Blood Moon Magic

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Blood Moon Magic Page 12

by Isobelle Carmichael

  “It’s not your job to tell me. It’s his, and he will when it’s time.”

  “You’re right, of course. I apologize for overstepping,” he says, and then kisses me on the corner of my mouth and goes into the living room. After taking a beat, I follow.

  Dragons and their secrets, sheesh. Marcus comes back into the room with bowls of popcorn in a variety of flavors because he can be so extra, and I adore it! I see him look longingly at the couch opposite of me, but he sits next to me as I requested, and I curl up into him. It takes some time, but eventually, he relaxes and cradles me close to him. I smile to myself and snuggle even closer. Kaden picks my feet up and sets them on his lap as he slides under them on the other side of the couch. I open my mental connection to send him waves of thankfulness for coming to us. He just smiles at me and then turns his grin towards Marcus. Oh, that is a look that is surely meant to melt panties. I glance at Marcus and notice that his pale Irish skin is betraying him, and a blush creeps across his face.

  Well now, that’s interesting.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m in the gym working out again. I’ve been getting more exercise than I ever have before, and it is not the horizontal kind that my wolf would prefer. Lately, all my sexual frustration needs an outlet. Usually, I hit the trails surrounding our property, and let my wolf run until she collapses. But I don’t always have the time for the hours needed to tire my wolf out. On these days, I go to the gym for a quick and dirty workout. There are days I sweat it out in the weight room doing deadlifts and squats until my legs are shaking, but today I need to run.

  Five miles later, chest heaving and sweat running down my breasts, I finish my run. My wolf hates the running machine, as she calls it, but sometimes my human obligations get in the way. My wolf expresses herself often these days, informing me that I owe her.

  I can’t always shift and let you gallivant through the forests of Arizona. You know that.

  No sex, no running, I am not pleased.

  Girl, we were just running.

  The running machine is illogical; you don’t go anywhere. I don’t like it.

  I roll my eyes; I’m used to her rants about the treadmill. Sighing, I grab the towel slung on the railing. Toweling off as I head to the showers, I hear my phone beep. I laugh aloud at the message on my screen. Chey has requested my presence at a ladies-only night. I’m to dress in jammies and be ready to spill the beans. I could use a girls night in, so I send a quick text letting her know I’ll be there soon.

  After showering and dressing, I head to my suite, not the slightest bit surprised by the delectable dragons draped all over the place when I arrive. The thing is, they have their own rooms. Sure mine is cooler, but there are times I need my space.

  Justin glances up from my reading nook, sensing my emotions. I can block my thoughts pretty well most of the time now, but feelings are trickier. Considering Justin’s magical gift is literally to sense emotions, it’s difficult to stop him from knowing what I’m feeling. I sigh and open up our connection, letting him in.

  Hey there, what’s going on?

  I’m alright; just feeling a bit overwhelmed today.

  Oh, I got you. I can clear the guys out if you need to be alone.

  Don’t worry about it. I’m off to hang out with Chey and the girls tonight, but I appreciate the offer.

  Anytime, princess. You know I’m happy to do what I can to ease this transition.

  You act like you’re not also involved in this process.

  It’s not that, Abby. It’s just for me, this is what I’ve expected to happen all my life. I’ve prepared for this. You knew multiple mates was a likelihood, but on top of having far more mates than you expected, you also have the fact that you’re a member of a pre-existing coven. Your strength awes me daily, Abby, but even the strongest need to rest. Enjoy your girls’ night; I’ll keep these guys out of your hair.

  I run to my dresser and grab some pajamas.

  “Hey gorgeous, what are you doing?” Kaden asks.

  “Grabbing some pajamas for my girls’ night.”

  “Oh, I can help you out with that if you want,” Kaleb offers.

  “No thanks, babe. I’ve seen the new items you’ve added to my pajama drawer. Those little scraps of lace and silk are for the bedroom only.”

  I dig through the negligees and teddies conveniently placed on top and unearth a pair of sweatpants and a soft tank top at the bottom of the drawer. I complete my lazy day ensemble with a lilac hoodie that has seen better days, but I refuse to throw it out.

  “Okay, boys. I’m headed to Chey’s suite, so have a great time tonight.

  Justin must have used his connection to them to tell them to shut up because they stop talking at once, giving me furrowed brows instead.

  “See you tomorrow, guys,” I call out, and traipse down the long hallway to Chey’s rooms.

  I roll right into her room, excited for the opportunity to decompress and to catch up with my two best friends. Cara is there looking very comfortable in what I swear is an adult onesie.

  Chey squeals and runs over to me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

  “Girl, I am so glad you made it!”

  “I couldn’t refuse some quality time with my favorite people, and I need some girl time.”

  “Yes, girl time,” Cara says, playing with her long blonde hair. “Did you have any idea that dating so many men would be such a whirlwind? I thought I was prepared properly, but those lessons we had were basically useless.”

  Chey releases me and walks to her mini wine fridge and pulls out my favorite Sauvignon Blanc.

  “Well, not completely. They did warn us about the hormones,” Chey counters while pouring me a massive glass of white wine. I mouth her a thank you when she places the chilled glass in my hands.

  “You know I got you, girl. Now, I am dying to know all about your dragons, but I am starving. Should we order pizza, or scrounge around in the kitchen?”

  “You can’t possibly want pizza, right?” Cara asks. “I have seen that Marcus of yours in the kitchen, and he is spoiling the entire den with those delicious meals.”

  “You know it’s great to have our own personal chef, but sometimes pizza can be great, too. Why don’t we make our own?

  “Oh yes, let’s do that. Then we can gossip and be closer to the den’s wine cellar. I don’t want to raid your stash, and I can tell this is gonna be one of those nights.” Chey agrees with me with a quick nod.

  Chey grabs the rest of the bottle, and we follow her downstairs to the kitchen.

  When we reach the kitchen, I head towards the oversized refrigerator and begin pulling out items for pizzas. Deciding I might need reinforcements; I connect mentally with Marcus. Warmth fills me when I realize that he left the connection open. Sometimes I have to knock on his mental door and wait for him to open it.

  Hey, sexy. What do you need?

  We’re making pizza, and I was wondering if you’d run down the instructions on how to use the brick oven.

  I can come down and help if you’d like, it can be a little tricky to use the first couple of times.

  Hmm ... let me ask the ladies.

  “Hey girls, is Marcus allowed to come to help us with the brick oven, or do we just want to bake them the normal way?”

  “Well, this is supposed to be a girls-only night, but he can bake our pizzas for us, ‘cause I don’t think we’re gonna learn how to use this thing in a few minutes,” Chey calls to me.

  Okay, you’re cleared to help, but you have to bake the pizzas, and then you have to go!

  Yes, Mistress. His voice sounds just a little cocky and amused, but his words send a thrill through me.

  Mistress huh? I like that. Maybe I’ll make you call me that all the time now.

  Uh huh. Just let me know when you’re ready to bake the pies, okay?

  I break off our connection and go back to collecting ingredients. Between our chef and Marcus, we have everything one could
ever desire to put on a pizza, so I grab the works.

  Chey nods her head in appreciation as I lay fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, basil, and an assortment of meat on the counter.

  Cara comes into the kitchen from her detour to the wine cellar with several bottles of red and white wine and one of whiskey.

  “What are you doing with that bottle of whiskey, Cara?”

  “I know how you don’t like to kiss and tell, so just in case the wine doesn’t work, I wanted reinforcements.”

  “Oh, I’ll spill, but I can promise you both will have much juicier details than I do.”

  “Food first, gossip later,” Chey interjects, and I erupt with laughter.

  “Chey, it’s a shame that you weren’t the one who got a chef as a mate.”

  “Oh, believe me, I know. But at least Marcus is generous and shares his delicious meals with all of us. Though, I have noticed there’s hardly ever any dessert.”

  She looks at me pointedly.

  “Well, you know I have a horrible sweet tooth, and have you had his crème brûlée? It’s heavenly.”

  “Now how could I have had it when you eat it all first?”

  “That’s a good point. He always tells us there’s dessert in the kitchen, and then it’s always gone,” Cara adds.

  “Fair point. I can try to share with you next time he makes it, but no promises.”

  “You know you’re lucky you’re a shifter, right? No women should be able to eat that much dessert and not be the size of a house!”

  “Cheyenne, you’re one to talk. You eat more than I do!”

  “Girl I’m also thicker than a snicker and proud of it! You are not nearly as curvy as I am. Now, get to work on that pizza. I told you I was hungry.”

  The next few minutes are full of merriment and easy banter as we work on our creations. I find some leftover Alfredo sauce and decide to make a carbonara pizza. I start with a base of the fragrant white sauce, and add pancetta, heaps of mozzarella, and finish it off with an egg cracked in the center. When it bakes, the egg will cook, and I’ll have just a touch of yolk to mimic the creaminess of the signature decadent dish.

  “Well, look at you!” Cara proclaims. What happened to pepperoni lovers?”

  “Well, I will admit my tastes have grown quite a bit under Marcus’s tutelage. He’s brought out the foodie in me.

  Cheyenne goes to work with some insane meat lovers combo, and Cara keeps it simple and makes a Margherita pizza. After we’re done, I find some brownies on the counter and grab a bottle of Zinfandel.

  “Okay ladies, let’s go sit in the living room. I’ll call Marcus down to bake these, and then we can gorge ourselves while we catch up.

  “Oh, yes, let’s. I have some tea to spill, and you are going to die,” Chey says wagging her brows at me.

  Cara and Chey head to the living room, while I touch base with Marcus.

  We’re ready for you, babe. Come bake our pizzas, because if Chey doesn’t eat soon, she’s going to kill someone.

  He laughs, and the sound fills my head. I don’t hear his laughter nearly enough, and I love that I am the one who made him chuckle.

  I’m coming, gorgeous. Tell her to hold on just a bit longer.

  Marcus appears in the living room a few moments later, and Chey arches her signature brow at him.

  “You better get in that kitchen, and I like my crust extra crispy.”

  “I’m going, dammit! Didn’t you eat earlier?”

  “Marcus, I would listen to her. She gets really mean when she hungry.” Cara warns

  I chuckle at their exchange, loving how well he handles my sassy besties.

  He walks into the kitchen but comes out a moment later with Cheyenne’s monstrosity in his hands.

  “What the fuck is this? Is there even dough under here, Chey? You just piled half the deli case on top of a crust; I cannot in good conscious let you eat this.”

  “Don’t you pizza shame me, Marcus. I’ll eat what I want! How do you even know that one is mine?”

  He looks at her like he has no doubt, and she smirks. They’re at a stalemate before he caves.

  “Okay fine, but can I please make you another meat lovers that doesn’t look like this?” He gestures the offending pizza in his hands.

  Cara and I are laughing so hard by this point, that we’re crying as they banter back and forth.

  “Fine, make me another one, but bake that one too!” she says, and winks at me.

  “Deal.” He nods his head in agreement and goes back into the kitchen.

  Her wide brown eyes catch mine, and she gives me a look that tells me all I need to know.

  Gasping, I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe, and my sides seize as I try to catch my breath. I hold up a hand and force myself to take a few steadying breaths before I can speak.

  “I apologize, I forgot to mention how much of a food snob he is! But, I promise whatever he makes you will be amazing!”

  “I know it will. Why else do you think I made such a bad dish?”

  “Chey,” Cara cries with mock indignation. “You didn’t!”

  “I didn’t what? Purposely make a pizza so awful it would offend our resident chef and thereby force him to make me a new one? You’re damn right I did. I have no shame!”

  I refill my glass, brimming with mirth and take a long swallow.

  “Okay, so who’s going first, and before you ask, it will not be me.”

  “I’ll go,” Cara offers, and turns her hazel eyes toward mine, biting her lip nervously. “Can I start by saying, What the fuck! This whole process is insane; you know that right? I have four men who basically live in my suite of rooms, and I am having so much sex; it should be illegal.”

  I snort. Sweet, reserved Cara is not usually so forward, but I guess when you’re the mate of four men, it’s hard to continue being shy.

  “No, I’m not kidding. And the thing is, half the time it’s me who initiates it. It’s a damn good thing there are four of them because if I had only one, he would be worn out.”

  “Oh, girl I know what you mean! I am constantly jumping one of their bones. That is when I’m not trying to punch someone, usually Pierce. These mood swings are absurd,” Chey says.

  Finally, something I can talk about.

  “Yes, the mood swings. It’s unbelievable! I go from horny, to pissed off, and back to horny in seconds. Is there some rationale for it?”

  “I don’t know, but maybe you can ask the Elders when you visit the Overrealm,” Chey adds.

  “So, what are your guys’ names again? I ask Cara. “I won’t lie, I was so distracted at the Claiming ceremony, I barely remember what happened.”

  “I get it, don’t worry. So, there’s Adam. He’s the tall one who looks like a Viking with all that cool, blond hair, ice-blue eyes, and a strong build. Malcolm is the built one with deep mahogany skin and piercing green hazel eyes. Chris is the short one with curly brown hair and eyes the color of melted chocolate. And Jason, the Brazilian, has dark hair, dark eyes, and perfectly golden skin.” Her face is bright red when she finishes, but her eyes sparkle, and I can tell she’s already completely smitten.

  Cheyenne is just about to say something when Marcus interrupts. “Can I come out now?” he calls from the kitchen. “I have food to deliver, and then you can go back to objectifying us men.”

  “Yes, bring out the food,” Chey claps her hands with excitement.

  “I’m so hungry,” Cara says rubbing her stomach. Because she looks like a panda bear, I start laughing again.

  “Cara, that onesie is ridiculous! You look so cute.”

  Marcus comes out of the kitchen balancing three pies in his hands.

  “Abby, this carbonara pizza looks and smells amazing. Can I steal a slice? I want to try it.”

  “Absolutely. I’d love to know your thoughts.”

  In moments the room fills with the scent of cheese and dough, and I start to salivate as I prepare to dive into the bounty before us.

made you prosciutto, sausage, and pepperoni pizza with a spicy tomato sauce, a three cheese blend, and hot cherry peppers.”

  “Also, I’m taking your meat lovers to the guys. They’ll love this hot mess of a pizza!”

  “Okay. Thanks so much. You can go now!” She dismisses him, and he looks at me stunned, but I just shrug and take a huge bite out of the slice in front of me.

  “I see you’re just using me for my skills, aren’t you?” he declares.

  “Of course I am, and you love it.” Chey answers.

  He laughs softly and leaves the room, muttering about wolves and their demanding personalities.

  “We can hear you; wolf hearing and all.”

  “I know,” he adds, as he rounds the corner.

  We eat in comfortable silence; except for Chey’s occasional “Oh my goddess” and “fuck, I’m going to have a food orgasm” comments. We finish our meal and move on to another bottle of red that goes surprisingly well with brownies. They look at me expectantly, but I shake my head.

  “Oh, come on. I shared, now it’s your turn,” Cara presses.

  “Chey hasn’t shared yet,” I hedged. Why can’t she go?”

  “You’re stalling, girl. What is going on?”

  “Look, you’re not going to like this, but I don’t have any fun sexy stories. Okay, well that’s not true. What I mean is we’re not having sex.”

  “What?” they shout simultaneously, then start talking over one another.

  “Why aren’t you having sex?”

  “What the fuck do you mean? You’re kidding right?”

  “So, apparently it’s for the ceremony.”

  “Justin found something in our grimoires; you know, those journals we have. Anyway, it says that if we wait until the ceremony to officially get it on, the power we generate will increase.”

  “You’re kidding?” Cara cries out, shocked.

  “I’m not. And it’s so fucking hard. I swear to you, it’s such a struggle, but for the good of the pack I will do anything.”

  “You don’t have to try to explain it to me; I get it.”

  “Me too. We know how loyal you are. You’re seriously going to be such a kick-ass alpha,” Cara adds.


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