Kinky Lesbian Mega Bundle

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Kinky Lesbian Mega Bundle Page 28

by Ella Ford

  In response, something triggered inside me. I fixated on the surging torrent that was about to explode within me and the thought of feeling that warmth, combined with the endless pounding into my pussy set in motion a cascade of pleasure within me. Like a brush fire on a hot day, it took hold quickly and seared all before it with its mounting heat. I felt it wash over me and released myself into it, allowing it to take me where it would. And then my pussy exploded, sending intolerable bolts of pleasure to every inch of my body. I clenched hard, gripping Jodi between my legs and pushing downwards with my hips to squeeze her cock in place.

  This, in turn, triggered Jodi’s orgasm. I felt it as a pulsing surge, a sudden ball of heat deep inside me and a series of forceful stabs as Jodi forced her seed as deep into me as she possibly could.

  We wailed together, each singing the song of our endless climax. My weary body became tense and I pushed my legs backwards as I struggled to contain the forces that raged within me.

  Then it stopped. Panting, we both relaxed. Jodi fell forwards, her body resting on mine, my arms still pinned beneath her. I didn’t care, I could scarcely feel anything. My arms and legs were totally numb and I wondered if I would ever regain sensation again. Nothing seemed to matter. The universe revolved around our naked bodies, still connected by the softening length of Jodi’s futanari cock. With her head resting on mine, and her warm breath on my neck, I allowed myself to drift away.


  In time, we recovered.

  After our sordid union, there was a change in Jodi. She was no longer the strict rush coordinator that had guided us through this peculiar initiation. She relaxed and became more friendly, inviting me to sit beside her on a comfortable sofa opposite the fire.

  I joined her, and she idly stroked my thigh and told me her story. She had been born in Alabama, the fourth child born to poor parents. Unlike her siblings, she had been blessed with a decent mind and had won a scholarship, becoming the first in her family to attend college. Like me, Delta Iota Kappa had selected her, unexpectedly, and she had undergone the same initiation.

  I thought about this for a moment, my thoughts still woozy from the recent exertions. “So… when did you become… you know? Futanari?”

  She paused, fixing me with her mischievous stare and grinning. “And so, we get to your final test. More of a choice, than a test, really.”

  “Oh…?” I replied, unable to see what she was getting at.

  She stood up and went to a vintage cabinet beside the door. Opening one of the drawers, she pulled out a silver tray and carried it over to the sofa. She sat down again and rested the tray on her lap.

  She spoke again and I gazed at what she’d brought over. On the tray were two medicine bottles. One containing red pills, one containing blue pills. “This is what we call your ‘Matrix moment’.” She smiled at the reference. “You have a number of choices now, the one you take will determine your relationship with Delta Iota Kappa.”

  She paused and picked up the bottle containing the blue pills and gave it a little shake.

  “Your first choice is that you can walk away, back to your life. Given the sensitivity of our nature, we do, however, insist that you first take one of these small pills. Take the blue pill, and you will drift off into a very pleasant sleep. We’ll take you back to your dorm room, and you’ll wake up in the morning with no memory of what you’ve seen here. We do this to protect us, do you understand?”

  I nodded mutely, scrambling to take in everything that was being said to me.

  “Your second choice is the middle ground. You will be entered into the sorority as a junior sister. You will be afforded none of the privileges of rank, but you will gain the privilege of association. There will also be certain… expectations of you. You must act as subservient to the senior sisters, and bow to their demands.” She paused and playfully stroked her cock. “As you can imagine, the senior sisters can be quite demanding.”

  I nodded again, unable to take all of this in. “W-what is the third choice?” I managed to ask.

  Jodi smiled again and picked up the bottle of red pills. “The third choice is to become a full member, a senior sister. It is a privilege that we reserve for only the most special candidates. Of which you, honey, are one.”

  I studied her face for a clue about what she was talking about, not having made the mental leap myself yet. “What… what does the red pill do?”

  Jodi looked at me incredulously. “Why honey, haven’t you figured it out yet?” She shook the bottle and the little red pills rattled within. “The red pills, why, they give the futanari what makes us so damn special!” she giggled and gripped her cock again.

  I stared at her, dumbstruck at what she was suggesting. “You… you want me to become like you?”

  She nodded.

  “But, but, is it… you know… permanent?” I stammered, inwardly surprised that I hadn’t stood up, grabbed my clothes and fled into the night yet.

  She nodded again. “It is. This is something that will be with you for the rest of your life. It is not a step to be taken lightly. Take this pill, and you will enter a world that spans beyond these four walls, and grants you far more than the ability to fuck like a donkey. You will be leaving your old life behind, and embracing something bigger than you can possibly imagine.”

  She paused and cocked her head to the side, appearing to study me intently.

  “But there’s a part of you that wants this, isn’t there? A part of you that has always felt as though something was missing. It’s why you’re still sitting here and not fleeing down main street with your dress in your hand, isn’t it? It’s the reason you were selected.” She let the revelation hang in the air and I struggled to absorb the information.

  “W-what do you know about me?” I demanded.

  She smiled her viper smile. “Honey, there’s very little the futanari don’t know.” She placed the tray on the sofa between us. “Now, I’m going to leave you alone to think about our offer. Stay and be less, stay and be more, or leave. The choice is yours!”

  And with that, she stood and breezed out of the room.


  I sat rigid and motionless for ten minutes, staring at the bottles of pills that lay beside me. My mind raced, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the choice I was about to make. It seemed insane that I was even here, that I was even considering which option to take. If I had any sense at all, I’d take a blue pill and wake up tomorrow with no knowledge of what had happened. It seemed like an attractive possibility at the moment. I reached for the blue bottle…

  Then something stopped me and I drew back. Something that Jodi had said, something about my nature. She was right, I had always felt as though I was different. My willingness to come here tonight and my appetite for the girls that I had enjoyed was proof of that. But it went deeper than simple lesbianism. I wanted women, but I wanted to use women in a way that wasn’t available to me.

  I thought about how fucking Jodi had made me feel. How I’d felt an envy at the power and presence she possessed. I wanted that, I wanted to take girls and use them. I wanted that level of command and confidence. Was that what it meant to be a futanari?

  What about the middle option? Giving myself over to the futanari sorority as a sexual plaything? The idea was not without its attractions. But would it solve anything? Would I always wish I was on the other side of the equation? Would I constantly long to be the possessor rather than the possessed? I knew that I would, it was simply against my nature to submit for too long. With little surprise, I rejected this option with no further thought.

  So. Red or blue. To stay and become a futanari, or leave and forget that the futanari ever existed. I reached out my hand and held it over the two bottles, unable to decide which way to go. Then finally, a wave of realisation washed over me and I knew instinctively which was the right choice to make. I reached down and took hold of one of the bottles, decisively gripping it in my hand and staring at the contents within. The red


  The label on the bottle had only two words on it: “Take one”. Gingerly, I cracked open the lid and shook a single pill out onto my hand. It was perfectly normal looking, about a third of an inch long, a slightly elongated oval. I held it before my mouth and calmly placed it on my tongue. Holding my head back, I took a big gulp and swallowed the pill dry. It passed into me without any resistance and I sat back and waited.

  After fifteen minutes, I began to think that I might have been the victim of an elaborate prank. Possibly given some sugar pills by a drama student with a convincing prosthetic. And then it hit me.

  At once, I felt deeply tired, an all encompassing exhaustion that sank into my limbs and caused me to slump back in the sofa. I wondered briefly if I might have taken the wrong pill, that my memory was about to fade to nothing, and then the world shrunk to a distant pinprick and I knew no more.


  From the depths of oblivion, I began to feel a new sensation. It began as an itch, something down near my belly that I couldn’t accurately place. The itch became a faint stabbing sensation that sent jolts of pain down my legs. Then it changed again, becoming a peculiar squirming that felt as though something was inside me and trying to get out.

  I observed this with disregard, not truly caring one way or the other what the sensation was. I had a distant understanding that this was meant to be happening and my dreamlike mind accepted this and let it go on.

  The sensation of having something inside me faded and was replaced by light throb on the surface of my skin, near my pussy. It pulsed and burned there, each pulse lasting longer than the one before. It felt like a push, some kind of emergence from within. I studied the sensation from the depths of my mind, observing how it was changing me.

  As the pulsing continued, I felt a gathering strength, an internal rigidity that started in my legs and rose to flood my entire body. I became a presence in the black of the void, corporeal and real. The being that I was becoming had elements of who I had been, but something more. A core of power that was centered on the strange emergence from my midsection. I embraced the sensation, craving more of the unique sense of capability.

  At once, the pulsing faded and I thrashed around in an attempt to find it, but I found only nothingness again. And then, suddenly, there was a blinding light, and eruption in the dark. My senses became overloaded and I felt myself drifting into nothing. I struggled to maintain a hold on myself, repeating my name over and over to cling on to the person that I was, that I had become.

  “Beth! Beth! Beth! …”


  “Beth! Beth! Wake up Beth!”

  A hand gripped my shoulder and shook me violently. I blinked my eyes and shook my head to clear it, struggling to make sense of where or who I was.

  It was light now, the room around me illuminated by the rich warm light of an early fall morning. I looked around, and saw that it was Jodi that was shaking me awake. I blinked again, fixing her face as a stable point of reference and hanging on to it.

  “Welcome back! We thought we’d lost you honey!” she said, her voice brimming with sincere relief.

  “Th-thank you,” I replied, “Wh-what happened?”

  She looked at me, then glanced downwards. I followed her gaze, idly noting that I was still completely naked. Then I saw it and the events of the previous evening came flooding back to me. Lying limply between my legs, emerging from the top of my pussy, was my very own futanari cock.

  Chapter 4

  Gingerly, I climbed the steps of the sorority house to the upper floor and the attic room. Everything about me felt subtly different now. The way I moved, the way I thought, my very existence in the universe had shifted slightly from what I was used to. Try as I might, I could not ignore the new growth between my legs. It moved with me as I walked, brushing against the soft material of the loose floral print dress that Jodi had given me to wear. I felt it against my thigh when I stood. I felt it when I sat down, shifting and loose.

  The other futanari had assured me that this feeling would pass, that it was only natural to feel a little weird. I mean, how often do you take a pill and grow a cock? The very idea seemed ridiculous to me, yet there it was, as large as life.

  After waking up from my transformation, Jodi had helped me to get dressed and shown me around the sorority house, introducing me to my sisters. I greeted each one in a daze, trying to remember names and faces but finding it difficult to focus with the new thoughts that were flooding my mind.

  For all my disorientation, I felt truly alive. Never before had things felt so real to me, and I struggled to process this new sensorium in which I found myself. It’s difficult to describe how different it was to me. It seemed as though everything I experienced was shot through a prism of primal longing. When hugging a cute brunette sister, I found myself overwhelmed by her presence, the soft brush of her skin, the subtle scent of soap and perfume that filled my nose. But it went beyond an aesthetic appreciation. I wanted her. I wanted to take her there and then, to focus this energy through my new appendage and ram it into her again and again and again… I wanted to use her mouth, her pussy, her ass. I wanted to throw her to the floor and mount her. I wanted to spill my seed on her body, on her face.

  The sensation was overwhelmingly sordid and unrelentingly tangible.

  I’d spoken to Jodi about this and she assured me it was perfectly normal. “Aw honey. We all go through this,” she said. “Think about it. Your body is being flooded with a whole different chemistry, and its a chemistry that humans are not prepared for. Your female core is warring with your male aspects, vying for control, struggling to find an equilibrium. But you have to remember that this is temporary. Eventually, a compromise will be found and your different urges will work in harmony. Truly, it’s this that makes us so special.”

  I’d listened to her words, desperately clinging to this reassurance.

  She paused and nibbled her lower lip, studying me for signs of a reaction. “What you’re going through isn’t anything new or unusual, to us at least. It’s the reason why we give you our final test.”

  I groaned, realising that the strange initiation wasn’t quite over.

  “Take a few moments to gather yourself honey, then wander upstairs to the attic room. You’ll find the final test waiting for you there.”

  And with that, she patted my knee tenderly and left the room.


  Stopping at the door to the attic, I paused and gathered myself. What on earth could possibly wait for me on the other side? What more could I be expected to go through? I sighed and lightly pushed the door open and stepped through.

  The attic room was lightly furnished with a stately four poster bed on the far wall and a number of cushions and leather beanbags strewn across the floor. Several skylights in the sloping ceiling cast warm shafts of light into the room.

  Kneeling in the center of the room was naked girl with a familiar face. My mind raced, struggling to remember who she was and then it came to me. The girl kneeling before me, the redhead girl with the amazing tits, was Kate, the nervous rush from the night before. I studied her, wondering what she was doing here.

  She hadn’t yet made eye contact with me and was instead staring intently at the ground. Her hands were held flat on her creamy thighs and her lush, red hair fell down her back, almost to the floor. My eyes fell to her crotch, instinctively looking for the tell tale sign of the futanari. There was nothing, only a small patch of neatly trimmed red hair.

  Had Kate chosen the safe middle ground? Was she now a junior sister, given over to the senior futanari sisters as a sexual plaything? The thought took hold in my mind as I stared at her. Was Kate my final test? A test not of my commitment, but of my futanari transformation?

  I felt a warm flush spread up from between my legs, a familiar response to arousal. But there was something more. Alongside the spreading warmth, I felt a strange sensation, a sense of growth and emergence. I glanced down between my ow
n legs and saw my cock twitching slightly, moving with no conscious command from myself. As I watched, it slowly elongated, thickening and growing with every second.

  I turned my attention back to Kate and stepped towards her. She glanced up at me, her expression betraying a curious mix of panic and arousal. Her trepidation thrilled me. I relished her wariness, it filled me a supreme feeling of control and presence.

  I lowered myself to squat behind her and tenderly stroked her hair. She shuddered at my touch, leaning back slightly towards me.

  “It’s Kate isn’t it?” I spoke, my voice barely a whisper.

  “Yes, sister.”

  “What are you doing here Kate?” I asked as I lightly traced my fingertips down her upper arms.

  The girl’s breathing had quickened and she spoke quietly between each short inhale. “I chose not to take either pill. I couldn’t do it. They said… they said that this was my final test. That I would prove my worth to the sorority by pleasing a senior sister.”

  As she spoke, I felt the cock between my legs growing ever harder. It was now fully erect and pointed upwards away from my body. The sensation was indescribably strange, the mere presence of it on me was frightening and thrilling at the same time. It felt alive, burning with a fire that was unfamiliar and invigorating. I felt a strong urge to move my body, to force my hips forward and thrust my throbbing cock into the hesitant girl before me.

  I licked my lips and suppressed these notions for a few minutes more. I wanted to prolong this moment, to explore my dominance.

  “How will you please me Kate?” I asked in a tone that surprised me. Equal parts authority and seduction. I was revelling in this strange ritual.

  “I-I will please you in whatever way you wish sister. I am yours to command,” the girl replied, her voice trembling and faint.

  “Good, very good,” I purred and gently took a handful of her soft hair, then pulled her head back and to the side. She allowed me to direct her, surrendering herself to me completely.

  With her neck exposed, I leaned forwards and brushed my lips against her soft skin. She sighed at my touch, moaning audibly as I kissed her. Slowly, teasingly, I worked my way up her neck, planting tiny kisses as I went. When I reached her ear, I lightly flicked my tongue against her earlobe. She sighed again, whispering “Oh yes, please, yes” under her breath.


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