Coco Chanel Saved My Life

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Coco Chanel Saved My Life Page 17

by Danielle F. White

  “The decision hasn’t been easy. All of you worked hard, tirelessly. I’ve never seen the coffee vending machine so empty!” There was a general loud laugh.

  “We decided to award the person who has made tremendous progress since coming to work with us. She has demonstrated her ability to overcome limitations with humility and shown that this is the only way to improve performance. The winner is…”

  Obviously, he was talking about a woman!

  “Rebecca Bruni!”

  Did I hear my name? Everybody burst into applause and turned to look at me. I was completely shocked and puzzled by the news – I didn’t know what to do or what to say…

  “Rebecca Bruni? Me?” How could I sound so stupid?

  “Well, this is how you always told us to address you!” Paolo said, laughing and leading me to the centre of the room.

  “We decided to give the prize to Rebecca because in only a few months she has shown an ability to organize a kind of event she had never done before. And of course, because her weddings are the most fragrant on the planet!” My colleagues laughed. Everybody knew that my brides were generously sprayed with Chanel No 5 – my key ingredient!

  I couldn’t believe what was happening! While shaking hands with Paolo and Etienne, I glanced at Valentina. She was staring at me with blazing eyes and her face was frozen in disgust.

  The co-workers from the wedding department came over to congratulate and embrace me. It was really a special Christmas! I celebrated with another glass of champagne and thanked everybody again.

  By now I was surrounded by a small crowd and I saw Etienne approaching me. He gave me his warm, perfect smile. As the lights lowered and the music started, he whispered in my ear, “I will see you in Paris, Coco.”


  Paris, Je T’aime

  The Christmas holidays flew by at the speed of light. My man of destiny hadn’t yet appeared on the horizon. I had lost touch with Cristian and hadn’t received any new signs from my mysterious admirer. Valentina, after her terrible defeat, communicated through e-mails only. The tension with her made work more difficult for everybody in the wedding department. Although I despised her, I was feeling a little guilty. Her great dream had always been to work for Seven in Paris, and I had stolen her dream.

  However, winning the training period in France really helped my self-esteem. I was working with more determination than ever and I felt I found the right spirit. I stopped considering weddings to be just stupid social conventions, destined to fail. I began to think of them as events that celebrated love and strong ties. I had become the most romantic cynic on the planet!

  Paolo seemed very satisfied with my work, and every time we met in the hallways of the agency he saluted me as his captain.

  The day before I left for Paris, Emma invited me for dinner to say goodbye. I had almost finished packing. I was afraid that as usual I’d taken too much stuff and even more shoes than clothes. I’d asked for a day off to straighten up my apartment and run last minute errands. While I was struggling to close one of my two huge roll on suitcases, I heard knocking on the door. In the hallway I found Mrs Leoncini holding a little package.

  “Good evening, Mrs Leoncini,” I said, a little surprised to see her here, “Is everything alright with you?”

  “Sorry to disturb you my dear, but returning from my walk I met the courier downstairs who had a package for you. So I picked it up…” she handed me a little package. “Were you waiting for it?”

  “No, I wasn’t expecting anything,” I said, staring at another mysterious white package.

  “I hear you’re leaving. May I ask where you’re going?” Her bright, shiny eyes always touched me.

  “Paris! For three weeks.”

  “Oh Paris… I spent my happiest days with Ramon there! Be careful, darling, nobody returns from that city without leaving part of their heart there.”

  I smiled and thanked her, saying goodbye.

  As soon as I closed the door, I tore quickly into the package and found a guide to Paris. On the first page it said: I invented my life by taking for granted that everything I did not like would have an opposite, which I would like. Coco Chanel

  At the bottom of the page there were also these words, ‘Have fun and dream’. No signature. My secret admirer, again. I smiled. I was ready to have fun and dream; he could count on that!


  I’d arrived at Emma’s house a little early, so I stayed to admire the moon for a while. It was a full moon. Such perfection moved me. At that moment I was so happy.

  I rang the intercom. Climbing the stairs, I was surprised not to hear any noise coming from Emma’s apartment. She always had music on… strange. I paused for a minute in front of the slightly open door, and then I went in. It was dark, but after I had taken a few steps the lights went on. Magically, I saw in front of me friends and colleagues clapping their hands and shouting, “Surprise!!”

  I burst out laughing and felt tears in my eyes.

  “We’ve organized a surprise party for your departure!” Emma sounded more excited than me.

  There were my closest colleagues, some of the friends I’d met through Emma, Claudio with Lucrezia, his brunette, Elena, and even some old friends from Venice. Everyone I cared for was in that room. A perfect evening. I was touched, and thought that the full moon had been a sign.

  “How did you organize all this?” I asked Emma, while pouring a glass of white wine.

  “Well, you’re not the only one who can organize events!” She laughed and hugged me tightly.

  I spent a fantastic evening with people I loved. The sense of loneliness abandoned me, at least for a while.

  I returned home, slightly tipsy. I checked my luggage. Ticket and documents were in my handbag. I didn’t miss anything. Tomorrow, Paris at last!


  The agency rented a studio for me in the Marais, a few stops from the Hotel de Ville and Notre Dame cathedral.

  As soon as I arrived in my new apartment, I saw a small table with a basket of fresh fruit and a welcoming note signed by Seven. I felt at home.

  I unpacked my suitcases and tried to fit everything into the small closet. (I really brought way more than I needed!) Then I went out to breathe in the Parisian air.

  The neighbourhood was crowded. In spite of the piercing cold, the outdoor cafes and bistros were full of people, chatting and reading newspapers. I went into a nice bakery, bought a baguette with camembert and ham, and kept walking. I’d been in Paris several years before, but I found it more beautiful than even I remembered. I thought it was romantic, full of life and melancholic all at the same time. It reminded me of a watercolour in an old country house.

  At Place du Chatelet I crossed over the bridge and I found myself in the Ile de la Cité. I strolled along the Seine, stopping to look at antique books on outdoor stalls, until I reached Notre Dame. It was exactly how I remembered it, majestic, fascinating and mysterious. I took some pictures, and then crossed over another bridge. I popped into the Latin Quarter, searching for an old café where I’d been many years before during my brief study trip.

  I was happy to see it was still there. I sat down and ordered a coffee and a piece of cake. I began to feel really excited. The next day my new adventure would begin. The idea that Etienne would be there comforted me. After the agency’s Christmas party, he didn’t have any other reason to come to Milan. I had missed his glances and his smile, and I was also very curious to see him in action at his company.

  I spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around. I had dinner in a little bistro near my apartment, and that evening I fell asleep early on the sofa-bed.

  Tomorrow a new beginning!

  That morning I selected my outfit even more carefully than usual… I was almost certain my look would be appreciated in Paris. For sure I wouldn’t be meeting fashion victims with Valentina’s style.

  I opted for a black pinafore dress with white buttons, and I paired it with a silk white shirt. I added my bel
oved pearl necklace and a silk organza flower in my hair. I wore black flats on my feet. I grabbed my handbag and coat, and headed cheerfully to my new office. The agency headquarters were near the Bastille. I was early – as usual – so I decided to walk in order to enjoy Paris in the morning.

  The scent of croissants fresh out of the oven filled the air, so I stopped at a bakery to buy one. I can only imagine how many calories with all that butter! But it was so good that it was worth it.

  The sun was shining and the air was crisp. People seemed happy. I felt like the protagonist of one of those romantic films Claudio adored. The only thing missing in the plot was LOVE. Not a small detail!

  When I got to the entrance, I took a deep breath and entered. The concierge told me where to find the management division, and after a few minutes I was in Etienne’s bright and sunny office.

  “Bonjour et bienvenue!” he said, flashing one of his perfect smiles. “I hope Paris has welcomed you as you deserve…”

  “It’s magnificent, and exactly as I remembered it,” I answered all aglow, “and my French still works.” Oops! I hoped he had forgotten my little lie about not knowing the language.

  Pointing to a large leather chair, he asked, “Would you like an espresso? I have a wonderful machine. One of the benefits of being a boss.”

  I was delighted to accept, I sure needed it. The coffee was much better than that we had at Five.

  “Did you have a nice flight?”

  “Pretty bad, thank you. But I don’t want to bother you with any of my stupid mishaps. However, as soon as I set foot in Paris, I forgot everything! This city is wonderful.”

  “It is. Sometimes it can make you get carried away.” He looked at me with those intense blue eyes, and I felt the usual shiver down my spine. “Are you ready? Your new colleagues are all eager to meet you.”

  “I’m a little nervous, but excited… and ready!”

  “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” I thanked him with a smile.

  “Ok. Let’s go.” He stood up, and after a short tour through hallways and other rooms, he led me to my new office. He introduced me to the co-workers, “this is Rebecca and she will be working with us for the next three weeks.” While everybody shook my hand, he added, “I entrust her to you. Be kind, we need to return her to the Italians still in one piece!” We all laughed.

  “Welcome to Seven, Rebecca.” A friendly young guy pointed to a desk near a large window. “This is where you will be. My name is Francois and I lead this department. We’ll work together. If you have any problems or need anything, please let me know. I’m here to help you.”

  For a moment I thought of how different this was from Valentina’s approach and I giggled. I felt like I had arrived!

  “Well everyone, now to work!” Etienne said, leaving the room. Then he turned to me and added, “see you later.” I nodded and sat down at my computer.


  I spent the lunch break with some of my colleagues, who were all very nice. Afterwards I quickly checked my mail. I found two e-mails, one from Claudio and the other from Emma. They both wanted to know about my trip and my first day in Paris. Then there was a third e-mail. For a few seconds I held my breath. It was Niccolò! He wrote to ask how I was and what was going on in my life. Was he looking for a reconciliation? Did he want to be my friend again? Or perhaps he had realized he couldn’t live without me. Maybe he really was my secret admirer!?

  I re-read his message a couple of times, and then I realized that a miracle had happened. I didn’t give a damn! My heart hadn’t missed a beat. I had gone ahead with my life. I had cancelled him, just like I was going to delete his e-mail.

  By the end of my first day at work, I was exhausted. I was dying to take a hot bath and I couldn’t wait for a glass of good red wine. I said goodbye to everyone, ready to enjoy a sunset on the Seine.

  As I was leaving the building, I met Etienne in the hallway. He was talking on his cell phone, but he motioned for me to wait…

  “Alors, how was your first day at Seven?” He joined me outside of the building.

  “It was super. Everyone was very kind and helpful, and the projects are exciting. I will definitely do my best!”

  “Great. Do you have time for a glass of wine?” His invitation was totally unexpected!

  Why not? So I happily accepted and we started walking towards the Bastille. The area was a hangout for students and young couples in love. We went into a bar in Rue de la Roquette and ordered two glasses of Bordeaux. French wines are unbelievable!

  “Your wines here are so good that I could easily become an alcoholic!” I took a first sip.

  “We French are very proud of our wine production, but you Italians aren’t lacking!”

  “Yes, I guess you’re right. We have very good grape vines in my region of Veneto.”

  “Are you a wine expert?”

  “No, not really. But I adore good wine.”

  “You’re full of surprises.” He glanced at my lips.

  “Thanks, you’re very kind,” I was trying to control my embarrassment. “Don’t you have to be somewhere?” I was wondering if Juliette was waiting for him.

  “No, I don’t have any commitments tonight.” I thought that everyone must have their own independence, even as a couple. Very French!

  “Do you have a boyfriend now?” His question caught me by surprise. I didn’t expect anything so straightforward. I wasn’t sure if I should share something about my disastrous love life with my boss, but I decided to overcome this barrier. It was time to be brave.

  “No, I’m still on a love-break.”

  “You’re wise. Relationships do require a certain clarity of mind.” He was nibbling on some of the almonds that they’d served us with our drinks.

  “It’s true. After all, I’m a wedding planner – who should know better than me? But I find it more difficult than ever to open my heart to someone. If our clients only knew about my real love situation, I’m sure they would run in the other direction!”

  He laughed. “You don’t need to tell any clients about your intimate life. It’s obvious that you know how to do your job very well, and that is more than enough.” Then he lowered his voice, “but really isn’t there any man in your life?”

  The waiter brought us two more glasses of Bordeaux, and so I found the courage I needed. “Right now, no… although… maybe I shouldn’t even be telling you this… hmm, there actually is someone, I don’t know who…” I was stammering, “… someone that I think likes me.” Phew! I finally said it.

  “What do you mean?”

  “There is a mysterious admirer who sends me gifts…” I said, with a still shaking voice.

  “Funny. And you don’t have any idea who he might be?”

  “No, not a clue – I’ve received a few packages at home, but there wasn’t a name or address of the sender.”

  “This is intriguing…” he laughed.

  “I confess, I’m very curious. He must be someone who knows me pretty well, since he seems to know my passion for Chanel.”

  “If he’s really interested in you, sooner or later he will come out in the open. He would be a fool to let you go…” he had another sip of wine, without taking his eyes off me.

  I blushed and my legs were shaking – thank god they were under the table!

  “You are really sweet, Coco… very elegant, polite and discreet.”

  Hmmm, discreet, I wasn’t sure about that. If only he knew I had nosed into his private life and that I still had his love letter… I definitely wasn’t discreet!

  The wine began to have an effect on me; so before making one of my usual absurd faux pas, I decided it was time to go.

  “Now I must go.” I stood up, grabbing my handbag, “it’s been quite a long day, and I’m looking forward to a warm bath. Thank you for the drinks!”

  “Coco, I enjoyed talking with you.”

  “Right…” I looked at him, without knowing what else to add, so I turned to go and hea
rd Etienne whispering, “see you tomorrow, sweet Coco.”


  Never The Right Man

  My first week in Paris literally flew by. I had begun to spend some time with a very nice French co-worker. After work she took me around Paris to show me fantastic bakeries and the trendiest bistros.

  Elodie was my age and had lived in New York for several years. Every night she introduced me to a new friend. She insisted that I should experience a French guy, to discover why Parisian lovers were famous throughout the entire world.

  I liked being with her. She was open-minded and tolerant, she knew how to have fun, but she also knew what was important in life.

  One evening at dinner we started to talk about men.

  “So, cherie, is there anyone among our colleagues that you like?” Elodie loved to flirt…

  “Hmm… I don’t know,” I answered, tasting the first forkful of a delicious beef tartare. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to have affairs at work, do you?”

  “Mais non, on the contrary… little adventures at work are fun and exciting!” She said, dressing her huge nicoise salad.

  “But don’t you think they could really complicate things?”

  “Not if you make it clear that they are only adventures, with no expectations. Actually, often they can create interesting complicité and empathy.”

  “I don’t know… and what about jealousy or the sense of possession and affection? If eventually the affair ends badly, then it may become difficult to keep working together. Am I right?” I wasn’t convinced.

  “No, no… you’re way too cerebral and sentimental! Sex, good sex, doesn’t necessarily separate two people, rather often it brings them closer.”

  “You’re so wise!” Laughing, I poured another glass of wine.

  “I think I am wise, but I’m also all for sexual freedom.”

  “Yes, you are, my dear!” We both laughed. “So have you ever had a sexual relationship with a co-worker?”

  “Oh well, yes… with two of them. But I won’t reveal their names to protect their privacy.” She winked at me.


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