The Beauty's Beast

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The Beauty's Beast Page 65

by Eddie Cleveland

  Her nectar covers my cock, making it easily slide inside her to the core, despite how tight she is. She fits around me like a custom leather glove, her warmth surrounding me.

  I fuck her like I’m trying to melt the snow and ice below us. She twists her ass, pushing back against me every time I bottom out inside her, giving me the deepest access to her center possible. Reaching around her hips, I make quick work of finding her sensitive nub hidden in her mound. Pressing just above her button, I move my finger in little circles, easily sliding with her natural lubricant dripping on my fingertip.

  Suddenly, she stops moving, her pussy clenches and trembles around my cock, milking it for my seed as she cries out my name to the forest. Even with the muffling the snow walls of this survival shelter provide, I’m sure every animal in a two-mile radius can hear her screams.

  My balls tighten and clench as I slam my cock into her faster. Faster than I think I’ve ever fucked anyone. With her muscles bearing down on me, she feels as tight as a virgin against my thick girth. My balls tighten as I spill my cum into her, filling her with my seed.

  When the last tremors stop and I’ve emptied myself, I lean over her, just lying still against her on the wet, cold floor. Neither of us seems to mind the noticeably frigid air swirling around us. The heat of our bodies warms the small space and I pull out of her, lying on my parka with her next to me and cover us with her fur jacket.

  This is perfection. I kiss the back of her neck, “I love you,” the words tumble free from my mouth before I have a chance to think about them. My heart twists with fear that I’ve said too much, too quickly. Surely, she can feel my heartbeat rapidly firing against her back.

  “I love you too,” she whispers. There’s no doubt in her sleepy tone. It sounds like the words she was born to say. Like they’re as true as the seasons and as important as the sun.

  I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding, and pull her in tight against me. My eyes feel heavy, but my soul is light. She loves me. Right now, this moment is all that matters. The thoughts I’ve had about whether or not she’ll return with me to my cottage evaporate and are replaced by one swirling, sleepy phrase.

  “I love you.”



  My eyes flutter open and I can see a blue glow from our icy hut’s roof. It’s so peaceful inside this shelter with Sawyer, and so much warmer than I expected. Of course, lying tangled up in him, our naked bodies intertwined certainly helps keep the cold at bay. Not to mention all the other ways he kept my blood pumping all night. I’ve never met someone who can fuck me over and over until we’re both exhausted and barely able to utter a single word. He’s a beast. My beast, I let my fingertips explore the hair on his chest, as I enjoy the silence.

  I like to wake up before Sawyer, I must have really tired him out. I lean over and look at his manly features. I love how his beard twitches when he’s all worked up. I love how he can be so grizzled on the outside, but have such a warm heart. I carefully unwrap his huge arms from around me and shiver as I slide out from under the coats. The cold motivates me to dress quicker than I probably ever have before. I peel my coat from on top of Sawyer and wrap myself in it. I want to take a look outside and see if we still need to stay hunkered down, or if we can head back to the cabin.

  I crawl through the small entrance and bump into something hard. Turning around on my belly, I see that it’s the rifle Sawyer brought. A flurry of movement catches my eye from outside and I look up and realize that, probably ten feet from the entrance to our snow cave is a huge white rabbit.

  So slowly it’s almost painful, I reach beside me and ease the gun up to my shoulders. My eyes never leave the rabbit. I’m going to make Sawyer so proud when I provide our next meal. The idea warms me from the frosty air.

  I maneuver the rifle up silently, careful not to make a sound that would disturb the hare. My breathing is shallow and my body is still as I manage to get the gun in position and look over the barrel at the little triangle marker. Taking aim, I squeeze the trigger and a shot echoes through the forest like a clap of thunder. I didn’t realize I had also squeezed my eyes shut until I have to open them again and search the ground outside for the fallen rabbit.

  All I see is white. Pristine, unbloodied, fluffy white snow as far as I can see.

  I twist and crawl until I’m free from the snow cave and stand up, spinning around in circles as I look for the hare. Where is it? There’s no way I missed it? Is there?

  The tracks on the ground confirm that the rabbit got away, there’s no sign that I did anything except give him a scare.

  I slump over with disappointment. How can I be such a failure?

  “What was that? Are you ok?” Sawyer emerges from the drift with his clothes strewn on and his eyes wide. “I heard a gunshot.” He looks at me.

  I don’t want to cry about this. It would be stupid to. Yet, I can’t stop my chin from quivering as I look down at the scuffed tracks of the rabbit that easily got away.

  “I tried to shoot a rabbit, but I missed,” I confess to my snow-dusted boots.

  “Why didn’t you just get me?” Sawyer frowns and I feel the exact opposite of how I imagined I would when I grabbed his gun. I wanted to make him proud of me, not scowl at me.

  “I don’t know, I fucked up I guess.” My chin quakes and emotions flood me as I’m reminded of the familiar feeling that’s been haunting me my whole life. Not good enough.

  Not smart enough.

  Not pretty enough.

  Not popular enough.

  Not fucking enough.

  Tears blur my vision and spill onto my cheeks. “I thought I could do it, but I messed up. I’m sorry.” I turn away from him, not able to face his frown for even one more second.

  “Ashley,” he grabs my arms and pulls me back. “Hey, it’s not the end of the world. Every hunter has the one that gets away. More of them than we’d like to admit. I was just worried you got hurt or saw a wolf. I don’t care that you didn’t hit the rabbit.” He pulls me into him tight and the weight of his muscular arms feels comforting against my back. Like he’s built a wall around me that can protect me from everything, even the horrible voice in my head that tells me I’m nothing. My mother’s voice.

  “You’re not angry?”

  “Why would I be. I don’t care,” he shakes his head and gives me another squeeze. “I’m fine eating whatever. I just hope you don’t mind when we’ve got to crack open the baked beans I left in the cabin.” He smiles at me and my anxiety melts away like this mountain of snow will under the warmth of the spring sun. In my heart, the blooms of love grow.

  I hug him tight, not wanting to feel the cold space where his warmth once was. Not wanting to put even inches between us, let alone the miles I know are coming soon.

  “The storm has passed,” he muses, looking up around us at the clear sky.

  I follow his gaze and wish that the baby blue peeking in around the tree tops brought me joy. Instead, I feel dread. Our time is counting down. This is the end.

  “We should probably get back to the cabin and get everything sorted out,” he kisses my nose quickly and I can’t help but smile. Something so innocent, so sweet, it’s so unexpected from someone that looks like him. “Ok,” I agree, but I don’t move. My muscles are still as I wish I could hold onto this moment forever, as tightly as he is holding on to me.

  “Wait here, I’ll grab the stuff,” he steps back, breaking our embrace. I watch wordlessly as he shimmies back inside the snow cave. Waiting, I look back to the sky and find myself silently praying for another storm. However, even though I’m no expert like Sawyer, I can feel in the air that the worst has passed. Doesn’t that mean that the best is yet to come?

  Then why am I filled with so much dread?



  With the fire crackling and popping a song of warmth into the living room, I open the barren cupboard and stare at my limited options for food. I keep hoping that, somehow, I�
��ve missed the ingredients to make a nice spaghetti dinner, like if I keep staring at the desolate shelf, food will suddenly appear behind the can of baked beans or the box of stale crackers.

  No such luck.

  Ashley walks over and peers in. “Pretty bleak, huh?”

  “Yeah, it doesn’t look good,” I admit. “What are you doing with that?” I look down at the cellphone in her hand. I thought she’d given up on that thing by now.

  “Just checking if there’s a signal, there isn’t.” She doesn’t look upset about it for once. “I’m amazed I still have battery left. I guess it’s from shutting it off,” she muses.

  “Yeah, isn’t it amazing how much longer it lasts when it isn’t clinging to your hand like a baby attached to an umbilical cord?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she waves me off, “I get it. I think I’ve done pretty good actually,” she lifts her chin and levels me with her beautiful blue eyes. I breathe in sharply as the color transports me to the serenity of the lake by my home. In the oppressive heat of the summer, there’s nothing I love more than diving into that lake. I love relaxing in the water as the ripples of blue wash over me, refreshing me and bringing me back to life.

  “You have done well,” I admit and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her in close. “I’m proud of you.” I quickly kiss her soft lips.

  “Thank you,” she looks up at me from under her heavy, dark eyelashes. I can see a glint of pride dancing in the pools of blue, adding vibrancy like when the lake comes to life with fish and wildlife under the hot summer sun.

  “So, I already know what I want to eat for dessert,” I murmur in her ear, “but I should figure out what I’m going to feed you for supper first.”

  Her pink, plump lips pull up into a sweet smile and I can’t help but kiss her again. This time I savor her lips parting under mine, I enjoy how our tongues join and dance together.

  “Mmmm,” she pulls away from me slowly, like she’s fighting the laws of gravity just to put a step between us. As if the universe would rather we were never apart. “Ok, I’ll let you get to it then,” she slides from my side and coasts over the worn floor to the living room.

  Ashley absentmindedly picks up my radio and spins the handle until a channel tunes in. Snowy static fills the air, much like the snow that’s been filling the air outside for days now. She plays around with the tuning wheel as I grab the beans from the cupboard with a defeated sigh.

  Suddenly a loud noise crashes through the serenity of our cabin. “Buy one burger now and you get a same sized burger free! Wow, where else can you get this whopper of a deal? Nowhere!” The announcer oversells it.

  Ashley laughs, “There ya go! Maybe we can get them to deliver.”

  “Maybe we don’t have to,” I look at the can in my hand, finally inspired.

  “What do you mean?”

  “In local news, the search for missing person, Ashley Young will officially begin tomorrow. According to the San Miguel search and rescue team the record-breaking ice and snow conditions that have prevented them from pursuing this operation have lifted, and they are prepared to mount a full mission to recover the twenty-three-year-old model from the Rio Grande National forest. It is widely assumed that the young woman is deceased as she has been exposed to days of extreme temperatures and blizzard conditions.”

  Ashley stiffens up and flicks the radio back off.

  “What you don’t like hearing that you’re probably dead?” I smile but she doesn’t move. Her body is a statue of a forlorn Greek goddess.

  “It’s not that,” she finally utters.

  “What then?”

  “I, I don’t know. I thought I’d be happy to hear they were finally coming for me.” She tilts her head and her long hair trails down her arm.

  “You’re not?” My heart beats a little harder. Is she saying what I think she’s saying?

  “No, not really. I guess I don’t feel ready to go back to all that,” she confesses. Ashley turns around and looks out at the deep shades of mauve and pinks lace across the sky. Days quickly fade into night in the winter, but nature makes up for the shortened time with her spectacular sunsets.

  I put the can down on the counter and walk up to Ashley, sliding my arms around her. We both watch the transforming sky over the shimmering white snow, like we’re at the edge of an artist’s canvas and he’s painting just for us.

  “If this is our last night together, I think we should make the most of it,” I hold her close. “We still have that whiskey we can drink, I’ll make us a nice supper, and I think I already told you my plans for dessert,” I grind my cock into her ass as she leans back against me and smiles.

  “Beans and booze, wow that’s quite the send-off,” she teases me.

  “No, you gave me an idea earlier. I’m going to make something out of the beans,” I smile, happy she’s letting me lighten the mood.

  “What’s that?” she turns around and cocks an eyebrow at me.

  “I’m making a whopper of a deal,” I imitate the voice from the burger commercial, “a two for one taste sensation!”

  Ashley laughs and it’s better than any music my ears have ever heard. Her laughter lightens my soul. “Sounds amazing,” she grins at me.

  “You’re amazing,” I answer. “Now, let’s get this party started!”



  She laughs loudly and puts her empty cup down on the table. “This is so perfect, isn’t it? In our little world of two?” She purrs.

  I stand up and refill our glasses, dreading the end of this night. The end of us. It doesn’t have to be over, the thought swirls around in my brain.

  It doesn’t.

  I whirl back around and plop down on the chair, locking my eyes on hers. “It can stay perfect,” my heart thuds out of control. I feel like I’m proposing.

  “What do you mean?” She bites her lip and looks at me from under her long lashes.

  “Listen, I know this sounds awful, ok? But everyone thinks you’re dead right now. They aren’t expecting to find you alive tomorrow. Hell, I bet they’re not even expecting to find your body until spring, if ever,” I ramble and my drunk words slur together.

  “Ok,” she scrunches up her nose, clearly missing the point, “so?”

  “So, you can disappear. Permanently. You can come live with me. We’ll have our world of two forever. Who knows, maybe someday we’ll ever expand a little,” I nod down at her belly.

  Ashley’s eyes grow about three sizes as the impact of my words hit her. “You want me to stay with you? Forever?” Her voice is hushed.

  “I do,” I answer solemnly.

  “I’m not sure,” she crushes my spirit. “I don’t know if I can hack it out here. I don’t want to be a burden on you,” she looks down.

  “You’re no one’s burden, Ashley. The only burden with your name on it that I carry is the burden of love you’ve laid on my heart. And that’s a burden I’ll gladly take to my grave,” I swallow another mouthful of whiskey as her cheeks flush.

  “I want to, but I just need to sleep on it. Is that ok?” She looks so uncertain. What does she think I’m going to do? Pull out a timer and tell her I need a decision once it rings?

  “Of course that’s ok,” I smile.

  “Sawyer, I love you,” she grabs my hand.

  “I love you too,” I stand up and pull her tight against me.

  “Show me,” she whispers.



  Sawyer’s lips hover over mine and I can smell the booze on his breath. His arms wrap around me and he kisses me passionately, I moan into his mouth as our tongues flirt and dance. He pushes me back, but I pull free.

  “I thought this is what you wanted,” he lifts his eyebrows in confusion.

  “It is, I just want to taste you first,” I slide to my knees and work on getting his pants open. His belt is easy enough but for some reason, his zipper gives me trouble.

  “Is this what you want?” He unzips his pants, p
ulling his heavy, hard girth from his underwear in front of my mouth.

  I lick my lips hungrily. “Yes,” I whisper.

  He places his hand on the back of my head, pulling my face toward him, making my pussy flood with desire as I inhale his musky smell. My mouth opens instinctively.

  I thought he might feed me his cock or fuck my face, in fact there’s a part of me that wants him to own me that way. That wants him to claim every part of me as his. Instead, he lets me determine how much I take into my mouth.

  Circling my fingers and thumb around the base of his shaft with one hand, I suck on the flanged head. My breath is hot on his shaft as I watch the rivers of my spit coat him, I slick my hand over every inch of him until he’s lubricated. A couple more inches slide into my mouth, while I keep pumping my hand and now my head, in unison. I suck my mouth tightly around his thick rod until my cheeks are sunken inward with the seal I form.

  His groans make me crazy and want to please him, to take his entire cock into my mouth. I want to taste all of him. I get greedy and try to inhale his length into my mouth, feverishly sucking his dick, like my life depends on making him cum. His cock starts twitching, I steel myself for the load of jizz I crave. He stops me, pulling out of my mouth completely in one swift movement that makes a popping noise.

  Sawyer plucks me from the floor in one quick movement, pushing me back against the cool wood wall. He yanks my pants down, and I step out of them, never taking my eyes off of his.

  He pulls me against him, kissing me with such passion, I see fireworks explode behind my eyelids as I sink into him. My tongue tells him my secrets, my desperate longing for him. It tells him of my broken heart he’s now mending, all in this one kiss. He wraps his arms around me and I feel like I’m finally home, like my body was made to be pressed against his.


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