The Reluctant Marquess_The Duke's Daughters_Prequel

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The Reluctant Marquess_The Duke's Daughters_Prequel Page 15

by Rose Pearson

  Something snagged in Lord Donoghue’s gaze, his brows furrowing and a sharp glint coming into his eyes. “What is the matter, Miss Newton? This is not like you.”

  Shaking her head, Molly averted her eyes. “Now is not the time nor the place, Lord Donoghue.”

  He stepped forward then, coming closer to her and taking her arm so that she was forced to turn away from the others surrounding them.

  “He has found out, has he?”

  His whispered words made very little sense to her as she looked into his dark brown eyes, seeing them hard and angry.

  “Why did you wait until now to tell me?” he hissed, his fingers digging painfully into her arm. “I thought we might have an opportunity to discuss the matter before you decided to set yourself against me.”

  Completely befuddled, Molly blinked and tried to find something to say but her words stuck in her throat.

  “To some, it would not matter so very much but your standards have always been high,” Lord Donoghue continued with something like a sneer touching the edge of his voice. “And so, you are to cast me aside it seems.” Letting go of her arm, he lifted his head, sniffed and turned his gaze away. “We could have had a very happy future, you and I. I had every intention of proposing to you in a few short days since I was sure Lord Seaworth had no concerns regarding my suit. It is clear that he has done a little more investigation into my background, which I should give him credit for, I suppose.”

  “Lord Donoghue,” Molly interrupted, feeling almost desperate in her urge to get a word in. “I am not sure of what you are speaking, but I will say that I came upon this decision of my own volition. I am quite certain that you and I would not suit. Whilst I consider you a very dear friend, I believe that I am searching for more than that.”

  Some of the anger left Lord Donoghue’s expression but he turned away from her regardless.

  “Very well Miss Newton,” he said, his voice drifting towards her over his shoulder. “I suppose, since we are no longer courting, I am free to find another lady on whom I might bestow my affection. Do excuse me.”

  Molly was left standing, mouth agape, as he strode away from her. It was clear he had no intention of taking her back any time soon – if at all – which meant that she was somewhat alone in Hyde Park. She had no maid or chaperone with her given that it had been a ride to Hyde Park for the fashionable hour, as well as the fact that the ton knew very well they were courting, which meant that she was entirely alone. She could hail a hackney but that in itself could be more than a little dangerous since she would be a young lady traveling alone, even within the streets of London. It meant that the only option open to her would be to walk.

  Lifting her chin, Molly set off at once, thinking Lord Donoghue rather rude in his lack of consideration of her. Whilst it must have been painful for him to know that their association would no longer be continuing, it had been rude of him to leave her standing alone in the middle of Hyde Park.

  But yet, as she walked, Molly felt a happiness beginning to sing wildly in her heart. She had done the right thing, she was certain of it. Lord Donoghue, whilst kind and considerate, did not bring any spark to her heart in the way that Lord Seaworth did. She had never once had the desire to kiss Lord Donoghue, and certainly did not react whenever their fingers had brushed or when they had occasion to dance together. He was a very dear friend but that was not all that she was seeking, not when she knew what it was to come alive from the simplest and briefest of kisses.

  It seemed an age until she finally reached the steps of the house, just as Lord Seaworth himself arrived in his carriage coming in the opposite direction. Jumping down, he caught her hand at once, his eyes filled with concern.

  “Miss Newton!” he exclaimed, looking past her. “Where is Lord Donoghue? Why are you unaccompanied?”

  There was such worry in his eyes that Molly wanted to smooth away the lines of concern etched on his features, setting her hand atop of his.

  “Shall we talk inside, Lord Seaworth?” she asked, softly. “I think there is a great deal to be said.”

  He swallowed, his lips pressing together for a moment.

  “Yes,” he said, quietly, gesturing for her to go on ahead of him. “Of course. At once.”

  “I will not be pulling you from anything?”

  He shook his head. “No and, even if you were, you are of greater importance than anything else, Miss Newton. Come inside and let us talk.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Miss Newton,” Hugh said at once, as Molly came into the library. “Are you quite all right?” He had been shocked to see her looking so tired, walking alone towards the house and was glad to see her looking a little more refreshed. She had changed into a simple day dress, her hair swept back into a neat chignon while her cheeks remained a dusky pink.

  “I was a little tired, but I am sure a cup of tea will do me the world of good,” she replied, sitting down a little heavily. “That was a longer walk than I had anticipated!”

  Hugh shook his head, feeling a spike of anger over Lord Donoghue’s treatment of her. “I do not understand. Whatever was Lord Donoghue thinking?”

  He saw her smile at him, her eyes dimmed just a little. “I think he was upset that his courtship was to come to an end.”

  Staring at her for a moment, Hugh tried his best to adjust this new information without reacting too strongly.

  “I do not think that he intended to be rude, but he was, perhaps, a little abrupt,” Miss Newton continued, shaking her head as her lips curved into a gentle smile. “Although, I did think that you might be a little more pleased than you appear, Seaworth.”

  Hugh drew in a long breath. “I live in hope that I might have reason to be pleased, Miss Newton.”

  “Call me Molly, please.”

  Leaning forward in his chair, Hugh smiled at her. “Molly suits you very well I think.”

  There was nothing said for a few moments, although both remained exactly where they were. Hugh desperately wanted to ask whether or not her decision had anything to do with him but kept his mouth closed tightly. This had to come from Miss Newton’s lips. He would not be presumptuous.

  “Lord Donoghue said something rather strange however,” Molly continued, eventually. “He said something about some misdeeds being discovered by you, and that this meant I had turned away from him. Have you any idea of what he was talking about?”

  Hugh, remembering the conversation he’d had with his steward only a couple of days ago, shook his head, frowning as he tried to remember. “If there had been anything outstanding Molly, you can be sure that I would have spoken to you of it.”

  She laughed, sitting back in her chair. “I am quite certain that you would have done anything you could have to remove me from Lord Donoghue, is that not right?”

  Making to answer, Hugh was kept from his reply by the maids coming in with their tea trays. By the time he had dismissed them, Molly was already in the process of making herself a cup of tea, sipping it carefully before letting out a sigh of relief.

  Hugh loved her all the more, slipping into a daydream where she lived in his home, drinking her tea by his side as they conversed quietly about the day’s events.

  “It is all very strange,” Molly murmured, drawing Hugh’s attention again. “I cannot think what Lord Donoghue meant.”

  “There was one thing,” Hugh remembered suddenly, seeing her look up at him with expectation. “My steward found that, some years ago, Lord Donoghue was something of a gambler. Liked cards and the horses. Nothing serious, but he came close to losing his fortune and somehow managed to scrape it all back.” He shrugged. “Perhaps that was it. It was some years ago, however, and I did not think much of it. After all, I am not exactly able to judge since I myself have only recently turned from such vices.”

  Molly’s face filled with understanding. “That must be it,” she replied with a broad smile. “Lord Donoghue always knew that you required a fine, upstanding gentleman, and he must have been
concerned that such a stain on his past would turn me from him.” Her smile softened. “In the end, it was nothing to do with that. It was the realization that I saw him as nothing more than a companion, or a friend. Whilst that is a good basis for any marriage, I am sure, I came to the understanding that I did not any longer want something as banal as practicality within marriage.”


  Hugh could see that she was finding it a little difficult to explain herself given just how red her cheeks were by this point, but he had to know what she meant and what she felt. His hopes were building with every moment that passed, but still, as yet, she had not said anything specific about him.

  Molly got to her feet abruptly, walking to one of the bookshelves and running her fingers along the books that sat there. To his shame, Hugh knew he had not read many of them. She was not looking at him but rather let her gaze flit all around the room as she struggled to explain herself. Hugh kept his seat rather than get up, knowing that if he did so, he might very easily be tempted to take her into his arms.

  “Seaworth, I have seen you change from one man into another,” she began, slowly. “I have seen your struggles, have seen how you fought against the change in your character only to accept it and strive for more. It is that which I admire about you. You have not held yourself back but have chosen to turn your back on what you were and look forward to what you have become. In your vulnerability, you have shown me your heart and left it with me to decide what I will do with it.” She looked at him then, standing incredibly still as her eyes fastened on his. “I have decided Seaworth. I have accepted your heart and give you my own in return.”

  For a moment, Hugh could not breathe. This was more than he had ever hoped for, his mind coming alive with a beautiful vision of his future.

  “Well?” she whispered, her cheeks burning with fire as she held one hand out to him. “What say you, Seaworth?”

  “Molly,” he breathed, getting up from his chair and going towards her. In a few strides, he had his arms around her waist, looking down into her beautiful, gentle face.

  “You know what I have hoped for,” he said, softly. “I cannot believe this is true, Molly. I do not deserve you. I do not deserve this.”

  She smiled at him then, her eyes lit with fire. “I did not ever expect you to become the focus of my affection,” she replied, quietly. “It is as much a surprise to me as it is to you!”

  He laughed before lowering his head, his kiss soft and sweet. Her hands tightened around his neck, her body pressed to his, and Hugh felt his heart explode with happiness.

  “Molly,” he said again, reaching up to cup her face in his hands. “Molly, I adore you. I love you. My heart is filled with none but you.” His hands ran down her shoulders, back to her waist. “I have been in torment waiting for you to decide what to do with Lord Donoghue, hoping that you might give me a chance to prove that I am all that I say, that my words and love are steadfast and true.”

  “And I have,” she whispered, leaning into him. “More than that, Seaworth. I have given you my heart, my whole self. I love you in return.”

  Her kiss was sweeter than the first and Hugh gave himself up to it entirely, aware of the passion bursting through him.

  “Well, well!”

  A voice broke them apart, and as Hugh turned, he saw none other than his brother standing, framed in the doorway. A wide grin spread across Rodger’s face as he looked from one to the other.

  “Whatever has been going on in here?” Rodger asked, coming into the room a little more. “Ah, there is a tea tray here already. Good.” Sitting down, he sat back and let out a long, comfortable sigh. “Come along then, sit down and tell me everything. I can’t wait to hear what’s been going on.”


  Molly laughed aloud as Lord Wilson spun her around a little too freely, shaking her head as she tried her best to remain steady. The ball thrown for her by Lord Seaworth was well underway, and Molly could not think of another time when she had been so happy.

  Perhaps that was because she knew that, finally, her heart was settled and at peace with Lord Seaworth. Their encounter only a few days ago had been both wonderful and embarrassing as Lord Wilson had stumbled in on them, although he did not appear to be in any way surprised as to what had occurred. Neither had Mrs. Miller when Molly had spoken to her of it, going so far as to declare herself thoroughly delighted with the news.

  Of Lord Donoghue, there had been no sign, although Lord Wilson had mentioned that he had seen him out walking with another young lady only the day after Molly had ended their courtship. Perhaps he had not been as enamored with her as he had appeared.

  “It looks as though Seaworth wishes to claim you,” Lord Wilson murmured, as he bowed in front of her. “Can you see him there, on the stairs?”

  Molly let her eyes travel to where Lord Wilson had indicated, her heart leaping as she saw Lord Seaworth’s eyes on her. A smile caught his lips, one which she could not help but return.

  “Thank you for the dance, Lord Wilson,” she murmured, barely dragging her eyes away from the man she loved. “Do excuse me.”

  Lord Wilson grinned. “But of course.”

  Making her way through the crowd, Molly finally reached the staircase where Lord Seaworth stood. There was so much going on around her that no-one saw him gesture for her to follow, no-one paid attention when they walked together along the balcony that overlooked the ballroom.

  “May I say again just how stunningly beautiful you are this evening, Molly,” Lord Seaworth murmured, reaching for her gloved hand and taking it in his own. “You quite take my breath away.”

  Blushing furiously, Molly looked down at her light green gown, aware that she had made a great deal of effort for this evening. “Thank you, Seaworth.”

  He pressed her hand. “There has been so much going on these last two days that I feel as though we have hardly had an opportunity to speak.”

  Molly nodded, aware of just how much last-minute preparation for her ball had taken place. “Indeed.”

  “You do not regret what passed between us?”

  Her gaze shot to his. “Of course not!” she exclaimed, suddenly worried that she had given him that impression. “Do not think so for a moment, Seaworth!”

  He laughed softly and took her other hand in his. “You need not look so worried, my dear, it is just that I wanted to be quite certain before I took the next step.”

  Molly’s mouth went dry as he looked deeply into her eyes, his smile tender. “I should have asked you the day we came to an understanding, but my brother somewhat interrupted that moment,” he said, so quietly that Molly strained to hear him over the noise of the orchestra and the guests below. “My dear Molly, the only one I have ever loved, the only one who has my heart, will you do me the very great honor of becoming my wife? I cannot imagine a future without you in it.” He swallowed, his eyes dropping to the floor for a moment, before lifting back to hers. “I swear I will love you for the rest of my days.”

  Tears formed in her eyes as a joyful smile pulled at her lips.

  “Oh, my dear Seaworth,” she whispered, overcome with joy. “Of course I will marry you. I would not be without you, my love. You have my love and my trust. Name the day and I will be there as your bride.”

  His kiss was soft yet fierce, her tears slipping from her eyes to nestle on her cheeks and spreading dampness to both their faces. Molly clung to Lord Seaworth, her hands tight around his neck as he kissed her. This was the happiest moment of her life and she did not want it to end.

  “You have made me the happiest man alive, Molly,” Lord Seaworth whispered against her mouth. “My brother is already delighted, and I know my father will be also.”

  She smiled at him as he brushed her tears from her face. Her future was bright, filled with thoughts of a home of her own, of children she would bear.

  “And I have not forgotten what you said about your daughters, should we have any,” Lord Seaworth continued, taking her
hands in his again. “To name them after heroines in your novels, to inspire them to have their own minds – I think I must insist on that.”

  Laughing, Molly squeezed his hands. “And what if we are to have sons?”

  “Then, no doubt, my father will insist his name is included but I am certain he will not care if we have daughters.” He tipped his head and smiled at her. “So, you see, you must hope that we have as many daughters as you have heroines.”

  Molly looked into his eyes again for a moment and then kissed him with as much love and tenderness as she could. This was the man who would give her the future she had only ever dreamt of, who would promise her love and faithfulness until her dying day.

  “Come,” he murmured, moving back towards the staircase. “We must make the announcement.”

  “Now?” Molly gasped, surprised.

  “Now,” he declared, beaming at her. “It is the perfect moment. I cannot wait another minute to tell the world that you are to be mine.” He brushed his fingers down her cheek, his eyes holding hers. “I never thought I should be so changed, that I should ever find myself so deeply in love. You are extraordinary, Molly. I shall spend every day of my life making sure you know just how loved you are.”

  Taking his arm, Molly sighed happily as they made their way down the stairs and back towards the crowd of guests. She was betrothed. She would be married to Lord Seaworth, would stand by his side and make her vows to love him and honor him for all the days of her life. She could hardly wait for that moment. All of her dreams had come true.


  Dear Reader

  My dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading and supporting my books! I hope this story brought you some escape from the real world into the always captivating Regency world. A good story, especially one with a happy ending, just brightens your day.

  The Reluctant Marquess marks the end of the Duke’s Daughters series. I have enjoyed sharing the love stories of the four daughters - Amelia, Jessica, Jacintha, and Harmonia. I have included a preview of their books on the following pages. Hope you enjoy them!


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