Running for Home

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Running for Home Page 3

by Zenina Masters

  He grinned. “I live to serve.”

  She led him into the Crossed Star and introduced him to the bartenders. It was early in the evening and the bar was slowly filling.

  Spike grinned and half-shifted when she shook Derix’s hand. “Glad to have a little backup.”

  Chuck came over when he finished pouring cocktails for some new arrivals. His handshake was challenging. “Slender hands for such a large guy. Are you sure you can handle this crowd?”

  “I am going to check the patterns of this place tonight; tomorrow, I will be ready for anything.”

  Chuck grinned. “That is what I thought. I am still surprised on a regular basis.”

  They finally released their weird man-to-man handshake.

  Spike beckoned to Juno and pulled a take-away cup out of the fridge. “Here. Today’s milkshake. Ice cream, milk, cream, vanilla and protein powder.”

  “Thanks, sweetie. These are really helping.”

  “I haven’t seen many ladies here who are trying to gain weight.” Spike winked. “And I am enjoying the quality-control process.”

  Juno sipped at the sweet slurry and tapped Derix on the arm. “Did you want to continue, or are you good staying here?”

  “I would like to continue the tour, please.” He smiled, and she saw autumn twinkling in his eyes.

  She sipped at her milkshake and inclined her head toward the door. A moment later, she headed out and expected him to follow. He didn’t disappoint.

  He snagged her hand, and she didn’t fight it. It felt nice, warm and secure.

  Juno took him to the shifter’s meadow. “While here, many of the folks want to have a break from the nervousness they feel when shifting. The shifter’s meadow accesses woods and has enough space to get up a good head of steam. Enough to tire out any of the beasts that want a day out.”

  “What about the water beasts?”

  Juno smiled. “The facility is just about ready. They will be able to enter their aquatic habitat, fresh or salt water, and enjoy themselves in that way.”

  Derix smiled. “I know a few water fey who will be lining up to come here.”

  “The seers have already gotten a bunch of water fey lined up. I had no idea that mermen outnumbered their females by so much.”

  He nodded. “The tale of the entire fey realm. The chance to join with the shifters is one that we appreciate. The human mates are better than none, but they lack the magic we have cultivated over eons.”

  “Wow. Blunt.”

  He grinned. “Once our society allowed us to run wild with the shifters and the mages provided the binding spell, there was nothing left but to take the fey into a bold, new direction.”

  “Into the shifters’ beds?” She quirked her lips.

  “As often as possible. Humans tire of sex fairly quickly. The fey that have already bonded indicate that it isn’t the case with the shifters.”

  Juno laughed. “Uh, no. You have been around my brother for a while. You should be aware of the sex drive unless you are both blind and deaf.”

  “That goes for females?”

  “Sure. In fact, when our beasts go into heat, it gets worse. Or better, if you want to think of it that way.” She smiled. “Well, the cabanas are where the shifters can leave their clothing, and from there, they simply sprint out and enjoy their beast in complete security. Some, for the first time in their lives.”

  “Do you take advantage of it?”

  She smiled and turned him. “I let my tail fly now and then. It is the most relaxing thing in the world.”

  “This place has really been good for you. You are glowing. Happy.” He squeezed her hand.

  She sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder. “It must be the company.”

  He let out a deep exhalation and chuckled. “Thank the bright goddess. I thought that it might only be going one way.”

  “The attraction? No, it is definitely mutual, but I didn’t want you thinking it was a damsel-in-distress issue. You brought me joy and helped my pain, but it was you that I sought out. The man made of fallen leaves who played with the wind.”

  She glanced at him, and he was blushing. The castle loomed next to the huge Victorian house.

  “Well, this is the Axion. It concludes our tour. Drak will show you to your quarters. He is a very considerate host.”

  Her wrist cuff vibrated and started to glow. “It looks like I am summoned. I will see you later?”

  “You will.” He kissed the back of her hand, and she scampered off with her skin tingling.

  Her heart soared, and she could hear the music he used to play for her. The songs with no name that lifted her heart no matter what form she was wearing.

  She took the shy, young woman on a tour of the Crossroads, but her mind was still at that moment when Derix had bent over her hand for a kiss.

  “Are the men very aggressive?”

  Juno was reeled back to her reality as someone trying to introduce Jill to the possibilities of the Crossroads.

  “No. They are here to find mates, not force a mating. Let your beast lead you, and if there isn’t a spark, tell the man so.”

  “What if he pursues it?” Jill wove her fingers together nervously.

  “There are employees of the Crossroads who are here to stop anyone from getting carried away, literally or figuratively.”

  Jill was a cow. Farm-animal shifters were relatively rare as the confusion with the natural beasts made their lives a little short and unpredictable. Poaching on their farms often ended their lives.

  “Can you come with me? I mean the first time I go to the bar?”

  Juno linked arms with the shy woman. “I can and will. I might be called on to do a tour, but I will return as quickly as I can.”

  “Thank you.”

  They chatted companionably as they walked through the small town. Juno pointed out the spa and salon as well as the restaurant and the café. “Everything here can be bought with a swipe of the charm on your wrist. If you end up with a fey, they pick up the tab.”

  Jill looked at the small gemstone in her charm. “So, don’t go crazy but be willing to splurge if I need to.”

  “Just trust your instincts. That is what you are here for.”

  “I am here because there aren’t any guys back home that I am not related to.” Jill blushed. “Sending me to another herd is just tacky.”

  “Well, this is an excellent place to find a mate with magic in his blood.”

  Juno smiled and showed Jill the Crossed Star before cruising to the shifter’s meadow.

  “You can come here whenever you like and frolic in the grasses. It is always nice to just get into your beast and laze around in the sun.”

  Jill looked excited. “No one will attack?”

  “No. There is a calming influence here. There is no need to hunt, so you are perfectly safe here.”

  The shudder that went through Jill was obvious. “I think that would be wonderful.”

  “Good. This is a place to relax and let your beast speak for you. She will know what you need without the mask of human restraint. It may be embarrassing at times, but it will be your best option.”

  “Right.” Jill smiled, and an invisible weight lifted from her shoulders.

  “Now for your residence while you are here. This is the Open Heart. It is the oldest and best bed and breakfast at the Crossroads. Teebie will be your hostess, and her mate, Andor, is usually around if you need anything like dance lessons or an opinion on your outfit.” Juno grinned.

  “Are you going to leave me there?”

  “I am next door at the Axion. After I introduce you to Teebie, you will know you are in good hands, but if you still want to talk to me, come over to the Axion and ask for me. Drak will be able to find me.”

  She took her charge up to the door of the Open Heart and made the introductions. Teebie was enthusiastic and graceful, as always, and the heavily pregnant Dira was in the sitting room. While Jill was shown to her room, Juno headed into
the sitting room to pay her respects.

  “Good afternoon, Lady Dira.” The low curtsey was simply entertaining.

  “Knock it off, Juno. I am in no mood.”

  Juno sat near the cranky dragon and smiled. “You are looking radiant today.”

  “Thank you. I feel like a furnace.” The elegant woman wrinkled her nose. She huffed and closed her brilliant green eyes.

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “No. I had to get away because I started nesting. It was unfortunate, because I started uprooting trees and digging into stone. I don’t know how my sister could have done this more than once.” She shifted and rubbed her back.

  “The moment you hold the baby, you will forget every ache and pain. How is Mak dealing with it?”

  “The baby or my crankiness? He has already laid in an entire suite for the baby. I have found he has a skill for helping me with my shoes, and when they come off, his dexterity with a foot rub is amazing. So, I still love him, even if I want to bite his stupid horned head off now and then.” Dira grunted and shifted again. “Who is the new guest?”

  “A cow. She is horribly timid, and I am guessing that there has been a predator or two in her life. I didn’t mention you or the dragon issue. I think that would put her over the edge.”

  Dira sighed. “I did try to not eat other shifters, but if they look like cows...”

  Juno patted her hand. “I know. Just thought you should be aware if you run into her.”

  “Thank you for the heads-up. I am waiting for some stuff for the house to come in. Andy is checking stock on some snacks that Mak doesn’t want me to have.”

  Juno chatted for a few more minutes before heading out. Only a few weeks at the Crossroads and she felt more at home than she had anywhere else away from where she grew up. It was a weirdly nice feeling.

  Walking into the Axion, she hummed slightly as she climbed the stairs to her room. That day had turned into a pretty satisfying day.

  She just had to get through the evening without any incident and she would be able to qualify the entire day as a success. No pressure.

  Chapter Five

  Juno sat with Jill, making sure that the young woman was on the outside of the booth so that she was visible and accessible.

  “What do I do if someone asks me to dance?”

  Juno smiled. “You dance, or you don’t. But, this is your chance to meet your mate. You don’t want to take the chance of missing him because you freaked out. It is just a dance in a room where you can ask for help if you want it. Nothing will happen that you don’t agree to.”

  Derix came up to their table. “Juno, you look lovely. Who is your enchanting companion?”

  “Derix, this is Jill. Jill, this is Derix. He is the new security officer here at the Crossroads.”

  He winked. “May I have this dance, Jill?”

  Juno smiled her encouragement.

  “Yes. That sounds fun.” She sounded more doubtful than confident, but she went.

  Juno watched as Derix held Jill easily but with a slight distance between them. Jill laughed a few times during their tour on the floor, and the bright sound caught the attention of four other fey and two shifters. After the first dance, Jill had a lineup of suitors.

  Derix bowed to her and wandered back to Juno. “Now that your chick has been taken care of, would you care to dance, Juno?”

  She twisted her lips into a smile. “I am not looking for a mate.”

  “Good thing. I am not into screwing standing up. Not on a first date.” He winked.

  She chuckled and scooted out of the booth. “Well, as long as we know where we stand.”

  He led her to the dance floor and pulled her against him. There was no distance between them as they moved to the music. Juno felt like she had danced with him a thousand times before. She moved when he moved, and he held her easily, as if he knew every inch of her and what it was capable of. It was a heady feeling.

  “So, why did you come to the Crossroads?” The question was whispered, but it still rang clearly.

  Juno smiled. “It was a job. You know that a normal life isn’t for me anymore. I needed something different, and this is definitely different. I get to help people, enjoy myself and relax in a safe place. The change in circumstance is tremendous.”

  “You do look amazingly healthy now. I almost didn’t recognize you until I saw those eyes of yours.”

  She chuckled. “For most girls, they wouldn’t take healthy as a compliment, but I know you mean well.”

  He smiled. “I do. Have they been treating you well here?”

  “It is a lot of fun. I can socialize at my own pace and usually be alone when I need to. The times of solitude are growing less frequent, I am happy to say.”

  He kept his hand on her lower back, present but not threatening. She felt a bubbling happiness to have him there. When she let herself think about where her life was headed, he was always somewhere in the background.

  She had thought it was foolish, a basic crush, but her vixen was frolicking around inside her, wanting to rub her cheek against his and flick him with her tail.

  “I am delighted. I was thinking that if we could find some time, you could show me your favourite parts of the woods and I could play for you.”

  She shivered happily at the thought. “Maybe we should wait until you are a little more settled.”

  “I think that playing for an appreciative audience would definitely be a good way to begin here. If you have a few hours tomorrow, I would love to meet up with you.”

  Juno smiled. “We will have to figure it out tomorrow.”

  “For tonight, I would just like to say that you are an excellent dancer.”

  “That is up to you. I am just matching you step for step.”

  He twirled her around; she spun out and then back to him. “That is more than matching me.”

  She chuckled. “Grandma made me and Apollo dance for weeks until we were both competent.”

  “He dances?”

  “Yup. It was a family rule.”

  They continued to move together, and when the music ended, they parted. She didn’t quite know what to do next, so she nodded. “Thanks for the dance.”

  She looked around, and her previous spot was taken, so she headed for a new table.

  Her new vantage point let her see Jill as she swayed and looked up at one of the fey, smiling brilliantly at the man who seemed just as enthralled.

  Derix brought her a lemonade and sat across from her. “You have a conflicted expression on your face.”

  “I am conflicted. Jill looks like she is in love, but how could that be?”

  He smiled and drank his own lemonade. “I am guessing that her beast is telling her what she should do.”

  “What is talking to him?”

  “Magic. It is a subtle conversation, but it is definitely there.” He sipped at his glass.

  She blushed at the focus in his eyes when he looked at her. “Subtle is not the word I would use.”

  “What does your beast want?”

  Juno closed her eyes and opened them slowly. “She wants to curl up with her tail over her nose and listen to you play. She is enamoured with your music.”

  He smiled slowly. “I like that word. Enamoured.”

  The way he said it made her blush. “Right. Well, she can’t always get what she wants.”

  “I would dearly like to help her achieve that goal. Would you come with me now?”

  She looked around, checked her cuff and smiled. “I suppose that would be fine. I will have to come back if I get a call.”

  He grinned and got to his feet. Just as he was extending his hand, there was a shout from the dance floor, and Derix’s cuff flashed. “Excuse me for a moment.”

  He moved with amazing speed and pulled the two women apart with surprising skill. The two women were fighting over a surprised shifter with a scar on his cheek. He took one of the women from Derix and soothed her, murmuring in her ear. The scarred s
hifter’s selected female turned her face to his chest, and together, they left the Crossed Star.

  Juno watched as Derix soothed the remaining woman and then danced with her. She would have felt jealous, but her fey managed to keep a discreet distance between himself and the female in heat.

  Juno could scent the woman’s desperation to mate from across the room. When Derix had calmed her, another fey took the shifter female for a round on the dance floor, and the evening was calm again.

  As her forest fey walked up to her, she got to her feet and linked arms with him. They made their escape.

  “That was very well done. He was forced to choose and everything worked out.”

  “Sometimes, things have to come to a head before a decision can be made.”

  They walked toward the shifter’s meadow and into the woods. Hundreds of feet before them had worn the path, but it still felt as if everything around them was bright and new.

  Juno smiled. “It is amazing that the moon is just a magical projection here. It seems so real.”

  “Magical objects are real. They are simply real in a different way.”

  They walked until they reached a glittering brook feeding into a wide pond.

  The moonlight danced on every ripple of the water.

  “Well, I will hold up my end if you will hold up yours.” He winked and sat next to the brook, his flute in his hand.

  “Where did that come from?” She stared at the eighteen inches of silver.

  He grinned. “Anything I could say will come out rude, so I will simply say magic.”

  She sighed and kicked off her shoes. She reached behind her and unzipped her dress, letting it pool on the ground at her feet.

  A glance at Derix confirmed that he was frozen in place. “I know you have seen shifters change before. You look surprised.”

  He blinked rapidly as she unhooked her bra. “I... when I see you, I feel as if I have never seen a woman before. All others are gone from my mind.”

  She blushed and peeled the bra from her breasts. Her panties joined the dress on the grass, and she stepped out of her clothing.

  “Would you turn for me?”

  She pulled her hair up, off her shoulders, and turned slowly. “Enough?”


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