Aspen's Blaise

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Aspen's Blaise Page 7

by Sarah Markel

  Lorelei frowned and looked over at Aspen. The blonde fairly vibrated with anger, and Lorelei was worried that her wife might pop something. Concerned about Aspen, and heedless of her usual professionalism standards, Lorelei knelt beside Aspen and took the young woman’s hands in hers.

  “Is that what got you so upset, sweetheart?” she asked, her voice gentle as she squeezed her wife’s hands.

  Aspen slowly peeled her attention away from Tim’s startled, confused face and looked down into Lorelei’s clear blue eyes. “Yeah,” she admitted with a nod.

  Tim snorted, his cheeks flaming when he failed to hide it with a weak cough. Aspen’s head whipped around to pin him with a venomous glare, but Lorelei reached up and cupped her wife’s cheeks, bringing their eyes back together.

  “Honey, I love that you were trying to defend me, but I think you misunderstood what Tim meant with his comment. Please, go out to the bay and try to calm down. I’ll be out in a few minutes and we’ll get started, all right?”

  Aspen sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. What she really wanted to do was punch Tim Wilkes square in the middle of his pock-marked, snaggle-toothed face. That would help her relax immensely. But, since she didn’t think Lorelei would be amenable to such a compromise, Aspen simply nodded.

  “Thank you,” Lorelei replied, squeezing her wife’s hands before righting herself.

  Aspen grunted as she stood, not bothering to acknowledge Tim as she yanked open Lorelei’s door and slammed it closed behind her. Lorelei flinched as she heard the echo play through the empty bay.

  “Wow, Tim, you sure know how to piss off my wife,” Lorelei said, her voice tinged with wonder, “even I haven’t made her mad enough to grunt at me when she leaves a room before.”

  Tim chuckled. “I wasn’t trying to make her mad, to begin with,” he said, running a hand sheepishly through his shaggy brown hair.

  “I know,” Lorelei said, “You meant by supervising I’ll get to enjoy the view better, didn’t you?”

  Tim nodded, a sly grin creeping across his face. “You get to watch all the women while they exert. What better way to spend the day than that?”

  Lorelei frowned at the man. Tim was at least ten years her senior, but he tended to act like a twelve-year-old sometimes. “The only thing I’ll be watching for is form and technique. I don’t want anyone hurting themselves, Tim, this isn’t a free jolly-show for me. Besides, if I want to watch a woman exert, I’ll just watch my wife exercise.”

  Tim’s grin turned lecherous. “You really hit the jackpot there, Blaise,” he said, waggling his eyebrows at her, “She’s young, she’s blonde, and she’s the sexiest member of the whole department. If she was my wife, we’d never leave the bedroom.”

  “That’s enough,” Lorelei snapped. Even if she were straight, you wouldn’t have a chance in hell with her, buddy. “You’re out of line, Tim. Let’s go, before I write you up.”


  “Oh, my God,” Aspen groaned as she walked through the front door and made a beeline for the couch, whipping off her sweat-soaked tank top, “my legs are killing me.”

  Lorelei smirked but said nothing as she kicked off her shoes and moved to stand beside the couch. With her arms crossed over her chest and a contemplative look on her face, Lorelei simply watched as Aspen carefully angled one foot onto her knee so she could untie her shoe.

  “I’m so glad tomorrow is a skip day,” Aspen whined, “I’d never be able to make it up the stairs to any of my classes.”

  Lorelei grinned and moved to sit on the coffee table in front of Aspen. She carefully took Aspen’s foot and removed the shoe, before rubbing her hands gently over the blonde’s overworked calf muscle.

  “You’re the one who felt the need to be Wonder Woman during the stair climb, babe,” she said, shaking her head.

  Aspen’s anger at Tim had transformed into a full-blown competitive streak. Aspen decided that simply beating the man’s time on the stairs wasn’t enough, so instead of carrying the standard 2 ½” hose required by the guidelines of the test, the petite young woman defied her wife’s instructions and did the test her own way.

  Aspen managed to shock her fellow firefighters with both her strength and determination as she calmly disappeared into the department, only to jog back out a few moments later clad not only in full gear, but also wearing the standard weighted vest used in the test. She was also balancing a second standard hose on her shoulder.

  To the utter amazement of her crewmates, Aspen finished the stair climb with the extra hose and gear in less time than Tim Wilkes did in just his civvies and one hose.

  Aspen whimpered as Lorelei’s fingers massaged her knotted muscle, and she outright moaned when Lorelei began increasing the pressure.

  Lorelei sucked in a hard breath at the sound of Aspen’s moan. “Even if you had classes tomorrow, baby, you’d be able to make them. You just need a massage and a good stretch to relax these muscles,” she said, her voice taking on a husky timbre as little moans continued to escape Aspen’s mouth.

  Aspen’s body immediately registered the change in Lorelei’s voice. “Are you offering to rub and stretch me, Captain Blaise?” she asked, waggling her eyebrow as she slouched back on the wide cushion.

  Lorelei grinned and lowered Aspen’s leg to the floor, exchanging it for the other. She said nothing as she worked the tight calf under her fingers, her eyes riveted to the minute expressions of pleasure playing over Aspen’s face as the soreness was relieved.

  Once the muscle was relaxed, Lorelei lifted the foot to rest the heel on her shoulder. She turned her head and placed a kiss on Aspen’s bare ankle, before slowly trailing the kisses up the inside of the smooth skin. As she inched closer to the thigh, Lorelei made certain to press the leg closer to Aspen’s chest.

  As Lorelei’s lips reached the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh, Aspen let out a soft moan and tangled one hand in her wife’s short, thick red hair. Aspen let out an indignant squawk when Lorelei dropped her leg and repeated the tortuously slow stretch with the other leg.

  With each kiss, Lorelei journeyed closer to where she knew Aspen wanted her. However, after pressing her lips to the junction of Aspen’s thigh, Lorelei shifted quickly to press the next kiss to Aspen’s mouth.

  With one foot on the ground and one knee braced against the edge of the couch, Lorelei’s position kept Aspen’s legs spread wide apart, without being uncomfortable for either of them. As Lorelei claimed her wife’s mouth in a passionate, possessive kiss, her hand slipped between them.

  Aspen felt the sensual tickle of her wife’s fingers across the spandex of her shorts, and she whimpered against Lorelei’s lips.

  “Please,” she breathed, one hand still tangled in Lorelei’s hair, while the other splayed over the fabric on the back side of the couch.

  Lorelei smiled against Aspen’s lips and stroked her fingers purposefully over the damp patch of spandex between them. “Please what?” she asked, flicking her tongue over Aspen’s bottom lip.

  Aspen moaned and opened to Lorelei, eagerly accepting another deeply passionate kiss. “Please, Lorelei,” she mumbled when the kiss broke, “I want you.”

  It was Lorelei’s turn to moan, but her fingers never faltered in their slow, teasing pace. “You want me to what, Aspen?” she asked, nipping her way along Aspen’s jaw to her ear.

  Aspen growled; a deep, reverberating sound that danced down Lorelei’s chest and settled between her legs. She tugged on the hair still curled in her fingers and crushed her lips to Lorelei’s.

  Lorelei’s position waivered under the strength of her response to Aspen’s demanding kiss, and she was forced to pull back for fear of hurting her wife with her weight. Seeing Aspen’s clear green eyes darken to an ashy gray made Lorelei’s pulse simultaneously stop in its tracks, and speed up like a runaway train.

  “Holy fuck, baby,” Lorelei breathed, “that is the sexiest look I’ve ever seen.”

  Aspen smirked. She stretched her legs out around Lo
relei’s waist, before locking her ankles to ensnare the redhead. Using those strong, toned legs to her advantage, Aspen fisted her hand in the front of Lorelei’s FCFD t-shirt and tugged the woman on top of her.

  “That sounds fun, let’s do that,” Aspen whispered, flicking her tongue over the trio of simple gold studs in Lorelei’s ear, “less talking, more fucking.”

  Lorelei groaned. Utilizing every ounce of will-power she possessed, she ignored the sensations running rampant through her body and forced herself to stand.

  “Not out here,” she breathed, gripping Aspen’s ass to support the blonde’s weight as she carried her, “not enough room.”

  Aspen purred, vibrating her tongue against the pulse in Lorelei’s throat as she wrapped her arms around her wife’s shoulders. “I don’t care where we do it,” she whimpered, rolling her hips against Lorelei’s middle, “just hurry.”

  Lorelei needed no further prodding. While Aspen continued to tease with her tongue and teeth, Lorelei tried to focus on getting them up the stairs without dropping her wife.

  “Keep biting me like that, baby, and you’re going to be sore tomorrow,” she warned, squeezing Aspen’s ass roughly when they reached the landing.

  Aspen laughed; a low, throaty sound that forced a gasp from Lorelei’s lips as she dropped one hand to palm Lorelei’s breast. “You know what they say about promises,” she chastised with a moan when she felt Lorelei’s nipple harden against her palm, “don’t make one you don’t intend to keep.”

  Lorelei sucked in a breath and turned into the bedroom. In one smooth move, she kicked the door shut with her foot and pivoted to pin Aspen against it. A small gasp of surprise escaped from Aspen and she met Lorelei’s penetrating azure stare.

  “I never make a promise I can’t keep,” Lorelei said.

  Aspen whimpered as Lorelei’s belly pressed hard against her center. Lorelei’s hands; hands that had always been so gentle and tender with her, tugged roughly at Aspen’s sports bra until they finally managed to wrestle it over her head.

  Lorelei’s lips went straight for the hollow of Aspen’s throat, her tongue darting out to tease even as her teeth scraped against flesh. Aspen whined in protest when Lorelei pulled back slightly and pushed at the knees around her hips.

  “Your shorts,” Lorelei breathed, her lips returning to Aspen’s throat, “they need to go.”

  Aspen quickly unhooked her ankles and dropped her legs to the floor. She shoved at her shorts and panties, but instead of pushing them off, she stopped and stood upright to meet Lorelei’s hungry gaze.

  Lorelei’s eyes narrowed in momentary confusion, but the moment Aspen leaned back against the door and slowly started easing one leg out of the shorts, she realized what her young wife was doing.

  “Aspen,” she growled warningly, her thighs clenching as her arousal thrummed.

  “Strip,” Aspen commanded, stopping her progress just before pulling her leg free. She watched with satisfaction as Lorelei’s eyes glued themselves to where her position put her on display.

  Lorelei moaned and made quick work of unceremoniously shucking her clothes. Completely naked, she waited with bated breath and a twitching clit for Aspen to hurry up and finish undressing.

  Aspen grinned wickedly and pulled her leg free from the shorts. However, instead of dropping them to the floor and stepping all the way out, she balanced herself on her other foot and held on to the shorts as she slowly, deliberately slid them down her other calf.

  Frustrated, Lorelei grunted and stepped forward, catching Aspen’s hands to pin them above her head as she pressed her against the door once more. Aspen tilted her head up, eagerly accepting Lorelei’s bruising kiss. She shivered as Lorelei feathered her fingertips down her arm and across her chest, purposefully avoiding Aspen’s straining nipples.

  Lorelei trailed the hand between them, watching Aspen’s expressions as she moved closer to her need. Just before her fingers reached those gloriously wet folds, Lorelei diverted her hand and slid it around the outside of Aspen’s thigh. Aspen groaned but took the hint and wrapped her leg around Lorelei’s waist.

  “Good girl,” Lorelei praised, rewarding Aspen by pressing herself against her wife’s pussy.

  Aspen let out a loud moan and arched her hips. “Please,” she pleaded, her body struggling to maintain contact with Lorelei’s, “stop teasing.”

  Lorelei quieted Aspen with a scorching kiss, before pulling her away from the door and over to the bed. “Do you know what my favorite thing about you is?” she asked as she lowered Aspen onto her back.

  Aspen shook her head and moaned loudly when Lorelei pressed her thigh firmly against her swollen flesh. Lorelei planted her hands on either side of Aspen’s shoulders, studying her wife’s face as she writhed beneath her.

  Slowly, Lorelei lowered her head and flicked her tongue over the thin gold hoop in Aspen’s ear. “I’m the only person who will ever know what your innocence tasted like,” she whispered.

  Aspen gasped and cried out, her entire body bucking as Lorelei’s words sent a powerful orgasm crashing through her. Lorelei held her position, allowing Aspen to come down at her own pace. When the blonde finally met her gaze, Lorelei grinned unrepentantly.

  “Well,” she said, claiming Aspen’s lips in a deep kiss, “I guess there are now two things about you that are my favorite.”

  “What do you mean?” Aspen asked, tracing her finger lovingly over the bright pink scar on Lorelei’s jaw as she tried to catch her breath.

  Lorelei shifted, dropping to her side next to Aspen. She winced, her arm instinctively tightening against her ribs. She’d overdone it by a lot with her exuberance. Ignoring the pain so as not to ruin the moment, Lorelei forced a wide grin and pulled Aspen against her.

  “I can make you cum just by whispering in your ear,” she said smugly, nuzzling the back of her wife’s neck.

  Aspen chuckled and wiggled herself back against Lorelei. She slept better this way; the less space between them, the better.

  “It happened once, sweetheart,” she said on a yawn, “Don’t go letting your ego get all excited.”

  Aspen shifted, turning within Lorelei’s embrace to place a gentle kiss along her wife’s brow. “You’re in pain, aren’t you?”

  “A little,” Lorelei grimaced, chancing a glance at Aspen through her long, auburn lashes, “I’ll be okay, though. Seeing you like that was totally worth it.”

  Aspen frowned and slid her hand over Lorelei’s hip, pinching just hard enough to make the woman yelp. “No, it wasn’t,” she said firmly, “Don’t hurt yourself for me, Lorelei. All you had to do was say you were hurting. I would have understood.”

  “Honey,” Lorelei tried, “I just stretched a few muscles that weren’t ready to be stretched yet, that’s all. I’ll be fine in the morning, I promise.”

  Aspen narrowed her eyes doubtfully but didn’t argue. Instead, she let an evil smirk spread across her face. “Good. In that case, I’ll be waking you up early.”

  Lorelei’s brow inched up her forehead. “What the hell for?”

  “Since you’re not at a hundred percent yet,” Aspen replied sweetly, batting her eyelashes at her wife, “I’m calling dibs on the butch card tomorrow. I’m gonna wake you up by topping you, then spend the day doing the butch stuff.”

  Lorelei’s eyes bulged. “The ‘butch stuff’?” she asked with a chuckle of amusement.

  “Yep,” Aspen replied, rolling back onto her side to snuggle into her wife, “I’m gonna mow the yard and take out the trash. I’ll work on the car, kill the spiders, get the stuff off the top shelf, open the door for you, pull out your chair, and throat punch anyone who looks at you.”

  Lorelei grumbled and nipped the back of Aspen’s neck, hugging her wife tightly against her with a sigh. “I love you, Aspen.”

  “I love you, too,” Aspen replied, shivering at the feeling of Lorelei’s teeth on her neck, “but why are you grumbling? Afraid I’ll be good at being butch?”

  Lorelei lau
ghed, a decision she regretted when she found herself choking on the blonde curls she’d been nuzzling. “Not even close, baby,” she replied, once the coughing fit subsided, “I’ll give you until the spider. You can’t even handle being on the same block once you see one, so watching you kill it will be entertaining.”

  Aspen scoffed, smacking at the arm holding her protectively around the waist. “I can kill a damn spider, Lorelei!”

  “Yes, dear,” Lorelei replied, almost managing to stifle her giggle, “Now, go to sleep. I’m expecting to be fully ravished in the morning, and you’re going to need all the energy you can muster to do that.”

  Chapter 8

  “How’s she doing?” Cordy asked, an amused grin playing across her face. Lorelei had been texting pictures of Aspen’s attempts to be butch to her friends, much to the Lieutenant’s immense amusement.

  “Well, so far she’s managed to do a pretty good job,” Lorelei replied with a smirk, “She’ll be doing even better once she figures out that the pull-string is how you start the mower.”

  Aspen had awoken that morning determined to fill Lorelei’s shoes. She’d made good on her promise to top Lorelei with morning sex; although both women were content to ignore the fact that Aspen had only topped Lorelei in the sense that she was on top during their lovemaking.

  Afterward, Lorelei spent the better part of an hour trying not to laugh as Aspen went through her closet, looking for something that didn’t scream femininity. Despite Lorelei’s insistence that being butch wasn’t so much about appearance as it was attitude and presence, Aspen insisted she needed to “look the part”.

  It took some doing, but Aspen finally managed to find a pair of simple blue denim short-shorts. She’d become frustrated when she couldn’t find a top that suited her intended look, so Lorelei took pity on her and offered up one of her own plain white tank tops. A lightweight blue and white plaid button down and a pair of hiking boots Aspen had worn only once before, completed the young woman’s attire for the day.


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