Consensual Infidelity

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Consensual Infidelity Page 7

by Shayla Kersten

  The small vibrator roared into action, buzzing in his ass.

  “Fuuck!” Even though he yelled around Jay’s dick, the word was fairly understandable.

  Denise wielded the vibe in and out of his ass, tapping his prostate with quick random motions. The vibrations rocked through his groin, shooting through his cock.

  Yes! He thought the other night was wild but this was indescribable. As his body contorted in pleasure, Brady sucked harder. Jay helped him along by pushing deeper into his mouth. The cock ring had its work cut out for it. Need pushed the limits of his body.

  Cock fucked his face, his girlfriend fucked his ass. His system went into overload. All thought disappeared, leaving only sound and sensation.

  The soft grunt and groan of Jay’s pleasure increased with each push and pull of his cock across Brady’s tongue.

  Brady’s mind could only focus on Jay’s flesh. Faster. Deeper. Denise’s strokes, out of rhythm from Brady’s—almost counter point to his motion.

  The vibrator pushed widening rings of desire out through his body. Faster, harder. His balls tightened. So close.

  Then the buzzing wand was gone. Agony pierced through his gut as he gasped for air. “No…” The word was half-whimper, half-groan around Jay’s cock.

  “It’s okay, baby. Just moving things up a notch.” Denise practically purred with naughtiness.

  Once again, cold lube teased his hole. The other toy… Shit! Much bigger than the vibrator or Denise’s finger, the dildo pushed past his initial resistance. A burn of stretching muscles offset the chilly lube and cold rubber.

  An ache of both need and pain flushed through his body. When he struggled for air around Jay’s cock, the thick flesh slid out of his mouth.

  Jay’s hands settled on Brady’s shoulder, fingers kneading.

  “Relax, baby.”

  Denise’s words barely made it past the rushing sound of blood as his heart raced faster.

  “She’s right. It’ll be easier if you don’t fight it.”

  Deep breaths—in, out. Friday, he’d been more relaxed. Maybe because he’d been asleep. Maybe because the intimacy involved just him and Denise.

  Brady fought against his tightening muscles. “Awww!” The thick dildo ran into his prostate. The pain diminished as pleasure jolted through his groin. “Yeah.”

  A soft chuckle floated behind him. “Better?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Pain forgotten in a fog of pleasure, Brady eyed Jay’s cock.

  The girth was half again as big as the dildo. Would it fit? Would it hurt? The questions darted past one persistent thought. “Can I suck it some more?”

  Jay’s laugh clued him into the fact he’d spoken the request aloud. “Yes, you can.” Stepping closer, Jay ran the tip against Brady’s lips. “Ready?”

  Before he could speak his agreement, Brady’s mouth was once again filled with hot, stiff flesh. The taste of come was stronger. A slight thrill ran through him at the idea of taking more, feeling hot seed splattering on his tongue, down his throat.

  The crown of Jay’s cock pushed against the back of his throat as Denise pulled the dildo almost free of his ass. The slow slide of each warmed him. The missing part of his soul fulfilled at last.

  All because of Denise… Amazing, incredible, sexy Denise…

  The unsynchronized push and pull between Jay and Denise drove Brady to the edge but didn’t push him over. He had to wait. He needed to. When this night finally ended, he wanted to be inside Denise, buried in her sweet wet heat.

  The unsteady motion slowly coordinated, harmonizing into a symphony of joy. More on both ends, deeper, faster, bringing him closer to the ultimate fulfillment. As each stroke of cock lengthened, Brady fought for air. Lightheaded, he closed his eyes against a wave of dizziness.

  He didn’t want to stop. His body tuned into the rhythm of Jay’s strokes, Denise’s strokes, the taste of come, the sweet slide of flesh over his tongue, the heat of the dildo on his prostate—

  Jay’s cock was gone. The intense fullness of the dildo in his ass was missing as well. A sense of despair twisted through his gut. What happened?

  Denise appeared next to him and her gaze locked with his. A drop of sweat drizzled down a deep frown. Her hands settled on his shoulders. “You okay?”

  “You okay?” Jay echoed her words. His fingers ran down the side of Brady’s face until his hand cupped Brady’s chin. A deep frown creased his brow and hooded his eyes. “Looked like you were having a little bit of trouble breathing.”

  Brady shook his head to clear a layer of fog then nodded. He didn’t know what to say—yes to the breathing trouble, but he liked it? How kinky was that?

  Denise’s hands slipped on his sweaty skin as she massaged his shoulders. “Breathe, baby.”

  “Catch your breath.” Jay’s thumb caressed Brady’s bottom lip. “Not sure what I’d say to the paramedics if you suffocated on my dick.”

  A snort of laughter caught Brady in the middle of a deep breath. Choking out the words, he said, “My luck, they’d be a crew I know.”

  “True.” Jay’s frown eased as he chuckled. “However, I do know a few discreet people I can call except the coroner isn’t one of them.”

  Denise rested her head on Brady’s back, one arm circled under his neck. “Scared me there for a minute.”

  “Me, too.” Brady unclenched one of the chains then moved his hand to cover Denise’s. “For more reasons than I couldn’t breathe…” Closing his eyes, he took a deep, unfettered breath.

  “You liked it, didn’t you?” Jay’s blank gaze didn’t give away much of what he was thinking.

  Why lie at this point? He trusted Denise. And she trusted Jay. “Yes.”

  “Erotic asphyxiation isn’t as uncommon a kink as most believe. The lack of oxygen accentuates sexual arousal.” Jay leaned over, planting a gentle kiss on Brady’s mouth. “However, it is one to be practiced with extreme care and all parties being aware of what is going on.”

  Brady nodded at the gentle admonishment then shrugged. “Never knew I had it in me.”

  Both Denise and Jay laughed.

  “We’ll save that for a future encounter. For now, I have something else you never had in you. Your ass, anyway.” Jay fisted his cock near Brady’s face. “Ready?”

  “Yeah.” Brady’s body tightened. Desire flared and curled through his gut, his dick.

  Brady canted his head to follow Jay as he walked around the sling.

  Denise met his gaze then looked away.

  She didn’t seem reassured yet. “I’m fine, babe.” Maybe she wasn’t as worried about his well being. The vast array of surprises he’d dropped on her—and himself—over the last twenty-four hours could be unsettling. “Are you okay? With all of this? We can still stop.”

  “Only if you want to.” Denise melded her lips against his. “Just scared me. That’s all.” Her fingers combed through his sweat-damp hair and ran a finger over his ears.

  Her expression wasn’t reassuring. The deep frown seemed more than just worry over his choking. Brady ran a thumb across her lower lip. “This isn’t about just me, babe. We’re in this together.”

  “I know.” A sudden well of tears threatened to overflow her lower eyelids. Quick batting eyelashes chased away the moisture.

  With a groan, Brady peeled his body off the sling.

  Jay caught his gaze. “I need to check on the bar. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Wait, we’re stopping?” Denise stood, glancing between Brady and Jay.

  “Just for a few minutes.” Wobbly knees forced Brady to grab the sling chains.

  Her gaze followed Jay as he walked across the room, snagging his clothes on the way. “What’s wrong?”

  “Come here.” Brady patted the sling.

  Her head turned toward the door and then she looked back. “What about Jay?”

  “He said he’d be back. I want to talk for a minute.”

  Her face flushed red then she lowered her head. As she move
d toward him, her feet shuffled across the floor.

  “Talk to me.” He wrapped her in a tight embrace.

  Denise took a deep breath. “Do you want to stop?”

  “Let’s skip what I want for a minute. What do you want?” His fingers curled under her chin, tugging up her face. “You don’t want to do this, do you?”

  “No. I mean, yes I want to.” Wrapping her hand around his wrist, she tugged his hand between her legs. “I’m crazy horny already. I am going to need a clean pair of jeans to wear home. I’m so horny, I’m soaking these.”

  The simple idea sent a shock to his dick. He wanted to dive into her cream-slicked pussy. Pound deep in her channel, feel her tightening around him.

  Her ploy to distract him was good… “But you’re not sure about something. I can read you well enough to know. I probably should have realized it before now.”


  Denise couldn’t meet his gaze. He did know her too well. Better than any man she’d ever dated. Things she’d never discussed with others, she’d spilled to this man. Except about her mother. She’d managed to keep her out of the conversation.

  Talking about her bed-hopping mother only made Denise think about her own track record. Too close for comfort. Except Denise went from man to man with her eyes wide open, knowing from the beginning there would be an end.

  As much as Brady had confided in her, she needed to be honest with him. Put on your big girl panties and woman up. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Lose me? Over this?” Brady cocked his head to one side as his frown deepened. “To Jay?”

  “Not to Jay.” This time, she met his gaze dead-on. “But maybe to another man. To a need I helped draw out into the open.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” His mouth curled at the sides as he shook his head slowly.

  Indignation added heat to her skin. “Why the fuck would I kid about something like this?” She didn’t appreciate being laughed at.

  “Okay, okay.” Brady’s hands cupped the sides of her face, his thumbs rubbing across her cheeks. “Sweetie, none of this will make me leave you. Or want to leave you.”

  Her head pulled against his hold. “But—”

  “No buts, babe.”

  “Really?” Relief set her heart thumping. Sharps breaths through her mouth kept the threat of tears at bay.

  “Absolutely.” Brady brushed a kiss against her lips. “Haven’t you figured it out yet?”

  “What?” Her hands clenched around the chain supports of the sling.

  “I love you.” Another kiss, gentle lip-melding touches. “I think I have since our first date at the coffee shop. You just seem so skittish about relationships, I didn’t want to send you galloping away at high speed.”


  A soft chuckle. “Yep, like a frightened filly. Every time I mention family, you scoff at the idea of long term. Even marriage.”

  “Marriage?” She couldn’t stop the almost instinctive act of tensing and leaning away from his body.

  His chuckle burst into a full-blown laugh. “Like that!” Hands gripped her face tighter, reining her back in. “I’m not asking so don’t start running yet. But I’m not going anywhere either. You’ll need a restraining order to get rid of me.

  “Oh, God.” She’d been such an idiot. Right there in front of her all this time. This time, she initiated the kiss. With arms wrapped around his chest, she held on for dear life. Maybe for life.

  One of his hands slid down her neck, passing lower until he cupped a breast. “This…what we’re doing with Jay…is something I want but only with you here. If you don’t want to keep going, we’re out of here and over to your apartment.”

  Denise shook her head. A lifetime of fears wouldn’t evaporate in just a few moments’ talk but her trust in Brady strengthened her belief in his words. “I love you, and I want you to experience this. Let’s get Jay back up here.”

  “You love me?”


  “Sweet.” Brady’s mouth silenced any words and most of her doubts.

  Chapter Six

  Cold leather caressed Brady’s back. Wide, soft leather cuffs bound his wrists. The softness was almost comforting after the chilled pinch of metal ones. The design of the sling left him open and vulnerable. His ass hung off the edge. With his ankles hooked into the loops high up on the support chains, his legs were splayed wide. He felt like his cock and balls were on display. His dick ached with greater need because of his helplessness.

  Brady’s body flushed with desire. How had he never realized the extent of his kinks? Maybe because he refused to delve too far into anything outside the socially acceptable norm—even in his mind.

  Framed by Brady’s legs, Jay ran his gaze up and down Brady’s body. “You look good like this.” He licked his lips and grinned. “Good enough to eat.”

  Denise stood to one side. One hand disappeared inside the waist of her jeans. A deep flush reddened her face and neck. A half-grin, half-grimace quirked her mouth then faded, leaving a look of pure hunger. “Yeah.”

  Her words from last night whispered in his mind. Have you spread out like a smorgasbord. Both of us sampling and tasting.

  Jay’s hands rested on Brady’s calves for a few seconds then traveled down his legs to his dick.

  Large and calloused, his hands felt nothing like Denise’s soft, small ones. The contrast added to his desire, added to the increasing ache of his hard-on.

  Finger and thumb tugged Brady’s cock, just below the crown. “Plan on using it to fuck girlfriend here?” More fingers joined the first, squeezing his length. “She’s panting for it. I’m amazed a woman could get that turned on watching her boyfriend suck another man’s dick. She’ll probably implode when I get my dick up your ass.”

  Brady tore his gaze away from Jay.

  Sweat beaded Denise’s face. Her eyes glittered in the dim light as her gaze ran back and forth over his body.

  “Don’t you think it’s unfair she’s still dressed?” Jay asked. “I mean, we’re both running around nekkid as a jaybird and she still has on all her clothes.” His teasing grin and exaggerated accent made him seem less distant. More human.

  A wicked grin crossed her face. Her fingers flew down the buttons on her shirt. A hint of breast showed through the open front. She backed up a little, tugging open the button and fly of her jeans. A little pull revealed a flash of brown fur above red panties. “I’m so wet, you could drown in my come.” Her fingers caught the sides of her jeans. She pushed them down her thighs past her panties. The crotch of the bright red thong gave witness to her words.


  The jeans dropped to her ankles. She toed off her shoes then kicked her jeans over her feet. The shirt went next, fluttering to the floor near her jeans.

  “Let him taste.” Jay’s hand kept a steady stroke on his cock, not much pressure, just enough to keep Brady simmering.

  Denise dipped her hand inside the low-cut material. Her fingers came out glistening with her silky essence. Her unmistakable scent wafted closer as she reached for his mouth. “Suck them.” Her fingers curled down his lower lip then several slid into his mouth.

  Her taste, Jay’s hands, Brady’s complete helplessness… And their words. Dirty talk hadn’t been something his previous girlfriends were into. Jay’s words, Denise’s harsh order. Something split and divided.

  He’d never been the control freak kind but being a cop demanded a certain bravado, an air of power. Letting go of that persona, giving in to the leather and chains, the subtle and not-so-subtle commands—he’d never been so tense and so relaxed at the same time.

  His tongue twisted between her fingers as he suckled the taste of her sweet pussy from her skin. Wet heat around his cock forced him to bite down on her fingers.

  Denise’s groan didn’t sound as if she minded the pain. Her eyes glittered wild, almost appearing dilated in the dim light over the sling. As if she were on a drug of some kind. High on passion?
r />   A quick glance showed the top of Jay’s head wedged between Brady’s thighs. His talented mouth pulled a long slow stroke, revealing Brady’s cock wet with spit. Another dip of his head, Brady’s dick engulfed in heat.

  Brady jerked against his restraints as fingers teased his scrotum. A palm cupped his balls, closing around them, rolling them. Jeez. His hands clenched around the chains near his cuffed wrists. His breath caught in his chest, heart beating madly as fingers slid down, dipping into the crack of his ass.


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