His Innocent Lover (Slade Security Team Series Book 3)

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His Innocent Lover (Slade Security Team Series Book 3) Page 8

by Leslie North

  “I heard you when you said what you’d do if I liked. I’ve been trying to figure this out and I keep coming back to the same thing. Marry me, Chloe. I want to make promises to you that do last forever—promises I’ll keep with you and for you. When we get home, I want to ask your dad’s permission to marry you. I want him to walk you down the aisle—and damn; if anything will get a man on his feet, that will. I want to make love to you at night and in the mornings and on lazy afternoons. I want to work with you…and I damn well want to teach you how to surf.”

  She winkled her nose. “Can we negotiate on that last one?”

  He grinned. “Sure. How about I promise to get on a horse if you get back on a surf board?”

  She snuggled into him. “That’s something I’ve always wanted—to get married on horseback.”

  He groaned. “What if we settle for getting married on both feet—no surf board and no horses? We’ll save them for the honeymoon.”

  She smiled, and settled into his arms. She knew it was going to be all right between them. She knew it because she heard the love and assurance in his voice. She knew it because she could feel it in her bones—in her heart. She could trust Trent with her love—and she was trusting her instincts on that one.

  Besides, any guy who could fly a girl to a date in a private jet had to be a little bit okay. She smiled and started to dream of her wedding day. Oh, her dad was going to love Trent—and he was going to spoil his grandchildren something fierce.


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  The Rosso Family Series

  Greek Billionaire’s Blackmailed Bride (Excerpt Below)

  Greek Billionaire’s Forbidden Lover

  Greek Billionaire’s Uncontrollable Attraction

  The Botros Brothers Series (Exclusively on Kindle Unlimited)

  The Sheik’s Accidental Pregnancy (Excerpt Below)

  The Sheik’s Defiant Girlfriend

  The Sheikh's Demanding Fiancée

  The Sheikha’s Determined Police Officer

  The Jawhara Sheiks Series

  The Sheik’s Pregnant Bride (FREE)

  The Sheik’s Troublesome Bride

  The Sheik’s Captive Bride

  The Fedosov Family Series

  The Russian's Stubborn Lover (FREE)

  The Russian’s Bold American

  The Russian’s Secret Child

  Read an Excerpt from the Next Slade Security Team Book

  Travis Lawson’s phone beeped. He pulled it out and scrolled through the text message. He grinned. He’d found her—the woman who’d gone through Hell Week, training for the Navy SEAL’s, who’d passed, and then said no to them, and had been in the U.S. Air Force prior to signing up for training. He wondered what the story was of why she’d started off to be a SEAL and had then turned them down. That was a story he had to hear.

  Her name was Sadie Ashcroft. She was the youngest daughter of the late Senator James Ashcroft, the former Senate Majority Leader prior to his battle with cancer. She was twenty-five and was already an honorably discharged veteran. Why would a veteran like her be given a chance to go through Hell Week, especially a woman?

  Travis scrolled through the information he’d gotten from his contact, who was still in the SEAL’s. It had taken a lot of talking, a little drinking, and some arm twisting to call in that favor. But Sadie Ashcroft was hiding right under his nose. She’d just signed a six month lease on a condo three doors down from their own.

  Heading for the parking lot, he grabbed his Harley. From the photos, he was hunting one gorgeous blonde. Tall, leggy, she looked more like a model than a fly-boy. He’d dug up as much information on her as he could—she’d done the AF Academy in Colorado, thanks to her senator dad, but he still couldn’t understand why she’d chosen to put herself through Hell Week.

  Was she trying to prove something? But why refuse a Navy SEAL commission? One she had earned it the hard way. He could dig out facts on her record—twice decorated—her school background—a masters in English and a batch in liberal arts. But she’d left the base at Coronado and had become a puzzle.

  The Internet sucked at pulling up future plans.

  Well, he was damn good at making plans, and his orders were to recruit her for Slade Security. By any means possible. Slade wanted her on the team, so he was going to make that happen. Even if she didn’t want it.

  He slipped his helmet on and revved the engine. He’d never met a puzzle he couldn’t solve. He pulled out and headed for her place. Sadie Ashcroft—game on!


  Sadie Ashcroft drove into the parking lot of the condo complex where she’d rented a place. She’d signed a lease for a year, but she only planned on being here for the next six months. She turned off the engine of her rented Prius. She sat in the vehicle for several minutes. The engine didn’t ping, didn’t settle. She wasn’t sure she liked that. She got out, taking the keys and lease agreement with her.

  She climbed out and headed for the unit in the middle. A guy moved and she went on alert. It was a habit now—assess, and re-assess, and get your ass in gear. This guy only looked like trouble for any woman with a heartbeat.

  He had to be the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. He swung off of a Harley as if he owned the world. If this was any indication of the type of neighbors she was going to have, she might have to rethink staying in Southern California.

  He was tall, a few inches over six feet, built like a guy who used his body and used it well. He had on leathers that clung to long legs, a tan that told her he spent a lot of time in the sun, and a T-shirt that clung to the broad chest like a lover. Something about that sandy hair—sun-streaked blond teased a memory. No way—or was it?

  She walked a bit closer. Could he be one of the Larson brothers? He fit the description, and wouldn’t that be convenient? She drew nearer. He turned. She caught the strong cheekbones and nose—that look of a Viking on him, that arrogance of a warrior who knows his worth and has proven it time and again. Oh, yeah, definitely one of the Larson twins, but which one?

  She continued walking toward the buildings, kept slipping him side glances. He was watching her, too. But she was used to getting looks and had learned to ignore them. He was harder, however, to ignore.

  She had grown up in the D.C. political scene, with a father in the senate and a mother who worked tirelessly for him—until her energy failed. She and her brother had been raised by a host of nannies, and mom decided she was done with the political scene and started traveling around Europe. Everyone pretended she was like some kind of ambassador, and the press even held back the photos of mom sunbathing nude. The deal was that if dad didn’t run for president, the photos didn’t run. Her dad had always kept a deal.

  Then Tim had gotten his wing, his commission, and his hero’s funeral—all from a training mission.

  Sadie had been following Tim’s footsteps. She’d also gotten a transfer closer to her father, moved back to Virginia, and life had gone on.

  Until three months ago.

  She’d been about to sign up for another four years. But that had changed. Now she was adrift. Who was she if not an officer, a senator’s daughter? She was twenty-five and had no idea of what she wa
nted to do next. She’d already turned down a black ops job. That wasn’t the life she wanted. They kept coming back. Which was why she was here.

  The Larson twins were legends in the SEAL’s—they’d also gotten out. She wanted to know how they’d done it. Meaning, she wanted to pick their brains. She glanced over, met the sky-blue eyes of one of the Larson twins. She noticed the scar above his right eye and put a name to his face. It was Travis Larson stalking her.


  Travis watched his prey get out of her car and walk toward the buildings. He watched her from the corner of his eye, but her beauty deserved more than a casual glance.

  Long blonde hair, pulled back and held at the back of her head with a plastic clip, cut off shorts that left her legs bare, and a tank top that barely reached her belly button. She was toned muscle and she walked with a quiet strength he found mesmerizing. He’d seen pictures of her, but they hadn’t done her justice. She was breathtaking.

  He moved to intercept her, trying to be casual about it, when he noticed her trying to avoid looking in his direction. Okay, that was weird. He’d been trying to track her down for over a week now, and she’d fallen right into his lap—and she looked like she knew him. Very weird.

  She stepped onto the sidewalk, paused, and he asked, “Hey, you looking for someone?”

  She smiled at him. “I’m actually getting ready to move in and thought I’d take a look around before I go furniture shopping.”

  “Welcome to the neighborhood. Travis Larson.” He extended a hand to her.

  “Sadie Ashcroft.” She reached for his hand. The smile on her face flickered. She made contact with him and a thousand prickles ran up his arm. A shiver of sexual awareness ran down his spine, settling in his belly.

  She pulled her hand back, folding her fingers into a fist. He smiled. “So, that’s a yes?”

  “I’m sorry. What?”

  “No problem sweetheart. Look all you want, as long as I get equal time. I asked you if you were looking for someone? Or do you want the grand tour?”

  Sadie nodded. “Sure, tour away. I like it when things look like they’re about to get interesting.”

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  Greek Billionaire’s Blackmailed Bride (The Rosso Family Series Book One)

  It was almost too bad Petrakis hadn’t died instead.

  Antonio Rosso listened to the man drone on…and on. He knew Petrakis had never approved of him, but the lawyer seemed to be taking pleasure in detailing every bequest in the will—every small donation, every tiny remembrance, every charity that would get part of his father’s vast estate.

  Or had this been his father’s idea? Matthias Rosso had been a despot in life—and in death he still wanted everyone to dance to the tune he set. Antonio shifted on his feet, and got a glare from his sister, Alexandra.

  Both his sisters had straight, black hair—like his mother had. They also had the same dark eyes. An old familiar pain twisted inside Antonio—regret his mother had not loved, the ache of memory, the wish just to see her once more. But he did see her—he could see her any time he looked at his sisters. He wished that was comfort enough, but he would have to make do with no more arguments with his father.

  Alexandra gave him one more glare that told him to behave. Even though Antonio was the eldest, Alexandra had become their mother after Livia Rosso had died. She sat next to Eva now, holding Eva’s hand, while Antonio stood, leaning on a bookcase filled with musty, leather-clad legal volumes. At least Antonio assumed they were legal books. His mouth twitched at the thought of opening one and finding a Playboy centerfold.

  Petrakis raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat. Antonio tried to pay more attention. Did Petrakis think he was telling them anything new? Matthias had already told them most of this time and time again, usually with the stipulation that if they did not behave they would get nothing.

  Antonio listened to the list of residences scattered around Europe and even in North America—his father’s hobby, he thought, collecting places as well as people, and money that could have been better spent.

  Finally Petrakis got to the family.

  “To my daughters Alexandra and Eva, I leave each a trust fund of fifty-million US dollars to be administered by their older brother Antonio until each of my daughters reaches the age of twenty-five. If either of my daughters should marry before the age of twenty-five, I leave it up to my son to release the trust or to continue to manage it.” Antonio straightened, anger tightening his jaw and stomach. Petrakis glanced at him. “Your father included that condition because he didn’t want his daughters to be targets for men who would marry for money only. It is your decision as to whether any man is to be entrusted with such a large sum of money.”

  Antonio snorted. “As if they aren’t smart enough to know that. My father thought we lived in the eighteen hundreds, when women couldn’t be trusted with anything. He glanced at his sisters. Alexandra sat still, her dark eyes flat, but color burned in her cheeks. Eva kept her head down. Antonio would have to talk to them later. They could break this trust—or he would simply put them in charge of their own money.

  Petrakis shook his head and began to read again. “To my son, Antonio, I leave this world with a heavy heart for the wrongs I have done. There was a time when Antonio found it easy to trust others. But that changed, and I blame myself for that. To make up for this, I leave the rest of my estate to my son, with the exception of the Villa Livia on Kato Antikeri, which goes to Claire Bennett.”

  Antonio straightened. His sisters did as well and Eva asked, “Claire who?” She looked at Antonio, but he did not remove his stare from Petrakis. The lawyer put down the will and folded his hands on top of it.

  Crossing his arms, Antonio asked, “Tell me what it’s going to take to break this will. I am not allowing my mother’s house—the place where she is buried, the villa named after her, to go to…to an American.”

  “You know this Claire?” Alexandra asked.

  Antonio ignored her question as well.

  Petrakis lifted an eyebrow. “There is one more condition.” He cleared his throat and read, “Everything will be held in trust for my son until he is married. At that time he may do as he pleases, and if he marries by his twenty-fifth birthday, the rest of my inheritance, including the Villa Livia, will go to him.”

  Alexandra gave a gasp. “That’s next month! That’s crazy!”

  Petrakis put a hand on the document. “Your father was of sound mind. The bequests are all reasonable, if a touch…unusual.”

  Antonio gave a snort. “Anything can be broken—overturned. How do we end this farce?”

  “If you contest the will, you will forfeit your inheritance—and that of your sisters. Weren’t you listening earlier? That clause is in the first paragraph.”

  Jaw clenched tight, Antonio shook his head. But it was Eva who spoke up. “Our mother loved the Villa Livia. How could father leave this to a stranger?”

  “Oh, Claire Bennett is not a stranger,” Antonio said. He could still see her face—that perfect face framed by honey-blonde hair, and the sparkling, wicked green eyes. He remembered a tall, skinny girl, with long legs and a too-American pushy attitude. He’d almost fallen for her—but he’d been smart enough to know that a penniless American girl on a scholarship to study art was the type to flirt with, but never to marry. His father was right about one thing—the old man had taught him to be wary.

  But it was also just like his father to try and manipulate him this way. His father had always been one to play games with the lives of others. But this was too much, even for the mighty Matthias Rosso.

  He knew what his father wanted—but he wasn’t going to play that game. He would find a way out of this. And he would find a way that kept his sisters’ inheritance intact.

  Antonio glanced at his sisters. He owed them something of an explanation, so he said, the words clipped,
“Claire Bennett is the one person in the world I had hoped to never meet again. Ever.”

  Greek Billionaire’s Blackmailed Bride (The Rosso Family Series Book One)

  Excerpt From The Sheikh’s Accidental Pregnancy (The Botros Brothers Series Book 1)

  It was finally Friday, the last day of the workweek and the last late work night! Sara was happy. She was not used to working such late nights and it was exhausting. She could not wait to get the work over and done with so that she could start her weekend, kick back and relax.

  She had worked with Amir every night and he laughed at how tired she got. He kept saying that she was too cute. Sara never understood how she was cute but it didn't bother her. That Friday, Amir had a mysterious appointment he needed to go to. Sara manned his appointments and she was unaware of this one.

  “Sir, you're being too secretive,” she said to him as he laughed and ruffled her hair.

  “I am not,” he replied.

  “Then, why do I not know about this appointment? And why aren't I coming along?”

  “You're working late,” Amir replied as he kept inching towards the door. Sara placed her hands on her hips and stared at him.

  “A date?” Sara asked him.

  “I shall see you on Monday,” Amir smiled mischievously. Sara laughed and bid him farewell. She knew that he was going on a date. He seemed to be quite the ladies’ man. She made a mental note to grill him about him it on Monday. She took the files she needed from his desk and locked his door before she headed back to her office.

  After what seemed like hours and hours of work, Sara decided to walk around the building. After sitting for so long, she needed to stretch and relax for a bit. The place was deserted so she kicked off her shoes before wandering around. Sara frowned as she wished that she were home or out with the twins.


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