Feros and the Underworld Prince

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Feros and the Underworld Prince Page 3

by A. L. Bridges

  “You’re a lesbian? Natasha’s bisexual? …Actually, that last part doesn’t surprise me in the least. I was referring to Chezarei as to whom I have a child with.” I clarify.

  “Wait, you had a kid with your sister!? Dude… eww.” Reyna says with a slightly disgusted look.

  “She isn’t really my sister and now isn’t the time to discuss this. Alright, let’s find Kita; she said she would be coming so have either of you seen her—Oh shit! Alam has her! Reyna, where is he!?” I frantically ask.

  “Whoa slow down; what do you mean Alam has Kita?” Jericho asks.

  “Alam told me through the vampire that he was going to ‘take care of that bitch’ of mine, which helped trigger the return of my memories because Illapa said the same about Cheza, but it just occurred to me that he doesn’t know about Cheza so he must have been referring to Kita!” I explain without taking a breath.

  “He’s at the warehouse on the corner of Agloolik and 3rd.” Reyna replies.

  “Alright, let’s get going bro!” Jason exclaims.

  “I’m coming with you guys.” Reyna adds.

  “Hold up! You guys are going to need weapons. Let’s head back to the Casbar, get you guys thoroughly armed, and then you can storm the place.” Jericho suggests.

  “Okay, everyone gather around and I’ll port us there.” I say as I hold out my right arm for everyone to grab, and then I touch my triskele. Nothing happens.

  “I was afraid of that. I’ll just take over for now.” Jason says and then he ports us to the Casbar in a swirl of black mist.

  Jericho walks around the bar and sticks his hand under the counter. A few moments later, a section of wall folds down into the floor. Reyna, Jason, and I follow Jericho down the grey stone steps and into an armory.

  “Yep, you are definitely Archer’s son.” I say as I take in the large collection of weapons.

  “Do you have any double-bladed swords?” Reyna requests.

  “No, I don’t. Cole, I’ve been holding onto these for a few months now.” Jericho answers and moves to a metal box.

  Jericho opens it up and inside are the Obliterator, the Diamond swords, my 10mm auto and its suppressor, my armored jeans, a new holster, and a new jacket in a charcoal grey color with a red stripe across the shoulders. I imagine that the blast incinerated my old jacket as well as the inlay, but Sara definitely had enough extras to make a new jacket. I notice a small jewelry box and when I open it, I see two replacement rings that are identical to the ones that Cheza gave me over a year ago…

  “You two will have to settle for dragon skin vests instead of the custom made stuff.” Jericho says, turning his attention to Reyna and Jason.

  “The blast melted the metal barrel and springs in your gun, but we were able to replace those.” Jericho informs me as I slide both rings into place on my fingers.

  “Sweet; thanks Jericho. Reyna, if you draw a blueprint of what you want, I can make it out of silicon carbide using my blood. I guarantee that it will be the lightest, and the strongest weapon that you’ve ever used.” I tell her while putting on my holster and jacket.

  “Really!? Thanks Cole!” Reyna exclaims and then runs off to find a pencil and paper.

  “Hey, do you guys mind if I get shneefed in here?” Jason asks.

  “Seriously? We’re about to mount an assault on a vampire stronghold that has untold numbers of supped up vampires and a liche! So yeah, let’s just start doing blow and jerking off on each other!” I respond incredulously.

  “Emilio’s dead in the shower!” Jason exclaims and we both start laughing. “Daniel Tosh’s joke about an alternate ending for The Mighty Ducks; classic!”

  “Definitely! But seriously bro, no shneefing; you may have a problem…” I reply.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right… can’t wait to show you some of the shit I can do now, CT!” Jason says excitedly while trying to change the subject to something other than his possible cocaine problem.

  “Okay, I just remembered that I can’t draw for shit… can I just describe what I need?” Reyna asks after coming back down the stairs.

  “Sure, I’ll do my best.” I tell her.

  “Alright, I need a total length of five feet with eighteen inch, straight, double-edge blades on both ends and two X-shaped cross guards.” Reyna explains. I twist my right ring open and slice into my left forearm. I build the weapon to Reyna’s specifications and hand it to her. (4.6 Liters)

  “Thanks Cole!” Reyna says.

  “Yeah, no problem. Hey, do you have any idea how many in number Alam’s force is?” I ask.

  “Roughly thirty…” Reyna replies. Now I’ll just need to see if their auras are red like the supped up vampire in the Citadel.

  “Alright, put your vests on and let’s get going.” I say.

  Chapter 6: Party Favors Aren’t Always Fun

  There are four vampires on the roof of the warehouse and two by the gate. The ones on the roof are armed with rifles (with models that I can’t discern at this distance) while the ones guarding the gate only have swords, but they also have red auras.

  “Alright, any plans on how to take out the guys on the roof? Normally I would just port behind them and silently execute them, but it seems that I can’t port…” I say.

  “Just leave that to me, CT!” Jason exclaims with a smile and disappears in a swirl of black mist.

  I look on the roof and see that Jason has appeared behind one of the guards. Jason swings his arm and black mist passes through the guard. A second later, the guard throws up a large quantity of blood before falling over while Jason takes care of three more before they know what’s happening. Four bodies lie prone on the roof and a black swirl appears beside me about fifteen seconds later.

  “Alright, the two guards by the gate are the supped up variant that I fought in the Citadel and something tells me that the moment we kill them, Alam will know that we are here.” I inform them.

  “So what do we do?” Reyna asks.

  “Okay, here’s the plan: you two will engage them as I rush past them, enter the warehouse, kill everyone, and rescue Kita. You two should follow as soon as you finish them, but I’ll hopefully have it wrapped up by the time you get there.” I break it down.

  “Wrapped up? Cole, you could barely handle one in the Citadel, let alone the twenty or so that are in there!” Reyna exclaims.

  “Oh ye of little faith! Didn’t you know that my boy is a bona fide badass?” Jason says. “Don’t worry CT; we’ll deal with those two and join you in the warehouse!”

  “Alright, do you need a weapon or something?” I ask.

  Jason shakes his head and smirks before the black mist wraps around his right hand until it resembles a blade that is roughly three feet long and sort of triangular; that must be the weapon that Jason used on the other guards. Not entirely sure how that black mist can cut things, but Jason looks confident.

  “Thanks Jason. Don’t worry Reyna; you haven’t even seen what I can do yet!” I confidently say while I slice my palms open as a precaution.

  “Alright, just be careful; Natasha will be crushed if you die… you know, again.” Reyna says.

  “I will be.” I say as I engage my helmet.

  I flash forward and blow past the vampires, distracting them and allowing Reyna and Jason to get the upper hand. I throw the warehouse doors open and step inside to see that I’ve fallen into a trap. I’ve got about ten assault rifles trained on me as well as fifteen other vampires with melee weapons.

  “Welcome to the party! Sorry I couldn’t make it in person.” Alam says through a nearby vampire that is cloaked in a red aura; roughly half of the vampires here are just like him

  “COLE!” Kita screams from the arms of Alam’s vampire speaker box. “I’m so glad that you are safe!”

  “As an apology for not being there in person, here is a party favor!” Alam says.

  Everything slows down as I watch the vampire pull out a gun, press it against Kita’s temple, and pull the trigger.
  I hear a demonic roar as everything fades to darkness.


  I wake up in a large plush bed with a saline drip and a blood bag being fed into my right arm intravenously.

  I wasn’t strong enough to save her…

  I’m sorry, Kita.

  I sit up and look around. I’m in a large black obsidian room that, judging by the décor, is most likely inside of a mansion or palace.

  “Airi, what happened after Kita died? All I remember is a roar…”

  (In essence, it was your Drive)

  “What? How is that possible? My Drive disappeared! He said that my being won out!”

  (You are now We. Your Drive assimilated with you)

  A whole bunch of things just started making sense. Why did I think I would get all of the benefits of my Drive and none of the negatives, like sadistic bloodlust?

  “Wait, so why is my Drive out of control now?”

  (Your amnesia weakened the barrier and then the intense emotion you felt watching Kita’s murder allowed it to gain control? It shouldn’t have a will of its own anymore so it most likely won’t do anything that you wouldn’t… probably)

  “What the hell do you mean probably!?”

  (I don’t know… look, I’m a little busy right now)

  “Busy with what!?”


  “That’s monotonous anyway! How can you not keep up a conversation while doing that!?”

  (Why can’t you give virgin birth?)

  “Because I’m not a woman!”

  (Exactly; your argument is invalid)

  “How is that an argument!? At least tell me what happened!”

  (I’m about to reach fifty though!)


  (*Gasp* You did not just call me a hoe!*Click*)

  *Beep, Beep, Beep*

  Damn, I fell for the ‘Call Center Ploy’! i.e. the ploy known by call centers world-wide where the person providing assistance tries to be as infuriating as possible while wasting your time in the hope that you will swear at them, giving them reason to hang-up on you so you can start the two hour process all over again.

  Well, I guess this is one mystery that isn’t getting solved at the moment. I stand up, grab the rolling bag hanger, and walk out of the room. I head down an obsidian hall and I suddenly pick up on two voices.

  “I can’t believe they got Kita… things are getting serious.” Is that Pinga?

  “Yes, but at least Cole is awake now. He will be able to turn the tide… that is your cue to come in, boy.” The other woman says.

  I enter the room and see Pinga, whose gaze I avoid, and Jason’s mom, Hel. Hel is in her early forties, about 5’6” tall, slim with a pale complexion, and straight dark brown hair that is shoulder length.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to save her Pinga…” I quietly say while still avoiding her gaze. Pinga places her hand on my shoulder.

  “Don’t blame yourself Cole; you know that she wouldn’t have wanted that.” Pinga softly says.

  “Yeah…” That just makes me feel worse about losing her.

  “Listen Cole, we have a situation. The Underworld’s Supreme leaders: Osiris, Hades, Izanami, and myself; agreed that all of the Underworld would remain neutral in any conflict. Now, someone is trying to take over the Underworld. The liche’s vampires are getting upgrades that make them faster and stronger and it’s putting some of them on par with low rung deities. Somebody is backing him, and we need you to find out whom.” Hel says.

  “The Agency’s director has also requested your assistance in the investigation with Reyna.” Pinga adds.

  “Point me in his direction, ma’am. Alam is going to learn what happens to those that harm the people I care for.” I say with an uninflected tone.

  “We need to know who is supporting him, Cole; if you kill him, that information may be lost.” Hel says.

  “I’ll send my blood inside of him and have it rip his consciousness to shreds to find the information, ma’am.” I say emotionlessly.

  “You can do that? Well, if that’s the case then you should be able to find him in Irkalla. First, I should probably give you a Haglaz rune. Take your shirt off.” Hel orders.

  I’m not entirely sure that I should trust her since she’s Loki’s daughter, but I take off my shirt anyway. Hel reaches out as black mist swirls around her arm and shoots toward me. I see the face of a dog bite down on my shoulder. I scream out in pain as a burning sensation that is unlike anything I’ve ever felt, sinks deeply into my right shoulder.

  I feel my body hit the ground as consciousness evades me.


  Chapter 7: Have you seen me?

  I awaken in one of Jericho’s guest beds with a pounding headache. I look at my right pectoral and see what looks like a silver H, but the middle bar is slanted diagonally. Man, my head is just killing me… I could really use some water. I stand out of bed and walk down the hall towards the kitchen. I see Jericho passed out on the floor at about the same time that I hear feminine moaning. I turn the corner to find Reyna and Jason hooking up on the kitchen counter.


  “I am!” Reyna replies.

  “Then what are you doing here!?” I ask.

  “CT, have you seen me?” Jason asks rhetorically.

  “Yeah, but she’s still gay!” I retort.

  “Bitch please… nobody’s that gay.” Jason says.

  “Whatever, I have a massive headache so I’m going to grab a bottle of water and try to sleep it off.” I say while pinching the bridge of my nose.

  “Yeah, my mom said that you had an interesting reaction to the Haglaz rune.” Jason replies as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

  “Bro, that is so wrong… if you are going to mention your mother in conversation, then you have to pull out at the very least. I’m going to bed; we can talk about this shit in the morning.” I say as I turn to walk back to the guestroom.

  “Goodnight!” They both say in unison as they resume their previous activity.


  I find myself floating in black space again.

  “The Haglaz rune will expedite revealment of the grace of the north east face, and then an encounter will take place.” The overlapping ‘helmet’ voice echoes through the darkness.

  “Oh look, it’s Doctor Seuss with a voice modulator! Where’s Sam and his green eggs or Danny DeVito?” I ask.

  “Haha! I am looking forward to our meeting, my son.”


  [September 7th]

  I awaken to the sweet smell of bacon and waffles. Well it looks like I wasn’t dreaming before and Jason really did have sex with Reyna; every time he would have sex with a girl on the counter, Jason would always clean the kitchen before making bacon and waffles, only forcing him to clean the kitchen for a second time. It’s pretty nice that he’s back; I’ve missed his antics.

  Memories of my dream pop into my head as I sit up in bed. What had the voice in my dream said; something about the Haglaz rune and the north east face?

  I exit the bedroom and walk into the kitchen where I see Jericho cradling his head at the table, Reyna gawking into the kitchen from the table, and Jason cooking breakfast wearing nothing but an apron… Kita…

  “Hey Jericho, can I use your computer?” I ask.

  Jericho grumbles in response, but it doesn’t sound negative so I head down the hall and into his office. I boot up his computer and Google search ‘north east face’. The internet in the Underworld is a one way connection and outgoing information is blocked; however, things have been known to get through to earth, which is why there are cases of people getting email or voicemail from people that should be dead. All that comes up from my search is knock-off North Face gear so I shut the computer down and return to the kitchen.

  “So how are you feeling, bro?” Jason inquires as I sit down.

  “My head still hurts a bit.
I’m a little fuzzy on the details so could someone please tell me what happened? I don’t remember anything past Kita’s death…” I quietly say.

  “Well we heard a roar as Jason was helping me finish off my opponent. We ran into the warehouse and found you unconscious next to Kita’s body, along with hundreds of vampire bits everywhere.” Reyna explains; yeah, that sounds about right. We eat in silence.

  “Why did I have a bizarre reaction to the Haglaz?” I ask after several minutes.

  “My mother thinks it has something to do with the blood transfusion that I gave you. She isn’t sure what it’s going to do, but with you it’s bound to be interesting!” Jason states.

  Without knowing that my blood cannibalizes any foreign blood that enters my stream, Jason’s O- would be the smart choice for a transfusion, but since my blood basically ate Jason’s, that can’t be why the Haglaz acted strangely. However, since the Haglaz is a religious symbol and it turned silver, I now think it’s safe to assume that any religious symbol on my skin will turn silver; after all, that is the third example. I wonder if Kali is the one doing this…

  “Alright, so what’s the plan?” I ask.

  “We go to Alam’s hideout and politely ask him what he knows and then we not-so-politely kill him?” Reyna suggests.

  “Sounds like a plan to me! To Irkalla!” Jason exclaims.

  “After you put on some clothes that aren’t cooking related.” I say.

  “What!? And deny the Babylonian honeys all of this!?” Jason says while turning around and motioning to his ass. Reyna giggles in response.

  “Yes.” I bluntly reply.

  “Fine, I’ll go take a shower. Care to join me, Reyna?” Jason seductively asks.

  Reyna looks completely torn. Part of her looks like she really wants to go, but the other part is reminding her that she is supposed to like girls.

  “That would probably be a good idea to conserve time.” I tell her. Her face flickers for a moment before she nods seriously and follows Jason to the bathroom.

  “Do you want to use the other shower? They will probably be in there for a while.” Jericho suggests from his position with his head resting face down on the table.


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