Aspen's Blaise

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Aspen's Blaise Page 3

by Sarah Markel

Lorelei braced her weight on her hands on either side of Aspen’s shoulders and bent down to bite roughly at the pulse in Aspen’s throat. Aspen’s hands fisted tightly in the sheets as her orgasm built, and Lorelei could see that her wife was trying to fight the release.

  “Cum for me,” she whispered against Aspen’s ear. Shifting her weight slightly, Lorelei slid a hand between them without breaking stride. When her fingers found Aspen’s swollen clit, her desire to hurry up and be done vanished.

  Instead of continuing as they were, Lorelei pulled away and slid down to take Aspen’s clit into her mouth. Fingers curled themselves tightly in Lorelei’s hair and Aspen let out a loud whimper as Lorelei began to suck.

  Aspen propped herself up on one elbow and moaned as the muscles in her thighs began to tremble. “Oh, fuck, Lorelei,” she hissed, “more, baby.”

  Lorelei made a noise in the back of her throat and brushed her fingertips over Aspen’s inner thigh. Without hesitation, she plunged two of those fingers deep inside Aspen.

  Aspen let out a strangled cry and her fingers tightened in Lorelei’s hair as her hips bucked hard into the redhead’s face. Lorelei pulled back, just enough for Aspen’s clit to plop from between her lips. She watched the pleasure roll across Aspen’s face as she pumped her fingers, increasing the force with each thrust.

  Aspen’s back and hips arched and she tipped her head back, her fingers tangling in her own hair as the sweltering heat of passion engulfed her.

  “Lorelei!” the word echoed around the room, amplified by the scream that tore from Aspen’s lips when the orgasm finally overtook her.

  Lorelei continued to move inside her wife, easing her down from the Heavens with gentle kisses along the inside of her thigh. When the tremors began to lessen, she eased her fingers free and placed one last kiss on the blonde’s now sated desire.

  “You are so damn sexy when you cum, Aspen,” she said as she rested her head on Aspen’s stomach and closed her eyes.

  “I know,” Aspen replied, pacing her breathing as she brought one hand up to run lazily through Lorelei’s hair, “that’s why I like to do it so much. I like to be sexy for you.”

  Lorelei kissed Aspen’s belly button and tried to stifle a yawn. “You’re always sexy, baby.”

  Aspen smiled and tried to pull Lorelei up. Lorelei frowned and groaned, shaking her head. “No,” she whined, “Aspen, I’m exhausted. I literally cannot have any more sex tonight.”

  Aspen rolled her eyes and tugged on Lorelei’s hair. “Relax, Don Juan, I was just trying to move you so we can cuddle. In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re upside down in bed.”

  Lorelei grudgingly opened her eyes and lifted her head to glance at where her feet were resting comfortably on her pillow. With a shrug, she dropped her head back on Aspen’s belly and snuggled in.

  “Honey,” Aspen chuckled, “Come on, let’s get situated the right way.”

  Lorelei shook her head and rested her arms against Aspen’s sides. “Nuh-uh,” she grumbled, “I’m comfy right where I am. Besides, I got less than four hours before I have to be at work. My happy ass is going to sleep right here.”

  Aspen sighed and went back to running her fingers through Lorelei’s hair. She’d forgotten that Lorelei was set to begin her Captain’s duties the next day. Aspen hated being away from her wife, and now she would be spending the majority of her last week of summer vacation by herself.

  Lorelei’s new position was much different than her old one in Dallas, as was the size of her company. In Dallas, as with most fire departments, there is one Captain per fire truck, per shift. In Falls City, however, the department was so small that there was only one Captain for the entire department. This meant that Lorelei was on her own when it came to making sure her people, and equipment, were ready when a call came in.

  I wonder if things will be different now that her title is in effect. Aspen looked down at Lorelei and smiled when the redhead giggled in her sleep.

  In Dallas, Aspen and Lorelei were required to keep their relationship quiet at the department. They didn’t have to hide their sexuality, but they weren’t allowed to be open about their relationship to each other. Because Aspen was a probationary firefighter, and Lorelei a Lieutenant, it could have led to speculation and rumors of favoritism should the young woman earn accolades from any of her superiors.

  It wasn’t the way Dallas’ Chief wanted things to be, but unfortunately for Aspen and Lorelei, he didn’t make the rules. Even though Aspen was assigned to a different company than Lorelei, the Chief felt it best if the two kept their intimate relationship close to the cuff. In fact, the couple had been advised that Aspen should continue using her maiden name on the department, even after they were legally married.

  When Lorelei accepted the offered Captain’s position in Falls City, she had done so with the stipulation that she not have to hide her relationship to Aspen, and that Aspen be allowed to use her married surname. The Falls City Fire Chief had agreed without hesitation, openly condemning the City of Dallas’ staunch conservatism for making life difficult for its residents.

  “Splitting you up is understandable,” he said, “I get the logistics of doing that, but to prevent you from using your legal name so that no one knows you are married? That’s just feeding the ignorance.”

  Chief Kevin Andrews got along well with his counterpart in Dallas, and he had the utmost respect for every man and woman who served at the Dallas Fire Department. What he didn’t have use for, was the political ideology that the majority of the town’s governing members shared.

  Even though Lorelei’s job as Captain didn’t officially start until September, she and Aspen had decided to make the move to Falls City at the beginning of summer, to give themselves time to get comfortable within the department.

  Thankfully, things in Falls City had been so much better than either of them could have hoped for. Not only were they not the only married couple in the department, but they weren’t even the only ranking-and non-ranking couple. They also weren’t the only gay or lesbian couple protecting the city.

  As soon as they’d walked into their first business meeting, where they were introduced to the rest of the firefighters, Aspen and Lorelei felt like they were home.

  “Blaise!” Jordy Coleman bolted out of his chair at the end of the meeting and enveloped his friend in a tight hug.

  “Jordy!” Lorelei returned the hug with equal excitement, “I had no idea you were out here again. I thought you were based in Eugene.”

  “I was,” Jordy replied, a grin still splitting his face, “but Vic wanted Matthew to go to school out here, so, here we are. I see you’ve got a missus now.”

  Lorelei beamed and slipped her arm possessively around Aspen’s waist. “I do,” she replied proudly, “Jordy, this is my wife, Aspen. Sweetheart, this is my favorite wildfire-fairy, George Coleman.”

  “Please,” Jordy said, offering his hand to Aspen, “Call me Jordy. And don’t believe a word Blaise says about me,” he added with a wink.

  Aspen smiled as she remembered the adorable blush that suffused Lorelei’s face when they’d joined Jordy and his husband, Victor, for dinner that night and she’d learned the story of how Lorelei and Vic had become so close.

  The smile fell away quickly, though, replaced by a frown of concern as her mind started mulling over the what-ifs of Lorelei’s job.

  What if people think she’s playing favorites? What if the others hate her because she came over from Dallas? What if the others give her a hard time because she’s not a local? What if it’s too much for her? What if she gets overwhelmed? Can I help her if that happens?

  That last thought caused an ache in Aspen’s stomach that crept up to settle in her chest. Aspen wanted nothing more than to be the one Lorelei could turn to when things got rough. To be the one that could make everything better, just by being there. That’s what Lorelei did for her, and Aspen desperately wanted to do the same for Lorelei.


  “Wow. I’d sa
y good morning, but I’m not sure the bags under those eyes would really agree with me. Rough night?”

  Lorelei gratefully accepted the coffee her Chief offered. “You could say that,” she replied. To hide the inevitable blush she knew was about to overtake her, Lorelei suffered through the second-degree burns and took a healthy swallow of the scalding coffee.

  “First day jitters?” Chief Kevin Andrews asked.

  Lorelei shook her head and followed the Chief as he headed toward the bays. “No, Sir. I’m not nervous about the job. I’m confident in my ability to perform.”

  “That ‘ability to perform’ is probably why you look like shit, Blaise.”

  Lorelei tried to glare at Jordy, but the look didn’t last. “Shut up, Jordy,” she snorted, “We both know that no one is complaining about my abilities.”

  Chief Andrews raised an inquisitive eyebrow at the pair. “It’s just the three of us here,” he said with a grin as he took a quick look around the empty bay, “I’m pulling rank and demanding to know how Jordy would know about your abilities.”

  “He only has second-hand knowledge of my abilities,” Lorelei replied, elbowing Jordy playfully. “His husband and I went to high school together in Marilynn. Vic and his sister are both gay, which wouldn’t have gone over well with their strictly religious family. I was dating Maria; Vic’s sister, and Vic was dating the pitcher on the baseball team.”

  Lorelei eased back against the bumper of the fire engine and sipped her coffee. “As far as their parents were concerned,” she went on with a shrug and a smirk, “I was dating Vic, and Maria was with Chad. Well, you know how parents are about sleepovers; no boyfriends or girlfriends sleeping in your room.”

  “Their parents always slept with music on, so that we couldn’t hear them having sex. Good thing, too, because Maria was not quiet, and poor Vic’s bedroom was right next door.”

  Chief Andrews chuckled. “I see. Well, I’m not concerned about those abilities. And, I’m glad you’re confident in your abilities here at the house, too. You did your orientation training with Sheila last week, so unless you have any questions, I’ll leave you to get started. Welcome to the FCFD, Captain Blaise.”

  Lorelei thanked the man and waited until he disappeared through the door that separated the truck bay from the offices.

  “What the fuck, dude?” she asked, punching Jordy hard in the shoulder, “Why would you start my first day off like that? I don’t know the Chief well enough to be talking about my sexual prowess over coffee!”

  Jordy simply laughed. “Relax, Blaise, the Chief is good people. He’s just one of the guys, but with a nicer shirt. Just wait, he’ll be down here with us telling dirty jokes and raunchy stories before you know it. Falls City isn’t like Dallas. People like you and me, we’re treated like family out here, not like a dirty little secret.”

  Lorelei finished her coffee and tossed the cup into the small trash can beside the roll door. She wanted to believe Jordy and everyone else who kept telling her that, but she still had her reservations. “We’ll see,” she said, slinging her arm over Jordy’s shoulder, “For now, let’s get to work. These trucks aren’t going to inventory themselves.”

  Chapter 4

  I’m glad I didn’t miss all of it, Lorelei thought as she jogged to a stop at the fence surrounding the football field. She’d tried to leave the firehouse over an hour ago, but each time she headed for the exit, something demanded her attention.

  Shielding her eyes with her hand, she scanned the small groups of teenagers huddled around the field. When her eyes lit on a particularly flexible blonde in the midst of a series of complex dance moves, Lorelei smiled in adoration.

  “Which one’s yours?” asked a woman’s voice from her left. “Oh, I’m sorry!” the woman said when Lorelei turned to face her, “I assumed you were another parent. Are you a relative of one of the girls?”

  Lorelei offered the woman a non-threatening smile. “I am,” she replied simply, choosing not to elaborate. “Do you have a daughter on the squad?”

  The woman’s face lit up and she turned to point to a full-figured brunette that Aspen was teaching a move to. “That’s my daughter, Ginger. She wasn’t sure she’d even make the squad, but she was so happy when she did. She came home and told me that the new Captain brought her on as an alternate, and is working with her, one-on-one, to build her confidence.”

  New Captain? Lorelei wondered; Aspen didn’t say anything about a new Captain. I hope she isn’t causing her any grief.

  “I hadn’t heard about a new Captain,” she said, looking back toward the field as the girls huddled together to form one big group, “Which one is she?”

  The woman squinted against the sunlight, searching through the blinding rays of the late summer sun. “I can’t see her through the glare,” she finally said with a sigh, “but she was the blonde working with Ginger. I can’t remember her name, but I think it’s some kind of tree. Or a city.”

  Lorelei’s eyebrow shot up her forehead. “Aspen?” she asked.

  “Yes, that’s it,” the woman replied with a smile, “Aspen. From what Ginger has told me, she’s such a sweet girl. Do you know her?”

  Lorelei nodded. “I do. Aspen’s my wife.”

  The kind smile on the woman’s face melted away, replaced immediately by a snarl of disgust. “Your wife?” she asked, “How old are you?”

  Lorelei had seen that look before. This woman was going to jump right into every conclusion that popped into her head, causing a major ruckus.

  Lorelei’s back went ramrod straight. “I’m twenty-seven,” she replied, matter-of-factly, “and before you lose your shit and start calling me names, Aspen is eighteen. And, not that it’s any of your business, we didn’t get together until after her eighteenth birthday. So, before you go causing a scene, keep in mind that absolutely nothing we are doing is illegal.”

  The woman’s lips thinned into a pencil-thin line, but she didn’t say a word. Instead, she stared at Lorelei for several long moments, making the redhead increasingly uncomfortable. After what felt like hours, the woman finally averted her gaze and cleared her throat.

  “I’m sorry,” she said gently, “It was wrong of me to make assumptions. Please understand, though, that from a mother’s perspective, hearing that a twenty-seven-year-old is married to a high schooler was a bit jarring.”

  “I do understand that, Ma’am,” Lorelei replied, her voice still defensive, “and I ask that you see things from my perspective. Aspen and I started dating a few days after she turned eighteen, and we’ve been married just under four months. When people hear her age, and that she’s my wife, well, they tend to assume some pretty nasty things. I’ve been called some horrible names by people who wouldn’t stop their judgment long enough to hear all the facts.”

  “I’m sorry I spoke so harshly, but I didn’t want a scene to break out here. This is a high school, for Pete’s sake, and it’s no place for such ugliness.”

  The woman turned to look at the field again, before offering Lorelei her hand and a friendly smile. “I agree with you. Let’s start over. Gracie Snapps,” she introduced.

  “Lorelei Blaise.”

  “Oh, so you’re the new slave-driver over at the fire department. I’ve heard plenty about you, Mrs. Blaise,” Gracie laughed, “My son, Tony, is one of the cadets.”

  Lorelei chuckled in recognition. “Tony’s a good boy, Ma’am. He’ll make a fine firefighter one day.”

  “Hi there, sweetheart. I thought you were working until late again.”

  Lorelei’s smile widened and she gratefully accepted the hug Aspen offered when the blonde bounded up beside her with the brunette hot on her heels.

  “Chief said I could go a little early,” she replied, holding Aspen against her side, “Honey, have you met Ginger’s mother? Gracie, this is my wife, Aspen.”

  “Ginger is such a fast learner!” Aspen gushed, shaking the woman’s hand enthusiastically, “I think she’ll be one of our best and brightest
by the end of the year.”

  Ginger flushed scarlet at the praise and a beaming Gracie draped an arm around her daughter’s shoulders. “Well aren’t you a sweetheart!” she cooed, hugging Ginger to her.

  “It was lovely to meet you, Ma’am,” Lorelei said, hoping she didn’t seem rude, “but it’s been a very long day, and I really need to get home and take a shower. You ladies have a wonderful weekend.”

  Gracie and Ginger returned the sentiment and headed off toward their car. Lorelei took Aspen’s gym bag, hefting it onto one shoulder while she hitched Aspen’s backpack onto the other.

  “Why did you bring your backpack, honey?” Lorelei asked, “Don’t tell me the coach gave you homework.”

  Aspen shook her head. “I didn’t feel comfortable bringing my purse, and my backpack has that lock thingy on the zipper. It has my wallet and keys and phone in it.”

  “Oh. So, your new friend,” she said, bending to steal a kiss, “Does she have the same last name as her mother?”

  Aspen’s eyebrows knitted in confusion as the pair began the trek up the gravel driveway toward the street. “I don’t know what her mom’s last name is, babe. Why do you ask?”

  Lorelei tried to keep a straight face, but the fates had other plans. Much to Aspen’s confusion, Lorelei burst out laughing. Aspen waited for Lorelei to regain her composure, but when they’d reached the main road without any indication that the laughter was going to subside, she stopped walking and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “What is so damn funny?” she demanded impatiently.

  Lorelei’s laughter only increased, and she had to set Aspen’s bags down so she could double over. After a moment, she tried to compose herself, only to fail miserably and end up dropping to her knees on the front lawn of the school.

  “Lorelei!” Aspen chastised, looking around to make sure no one was staring, “Get off the ground. What has got you so worked up?”

  “Snapps!” Lorelei gasped, holding her sides as she climbed to her feet, “Her mom’s last name is Snapps!”


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