thought of him momentarily at a loss as he pictured her words at their most sexual meaning. What mattered, though, was in the end, he hadn’t.

  Do you enjoy that, or is it boring?

  You’d be surprised how not boring all the ways of making money are to dragons. I’d be embarrassed, but if I took time to do that, I might miss a stock opportunity.

  She laughed, kicking her legs up on the couch and settling in. And what do you do with all that money? Normally Frost would be embarrassed about that question. Beyond it not exactly being polite, heaven knew most people looked at her as a gold-digger on the search for a sugar daddy. But she was more curious about Granite, about how a dragon saw things, then about dollar amounts.

  Dragons hoard. That isn’t a myth.

  So, you’re telling me you have piles of money laying everywhere? Did he have a cave maybe, filled to the top with gems and jewels and gold?

  The response pinged back. No, the money is all in investments and banks. It’s the gold I have piled high in a cave.

  Holy hell, he did have a cave! Do all dragons have caves?

  All dragons have hoarding instincts to some extent. The cave thing is not as popular now as it was in the past.

  But you like your cave?

  What can I say? I’m old-fashioned in some ways.

  He did have that air, the sense of being a gentleman, but not stuffy or put-upon. It came out in the playful-yet-solicitous way he’d acted with Sophie. Nothing wrong with that. I like old-fashioned, as long as it’s not being used as a way to excuse treating women as inferior.

  When you meet my grandmother, you’ll know why I never had a chance of viewing women as inferior.

  He said when. Not if. Frost paused as she read the sentence again, and then again. And then again.

  It shouldn’t be affecting her like this, causing her heart to flutter like a damn bird was residing in her chest. If anything, she should be upset at the casual certainty that she would want or ever have the chance to meet his family. It’s not like they were dating or had any ties.

  But before this, the men who had been in her life went out of their way to make sure she had no part of their lives outside what they wanted of her, which really meant her in their bed.

  It took her awhile to recognize the pattern, but unfortunately, not before discovering a man she thought she loved was actually married and cheating with her on his wife.

  After she kicked his ass to the curb, she made a three date rule – if by the third date the man didn’t mention anything of substance, anything that indicated he saw her as possibly being part of his life and not just a pretty plaything to have on his arm, she didn’t go any further and broke things off.

  Not once since she instituted that rule had any guy passed it. Except now, in one text, without an official date between them, Granite did just that.

  She must have made Granite nervous with the long delay in responding, because the phone pinged again. I hope I didn’t make you afraid. Grandmother is not scary. Well, except to me, but that’s to be expected.

  That bird was still in flight within her chest when Frost responded. She’s only five foot tall, isn’t she?

  Not even.

  And you had a few whacks on the back of your head growing up, didn’t you?

  What do you mean had? To this day, she’ll make me get on my knees so I’m within range if I annoy her.

  The bird settled, and with it, the array of feelings coalesced together, becoming a soothing happiness, the type she hadn’t felt in a very long time. I’d like to meet her very much.

  Chapter Five

  The screams of the other women were still loud in her ears as Frost woke up, sweat so strong on her body her nose crinkled in disgust at the odor. She wiped her hand over her face to get rid of some of it, but beneath her eyes – that wetness wasn’t sweat.

  Throwing the covers off her, Frost rose to walk to the kitchen. Damn dreams. It had been a couple weeks since she’d had one, and it’d just gotten to the point that she began to hope maybe she wouldn’t be bothered with another.

  The worst part wasn’t even the dream. It was the after. The terror that was still flooding her body though her mind knew there was nothing to fear and nothing to fight. The lingering images she couldn’t quite shake away. The whimpers that sat in the hollow of her throat, sounds she could not utter, had no reason to utter, but still desperately wanted to.

  She cleared her throat and gulped down some water when her phone caught her eye, lying on the kitchen counter. She walked over and grabbed it up, hitting the button to wake up the home screen.

  A new message was waiting for her from Granite.

  What did the exasperated dragon say on the battlefield?

  I was told there’d be knights like this.

  She burst out laughing at the ridiculous words. He must have sent it after she went to bed for the night. They’d been texting a good chunk of the day before she had, with a whole lot of reluctance, told him she needed her beauty sleep.

  Really, they’d been texting a good chunk of the last month. The man was intelligent and engaging and silly and solicitous, and he never once suggested they should meet again in person, a situation that had relieved her in the beginning, but was becoming more and more bothersome.

  How long did it take you to come up with that joke?

  Frost hadn’t been expecting a response, but it came within a minute. I claim no credit. I found it on the internet. Why are you up?

  Why are you? Deflection seemed the best response at the moment. He’d caught her flat-footed, and she needed a moment to regroup.

  Need to monitor the Asian stock markets tonight.

  Which of course he did. Knowing him as she’d come to, that answer made total sense. You are such a math nerd.

  Oh baby, talk stock futures to me.

  The male was beyond endearingly ridiculous. Going to her usual text position of prone on the couch, Frost continued. Don’t you know that with your looks, you’re supposed to be an international playboy?

  You think I’m cute? And the fool sent an emoji of the yellow face winking and flexing one upper arm to show muscle.

  I think your grandma might need to smack you again.

  Which explains why I’m not an international playboy.

  Score one for grandma. The more she spoke to him, the more the desire built to meet his family. He spoke about them with such love and affection. They were obviously close, the kind of family that those like her drea
med about as they grew up without familial bonds.

  Why are you up?

  Frost sighed. Of course he wouldn’t leave that alone. The dragon was relentless with having his curiosity sated. She didn’t know if it was a dragon thing or purely a Granite thing, but it was a reality. Bad dream.

  There was no buzz for several minutes, which in itself was unusual, because Granite rarely kept her waiting for a reply. It was flattering as hell, but it had obviously spoiled her. He was up late working, and she was feeling bereft because he didn’t respond in under sixty seconds.

  She was about to put the phone down when his response came through. Every warrior carries the scars of their heroism.

  This was…This was…I’m no warrior.

  Every woman in that room with you said differently. I walked into that room and I saw differently. If you believe nothing else I say, please believe this truth.

  Not now. Not with the dream so fresh in her mind, with screams still ringing in her ears. But…later. She’d think on his words later.

  He’d only asked one thing of her, to believe this. So for him, later.

  Tell me another joke.

  And another quick response. What’s the difference between a dinosaur and a dragon?


  “Arch your back a little more, and tilt your hips to the left.”

  Frost followed Leon’s directions as around her men with mirrors and lights scurried and the photographer himself paced back and forth, camera completely obscuring his face.

  It was the end of a long shoot. Leon was a genius, but synonymous with genius was demanding, and Leon had that in spades. Her body ached more now than it had after some exercise classes. First thing she was doing when she got home was sinking into the tub.

  Leon paused, pulling the camera down and flipping through the pictures that were stored on the camera, and intense look of concentration on his face. He gave a decisive nod, saying, “I have what I need. These will be perfect for the client.”

  With that, everyone broke and the clean-up began. With the shoot finished, Leon once again gave her a cautious look before scurrying away, and a female assistant came up to her. “You looked gorgeous, great work. You are free to get cleaned up and head out whenever.”

  “Thank you.”

  They were working in the studio today. Since she was the only model, she locked the door of the dressing room after entering, flopping down on the long chaise lounge with a groan. She needed to grab a shower since it was a lingerie shoot and she had make-up all over her body, but at this moment, she was too tired to move in that direction. Just one minute to relax, and she’d get up.

  Really. One minute. Swear to God.

  Her phone pinged from the side table, and a smile slid over her lips before she even read the name. How was the shoot?

  Down to the minute. Do you have a spy here?

  No spy, but I think I frightened Leon a bit more than I meant to. The cat insists on texting me exact details whenever he works with you.

  So you’re admitting to scaring him?

  If Frost was more fanciful, she would swear she could feel Granite’s sudden nervousness of being caught. Of course she knew some kind of behind-the-scenes discussion took place, but this was the confirmation that Granite might not have been totally cool and collected during it.

  I didn’t force him to work with you. Please believe that. As soon as he heard your name, the cat practically began salivating.

  And you didn’t like that, did you? Dear heavens, what was she doing? This text was tiptoeing on the line she’d been very conscious of staying away from, the line Granite never strayed towards in all these weeks of talking to one another.

  But she’d wanted to. There was a small part of her that wanted to that first day, but it was easily pushed aside. As time went on, though, as she knew more and more about the dragon, she found herself looking towards that line more and more. And then, after her nightmare and their talk, crossing that line began to look so tempting.


  Uncertainty practically vibrated from the text, and his uncertainty calmed her own. She knew when a man was interested. Granite had been more than interested at that first meeting, though he’d kept everything proper, and he had stayed interested through all their conversations. He was so interested she could taste it on her tongue, and she reveled in her power over this magnificent male. He wouldn’t make a move, not until she allowed it.

  Did you like it? Looking at him and knowing he was thinking about what it would be like to bed me?

  The banked anger could practically be felt through the text. No, I did not like it at all.

  Did he talk about it? What he’d like to do to me?

  If he had said one word about you I would have beat him to the ground, and I let him know it.

  Fuck, that one sentence turned her on more than she sometimes felt with another’s hands on her. How about you? Have you thought what you’d like to do to me?

  Frost, what are you doing?

  The powerful feeling grew within her. He was hesitant, taking care, even as she served him such a bold invitation. He was hers to command, and tonight, she was going to demand the destruction of that line.

  Chapter Six

  Leon’s text came just as expected. She’s headed to the dressing room now. Shoot was professional.

  Granite had no doubt it was. Leon liked his pleasures, and to him, no one woman was worth them being taken away. Of course, that meant he was a complete fool, because Frost was worth everything being taken away.

  Not that Granite was going to let anyone take away any of his treasure. He was looking forward to using it to spoil his mate and their hatchlings. He’d seen her collection of shoes, and used that knowledge to make arrangements with a few designers for a special engagement gift.

  He waited only a short time before sending Frost a text. How was the shoot?

  Down to the minute. Do you have a spy here?

  Though she wasn’t there to see, he covered his mouth with a hand to hide a smile. While he couldn’t deny he wanted her by his side, there was a pleasure in these last weeks of getting to know each other this way. He loved her quick responses and small quips and self-effacing tendencies, which how the hell could a woman who looked like she did possess? She was generous, and hid it well. He had no shame in looking through her financial records, because like hell his mate would be left wanting. She hadn’t needed him to intervene so he hadn’t, but he did notice that once she began modelling and making money again, donations to several causes were regularly made. Looking back through the records, it became clear this was a long time thing. The only change was there were a couple new charities added, for women in situations similar to hers.

  Dragons hoarded and guarded, but that was one reason they needed a mate. A mate kept that impulse under control, kept the dragon looking outward to others and not always inward on their own greed. Granite might never be able to easily let go of his treasure, but he knew Frost wouldn’t allow him any excuse to not give.

  No doubt Frost had a near perfect face and body, but it was her spirit and her soul that left him enthralled. He loved that woman with everything in him, and he hadn’t even touched her yet.

  He knew, once he did, he could never let her go. No spy, but I think I frightened Leon a bit more than I meant to. The cat insists on texting me exact details whenever he works with you.

  So you’re admitting to scaring him?

  Nerves shot through Granite at her response. That admission may have been a little too careless. Of course she knew he’d spoken to the cat to keep things professional, but this was definitely admitting to taking it further than pure business.

  He didn’t want Frost to think he had forced the photographer to work with her. She was proud of her work and, even with the difficulties of getting used to the wolf, was hard-working and serious about her career. She would not like the feeling that somehow she’d been ‘bought’ this job. I didn’t force him to w
ork with you. Please believe that. As soon as he heard your name, the cat practically began salivating.

  There was a small wait for a response, a lifetime of a wait, because he didn’t want her anger. They’d been slowly becoming more intimate in their discussions, more trusting. He didn’t want that progress lost.

  Then came her response. And you didn’t like that, did you?

  Uncertainty was not a usual emotion for him, but it ripped through him now. The downside of a text was you couldn’t tell tone or expression from letters on a glowing screen. This response…it could be read very straightforward, asking a question only.

  But it didn’t feel like it. It didn’t feel like an innocent inquiry, or even a question asked out of anger. It felt heady, like she had finally decided to step forward, to take him by the hand and lead him where they both desired.


  He had to be sure. He couldn’t – wouldn’t – make a move without it. It wasn’t merely the mating call now. It was him being in love with a woman who could destroy him if she ultimately didn’t love him back. He would do nothing to damage their relationship.

  Did you like it? Looking at him and knowing he was thinking about what it would be like to bed me?

  The provocation couldn’t be accidental. She was no innocent, and the picture her words created made his dick ache and brought back the anger that rushed through him the day he’d spoken to Leon, and saw the cat lick his lips at the mention of Frost’s name. No, I did not like it at all.

  Did he talk about it? What he’d like to do to me?

  There was no doubt. She knew what she was doing. She was goading him, demanding he begin to move past the limits they had set when they began these conversations. If he had said one word about you I would have beat him to the ground, and I let him know it.

  How about you? Have you thought what you’d like to do to me?

  Frost, what are you doing? He had to make sure, no matter that the dragon beat inside him to break free and follow where its mate led. He had to know that Frost truly wanted this, that this was not a small insanity she would regret, and then take her regret out on him.


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