Blake, Abby - Hot Inspiration [A Bride for Eight Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Blake, Abby - Hot Inspiration [A Bride for Eight Brothers 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 2

by Abby Blake

  Mikayla grunted, obviously in pain, but she buried her face in the pillows and held still. Frustrated by her refusal, Lachlan landed another blow in the same spot as the first. She cried out, the sound muffled by the pillow, but didn’t use her safe word—or even her time-out word. Brock smacked her even harder, and they both heard her sob.

  But again she held herself rigid.

  “Are you comfortable, sub?”

  She was silent for a moment, and it was obvious she was trying to find her voice, but then she gave them the exact wrong answer. “Yes, Sirs.”

  Lachlan’s hand shook, and he looked to his brother for reassurance. They didn’t want to hurt her, yet Mikayla didn’t trust them enough to call a halt to their play. Did she think they would leave her if she used her safe word?

  “Bullshit,” Brock said as he smacked her ass again. “Damn it, Mikayla. Use your fucking safe word or God help me I will spank your ass until it glows in the dark.”

  She yelped as his hand hit the same place, but this time she scurried away. Even with the blindfold, it was obvious she was crying as she rolled onto her side.

  But she still didn’t use her safe word.

  “Mikayla,” Brock said in his deepest, most dominating voice. “Say your safe word or get back into position.” She flinched at his words, almost like he’d smacked her again, even though neither Brock nor Lachlan moved.

  Lachlan had never heard his brother sound as frustrated as he did at that moment. His hands were shaking, and it was obvious that he didn’t want to spank her any more than Lachlan did, but if Mikayla refused to use her safe word, then they couldn’t play the type of bondage games they all enjoyed.

  Lachlan went to gather her in his embrace, unable to see her so upset. Hell, he’d live a lifetime of vanilla sex rather than put her through this a moment longer. But Brock held his arm out, a clear signal for Lachlan to stop. Lachlan swallowed hard, hoping that Brock could get through to their beautiful wife.

  “Y–yellow,” she managed to mumble through her tears.

  Brock looked completely flabbergasted by her answer. Yellow was supposed to be a signal for her to call a time-out, but it was obvious that Mikayla was finished. She needed more than a time out. She needed to call a complete halt.

  “Fine,” Brock said, sounding exasperated. “I’ll give you one minute and then I want you back in position.”

  Mikayla gasped, and it sounded like the word “no” escaped her lips, but Brock held Lachlan back once more. Brock rummaged through his drawers, found what he was looking for, and headed back to the bed. He made certain to slap the leather belt against his hand a few times to let Mikayla know what was coming. Her ass looked so sore that Lachlan knew the belt would be very painful.

  “That’s one minute, sub. Back in position.”

  Unbelievably, Mikayla moved back into position, her head down, her ass up.

  “Damn it, Mikayla,” Lachlan said as Brock moved back into position and went to hit her with the belt.

  Mikayla moved, and Lachlan could see the relief on Brock’s face as his blow missed its mark.

  “I can’t hear you, Mikayla. Say. Your Damn. Safe word!”

  “Red,” she said as a sob tore from her throat. Brock immediately dropped the belt and gathered her into his arms. She clung to him, shaking violently as Lachlan smoothed a hand over her hair.

  “Good girl,” Brock said shakily. Lachlan pressed a kiss to the top of her head and then turned to the bathroom to go run a cold bath. There was a good chance that Mikayla wouldn’t sit comfortably for quite a while, but at least the cool water would sooth the stinging flesh and help reduce any swelling.

  * * * *

  Brock held his stubborn wife in his arms as tears flowed down his own cheeks. He hadn’t realized just how insecure Mikayla had been feeling until she’d tried to give him everything she thought he wanted at a huge risk to herself. Their sex life was intense and amazing, but if he couldn’t trust her to use her safe word, then they wouldn’t be able to play this way any longer.

  He tried to hold her sore flesh away from his lap, but it meant he couldn’t remove her blindfold. He considered leaving her blinded to his own reaction but knew she needed to see how much this lesson had hurt them all.

  “Take off the blindfold,” he said quietly. She moved immediately to comply, but she kept her eyes closed. “Look at me.”

  She finally opened her eyes, blinking against the harsh light for a moment before she was able to focus on his face. She cried harder and whispered the words “I’m sorry” over and over.

  “Why are you sorry, Mikayla?”

  “I’m s–sorry I failed you.” She wiped a hand down her face as she made an obvious effort to hide her distress.

  “How did you fail, baby girl?” She shrugged, sucking in air awkwardly, clearly trying to rein in her emotions and hide from him once more. “How did you fail, baby girl?” he repeated more forcefully.

  “I couldn’t give you what you want.”

  “And what exactly do you think we want, Mikayla.” Again she shrugged.

  Lachlan came back into the room, his concern written clearly on his face.

  “Answer him, Mikayla,” Lachlan said in a softer tone than Brock could’ve managed at this moment.

  “I–I’m s–sorry. I just don’t want to lose you. I don’t know h–how I’d live w–without you.”

  “You think we’re going to leave you?”

  She took a deep, halting breath but nodded when the words wouldn’t leave her mouth.

  “Damn it, Mikayla,” Lachlan said in a voice so angry even Brock flinched in surprise. “We will never leave you. We love you. You know that.”

  Mikayla’s anger seemed to stir, and she sat up in Brock’s lap, oblivious to the pain she must be feeling. “But how long before you resent me for not giving you a family?” She wiped angrily at the tears that still flowed down her face. “What happens when you realize I’m too much of a coward to do the right thing and get out of the way?” She struggled to climb off Brock’s lap, so he helped her to her feet and watched in amazement as she stalked toward Lachlan. “One day we’ll be old and gray,” she yelled angrily, “and you’ll look at our empty lives and wonder why you didn’t set me aside and find a woman who could give you the family you deserve.”

  “No,” Lachlan said quietly. “I’ll look back at our lives and know that I spent it with my soul mate. I’ll count every one of our days together as a blessing, and I will never, ever regret loving you.”

  “None of us will,” Bryce said from the doorway.

  Mikayla nearly leapt from her skin, obviously surprised by the appearance of the rest of her husbands. They’d all known what Brock and Lachlan had planned, and with the practically paper thin interior walls of the station, Brock had been a little surprised that none of them had stepped in when things had gotten so intense. But he was grateful that his brothers trusted him to get to the bottom of Mikayla’s issues.

  “Mikayla,” Matt said as he moved closer to the woman crying in Brock’s arms. “We love you, the real you, not the woman you’ve been pretending to be.” He knelt on the floor beside Brock and touched his wife’s face gently with his fingers. “The woman I fell in love with has a temper as volatile as my own. She doesn’t let any of us run her life. She makes her own choices and decisions and somehow holds her own against eight husbands willing to coddle her.”

  “And she knows when to use her safe word,” Lachlan said as he took her from Brock’s arms and carried her into the bathroom.

  Brock glanced around at his brothers. It was obvious they all felt relieved to have Mikayla’s issues out in the open. It was also obvious that they each had a plan on how to handle their wife’s insecurities in the future.

  “I think maybe we need to remind our beautiful wife of all the reasons she fell in love with us,” John said as he headed toward the door. Brock nodded his agreement.

  “She seems to have forgotten,” Matt said with a nod of his

  “She has been working too hard,” Ryan added.

  “Perhaps it’s time for a little fun.” Ty said it with a straight face, but they all managed to smile at his suggestion. Life had been way too serious in recent times. Maybe fun was exactly what Mikayla needed.

  * * * *

  Mikayla sank gratefully into the cold bath water. Her ass still felt like it was on fire, and no amount of crying or emotional outburst was going to let her forget it.

  Lachlan saw her flinch, and he leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth.

  “Do you understand why we had to do this?” he asked as he pulled away.

  His quiet question brought tears to her eyes once more. She’d barely realized the change in her own behavior, but Brock and Lachlan had been absolutely right. She’d been growing more and more concerned over the past few months that one day they would become tired of her and find no reason to stay married.

  She nodded in answer to his question, but found her voice when his eyes narrowed at her silent agreement. “Yes, I’m sorry that it was necessary.” She shuffled a little in the bath to find a more comfortable position. “I didn’t mean to do what I did. It just sort of happened.”

  Lachlan smoothed the hair from her eyes. “Little one, you need to trust us, all of us. No one is going to leave just because you express an opinion. Hell, your sassy, take-none-of-our-bullshit attitude is what made us fall for you in the first place.” She smiled softly, remembering some of the arguments she’d had with them over the past couple years. Mikayla and her husbands had disagreed on many, many occasions, but they’d always found a compromise.

  And besides, arguing lead to makeup sex.

  She grinned as the thought flitted through her head, but Lachlan laughed and leaned back against the wall. “Whatever that thought was, I dare say it’ll be a while before you find it comfortable enough to follow through.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him and suddenly, as if a massive weight had lifted from her shoulders, felt like her old self. Stunned at how far she drifted from her own personality, she fell backward onto her ass. She hissed as the tender flesh touched the rough bottom of the bath.

  “Why are you so sore, Mikayla?” Lachlan asked in his most dominant voice.

  She eyed him incredulously, unwilling to hide her reactions any more as memories of the hardest spanking she’d ever experienced sent horrible goose bumps all over her spine. She was about to start one of those arguments they all claimed to have missed when the answer to his question finally sank into her brain. Damn, she felt lucky that she’d moved away from the leather belt.

  “Because I didn’t use my safe word.”

  Lachlan nodded, stepped closer, and grasped her chin so that she had no choice but to look him in the eyes. “Little one, trust goes both ways. We need to be able to trust you to use your safe word. If you don’t, we could hurt you quite seriously in some of the games we play.”

  She closed her eyes as tears threatened to fall again. She could see she’d hurt him badly, but all she could do was promise to use her safe word in the future. Hopefully, she could rebuild the trust between her and Lachlan and Brock quickly. Although, she suspected as she once again moved to try and ease the pain in her ass, this wasn’t going to be her last sore bottom anytime soon.

  Chapter Three

  “No, you have the day off,” Ryan said, blocking the doorway as she tried to enter the lab.

  “But—” Mikayla managed to say before a hand covered her mouth.

  “No buts,” Ryan said with a mischievous grin. “You’ve been working way too hard. Why don’t you go spend some time with Matt and Bryce? They’ve got today off, too.”

  She knew she was being set up but felt immensely grateful. Sitting on any stool, padded or not, at the computer for hours on end was not very appealing when her ass was still sore.

  She leaned up and dropped a soft kiss on Ryan’s lips. “Thank you,” she whispered. He dragged her to him, kissed her so thoroughly she felt weak in the knees, and then sent her on her way. She was still wobbly when she reached Bryce and Matt’s quarters.

  But she found their quarters empty. So she stood in the middle of the room for a full minute wondering what the hell to do now. Surely they’d known she was coming. Ryan had made his suggestion as if he knew Bryce and Matt were waiting for her.

  She turned to leave the room and practically ran into her missing husbands.

  “There you are,” Matt said, sounding relaxed. “How does your ass feel?”

  She was ready to lie and say it was fine, but memories of the reason for yesterday’s spanking had her answering honestly. “Still sore, but not as bad as I was expecting.” And that was the truth. She’d expected to wake a whole lot sorer today, but whatever cream Lachlan had soothed over her reddened skin before they’d gone to sleep had worked really well.

  “Bend over,” Bryce said in a tone that was neither negotiable nor lascivious. She did as she was told and sighed as the cooler air touched her skin when he lifted the material of her sundress. Mikayla tried not to giggle as they inspected her sore bottom. Head down, ass up, and neither of her men seemed inclined to fuck her.

  “The cream worked well,” Matt said as he soothed a hand over the slightly sore flesh. “I’ll put some more on now and then some before bed tonight, and you should be fine by tomorrow.”

  “As long as you remember why you ended up with a sore ass in the first place,” Bryce added.

  “Trust me,” Mikayla said on a self-deprecating laugh. “That is one lesson I will not forget in a hurry.”

  “Good,” Matt said as he retrieved a tube of cream and smoothed it over her bottom and thighs. She could already feel the lotion working. It must’ve had some sort of numbing agent included because by the time they let her stand, she couldn’t feel any pain at all.

  “Now,” Bryce said as he rearranged her clothes and she was decent once more, “we have a surprise for you.”

  She grinned happily. As a kid in foster care, she’d learned a long time ago to hate surprises, but life with her husbands was proving that some surprises were worth having. She let them lead her out of the main area of the research station and into a room that seemed to be an enclosed annex of sorts. But it was the small pool of water that drew her attention.

  They were sort of outside, but not. It was steamy and humid in the tiny, ventilated room, but definitely not as hot as outside. Bryce and Matt both stripped off and then turned to help her out of her clothes. Mikayla’s light sundress had quickly dampened from the wet heat and clung to her skin uncomfortably. She raised her arms gratefully so that her men could lift it over her head.

  Gloriously naked, Bryce dipped his head and captured her lips with his own. It started out a gentle caress but quickly morphed into heated passion. Matt pressed up against her back, peppering soft kisses against her neck, his hands roaming over her hips, his cock gently brushing against her ass.

  Matt broke the kiss, turned her around and caressed her neck and shoulders as his brother claimed her in a devastating lip-lock of his own. Her knees wobbled as the three of them finally lowered into the warm water.

  Though small in size, the rock pool was surprisingly deep in the middle, and Mikayla found herself clinging to Matt’s neck as he stood in the deepest part. She wrapped her legs around him and could feel his erection nestled against her pussy. “Is that for me?” she asked with a broad smile.

  “Always,” Matt replied as Bryce pressed up to her back, and she felt his cock brush against her anus. Matt kissed her softly, leisurely running his tongue over her lips, seeking entrance to her mouth. She opened for him, sucking hard against him, feeling more relaxed than she had in weeks.

  “I love you,” she whispered when they finally broke apart.

  “I love you, too,” Matt said seriously, “and if you ever forget it again we are all going to take turns spanking your beautiful ass.” Her butt cheeks clenched at his threat, accidentally caressing Bryce’s cock

  He groaned softly and bit her earlobe before whispering, “That wasn’t supposed to turn you on.”

  She giggled at his teasing. She knew they meant what they said, but since she had no intention of forgetting how much her men loved her, there was little chance of all eight of them spanking her on the same day. Although…

  Both of her men groaned when she shuddered and her ass and pussy pulsed with excitement. “Wench,” Bryce teased as he took her from Matt’s embrace. Matt turned to the shallower side of the pool, lifted himself onto the edge and held his arms open for Mikayla. With Bryce’s help, she quickly crawled over Matt’s big body and tried to lower her throbbing pussy onto his erect cock.

  But he held her still, trapping her against him so that his delicious erection was pressed against her belly. She growled in frustration until she felt something cold touch her anus. Despite how many times the three of them had done this, Bryce had never taken her ass, and the thrill of finally joining with him in that way wound through her lower body. She wriggled in anticipation as he massaged the lubricant into her back passage. He stopped when she gasped at the incredible sensation, but Matt was quick to reassure his brother.

  Mikayla could feel her pussy beginning to throb as her excitement ramped higher. Without thought, she began to squirm against Matt, trying to get closer, trying to ease the arousal she was feeling. Bryce removed his fingers and a moment later replaced them with the head of his cock. Matt held her down, pressing her hard against him, refusing to let her move.

  Bryce grasped her hips, pulling her closer as his cock eased into her back passage. She moaned with relief when he pumped harder, pushing deeper, thrusting into her heat as she whimpered and kissed his brother.

  Matt’s hands roamed over her back and neck, his fingers finally threading through her hair as he mastered her with his kiss. Carefully, Bryce thrust into her ass, pulled back slowly, and then rammed into her again. Over and over he claimed her dark hole, his cock stretching her, filling her, his movements rubbing her engorged clit against Matt’s hard cock. She started to shake all over, her breathing labored, her excitement nearly overwhelming. She moaned as Bryce fucked her over and over and over.


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