Cake: A Love Story

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Cake: A Love Story Page 11

by J. Bengtsson

  “Hey!” I exclaimed, a little too loudly.

  “Hey yourself,” he answered back, smiling warmly. The Jake I knew from earlier was back, in all his sizzling sexiness. My whole body tingled with anticipation. I wanted him and I wanted him to know.

  I touched his arm and let my hand linger there on his warm skin. Jake looked down where I touched him. He didn’t say anything. Suddenly I worried that he really didn’t like being touched. Such a thing would not seem unusual considering his past. He’d reacted to Sarah’s touch but not my earlier one. But despite all my worry, Jake didn’t seem upset and he didn’t pull away.

  JD loudly cleared his throat to let us know he was still there. In fact, I’d completely forgotten about him. We both looked over.

  “Hi, I’m JD,” he said as he stood to shake Jake’s hand.

  “Hey, nice to meet you,” Jake responded pleasantly, shaking JD’s hand.

  “Great song, by the way,” JD complimented. “I’m a big fan of your music.”

  Jake focused his full attention on JD, “That’s cool. Thanks man.”

  The three of us stood there for a couple seconds before Jake asked, “So how do you know Casey?”

  “JD’s a friend of mine. We work together,” I answered before JD had a chance to answer the question he was asked.

  JD smirked then nodded, “Yeah, what she said.”

  “How long have you worked together?” Jake asked. I sensed strain in his voice.

  JD looked at me. “What like three years? Has it been that long?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” I replied. What was Jake doing? Why all the questions? Was he trying to assess our relationship or something?

  “We haven’t dated or anything like that,” I blurted out then instantly regretted it when I caught sight of JD’s arched eyebrows and amused grin.

  Heat burned my cheeks. I was so embarrassed. Jake hadn’t asked if we had dated. Now he was going to think I was assuming he was jealous. Oh God. Shut up Casey!

  Jake nodded but didn’t respond. His expression was neutral. Had he seen the little non-verbal action playing out in front of him? What was he thinking? Was my second chance with him slipping away?

  “Well then you won’t mind if I steal my bridesmaid away,” Jake finally said to JD. He really wasn’t giving JD a choice in the matter as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my chair. Jake started leading me away.

  “Oh no…that’s cool,” JD replied to our backs.

  “See ya later,” I called over my shoulder.

  “Not if I can help it,” Jake whispered in my ear.

  I didn’t respond until we were on the other side of the room. “That’s big talk for a guy who has been ignoring me all evening,” I stated, calling him out on his behavior.

  Jake hesitated a second. The serious look on his face wiped the smile right off mine.

  “Oh,” I whispered as my cheeks reddened. A knot instantly formed in the pit of my stomach. He really had been ignoring me…and on purpose apparently. I felt like an idiot for thinking there was anything between us. “I’m embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be, Casey. Let me explain,” he started.

  “No,” I interrupted, putting my hand up and backing away from him a step. “You don’t have to explain yourself Jake. We just met. I mean, you’re not into me and that’s okay. I just…I totally read things all wrong.”

  “No, you didn’t,” Jake replied honestly. “You read them right.”

  I looked at Jake in surprise. WTF? “Okay now I’m really confused.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I’m a fucking idiot.”

  “Yeah you are, and you’re starting to piss me off too,” I admitted.

  “Sorry. Casey, please, just give me a minute to explain, okay?”

  I looked at my wrist like there was a watch on it and replied, “Your minute starts now.”

  Jake seemed surprised that I was playing hardball with him.

  “Tick tock Jake.”

  “It’s true, I’ve been avoiding you,” Jake rushed out his words. “But it isn’t because I don’t like you. Obviously I do. It’s just…I’m in the middle of a world tour. I’ve been on the road for four months. This weekend was just supposed to be a quick detour and then it was back to Europe. I have up to five shows a week. I have a bunch of band and crewmembers that rely on me to keep things going. I’m just not in a place where I can really cultivate a new relationship.”

  “Okay. Why didn’t you just say that? You didn’t have to ignore me all day.”

  “I know but every time I’m with you I get all giddy and weird and shit…and I can’t think straight…so instead of trying to explain all that to you, I decided to take the immature, idiot approach and just ignore you.”

  I thought about what he said for a second before grinning and saying, “Well I guess nothing says affection like ignoring the person completely. In a screwed up way it’s kind of a compliment.”

  “You’re not mad?” Jake asked, looking immensely relieved.

  “No…guys brains just aren’t as evolved as girls,” I replied, grinning.

  Jake smiled and shook his head in amusement.

  “I do have to ask though. Your dastardly plan was working perfectly. Why did you ruin it all and come over to me just now?”

  “I…,” Jake looked embarrassed. “I saw you with JD and I got jealous.”

  “Huh…interesting,” I nodded, amused. “So now what? Are you going to go back to ignoring me?”

  “I want to hang out with you but…”

  “But you don’t want to lead me on? I get it. Who says I want a relationship with you anyway? Maybe I have some big summer plans that I don’t want you to ruin either.”

  “I didn’t…I,” Jake stumbled over his words. “You wouldn’t be ruining my plans.”

  I grinned. “I’m just kidding. Seriously though, why does it have to be so complicated? I wasn’t asking you to get down on one knee, Jake. You’re a cool guy. I like hanging out with you. I just wanted to do more of that tonight…that’s all. And I’m still up for it…if you are. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that. I mean, its either that or you continue to ignore me and I continue to talk to JD to make you jealous.”

  “You were trying to make me jealous on purpose?” Jake asked, in surprise.

  “Only when I figured out that it bothered you.”

  “That’s whacked,” he grinned.

  “Well, it got you over here so…” I smiled up at him.

  Jake shook his head and gave me his charming smile.

  “So what do you say? One evening of fun…no strings attached,” I said, maybe a little too eagerly. “Do we have a deal?”

  Jake nodded. “I’m down if you are.”

  Of course I realized that the deal I was offering was for Jake’s benefit only. But I’d already decided that I would take what I could get from him. At least he was honest with me and didn’t try to sweet talk me into sleeping with him, all the while knowing he was going to dump my ass the minute he stepped foot on the plane. I understood that Jake was a complex guy with a demanding life. That he was even willing to take the time to get to know me made me feel special. And he’d admitted that he liked me. Maybe after his tour ended he would look me up. But if I never saw him again, then I would just have to deal with it. Spending time with Jake was worth the risk in my opinion. I mean, really, what girl wouldn’t jump at the chance to spend an evening of fun with the hottest, most charming musician on the planet?

  One of my favorite songs came on. “I love this song. Do you want to dance?” I asked.

  Jake’s lips formed into a frown. “I don’t dance.”

  “Oh that’s right. I almost forgot about your allergic reaction to the yesterday’s fictional wedding dance.”

  Jake nodded.

  “Wait, though. You’re a rockstar. Don’t you have to dance on stage?”

  Jake laughed out loud. “Obviously you’ve never been to a rock concert before?”

No, actually I haven’t.”

  “Let me guess, you’re more of a pop music kind of girl?”

  “I listen to whatever is on the radio.”

  “Who is your favorite musician?”

  “Well, you, of course.”

  “Oh, uh-huh, right. Name one song of mine?” Jake grinned.


  “Too easy. Name one I haven’t sung in the last 30 minutes.”

  I stood there a moment thinking then a smile broke out across my face.

  “I knew it,” Jake laughed. “Who is it? Beyoncé, Bieber, or Spears?”

  “All the above,” I laughed. “But, to be totally honest, I just listen to what’s on the radio. I don’t really pay attention to the artist. I’m sure I’ve heard a lot of your songs but just didn’t know it was you who sang it.”

  “You know there is an app for that?” Jake grinned.

  “I know. I know. It doesn’t bother you?”

  “What? That you’re not a Stan?”

  “A what?”

  “A superfan.”

  I laughed. “I’ve never heard that term.”

  “It’s from an Eminem song but you probably aren’t familiar with him either,” Jake smirked.

  “I know who he is but I’m definitely not a Stan.”

  “Well, I’m not vain enough that I think everyone is a card-carrying member of my fan club.”

  “Wait a minute! Are you telling me they still have fan clubs?” I asked.

  “Uh…yeah. They have moved online…but they still exist.”

  “Wow, who would have guessed?”

  “Anyone who knows anything about music would have guessed.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I waved him off. “Anyway, I’m going to make up for lost time. I’m now officially your number one fan. Jake McKallister!”

  “No Lexi in Ohio is my number one fan.”

  “Oh so sorry. I stand corrected,” I laughed. “Okay, here is another confession…I’ve never been to a concert.”

  “Ever?” Jake asked in surprise.

  “Nope…it’s not that I didn’t want to, it’s just I never really had the means. When I was younger I would beg my parents to let me go to a concert or to buy albums but we always lived on a fixed income and just didn’t have excess money. Then when I got older and started making my own money, I still never went because I needed that money for trivial little things like food.”

  “Yeah, that seems way more important. I actually haven’t been to that many concerts either…only like maybe 700 or so,” Jake teased.

  “So yeah…we are sort of on the same page on that then,” I smiled.

  Jake nodded.

  “Hey, I have an idea,” I said brightly.


  “Maybe you could be my first,” I teased, pausing before adding, “Concert that is.”

  “Yeah, I would love to pop your concert cherry,” Jake smirked.

  I bust out laughing. Just then a slow song came on.

  “You want to dance?” Jake asked.

  My mouth dropped open. “I thought you didn’t dance.”

  Jake cocked his head and said in his sexy way, “I slow dance.”

  “Oh do you now?” I smiled and let him lead me out onto the dance floor. Once we stopped he reached his arm around me and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he moved his hands to my hips. I leaned into him. We stared at each other. I felt that familiar chemistry pass between us again. We swayed gently to the music, not speaking for a long time…just enjoying the feel of our bodies pressed against each other while moving in rhythm to the music. I was lost in his embrace. He kept dipping his head into my shoulder. His hair tickled my bare skin, sending shock waves radiating through me. He held me close. The heat of his body sent my mind reeling. Absently I stroked the long strands of his hair. It was a bold move but it just seemed so natural at the time and Jake clearly didn’t mind. The song ended and was replaced with a dance tune. We reluctantly broke apart and walked back over to where we had been standing before.

  Jake’s mom came over to us. She introduced herself to me then turned to Jake and said, “You might want to tone it down a bit…you wouldn’t want to draw attention away from the bride and groom.”

  He looked surprised but he nodded anyway. Once his mom left, Jake leaned down and, with his hot breath tickling my neck, said, “I’m really hot. You want to get some air?”

  “Yeah, good idea,” I echoed, fanning myself as I followed him out of the reception hall. We walked down a long hallway then turned right. We came to a stairwell.

  “Where are we going?”

  “A place I found last night when I was dodging those women?”

  “They followed you?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yep,” he said like it was an everyday thing. And, yeah, it probably was.

  Jake pushed open a door. “This way. Every floor has one of these.”

  I followed Jake through the passage that led outside. He put his hand on the small of my back to guide me out to the little balcony. The simple polite gesture sent shivers down my spine.

  “Sorry about that back there with my mom. I hate when she does that.”

  “Does what?”

  “Reprimands me like I’m five.”

  “That’s what mom’s do,” I replied.

  “Yeah, well my mom does it a lot. I think she thinks I’m an idiot.”

  “She might be on to something,” I smirked.

  Jake grinned.

  “I’m just kidding. I can tell you’re a smart guy.”

  “Oh yeah? And how can you tell that?”

  “Just by the way you carry yourself. You seem intelligent.”

  “I seem intelligent?” Jake laughed.

  I nodded.

  “I dropped out of school at thirteen.”

  “Oh damn…never mind.”

  Jake grinned.

  “Like totally out of school or were you one of those weird homeschoolers?”

  Jake laughed. “I was a weird homeschooler.”

  “Was it your choice to leave school?”

  Jake didn’t answer right away. Oh God, was it too personal? Should I avoid asking him questions about himself?

  “I was suspended for fighting and then refused to go back after that. But, you know, for obvious reasons, it was easier for me to be at home,” he finally said. “Plus I had a lot more time to work on my music. If I hadn’t been a weird homeschooler I don’t think I ever would have gotten good enough to do it professionally.”

  I nodded then decided I should probably clarify my joke. “You know I was only kidding about the homeschooler stuff, right?”

  Jake smiled. “No you weren’t.”

  “Yes, I was,” I smiled up at him. “I’m sure there are plenty of perfectly normal homeschoolers.”

  Jake laughed out loud. “See? Another off-handed insult!”

  “Sorry,” I grinned. “I have a problem. I’ll try to control myself.”

  “No, please don’t,” Jake replied. “Everyone is so careful around me all the time. It’s nice to hang out with someone who isn’t worried about offending me. I mean, like, you’ve pretty much insulted me in every conversation we’ve had. Well done, Casey.”

  “Well, thank you. I really do try.”

  “I can tell and I appreciate it,” Jake grinned.

  I laughed. It made me feel so much more relaxed knowing that Jake wasn’t easily offended. I stopped worrying about being careful around him. He was like anyone else…only way more talented…and much hotter.

  “Wait, though, you didn’t just pick up music once you dropped out of school did you?”

  “No I’ve been playing the piano since I was three.”

  “Geez, you overachiever.”

  Jake laughed. “Hey that wasn’t my fault. I would much rather have been outside playing.”

  “And you play the guitar too. Any other instruments?”

  “Um…,” Jake grinned shyly.



  “Oh no, now you gotta tell me.”

  “I play a few others.”

  “Like how many others?”

  “Maybe like 30 or so.”


  “Or so,” he grinned.

  “Good Lord. What are you, like, a musical genius?” I squealed.

  “No. It just comes easy to me. And I like to know how things are played,” Jake replied, like it was no big deal.

  I stared at him in shocked surprise. “Well damn. I’m impressed. I had no idea there were even 30 instruments to play.”

  “Seriously? Casey, there are thousands.”

  “Really? Wow, you must think I’m totally ignorant,” I admitted. “In my defense, I don’t come from a musical family.”

  “You’re more book smart. Nothing wrong with that.”

  I smiled at him. Jake was a sweet guy. I liked the way he made me feel special.

  “So how old were you when you first started touring?” I asked.


  “Of course,” I teased.

  Jake shrugged his shoulders.

  “I knew you started out young but I didn’t realize you were that young. Damn, at sixteen I still had braces and slept with stuffed animals. And here you were playing in front of thousands of people.”

  Jake laughed. “Hardly. If a thousand people came to see me play that was a big crowd. It’s not like I started out in super stadiums. You need to think on a lot smaller scale Casey.”


  “No…not that small,” Jake laughed. “…like fairs and colleges and rec centers.”

  “But now you play in front of thousands of people, right?”


  “Do you ever get scared before you go out on stage?”



  “Um…maybe sometimes, I guess, when I’m going to be on TV or something. But once I start performing I’m fine.”

  “It doesn’t freak you out having all those people screaming for you?”

  “No. It’s an awesome feeling being up on that stage with the music and lights and the roar of the crowd.”

  “Ewe…that sounds horrible to me. You’re brave,” I grinned. “I’m more of a cerebral person myself. About as daring as I get is reading the last page of a book before starting it.”


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