Blood Moon Magic

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Blood Moon Magic Page 6

by Isobelle Carmichael

  “Kevy, baby,” I croon, using the nickname I know he despises, “the last time you spoke to me like that you lost ten pounds because I shattered your jaw so severely not even your wolf could heal you. Did you forget how the medics had to wire it shut? I’m happy to teach you another lesson about disrespecting my future alpha rank if you’d like, or you can start speaking to me with some respect.” I spit the words out as I get as close to his face as possible.

  My wolf might be willing to take a little extra sass from the men meant to be my mates, but this pathetic excuse for a shifter is another story. I see his Adam’s apple bob, and his face reddens, but whether it’s with anger or embarrassment, I can’t tell. Nathaniel jumps in, probably not wanting me to make yet another example of his son, and the alpha acquiesces.

  “Kevin, she’s right,” he admits begrudgingly, shocking the shit out of me in the process.

  “A basic level of respect required to her status is due to her. At least until she mates with you, then you can speak to her however you wish,” he finishes with a snigger.

  Bingo, there we go. There’s the Nathaniel I know; the full-on asshole who still thinks I’m going to mate with his son.

  “What do you want, Alpha Nathaniel?” I ask, refusing to take the bait.

  “I’m here to ask you to reconsider before you dilute your pack’s bloodlines with these … things.” He sniffs delicately, and I can barely hold in my laughter.

  Nathaniel is built like a trucker, nothing about him is delicate. He’s big and burly, like a bodybuilder who only does arm day. His nose is crooked from being broken too many times, at least twice by my mother, thank you very much. He wears a white tank top, ripped jeans, and his dark hair is cropped close. His son is in much the same outfit. His crooked nose has been broken once by me, and he also has a scar above his eyebrow courtesy of yours truly. We have a history; it’s riddled with me kicking his ass after he tried something stupid. My mom doesn’t even know how many times he’s been a literal thorn in my side.

  “We’ve already sealed our pact in blood, Alpha Nathaniel; we will not go back on our oath. Not only that, but our wolves have already begun the Claiming, it cannot be undone until a final choice or choices, are made,” I inform him smugly. “You’re too late.”

  I step over to him and release about half of my alpha power into the room, I don’t want them to know the full extent of my strength, but I want them to wonder at it.

  “This is the law of the Elders. It cannot be broken.”

  The Elders are the witches who rule over us and are responsible for our creation, the Council of Thirteen. The council is comprised of witches with great abilities, but some would say they’ve grown power hungry and don’t deserve our unwavering loyalty anymore. My mother has always insisted that we follow the old ways though, so I have no doubt which side of the argument she falls on. None of that matters anyway, because unless they’re overthrown, their word is the literal law. You forfeit your life by breaking their rules.

  Rage blooms across Nathaniel’s face, and it turns red as blood. I continue watching his face as my words sink in, and his eyes close to slits. He knows our laws; a Claiming cannot be undone, even if he were to kidnap every single one of us females now, it wouldn’t matter. Once a Claiming has begun, a woman won’t become fertile until a choice is made. Either she’ll Bond and be able to get pregnant, or Break and go back to being infertile until her wolf Claims a new mate. I am so thankful to the Elders for that little caveat. He may have zero respect for them, but he’s not interested in dying.

  Once we reach maturity, we won’t ovulate until our mate has been found, and it can’t be forced. A Claiming can only be done one of two ways, by instinct or by earning. The Death Claws have found a way to force a Binding. Bindings are perverted forced versions of the mating Bonds that keep our people strong. And it’s another reason their pack is dying out, their women can’t conceive. You’d think they’d have learned by now. Their women are forced into relationships they don’t want, and word on the street is, being a Death Claw’s woman is so awful, they would rather kill themselves than continue living under their rules. And many have.

  In perfect timing, my mother steps through the door, and the force of her power blankets the room. It’s like a gale force wind has swept through, but it’s directed at the Death Claws, and not us. Even still, her words coated in strength shake me to my core.

  “Nathan, is there a reason you, and these little dogs you insist on following you everywhere, are interrupting my pack’s Claiming ceremony?”

  “Oh, shit.” I hear from the mouth of one of my potential mates.

  Oh, shit is right.

  My mother is a badass, and even Nathaniel flinches as she nears him, though he tries hard to hide it.

  “We were merely here to give her another option. Your women should not be forced to Bond with these abominations,” he says, “and I noticed you never sent a request to our pack for the right to Claim.”

  “We don’t force women; Alpha Nico, was it?” says a voice rivaling my mother’s for power.

  I turn to see Shaun’s father Seamus strolling into the room. I glance between him and his father and decide that if this is what Shaun will look like in the next twenty years, I am indeed lucky.

  “Ew, Abby please don’t think so loudly about my father and his hotness ever again,” Shaun projects into my head.

  I roll my eyes, the rest of the guys chime in with their agreements, and I tell them all to shut it. The three alphas are now standing in the center of the room with their children behind them. I would say with their future alphas behind them, but Kevin isn’t fated alpha of his pack, and that fact brings me immense joy. As a pack, they’re refusing to acknowledge that one of their rare true Bonding’s produced a female who bears the mark of a fated alpha. Apparently, they’re not letting her take over, being the misogynistic assholes that they are.

  Alpha Nathaniel looks around the room realizing my mother and Shaun’s father brought reinforcements and sees the futility in fighting. Even with his guns, they’d still lose packmates, and with things going the way they are, any loss of life would cause some significant turmoil for him.

  “Let’s go,” he commands, and his men leave with him, spitting at our feet as they pass.

  “I’m glad that that’s done,” my mother says and graces us with a big smile. I notice Seamus staring at her as she does, and I can’t blame him.

  She is radiant. Her bronze complexion and lush, light brown locks cut into an edgy messy bob are showstoppers, but it’s my mother’s smile and expressive aquamarine eyes that make her truly stunning to behold. My darker skin and hair has to come from my father.

  My mother has a companion from a nearby pack who also lost his mate, and they’re amicable, but there’s no heat. When she smiles up at Seamus, I’m happy. Until I remember I might be mating his son.

  Hey, if our parents are happy, then I’m okay with it. We aren’t actually related, and then I won’t have to worry about you running off with my father.

  I’m not sure how I’m supposed to get used to Shaun and the others just popping into my head whenever they feel like it.

  “Abby girl, now that the excitement is over, please introduce me to your potential mate.”

  My mother’s eyes land on Shaun, and I hear Marcus chuckle. “Oh, she’s in for a surprise.”

  “Mother, Alpha Seamus, as is apparently a surprise to no one, yes, my wolf and Shaun’s dragon have Claimed each other. However, mother, may I also introduce you to Kaden, Kaleb, Marcus, and Justin who my wolf has also Claimed.” I finish with a flourish and a grin, knowing my mother is entirely not prepared. She was hoping for three or four mates, so for once, I have outdone myself.

  I see my mother’s eyes widen, as she searches for the words to express shock and delight. I look at Seamus and notice a shadow pass over his face before he grins broadly.

  “Congratulations, boys,” he says to the men who have now come up to flank me.r />
  “Yes,” my mother stutters, “Congratulations.”

  “Mom, don’t look so shocked. Cara claimed four, and Chey claimed three males. In fact, most of our women claimed three,” I say, no longer enjoying her shock.

  “Three!” she exclaims.

  “Yes, three,” I repeat, wondering why my mom is acting so weird.

  “How interesting,” Seamus remarks, “well it’s not uncommon among wolves is it?”

  “No, not uncommon. Often we have triads, for better mating, but as of late we’ve only had mated pairs; and no one has ever claimed more than four.”

  Good going, girl!

  Mine, they’re all mine!

  You’re not helping you know!

  I laugh nervously realizing I’m talking to my wolf, and no one knows that but me.

  “I am sorry, Alpha Seamus. I had figured the thirty men you chose would be sufficient,” she apologizes.

  “Not to worry, Meg. We have several dragon males at home who will be beyond pleased that they get a chance to meet and potentially mate with your pack,” he says grinning down at her. I’ll make a call as soon as we’re done here.”

  “Well, after all that excitement, we should head back,” my mom says, sensing a great time to exit. “Abby, come along.”

  “Yes Mother, I’m coming,” I reply, like the good alpha in training I am. I turn to say goodbye to the boys when I find my lips suddenly locked with Kaleb’s. He slides his tongue along my bottom lip causing me to gasp and slips his tongue inside. Then his hand glides down my ass before he cups it, pressing me to him and allowing me to feel every hard inch of his erection. As it pushes hard against my stomach, my core floods with wetness, and I know everyone in the vicinity can smell my arousal.

  Damn these dragons; they’re literally going to drive me insane.

  The Claiming hormones are clearly making everyone forget themselves because my mother and his alpha are in the room, and he’s kissing me like we’re alone and naked.

  “We were interrupted before we could finish that,” he says after he breaks the kiss, and then nuzzles my cheek with his nose, breathing me in.

  “I can smell how much you want me, princess, and the feeling is mutual. I can already feel you clenching around me, that silky, wet pussy milking my cock as I pound into you. My balls are already aching with the need.” He whispers the words in my ear and kisses me deeply one last time.

  I blink up at him stupidly before hearing my mother’s voice, breaking our not-so-private moment.

  “Abby if you’re planning on kissing the others like that, we’ll never get out of here, and I need you home safe so we can discuss what happened today. If we’re going to retaliate against the Death Claws, we need to make that decision together,” she says, and I notice her cheeks are flushed. I can’t blame her; I doubt watching her daughter make out was on her to-do list today.

  “Yes, Mother,” I reply, and reluctantly extricate myself from Kaleb’s arms.

  The looks of longing in the others boys’ eyes have me seriously considering staying and giving everyone equal treatment. I’m just about to broach the topic when Shaun pipes in.

  “Alpha Megan, we’re going to be spending a lot of time at the Damas’s Den, why don’t we follow you home so that we can discuss plans together?” Shaun suggests in a voice that sounds remarkably calm.

  I’m not calm, my pretty little she-wolf, Shaun says in my mind. I’m ready to cum in my pants, but I need the alphas gone so I can touch you without giving our parents a show.

  My clit jumps, and I clear my throat, pretending all is right in the world.

  “Wonderful idea, Shaun,” Seamus agrees and then grabs my mother’s hand and drags her from the room. I watch her face as she realizes she’ll be trapped in a car with him and laugh. I’m glad I’m not the only one terrified of the magnetic pull of the Wyverns. The smile slides off my face as I turn around.

  Shaun, Marcus, and Justin appear absolutely starved, and it seems Abigail Flores is tonight’s blue plate special.

  “Guys, I don’t like the look on your faces, can you maybe stop staring at me like I’m your next meal?” I warn and turn my best I am not your dinner glare on them.

  “Why should we do that when you smell absolutely delicious?” Shaun drawls out while stalking toward me again. I’m pressed against a table as he captures my mouth and explores it thoroughly.

  Holy Smokes.

  My head rushes a little, and I hold my hands out in front of me. “Mercy, please, no more kisses. I don’t think my hormones can take it.”

  “Oh Abby, there will be a lot more than kisses for you to take, and there are five us, so you better get ready.” He pulls my bottom lip deep into his mouth and then releases it slowly.

  I watch as he turns and walks toward the exit. The rest of the guys follow as I find my breath. I’m not a virgin, but I’m not the most experienced lover either. Fumbling one-night stands are my bread and butter. These men are a gourmet full course meal.

  My wolf chuffs.

  You’re in trouble.

  You think?

  I like it.

  Of course, you would!

  Chapter Six


  I find myself in the middle seat of an SUV wedged between Kaden and Kaleb. I’m not too upset about it, but considering how turned on I am, it’s just adding fuel to my already burning fire.

  The twins seem so similar on the surface. Looking closer, you’ll see that they have a mirror image thing going for them, and it is fantastic. It didn’t take me long to realize that when your wolf Claims a mate, you instantly seem to know a lot about them, like how different each of them smells. I doubt I could ever mix them up because to me they’re so different.

  I breathe through my nose and note that on the surface, the twins smell almost exactly alike. A hint of smokiness layered with pine is the base of their scents; it is like being next to a campfire, and it makes me want to cozy up to them. Kaleb’s scent, however, is laced with sunshine, while Kaden’s reminds me of the air after a rainstorm. It is a perfect representation of their personalities—sunshine and raindrops.

  Both are already experts at making me laugh, but Kaden is emerging as the more serious of the two. My wolf is literally rolling around in their dual fragrances while assaulting me with image after image of them naked, with me in the middle.

  I am just trying to convince her that crawling in Kaden’s lap is a bad idea when she snorts and suggests I lick Kaleb’s neck then bite him, hard. My breath quickens as her completely inappropriate, but utterly delicious thoughts continue to infiltrate my mind. It isn’t long before I’m cursing my wolf for being so strong. She has been getting very bold since the Claiming, no longer content to be in the background. It’s as if being near my mates has increased her alpha powers as well as my own.

  You little hussy, I hiss, calm the fuck down.

  No, I will NOT!

  I jump in shock at her words. She is getting too chatty. Lately, I don’t even know how to handle it. Feeling guilty for upsetting her though, I shut up, close my eyes and let her indulge in her fantasies.


  I hear my name called in a voice that sounds strained, and I peer up at Kaleb.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling so comfortable and all, but I either need you to take your hand off my cock or slide it under my zipper and make me cum.”

  I look down at my hand and snatch it back, wondering when I lost control of my faculties and decided that groping him was the best decision.

  I chance a glance at Kaden and notice his jaw is set, and he’s clenching it hard. Just before I’m about to ask what’s wrong, he grabs my other hand and places it on his equally impressive penis.

  Mother of pearl. I am in the back seat of an SUV giving a double handjob to two men I’ve just met … okay so maybe not exactly, but it feels that way.

  My wolf is a naughty girl and very into what’s happening right now. I’m a bit more reticent but only slightly less

  We are supposed to be on a simple fifteen-minute drive from The Luna to our den. I was prepared to get back into my aunt’s car for the ride when I was pulled into the middle seat of the boys’ SUV by the twins. Justin is sitting up front with Shaun, who is driving, and despite having plenty of room, Marcus opted for his bike. I don’t understand why he didn’t come with us, but I’ve decided to ignore it for now; I have too much to think about as it is.

  Shaun clears his throat, drawing my attention to the front of the car.

  “Abby, I realize that because of the Claiming, emotions are heightened, and hormones are raging, but if you continue to flood the car with the scent of your arousal, I can’t promise I won’t pull over and do something about all this tension.”

  Wow, he sounds all sexy and frustrated, and his tone of voice suggests he’d like to do exactly that. I don’t think I’d even mind.

  I can’t even help that the offer entices me, so when the car stops a scant minute later, I’m not surprised.

  I mean, what did he expect. Super-hot guys can’t tempt a girl with the promise of sexy action and not expect her to get a little turned on.

  After jerking the car into park, Shaun turns his molten eyes to me. “Say yes to one of us, or all of us, but please, damn it, let one of us give you an orgasm.” I am fascinated at the way his hazel eyes have now turned liquid gold.

  Well damn, I guess these are his bedroom eyes.

  “Why would only letting one of you touch me help all of you?” I muse aloud, noting the shared glances between them all, but I dismiss it quickly as Kaleb’s warm breath tickles my ear and he reiterates Shaun’s words.

  “One of us, some of us, or all of us. We don’t care, but we cannot continue to smell your need for release and not oblige. Let’s just say it’s not in our nature.” It’s not an answer, but it’s clear they’re not going to give me one right now.


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