The Beauty's Beast

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The Beauty's Beast Page 16

by Eddie Cleveland

  "Why would I go watch some stranger peel off her clothes when I’ve got fucking perfection waiting for me under these ones?” I squeeze her ass hard and she swats at me playfully, laughing. How is it that she still blushes like that? How is she still so innocent even when I know she’s so sinfully dirty just under the surface?

  Suddenly a loud outburst of whooping and hollering forces us to look across the street to a wedding party who are clearly hammered and stumbling down the strip in some kind of rhythm less conga line. Leading the pack is the bride, with the skimpiest wedding dress I’ve ever seen and a crazy, elaborate veil barely clinging to her head along with the groom dressed in shorts and a blazer. I don’t know about his fashion choices, but he definitely looks happy. And drunk. But mostly happy.

  “Maybe that’s what we should do,” Vanessa smiles up at me, “you know the saying, ‘what happens in Vegas,’” she laughs.

  “Yeah, except marriage,” I shake my head, “that doesn’t just stay in Vegas,” I shake my head. I silently watch the wedding party, well, party down the street without a care in the world and glance down at the woman I love. "I think we should do that,” I don’t really think about what I’m saying, the words just rise up from my heart and spill out my mouth before my brain has a chance to ruin them.


  “Seriously, I’d love to elope with you. Here. Now. But really get married,” I realize I’m rambling and possibly giving the worst marriage proposal ever. My heart hammers in my chest and my mouth begins to dry out as I realize just how serious I am about this. “I already know I don’t want to live in a world without you in it. I already know I want to wake up to you every single day, I love you," I swallow hard and hold her shoulders tight as I watch her eyes open wide with surprise. “Vanessa? Will you let me marry you at some cheesy chapel in Vegas, maybe by Elvis or something? Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

  It feels like my heart is thudding right inside my neck as I wait for what feels like an eternity for her to process my words. The teasing glint that was in her eyes has faded and now she looks up at me earnestly, searching my face, “Yes,” she nods. “I would love to,” a huge smile spreads over her plump lips and I pick her up in my arms and swirl her around as I kiss her.

  “I love you,” I whisper in her ear.

  “I love you too,” she giggles and I place her gently back on her feet.

  “So, do you really want to do this? I don’t want this to be some Hollywood marriage that ends in two days,” I tilt my head at her sternly but I know she feels the same way I do. I’ve known for over a year now.

  “Yes! Let’s go to the chapel,” she tucks her brown hair behind her ear and grins.

  “Alright, I feel something inside me that I haven’t felt since I was in the SEALs. Excitement. Like I’m getting ready to take an epic adventure or parachute into some unknown land. Like my adrenaline is buzzing through my veins and making every sensation stronger.

  I flag down a cab and Vanessa and I hop in the back.

  “Where to?” The burly man behind the wheel asks us in his rearview mirror.

  “We want to get married,” Vanessa gushes, her smile couldn’t be wider.

  “By Elvis,” I add in and she giggles next to me.

  “Yeah, by Elvis,” she agrees.

  “Congratulations,” the man turns around and glances at us, “I know just the place.”

  Epilogue - Vanessa

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. It’s so cheesy but it’s so fun. It just feels perfect. The Elvis impersonator with a shiny, gold jacket holds my arm and leads me down the short red carpet to the front of the chapel to Gabe.

  My Mom is going to kill me.

  I mean, we’ll have another wedding for friends and family later, but right now, this moment is just for us.

  God, he looks so sexy.

  Every step I take, I watch Gabe closely. I can’t take my eyes off him. How did I get so lucky to find a man like him? One that can make me feel sexy with a look, one that can make me feel safe with a hug, one that can make me cum every single time we fuck.

  He’s perfect.

  The chapel photographer and official witness for our marriage snaps photos as Elvis brings me next to Gabe and then releases my arm, jumping up onto the white pillars decorated in lush roses.

  “I love you,” Gabe whispers to me as I clutch his broad hands and feel suddenly overwhelmed in the best possible way by all of this. I can’t wait to be his wife. To make that commitment to him forever. He’s my everything. I’m guessing even our Elvis impersonator can see that and he’s probably seen it all.

  “I love you too,” I whisper back.

  “Alright, tonight we have the absolute honour of marrying this lovely couple, Vanessa Parker and Gabriel Keenan,” Elvis speaks into a microphone despite it being an empty room. “Join those hands together, because today you join hands and join hearts to come together and celebrate one of the truly great moments of your lives, today, your wedding day,” Elvis announces as Gabe smiles down at me.

  It feels so appropriate that it’s just us here because every time he gives me that look, the world dissolves into oblivion and all I can see is him anyway. We could have a thousand-people sitting in this chapel, but all I would ever see is him.

  “Gabriel would you please repeat after me,” Elvis nods at the man that is moments away from becoming my husband, “I Gabriel.”

  “I Gabriel,” he repeats, never taking his intense blue eyes off of mine.

  “Take thee, Vanessa to be my wedded wife, ma, ma, my best friend,” Elvis swings his hips and the photographer snaps some pictures, “and my soulmate.”

  Gabe repeats the words, but without any theatrics. It’s like he’s finally saying something he’s kept buried in his soul for too long. With every word of our wedding vows, I can see the truth in them, in his love, in his eyes, in us.

  Elvis turns his attention to me and I can’t help but giggle at how silly this whole thing is. I feel like it’s a perfect way for two people who met under ridiculous circumstances to take these vows. I love that Gabe and I don’t take ourselves too seriously. The only thing we take seriously is our love.

  He guides me through the vows and I repeat each and every word, feeling it tattoo across my heart, and knowing that we are committing to each other for the rest of our lives. Tears line my eyes, I’ve never felt so happy before. And the crazy part is, I know that for as long as Gabriel is my husband I’ll always be blessed.

  “You may now kiss the bride,” Elvis instructs us.

  Gabe leans into me and sweeps me into his arms, wrapping them completely around me. I melt into him as our lips collide and our marriage becomes official with a slow and sensual kiss.

  “Now I can’t wait to get you back to the hotel,” Gabe murmurs in my ear, “this is going to be a crazy honeymoon, Mrs. Keenan,” his voice is laced with desire and it makes a shiver lick my spine as I realize that tonight I’m going to have mind-blowing sex with my husband. I can’t help but smile. My cheeks actually hurt from smiling I am so happy.

  “Then we better get back and get started,” I kiss him again and close my eyes, getting lost in our world of two and knowing that as long as we have each other we can face anything … together.

  The End




  Copyright © 2017 by Eddie Cleveland

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Between the Covers

  Chapter 1 - Ryker

  I still have an hour to kill before my shift starts at the Oregon library. I rip down the coast in my convertible with the top down, so
aking up a rare day of sunshine in the normally rainy months of winter.

  It isn’t often that I get to enjoy this car the way it was meant to be. The electric blue, 1967 Mustang convertible isn’t the kind of car you go run errands in. It’s the kind of car you live on the edge of life. Speeding down the twisting highway, I breathe in the ocean air and let the world, the responsibilities, the endless politics and bullshit all drift away.

  All that matters is this time.

  Ka-chunk! A cloud of steam billows up from my hood as my gauges all flatline and my car slows to a crawl.

  “Damn it!”

  I steer over to the side of road as the Mustang rolls to a dead stop. I throw it in park and jump out pulling up the hot hood and burn my hand.


  So much for the moment, expensive mechanic bills for a vintage vehicle flash dollar signs in my eyes. There’s no point in me taking a look at the engine anyway. I wouldn’t have the first clue of what I was looking at under there.

  I pluck my Samsung from my pocket and sigh. I guess I need to call a tow truck, not to mention the library so they know I’m going to be late.

  I stare out into the glistening waves of the ocean as the phone rings. Disappointment crashes over my body like each one of those little white-capped breakers out there. That’s what I get for living outside the box for once, the thought buzzes around in my head like an insect.

  “Hello?” a gruff voice answers me.

  “Hi, yes, I need a tow.”

  Chapter 2 - Ryker

  “Yep, there ain’t a lot that can be done here,” the short, stocky man who introduced himself as just Hank looks down at my car sadly. “It would be a shame if the damage was bad. This is a beaut,” his eyes flicker over the blue steel and long body like he’s checking out a leggy blonde at the bar.

  “Yeah, I bet it’ll cost a fortune too,” I sigh and run my tattooed hand through my hair. “Do you know a good mechanic that won’t rip me off?” I glance into his ruddy face and watch as he blows up his cheeks and twists them from side to side like he’s swishing mouthwash around.

  “A-ya, I think I know the place. Frankie is who I would trust with a car as special as that,” he nods his capped head at the car.

  “Sounds good enough,” I shrug. “Can you take me there now? I’m already going to be late for work. What a day!” I say more to myself than him.

  “Sure thing, I gotcha covered,” he smiles up at me and his red cheeks turn to little crab apples as his face pulls up into a broad, friendly smile.

  “Thanks,” I stick my hand out to him and shake his firm grip. “I appreciate it, man.”

  Hank quickly sets the car up with his truck and before long we head out for Frankie’s Garage.

  I gaze out at the water, it’s not exactly like the moment I was having in the convertible, but it’s still an interesting story. If nothing else. And as a librarian, there’s nothing I love more than a great read.

  Chapter 3 - Ryker

  Hank talks to a couple of guys in the work area of Frankie’s Garage as I go into the front office. At the desk is a stunning woman with a messy bun of long, brown hair and soulful brown eyes. Her white tank top hugs her full breasts that are heaving as she reads the book splayed out on the counter in front of her. A rosy hue flushes over her high cheekbones and her full lips are parted slightly as her eyes flicker over the page. Whatever she’s reading, she seems pretty engrossed in it since she doesn’t even look up at me as I walk in. Not even the little bell chiming on the door like an old-fashioned ice cream truck is enough to drag her from the world she’s engaged in within the pages of her book.

  I clear my throat and study her youthful glow radiating from her creamy skin. Her features are undeniably stunning. She’s a natural beauty without makeup or long fake nails taking away from her pure look. Even down to the cute cluster of light freckles kissing the bridge of her nose. I hate to interrupt her, I know better than anyone how reading just one more page becomes an addiction. One that there is never any harm in indulging. However, I’ve got my own job to get to.

  “Excuse me,” I intrude on her moment. I can’t help but wonder what she’s reading? I step closer to the counter and peer down at the pages.

  The woman doesn’t look up, she only acknowledges my existence by lifting her finger in the air as a way of telling me to wait a second. It’s rude, but effective. I close my mouth and wait. Besides, I really can’t think of anything sexier than a beautiful woman who’s so lost in her book that she makes the world pause while she finishes.

  She turns the page and throws and old receipt between the pages, letting the tattered cover flip closed.

  I see the title now, she’s reading John Cleland’s Fanny Hill.. Crimson licks at my cheeks as I realize she’s been reading an ancient erotica novel and from the looks of her, she was getting pretty hot and bothered by it too.

  “How can I help you?” She smiles sweetly. Too sweet and innocent for someone reading those words. I know just from how engrossed she was that she has a deep, dirty streak just beneath the surface of her doe-eyed gaze.

  “I’ve got to drop my car off,” I begin to explain.

  “What’s wrong with it?” She furrows her brows like she’s studying for an exam.

  “I, well, I was hoping one of your guys could figure that out. I’m not exactly a car guy,” I rub my hand down the sleeve of my cardigan as she smiles.

  “You don’t say,” she muses. “Well, how about I go take a look and give you an idea then?”

  She steps out from behind the counter and has a mechanic onesie covering her lower body and the arms tied off around her thick hips. “I’m Frankie,” she holds out her hand and I see some dirt around her nails.

  “I’m Ryker,” I shake her hand and blink with astonishment that this beautiful woman is the mechanic. “Sorry, I, uh, I thought,” I stammer.

  “You thought I was the secretary?” Her soft brown eyes twinkle as she tilts her head.

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” I cringe.

  “No harm done,” she laughs and gives me a slap on the shoulder. “Let’s go see what the problem is and if we can get it fixed up today,” she leads the way to the garage and I follow her.

  Don’t judge a book by its cover, isn’t that the expression. Never has that been more obvious than right now.

  Chapter 4 - Frankie

  I walk out into the garage where my brothers are drooling over the Mustang in the pit. “Wheeew,” I whistle low. “Is that your ride? For a guy that’s not into cars, it’s a pretty sweet Mustang you’re driving,” I look over my shoulder at the tall, dark, smoulderingly sexy man behind me.

  “It was my grandfather’s,” Ryker answers, his green eyes flicker with the memory. “He was all about fast cars and beautiful women,” he laughs.

  “Sounds like my kind of man,” I purr, hoping some of his grandfather’s good sense rubbed off on him. It isn’t often I see a man who could be a character from my erotica book grace the garage. I let my eyes drift over his body and bite my lip. The bulge of his biceps is obvious under his navy sweater. Just like the bulge in his faded denim jeans is equally obvious. My cheeks flush hot as I flicker my eyes back to his. Did he notice me checking out his package? I can’t be sure.

  Ryker stands a little taller and his lips twitch into a half smile. It looks good on him, since he walked in, he’s been so serious.

  “He gave it to me because he said it was good luck. I guess he found my grandmother in this car, and he figured I could use the same magic to find a girl,” he clears his throat and then looks over my shoulder at the vehicle. “Although, it doesn’t look like it’s gonna find me anything but my way into the poor house now.”

  “Well, don’t get your dick tied in a knot,” I laugh as Ryker lifts his thick eyebrows with surprise. “Hey Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum,” I call out to my brothers, “get out of there, I’m gonna take a look.”

  Rick and Nathan roll their eyes at me exaggeratedly but they
back off from the car, giving me the space I need to check it out.

  “How about you two go take five,” I jerk my head at the open garage door not-so-subtly. I don’t need my big brothers giving me a hard time about the way I’ve been looking at this guy. We all bust each other’s chops good naturedly, but there’s a line.

  “Fine, I’m going for a smoke,” Nathan agrees. Rick gives me a pointed look but doesn’t disagree, wordlessly following Nathan out the door.

  I take a look under the hood and bend over at the waist, hoping Ryker will take notice of my firm, plump ass. I can feel the heat of his body behind me as he looks cluelessly over my shoulder. In my mind, I turn to him and we crash into a passionate kiss. The fantasy only lives in my head though, as soon as I look up at him, I can see Ryker is eager to leave.

  My heart sinks in my chest. I guess it’s not a two-way street. “What’s up?” I ask.

  “It’s just that I’m late for work. I need to get going,” he looks at his cell with worry.

  “Awww that’s too bad,” I purr, looking up at him from under my lashes.

  He looks over my curves and I can see a twinkle of desire flicker over his green eyes. So, I’m not crazy, there is something here.

  “Trust me, I’d rather stick around too. However, I can’t just not show up for work. They’d have to shut down the library if I didn’t go,” he explains.

  “Library, huh?” I stand up and size him up again. A sexy man who reads. Did I die and go to heaven? Or is it just my lucky day. My gaze licks his body all the way down to his ring finger, just to make sure. It’s empty, the thought crashes relief over me.

  “Well, from what I can tell, it’s just a simple job. Not even that pricey,” I reassure him and his face relaxes. There’s that sexy smile again. Damn, he hot.


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