Feros and the Underworld Prince

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Feros and the Underworld Prince Page 19

by A. L. Bridges

  “Tsk… my vote was for forty-three… oh well, I still won the main bet!” Natasha exclaims.

  “Why was everybody betting on when I’d blow my cover anyway?” I ask, slightly peeved upon realizing that the reason Natasha was worried about my cover being blown the other day was because she hadn’t bet on that day.

  “Cole… you are one of the most unsubtle people I’ve ever met.” Natasha tells me in a fashion that is similar to a doctor telling their patient that they have a terminal disease.

  “What? How is that even possible? Ryuji has fucking wings!” I point out.

  “Yeah and I’d still trust him to do a better job at sneaking into someplace than you; at least he wouldn’t use explosives to start a stampede as a distraction. The office’s faith in your ability to do this mission stealthily was nonexistent; so much so that when Carla brought up what we should do in the event that you actually complete the mission without blowing your cover, the whole office gave each other these little glances before everyone burst out laughing.” Natasha recants.

  “Great… anyway, what should we do about Travis?” I inquire.

  “Hmm… Let’s just hire him and bring him in on the mission! Have you seen him fight yet?” Natasha asks.

  “Yeah, earlier today when we were jumped by the fight club, whom I thought were assassins which led to me telling Travis about my identity. He knocked a werewolf out with one punch.” I tell her.

  “Sweet! He sounds perfect! He wanted to work for The Agency anyway, right? Tell him he’s hired and that he is to pass on any information to you.” Natasha says, which translates to ‘Hire him, but I don’t want more work so I’m going to give that extra work to you.’

  “Okay, I’ll go do that.” I reply.

  “Kay! See you in class tomorrow!” Natasha says and hangs up.

  I return to Graythorn and notify Travis of his new job, to which he replies “Getting paid to do something I was practically paying to do? Umm yeah, count me in!”

  Before bed, I try to give Sara a call on Skype, but she isn’t online and won’t answer her phone so I decide that my questions will have to wait for tomorrow.


  Chapter 27: Class is in Session

  [September 22nd]

  I wake up at 8:30am feeling well rested. I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower before heading to my organic chemistry class.

  “Alright, everyone come up and form a line for your books and a syllabus. Have your ID cards ready and for any new students, the books have already been charged to your account so don’t worry.” The professor, a short bald man in slacks, announces as he walks into the room.

  I’m about to get angry for having to pay premium for textbooks when I remember that I’m not paying for them at all. Besides, I can understand doing that for some classes; I mean, where are you supposed to find grimoires? Amazon?

  “Read the first chapter for tomorrow. You’re all dismissed.” The professor says once everyone in class has their books.

  Alright, one down and three to go. Next up is Ryuji’s computer science class. I get there early and see Naia waiting outside.

  “Hey Naia.” I say in greeting as I sit beside her.

  “Oh, hello Cole.” Naia says while playing with her hands, most likely out of anxiety.

  “So have you made any friends yet?” I ask.

  “No… not yet.” Naia quietly replies.

  “Well, don’t worry; I’m sure you will soon. So why did you decide to take computer sciences?” I inquire.

  “I sort of like this stuff…” Naia replies as the previous class starts to exit the room.

  Naia and I enter the room and we sit down in the front row at Naia’s choosing. Ryuji comes in and sits down at a small desk at the front of the room, looking rather nervous. An older man, whom I assume is the professor, walks in a few minutes later. Ryuji starts passing out syllabi as the rest of the students funnel in. The professor goes over the syllabus and explains what we can expect from this class. I find myself getting more and more confused as he goes on while everyone around me seems to understand.

  After class finally ends, I decide to introduce Naia and Ryuji so I hold her back as everyone else leaves.

  “Hey Fe—er, Cole. So what did you think of computer science?” Ryuji asks as we approach him.

  “I think that I am probably going to fail this class and that I’ll never need to use this information anyway.” I bluntly reply.

  “Oh, come on! There are plenty of situations where operators use this knowledge… uh… or so I’m told…” Ryuji says nervously while flicking his eyes back and forth between me and Naia.

  “Well, the next time I need to get information off of a computer, I’ll just kill everyone in the building and have them send you in.” I blatantly say to signify that Naia is already privy to certain sensitive information.

  “Well, what if you can’t do that?” Ryuji asks.

  “Then I’ll steal the damn computer and bring it to you.” I reply.

  “And what if the situation calls for stealth?” Ryuji suggests.

  “Then they wouldn’t have sent me in the first place!” I respond.

  “…you have a point.” Ryuji concedes.

  “Anyway, this is Naia. Naia, this is The Agency’s best tech and analyst, Ryuji.” I introduce.

  “Dude, did you introduce us just because we both have wings?” Ryuji asks.

  “No, I did it because you’re both Asian and like computer science.” I reply semi-sarcastically. After all, part of the reason I am introducing them is because they like computers; the other part is so that Naia knows of someone else she can turn to if she needs help, besides Natasha.

  “Uh, jinn are Egyptian.” Ryuji says.

  “Okay, so technically Asian.” I reply.

  “Egypt is in Africa.” Ryuji states.

  “Shit, seriously? Damn I am so bad with geography… next you’ll be telling me that Sierra Leone isn’t an island near India.” I respond.

  “It isn’t; Sierra Leone is a coastal African country. I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Sri Lanka.” Ryuji clarifies my misunderstanding.

  “Fuck… I seriously need to just sit down with a globe and spend a few hours memorizing the location of every country. Anyway, I did my part introducing you two; now talk about wings or something. I have to get to my next class so see you guys later.” I tell them and head to my kickboxing class.

  I arrive at my class as the bell rings. I look around at the large number of females sitting on the gym’s padded flooring, and I see Nagi with her usual group from the dorm. Nagi waves me over and I go sit down beside her as a Spanish version of Ewan McGregor walks into the room. The large number of females now makes sense, but I don’t understand why a kickboxing class wouldn’t be attractive to more males; there are only three of them in this class of thirty.

  “Welcome to PE 202: Cardio Kickboxing.” Spanish Ewan McGregor says in accented English. I pinch the bridge of my nose and start shaking my head.

  “What’s wrong?” Nagi whispers.

  “I just discovered that my advisor is an idiot that doesn’t know the difference between kickboxing and cardio kickboxing.” I explain. Or perhaps Carla knows the difference and just wanted to fuck with me.

  “Come on, cardio kickboxing isn’t that bad!” Nagi replies. The instructor tells us what kind of clothing he wants us to wear.

  “And that is basically it. I expect you all to be prepared tomorrow for our actual first day of class. Have a good afternoon.” The instructor says and exits the room.

  “Cole, this is Stacy, Kacey, and… *Sigh* Sarah.” Nagi says.

  “Wha—why did you say my name like that?” Sarah asks, looking hurt.

  “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Nagi is disappointed that you’re name isn’t Tracy or something so that all of your names would rhyme, despite how confusing that would be in actuality.” I explain and Nagi nods in affirmation.

  “Well it has bee
n nice meeting you ladies, but I have another class to get to. See you all tomorrow!” I bid them adieu and head to my English class.

  I reach my English class and a sense of dread fills me because of what I see, and she doesn’t appear to like seeing me. Cheza scowls at me as I walk into the otherwise empty classroom.

  “It wasn’t what it looked like.” I say as I sit down beside her, referring to the sight of Nagi naked in my room that she was greeted with on Saturday. I figure that an empty classroom with no witnesses is definitely the safest place to have this conversation; I mean it’s not like there’s a chance that I’ll get stabbed or anything!

  “Yeah, I’m sure!” Cheza sarcastically exclaims.

  “Cheza, how many times have I said that sentence, or something close to it?” I ask.

  “…five.” Cheza replies after a moment.

  “And how many times have things been exactly as you thought they were?” I ask, being careful to keep my tone away from the ‘talking to a child’ setting.

  “…zero…” Cheza replies as she seems to calm down.

  “Alright, so who was she and why was she naked in your room?” Cheza asks.

  “I haven’t told anyone else about this, so don’t say anything… she works for my brother, or so she says.” I tell her.

  “Your brother?” Cheza asks perplexed.

  “Yeah, she was told to give me a present to keep me from dying, along with a message to not die again because ‘mom and dad’ don’t have the resources to bring me back a second time.” I recant while leaving out the method of how I would be dying.

  “What was the present?” Cheza asks. I stick out my tongue and show her the silver yantra. “What is that?”

  “It’s a yantra, a symbol for Hindu gods.” I explain.

  “But if your brother gave you a yantra, then that means… but you aren’t a demigod, are you?” Cheza asks.

  “No… the first step is for me to find out exactly whose yantra this is and go from there…” I explain.

  “Wow… I’m sorry that I jumped to conclusions…” Cheza apologizes.

  Oh my gods… I’m still dead aren’t I? There is no way that Cheza would be apologizing otherwise!

  “Ass!” Cheza lightheartedly exclaims as she jabs my kidney with her elbow.

  “Whoops… did I say that out loud?” I reply as more students start walking in.

  All of the students arrive, the bell rings, and Natasha still hasn’t shown up. We wait around for five minutes before Natasha strides in the door with a confidence that states her belief that she isn’t late, the bell just rang early; although, it could just be her ensemble.

  Natasha is wearing a women’s suit with a skirt that is so short that her garter belts are clearly visible; she is probably flashing her panties to the entire front row, provided that she is actually wearing any. That isn’t even mentioning the amount of cleavage that the top of her ensemble is showing, and to top it all off, she’s wearing a pair of wire-frame glasses that look insanely sexy for some reason that is beyond me. In other words, I’m pretty sure she just gave every male in the room a hard-on, and probably a few of the girls. Natasha meets my eyes and smirks at me.

  “Welcome to English 123, or writing for idiots; I’m Professor Holmstrom. In this class, I’ll assign you things to write about and then grade them for grammar and whatnot. I should tell you that I award extra credit if the paper is funny and I find that I dock points if it’s boring; I don’t dock points on purpose of course, but I do tend to be a tougher grader when faced with boredom.” Natasha announces. I just realized that, before this moment, I had no idea what Natasha’s last name was.

  “I don’t have a syllabus for you guys or any of that shit, but I’ll make it really simple: have fun writing and I’ll give you a 4.0… so long as whatever you write about isn’t boring. I suppose I should give you guys a prompt for tonight’s assignment… okay, a one page paper on the best night that you don’t remember because of alcohol!” Natasha orders.

  “Um, ma’am? Isn’t that a little too private?” a girl asks.

  “Hmm… I suppose you’re right… I know; I’ll share my own experience so that we’re all even! The best night I can’t remember because of alcohol was at the birthday party of a fourteen year old… wow this story is already starting off pretty bad; don’t worry though, it gets worse. So I ended up getting trashed on fairy liquor and made out with this girl, who was eighteen at the time. Anyway, I ended up having a threesome with her and her brother.” Natasha says, getting a large ‘ooh,’ from the class.

  “I guess I should make it clear that they weren’t actually related. So the sister was dressed in a sex kitten costume while I was dressed in a maid outfit. I woke up in her brother’s bed with my ass hurting, but the best part was probably the fact that chocolate syrup was smeared all over the sheets and walls and that there was an empty jar of peanut butter on his night stand. Top that, bitches! I look forward to reading your stories tomorrow! Be sure to turn them in online tonight before the deadline at 11:55pm and you can access the drop box for this class through your student account.” Natasha says and walks out of the room, dismissing the class.

  “Cole, meet me in my office.” Natasha thinks.

  I gather up my stuff and follow my classmates out the door. Thanks to our connection, it is a simple task for me to tell where Natasha is and it appears that her office is three floors above me. I head up the stairs and down a hallway before I reach her office. I knock and open the door to the small 10’x10’ office that only holds a desk and a couple of bookcases, to make it look like it belongs to an English professor. Natasha is standing in front of her desk, shuffling through some papers.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I ask as I walk in, closing the door behind me, and approach her from behind. Natasha quickly spins, grabs my shoulders, and pulls me on top of her as she sits on her desk.

  “I’m your teacher wearing a sexy outfit and we’re alone in my office; fuck me, right?” Natasha suggests.

  “I’m not sure that’s such a great idea…” I reply. Suddenly I get this image of Natasha calling out my name while masturbating. “Now it seems like a better idea…”

  “Haha, I guess Tia was right about Cheza not having used that on you, huh? Why that girl was leaving such a weapon unused since Tia gave her the idea in Hawaii is beyond me. Well, hurry up and get started, Cole; I’m not wearing any panties anyway!” Natasha exclaims.

  “Why, Miss Holmstrom; I do believe that you’re trying to seduce me.” I reply with a sly grin.

  “Is it working?” Natasha coyly asks. I unzip my pants in response.

  So I start fucking my teacher against her desk. We go at it like that for a while before I spin her and start hitting it from behind, with Natasha bent over her desk. I smack her ass and she starts moaning louder, drowning out the sound of her door opening. I continue in my duty as I turn my head to see Naia and Ryuji standing in the doorway.

  “Hey guys… what’s up?” I ask, somewhat stunned and slowing in my rhythm.

  “What exactly is going on here?” Naia asks.

  “Well, my professor seduced me, invited me into her office, and convinced me that I was a naughty boy in need of punishment. I didn’t take too kindly to said punishment so I decided to return it to her in kind.” I reply, now fully stopped and trying to deflect the awkwardness with humor.

  “Please don’t tell Cheza about this…” I beg, giving up on deflection.

  “Well, it’s a little late for that; she was standing outside the door when we got here, looking rather flustered.” Ryuji replies. Fuck… as if my relationship with Cheza couldn’t get any more tenuous at the moment.

  “Could you guys give us a moment?” Natasha asks from her prostrate position on her desk.

  Naia and Ryuji close the door behind them and I withdraw myself from Natasha. Shit! Why can’t I stop fucking up with Cheza? Maybe this is just a sign from the universe that I’m not meant to be with her…

t worry; I’ll talk to her and explain things. It will all work out, I promise.” Natasha thinks.

  “I’ve got homework and stuff so I’ll see you tomorrow.” I reply and leave her office.

  I pass by Ryuji and Naia without a word, and head back to Graythorn Hall. I head up to my room and flop down on my bed.

  (Do not fret, Master. Everything will work out as it should in regards to Chezarei)

  “You really believe that, don’t you?”

  (Have I ever lied to you, Master?)

  I’m pretty sure that Airi has lied to me before, but her words are still oddly reassuring. I walk over to my desk and pull my organic chemistry book out of my backpack. I get about halfway through the chapter when I begin to question why I’m doing this at all. My original career that I had in mind is basically forfeit now; I’m far too adept at killing for my future to go in any other direction.

  (This is true… for the present future at least)

  I’m about to ask Airi what she means when I hear a knock at my door.

  “Hey bro, want to go get some dinner?” Travis asks when I answer the door.

  I go and get dinner with Travis in the food court. We idly chatter and head back to our respective rooms; the only point to eating together was just so that we weren’t eating alone anyway. I finish my chemistry reading before writing my one page paper for Natasha. She already knows about my ‘best’ nights that I don’t remember, so I decide to tell her about the night that Cheza roofied me as a punishment for flirting with her friend.

  When I’m finished with my homework, I boot up Skype and see that Sara is on so I call her.

  “DADDY!” Addie screams when the call is answered.

  “Where have you been Daddy?” Addie asks on the verge of tears.

  “I’m sorry sweetie; last time I called you were already asleep. I promise that I’ll try and talk to you more regularly from now on. How was your first day of preschool?” I ask.

  “It was a lot of fun! There was snack time and nap time and I got to play with other kids!” Addie exclaims excitedly.

  “That’s great sweetie! Are you excited to go back tomorrow?” I inquire.


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