MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority), 225, 226, 227
Munari, Bruno, 137
Münchener Illustrierte Presse (MIP), 48–49
Munkacsi, Martin, 47
Münzenberg, Willi, 51
Murder Incorporated, 60
Murrow, Edward R., 72
Musée de Arts Décoratifs, 253
Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, 253
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 225
“Mushroom Clouds,” 13
Musician, 102
Mussolini, Benito, 48, 114, 257
mustard gas, 21
My Lai massacre, 31
Mystery! 55
Nadar (Gaspard-Félix Tour nachon), 66
Naked City, 60
Naked Lunch (Burroughs), 80
Name of the Rose, The (Eco), 222
Nast, Condé, 50, 65–66, 93, 220, 257
National Cash Register, 237
National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, 178
Nausea (Chermayeff cover), 163, 163, 166
Nautilus, 283, 284
Nazism. see also swastika
Bauhaus and, 110
blackletter and, 108–9, 112, 232
graphics standards manual, 231–32, 231
picture magazines and, 49, 51
propaganda, 17, 20
runic symbols and, 28
Simplicissimus, 23–24
trademarks, 189–190, 191
NBC, 154, 220
Nelson, George, 61
Neon, 121
neo-underground publishing, 93
Nero, 27
Neue Grafik, 95
Neue Jugend, 25–26, 25
Neue Typograpfie, die (Tschichold), 251
Neurath, Otto, 127, 190
Newark Hot Club, 169–170
New Classics, 148
New Directions, 147, 148, 165, 166, 198
Newgarden, Mark, 101
New Left, 73, 75, 209
Newlyweds, The, 285
Newman, Arnold, 64
Newman, David, 72
News Gothic, 133, 198
Newsweek, 276
Newton, Joe, 13
New Typography
Bauhaus, 111, 111
blackletter, 108
children’s books, 136
Heartfield and, 26
Sutnar and, 162
trademarks, 190
Tschichold and, 183, 251
new wave, 93
New York (magazine), 81, 92
New York Daily Graphic, 46, 91
New York Daily News, 21, 21, 91
New Yorker, 157
New York Public Theater. see Public Theater
New York Review of Books, 92
New York Rocker, 93
New York Shakespeare Festival, 210, 212
New York State Lottery, 30
New York Times, 46, 80, 219, 233, 234, 280
New York Transit Authority, 222, 223, 224
New York World’s Fair, 235–37, 236
NeXT, 201–3, 201
Nie Wieder Krieg (Kollwitz), 114
Nitsche, Erik, 283–84, 284
Nixon, Richard, 131
Noisy Book, The (Brown), 136
“No More War” (Lubalin), 75
Noonday Press, 164, 165
Noorda, Bob, 222
Normatype, 120
North, Oliver, 37
November, David, 72
NSDAP. see Nazism
nuclear disarmament, 27, 32
nuclear power, 283–84
“Obey the Giant” (Fairey), 113
object poster, 24, 192, 273–75
O’Connor, Francis V., 237
Odol, 238
Office of War Information, 20
Of Two Squares (Lissitzky), 134, 135
Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feeling So Sad (Robbins), 205
Old Engravings & Illustrations, 234
Old Joe, 19
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Bacon cover), 168
onomalanguage, 146
On the Beach, 204
Opper, F.W., 241
Organisationsbuch der NSDAP, 231–32, 231
ornament, 264–65
“Ornament and Crime” (Loos), 264
Orwell, George, 113
Osborn, Robert, 32
otherness, 20
Otto Elsner Verlag, 191
Outcault, R.F., 241
pacifism, 27–28, 31, 75, 80
Packard, 118
Packard Motor Car Company, 118
Palais de Chaillot, 116
Paley, WIlliam, 154
Panter, Gary, 93, 101
Pantheon Books, 138, 261–62, 263
Pantone, 178
Paper, 94
paperback books. see also book design
Dell Mapbacks, 104–5
Lustig, 147–48
McGraw-Hill, 197, 198
quality paperbacks, 163–67
Paperbacks, U.S.A.: A Graphic History, 1939-1959 (Salbreit er), 105
paper bombs, 18–19
Papert Koneig Lois, 73
Papp, Joseph, 210, 211
Paramount Pictures, 158
parenthesis, 160
Paris Match, 50
Parker, Robert Andrew, 72
Pass the Lord and Praise the Ammunition (Sorel), 31
pastiche, 183–84
Pat Metheny Group, 246
Patrick, Ted, 63–64
Patriot Act, 18
Patterson, Joseph Medill, 91
“Patton” (Crumb), 90
Patton, Charley, 90
Paul, Bruno, 41
Pavlova, Anna, 150
Peace symbol, 27–28, 27, 31
Pearson, F.A., 271
Peck, Pricilla, 65
Peignot, 115–16, 116, 133
Peignot, Charles, 50, 115–16, 133
Penguin Books, 164–65
Penn, Irving, 66, 280
Pentagon, 18
Pentagon Papers, 80
Pentagram/New York, 212
Père Lachaise Cemetery, 90
periodicals. see also specific titles
picture magazines, 46–52
tabloids, 91–94
Perisphere, 236, 237
Peter, Saint, 27
Petrusive, Georgy, 52
Pettit, Charles, 282
Pezneez, 241
PG&E, 88
Phaedrus: An Annual of Children’s Literature Research, 136
Philharmonic Auditorium (Los Angeles), 149
Phillips, Robert, 64
photography, 46–52
photojournalism, 46–52, 60
Photolettering Inc., 259, 260
Chermayeff, 166
EVO, 85
Kauffer, 196
Lustig, 147, 165
Neue Jugend, 26
picture magazines, 50–52
Ramparts, 82
Tolmer, 251
Zwart, 136
PhotoTypositor, 120
Picasso, Pablo, 32, 54, 57, 149, 178
Piccolo Teatro, 223
Pick, Frank, 194–95
picture magazines, 46–52
Picture Post, 49
Pineles, Cipe, 61
Pinero, Miguel, 211
Pinnacle Productions, 88
pinups, 71
Pippin, Horace, 209
Pirandello, Luigi, 256
Pirelli, 222
Plague, The (Chwast cover), 167
Plakat, Das, 190, 192
Plakatstil, 275
Pliete, Die, 26
PM, 44–45, 44, 53, 285
PM Gallery, 45
Pocket Books, 104
Poindexter, John, 37
Pollock, Jackson, 66
Pomeroy, Karen, 11
Porgy and Bess (Gershwin), 149
pornography, 89–90
Porsche, 232
Porter, Cole,
Portfolio, 59–60, 59, 195
Portnoy’s Complaint (Bacon cover), 168, 171
Poster, The, 240
Poster Prints, 33, 34
Best of Jazz, 179–181, 180
Black Power/White Power (Ungerer), 29–30, 29
Blues Project, 173–74, 173
Davis, 209, 210
Dylan, 199–200, 199
End Bad Breath (Chwast), 31–34, 33
Jambalaya, 243–46, 244–45
Kauffer, 194–96
Men With No Lips (Conal), 35–37, 36
object poster, 24, 192, 273–75
Priester Match, 273–75, 274
Public Theater, 211–13
Simplicissimus, 22–24, 23
split fountain, 175–76, 175, 176
Postman, Neil, 136
Post No Bills, 35
power, typography and, 112–14
Power Broker, The (Bacon cover), 168, 169
Poynor, Rick, 129
Pratt Institute, 156
Preminger, Otto, 158
press type, 120–21, 120, 121
Pride and Nicholson, 195
Priester Match, 273–75, 274
Print, 68, 69, 70, 147, 148, 159
PRINT, 253
Print Mint, 88
PROMI (Ministry of Enlightenment and Propoganda), 231
anti-propaganda, 18, 18
Camel cigarettes, 19–20, 19
Catholicism and, 17
Iraq war, 20–21
leafleting, 18–19, 18
Nazism and, 17
origins of, 17
picture magazines and, 52
racist, 17, 20, 20
Simplicissimus, 23–24
typeface and, 114
Propaganda: The Public Mind in the Making (Bernays), 17
Proust, Marcel, 185
Psychedelic Playbill, 173
psychedelic poster, 173–74
psy-ops, 18–19
Public Theater, 210, 211–12, 272
Publisher’s Weekly, 165
publishing, alternative, 25
Puck, 241
Punch, 49, 170
punk, 93
Push Pin Almanack, 76
Push Pin Graphic, 76–78
Push Pin Monthly Graphic, 76–77, 77
Push Pin Studios
Antupit, 72
Artone, 259–260
Chwast, 32, 167
Glaser, 166
Push Pin Graphic, 76–78
Ramparts, 82
Scher and, 179
typography, 183
Pussy Galore, 125, 126–28
pyschological warfare, 18–19
quality paperbacks, 163–67
Queen, Ellery, 104
Rabe, David, 211
Rabelais, François, 254
racism, 20, 240–42
Radio City Music Hall, 236
Radiograph, 88
Ragtime (Bacon cover), 168, 171–72
Rahel, 138
rainbow roll, 175–76
Rambam, 138
Ramparts, 79, 79, 80–82, 83
Rand, Ann, 134–35, 137
Rand, Paul
on Armitage, 149
Bacon and, 170
book design, 56, 148, 163, 165, 166
Deffke and, 190
Direction, 53–54, 53
El Producto, 205
Garretto and, 258
hand lettering, 56–57
IBM, 231
Jazzways cover, 60
Listen! Listen! 134–35
Little 1, 137
NeXT logo, 201–3, 201
Peignot, use of, 115, 116
PM, 45
show cards, 271
Random House, 261
Rapidograph, 88
Rashi, 138
Rauschenberg, Robert, 209, 280
RAW, 98–101, 99, 100, 123, 124
Raw Books and Graphics, 98
Ray Gun, 84
RCA, 220
Reagan, Nancy, 36
Reagan, Ronald, 35, 37, 267
Real Paper, 92
Record Changer, The, 170
red, 177–78
Red Studio, The (Matisse), 178
Reed, Lou, 244
Reichsgesetzblatt, 232
Reichsparteitag, 232
Reichswehr, 191
Reimann School, 192
Reklame, Die, 190
Rendezvous with the Book, A (Armitage), 149–150, 150
Renner, Paul, 115
Republican Guard, 21
Resistance, 114
Restaurant Florent, 207–8
Revolution (The Beatles), 280
Rhapsody in Blue (Steinweiss cover), 277
Ring Neuer Werbegestalter, 190
Rivers, Joan, 36
Rivers, Larry, 209
Riverside Records, 170
RJR Nabisco, 19–20
Robbins, Jerome, 205
Robert, Jean, 102
Robeson, Paul, 277
Rockefeller Center, 236
Rockwell, Norman, 54, 82, 170
Rodchenko, Alexander, 52
Rodriguez, Spain (Spain), 84, 86, 89, 90
Rogers, Bruce, 149
Rogers, Will, 149
Rohde, Gilbert, 237
Rolling Stone, 79, 81, 92
Rolling Stones, 244, 246
Rosensweig, Martin, 62
Rosenthal, George, Jr., 59
Rosenthal, George, Sr., 60
Rossett, Barney, 80, 82
Rosten, Carl, 232
Roth, Philip, 168, 171
Rothenberg, Randall, 280
rotogravure, 46, 52
Rubin, Jerry, 221
Ruffins, Reynold, 76, 259
Ruggeri, Giorgio, 146
Rumsfeld, Donald, 20
runic symbols, 27, 28
Russell, Bertrand, 28, 82
Russian Revolution, 51
Rustic, 265
Sachplakat, 24, 192, 273–75
Sacre du Printemps, Le (Steinweiss cover), 277
Saddam Hussein, 20–21
Sagmeister, Stefan, 243–46, 244–45
Salbreiter, Bernie, 105
Salomé, 173
Salomon, Erich, 47, 48
Sander, August, 66
SANE, 32
San Francisco Chronicle, 87
San Francisco Oracle, 91, 175–76
“Sangrella” (Spain), 90
Scarecrow (Goldthwaite), 104, 105
Scarecrow, The (Schwitters, Steinitz, and Van Doesburg), 135
Scavullo, Francesco, 280
Scheer, Bob, 80, 83
Schemer-Scheddin, Yvonne, 109
Scher, Paula, 179–181, 180, 211, 212, 212, 213, 272
Scherman, Roland, 199, 200
Schmid, Anton, 141
Schneider, Lorraine, 31
Schocken, Salaman, 138
Schocken Verlag, 138
Schoener, Allon, 161
School of Visual Arts (SVA), 12, 101
Schulpig, Karl, 189, 190, 192
Schuman the Human, 86
Schutzmarken, 190, 192
Schwenk, Reinhold, 210
Schwitters, Kurt, 74, 135
Scope, 68–70, 69
Searle, Ronald, 64, 185
secession, 42
See (Conal), 37
Seitlin, Percy, 44, 45, 152
Seldes, Gilbert, 285
Semaine De Bonté, Une (Ernst), 233
semaphore, 27
semiotics, 222
Sendak, Maurice, 137
September 11 attacks, 18
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles), 280
Shahn, Ben, 56, 72, 82, 166
Shakespeare, William, 163, 166–67, 210, 212
Shange, Ntozake, 211
Shapiro, Evan, 212
Shaw, Paul, 108, 109
Shell Oil, 195
bsp; Shelton, Gilbert, 86, 90
shocards. see show cards
Shogun (Bacon cover), 168
shooting targets, 238–39, 238, 239
Show, 72
show cards, 271–72, 271, 272
Shyne, Michael, 104
Signet Shakespeare series, 166–67
Simmons, Sherwin, 191
Simon & Schuster, 166, 168, 169, 170
Simplicissimus, 22–24, 23, 41–42, 42, 43
Sinatra, Frank, 158
Sinel, Joseph, 45
Skateboard, 102
Skyline, 99
Slash, 93, 101
Sly and the Family Stone, 278
Smart, David, 71
“smart bombs,” 21
Smith, Eliot Freemont, 219
Smith, Virginia, 190
Smith, William Jay, 137
“Smooth Character,” 19–20
Snookums, 285
Soaring to Success! The Early Bird, 194
So-Called Abstract Art (Armitage), 150
Society for the Friends of the Jewish Book, 141
Society for the Friends of the Poster, 192
SoHo Map and Guide, The (Mouly), 98
Soleil Collection, 185
Solingen mark, 189–190
Somoroff, Ben, 72
Soncino-Gesellschaft, 141
Songs of Free Men (Steinweiss cover), 277
Sophie’s Choice (Bacon cover), 168, 171
Sorel, Edward, 31, 76, 82, 259
Sorel’s Bestiary, 82
Sowjet Russland im Bild, 51
Spacematic, 120
Spain (Spain Rodriguez), 84, 86, 89, 90
“Sparky Sperm” (Crumb), 90
Spartakusbund, 26
Speak (Conal), 37
Speer, Albert, 232
Spellman, Francis, 31
Spider’s Palace (Gorey cover), 58
Spiegelman, Art, 98–100, 101, 124
split fountain, 175–76, 175, 176
Stage, John Lewis, 64
Stairstep, 133
Stalin, Joseph, 52
Stam, 138
Stam Book, 138
Standard, Paul, 118
Stanley, Robert, 105
Stanton, Frank, 154
Steichen, Edward, 46
Stein, Gertrude, 147
Steinitz, Käte, 135
Steinweiss, Alex, 276–77, 276
Stepanova, Varvara, 52
Sterling, David, 93
Stermer, Dugald, 79, 80, 81–82, 83, 263
Sterner, Der, 20
Still, William Grant, 236
Stokowski, Leopold, 149
Stop Making Sense, 206
stop-motion, 205
Storch, Otto, 61, 76
Story of Babar, the Little Elephant, The (de Brunhoff), 137
Stout, Rex, 104
Stranger, The (Lionni cover), 163
Stravinsky, Igor, 149, 150
Strength Through Joy, 232
Strick, Louis, 259, 260
Strohmer, William, 104
“Struggle of Signs in the Weimar Republic, The” (Simmons), 191
Studio Books, 253
Stuff, 94
Stürmer, Der, 112
style, 122
Styron, William, 168
Submarine, 123
subway maps, 222–24, 223, 225–27, 225, 226
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