Feros and the Underworld Prince

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Feros and the Underworld Prince Page 23

by A. L. Bridges

  “I understand…” Travis replies.

  “Alright, I have to go talk with Cheza now so she doesn’t worry anymore. Sorry for waking you up.” I apologize and leave.

  I head downstairs, gently knock on Cheza’s door, and brace myself. Cheza angrily throws her door open and glares at me.

  “So now you’re fooling around with Lila too!?” Cheza accuses. I walk past her into her room and she slams the door behind me.

  “No, I’m not.” I say.

  “Then what were you doing at her house to where you couldn’t answer your phone!?” Cheza shouts.

  “I was passed out on the couch with two punctured lungs.” I explain. Cheza’s face instantly changes from anger to concern.

  “I heard Lila call out to me so I ported to her location, just in time for an armed robber’s bullet to pass through my right lung. The entry wound of the bullet caused a shard of rib to poke a hole in my left lung before I took out the robbers. After grabbing Lila and porting to her penthouse, I passed out. I woke up ten hours later, left Lila’s place, got picked up by the police, spent the last three hours in an interrogation cell, and had my identity as The Faction’s Executioner discovered.” I inform her.

  “They know about Feros? Shit… what are you going to do?” Cheza asks; I should have known that she’d already know my nickname.

  “Watch as everyone becomes afraid of me and distances themselves… my part in the investigation is pretty much over; we’re relying on Travis now.” I tell her somberly. Cheza walks over and embraces me.

  “You know I’ll be here, right?” Cheza softly says.

  “Yeah… thanks Cheza.” I reply as I hug her back.

  “Come on, let’s get some sleep.” Cheza says as she takes my hand and leads me to her bed.


  Chapter 32: The Gravitational Pull of a Fan and a Shit Meteor

  [September 28th]

  After waking up next to Cheza at about 11am, the day proceeds rather normally. Naia, Cheza, Travis, and I all go to dinner where Naia tells us about her date with Ryuji and thanks me for introducing the two of them. When I get back, I call Addie and try to explain why I wasn’t able to call last night without telling her that I was unconscious after being shot. I promise that I will call again tomorrow night and tell her that I love her before ending the call. I go to sleep, dreading the following day.


  [September 29th]

  My stomach is a knot of anxiety as I walk to my organic chemistry class, but I don’t hear even a whisper from any students about Feros. After chemistry, I head to computer science.

  “Hey Cole, has shit hit the fan yet?” Ryuji asks as he starts walking next to me.

  “No, not yet…” I reply.

  “Well that’s good. Anyway, thanks for introducing me to Naia; I really like her.” Ryuji says.

  “No problem, but do me a favor and tell her that she should probably stay away from me in the coming future if she still wants to make friends. If she gets angry at you, tell her I told you to relay the message and if that fails, tell her to talk to Cheza; she’ll explain the situation for her.” I explain as we walk into class.

  “Sure, I can do that.” Ryuji solemnly replies.

  “Thanks.” I tell him and then I take a seat. Naia comes in a few minutes later and sits down next to me.

  “Hello, Cole!” Naia cheerfully says.

  “Hello, Naia. Ryuji has something he needs to talk to you about after class.” I reply. Naia’s face grows incredibly concerned.

  “Is he breaking up with me? I thought our date went well but… were we even going out? Can it even be considered breaking up if you weren’t going out!?” Naia asks while on the verge of tears.

  “Whoa! Relax! I am positive that that isn’t what he needs to talk to you about. I’m also positive that he likes you, probably as much as you like him.” I reassure her. Naia’s demeanor turns back, telling me that I’ve repaired my error.

  Class ends and I make my way to kickboxing. The girls greet me normally and class goes on as usual.

  “Bye Cole, see you tonight!” Nagi says as I head off to English.

  “Ooh! What’s happening tonight?” Kacey teases.

  “Well, we will both be sweating and rolling around and by tomorrow, both of us will be sore. There is also the possibility of one of us having some bruising or a concussion.” Nagi says, deliberately making it sound dirty despite the fact that all of those things are true. I hear girl squeals in response to Nagi as I walk out of range.

  I head into English class and sit down next to Cheza.

  “I haven’t heard anything so I take it that things haven’t exploded yet?” Cheza asks. I nod in response.

  “Hey is everything still going well?” Natasha thinks as she walks in the room a minute later.

  “*Sigh* I’m happy that you guys care about me, but I do tire of repeating myself. Yes, everything is fine for now.” I inform her. Natasha smiles and starts class.

  After class, Cheza and I walk back to Graythorn together. We walk up the stairs and I’m surprised when she continues with me up to the sixth floor. She follows me into my room and plops herself down on my bed. My heart rate picks up until Cheza pulls a magazine out of her bag and starts thumbing through it. I sit down at my desk with a sigh and I pull out my class assignments.

  “Do you mind me hanging out in here?” Cheza asks.

  “No, it’s just that I…” was expecting something different when you jumped on my bed…

  “Oh… sorry… I guess I should have made my intentions clear… would a blowjob make you feel better?” Cheza asks and I perk up for a moment until a crushing depression hits me.

  “No thanks…” I reply when I realize that it’s basically a pity blowjob and there are few things more depressing than that.

  “What, am I not good enough!?” Cheza asks, looking hurt.

  “No, I just don’t really like blowjobs.” I tell her, which is partially true.

  “That isn’t true!” Cheza replies.

  “I’m not going to force you into giving me a blowjob because of my misunderstanding! Besides, I’d much rather be wearing your thighs as earmuffs, if you know what I mean.” I tell her. Cheza closes her magazine, stands up, walks over, and sits on my lap while wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “You know, there is a position that will allow us to do both.” Cheza says in a sultry tone before she nibbles on my ear.

  I move my left hand along Cheza’s thigh, up towards her skirt. She gives a sharp intake of breath when my hand reaches the apex of her thighs.

  “He’s really self-conscious about his arm so be careful of your reaction to it when you guys are hooking up. Fair warning though, it can be a little cold and hard; just think of it like a vibrator and it won’t be a surprise.” Natasha says across the table from me at an unfamiliar restaurant.

  Suddenly I’m back in my dorm, making out with Cheza again. I start rubbing her when someone knocks at my door. I consider ignoring it until I realize what time it is; that must be Travis reminding me about fight club. I disengage from Cheza, pick her up, and set her down on my bed on my way to answer my door.

  “Come on, we have to get going.” Travis tells me when I answer the door.

  “I’ll see you later Cheza.” I tell her.

  Cheza nods, flushed face and breathing heavily as I leave my room. Travis and I walk to the club room in silence. We arrive in the training room and I see that only the freshmen are here, with the exception of Jeremy.

  “Where are the rest of the club members?” I ask.

  “Didn’t anyone tell you? This training room is only for the freshmen. Each class has its own facility. I’ll be here for the first two weeks, but after that, you will be relying on your captain for guidance.” Jeremy replies.

  “Alright, everyone pair up. Cole, do you mind partnering with Nagi again?” Jeremy asks.

  “No, I don’t have a problem with it.” I reply.

  “Good. Okay
everyone, sparring and teaching each other is the best way to get better, so get to work!” Jeremy announces.

  With only three mats and four pairs, two pairs have to share a mat or rotate so Nagi and I sit this round out.

  “We are going to have to tone it down; you know that, right?” I whisper to her.

  “Yes, but are you sure that you’ll be able to?” Nagi whispers back.

  I don’t think I’ll have any problems restraining myself, until Nagi and I are up. We start sparring and I realize what she meant; this is practically unbearable. Constantly holding myself back and pulling my punches is far more irritating than cardio kickboxing. I somehow make it through, and head back to the dorm with Travis after practice.

  “So have you heard any rumors yet?” I ask Travis.

  “No, not yet.” Travis replies.

  “Maybe I’m just blowing this thing out of proportion; I’ve seen too many movies where a secret like this gets out and the effect is instantaneous the next day.” I say hopefully.

  “Yeah, maybe.” Travis responds.

  “Who knows, maybe the fact that I’m Feros won’t get leaked at all!” I exclaim.

  Why do I even think shit like that? It’s equivalent to asking for that bad thing to happen.


  [September 30th]

  I wake up the next morning feeling pretty good as I head to my chemistry class. I sit down and catch a lucky break when nobody sits next to me. I finish class and then I head to computer science. Naia sits next to me when she gets into class.

  “Cole… I’m not going to abandon you just because everyone will avoid you.” Naia whispers to me.

  “Naia, if you stay near me, you won’t be able to make any friends and I don’t want that. You were so excited about coming here and I’m not going to ruin your experience by having everyone shun you because of your association with me. I’d rather you just avoid me and make friends like you originally planned.” I tell her.

  Naia doesn’t say a word for the rest of the class and I don’t say anything as I leave for kickboxing. I notice people looking at me warily as I enter class, so I avoid everyone and head to the back of the gym.

  “Cole, we just wanted to let you know that we don’t believe the rumors about you being Feros.” Stacy says as she, Sarah, and Kacey walk over. I feel my stomach drop in response.

  “Thanks… but the rumors are true… I am Feros.” I tell them. Stunned silence follows for the next few moments.

  “Well, then we don’t believe the stories about you.” Stacy says while Kacey and Sarah look unsure.

  “Yeah! I mean, there’s no way that you tortured and killed those people or blew up half of Greenland… right?” Kacey asks uncertainly.

  “…I think I’m going to leave class early today.” I reply and trudge out the door.

  I pass by a few people that look at me with fear or disgust while everyone avoids me. I think I understand how these things happen so quickly in movies, well besides the obvious fact that they aren’t going to waste precious minutes with a gradual build-up. People work likes herds of animals; if a deer sees other deer avoiding a third deer, they will instinctually avoid that third deer. So I’m pretty sure that less than a quarter of the student body knows about Feros, but the other three quarters of the student body sees that quarter avoiding me, so they too are avoiding me.

  There doesn’t seem to be a class in the classroom prior to my English class today, so I walk in, take a seat, and let my head rest on the table with my arms hanging at my sides. I look up when I hear the door open about thirty minutes later; my classmate recognizes me, turns around, and walks out the door. I sigh and let my forehead thud to the table. I hear the door open again ten minutes later, but I don’t look up; no need to scare away another person. That person walks up the steps of the auditorium, walks down my row, takes a seat next to me, and entwines her familiarly smooth and chilly hand in mine.

  “Rough day?” Cheza asks pitifully.

  “You could say that…” I reply without lifting my head.

  Well, everyone pretty much hates me, but at least I still have Cheza; she’s all I need.

  “He’s been really depressed, Chezarei.” Natasha says in front of me, in her office.

  “Did you know that he’s practically suicidal? I had to stop him from killing himself last week when he thought that I was ‘throwing him away.’ He’s been having these dreams about Kita that are fucking with his head and I don’t know how much longer I can keep him sane. I tried playing the part of the caring girlfriend, but the fact remains that we are just friends; he needs the kind of support that only you can give him. You still love him, don’t you?” Natasha asks.

  “Of course I do…” Cheza’s voice says from my throat as my head involuntarily turns away from Natasha. “I just don’t know if we can be together…”

  “Chezarei, look at me. If you don’t stop jerking him around, we are going to lose him.”

  Next thing I know, I’m back in the classroom, staring at the table. People have started shuffling into the classroom, but I still haven’t looked up. Okay, it’s rather apparent that I’m somehow getting images of Cheza’s memories, but that shouldn’t be possible considering that we aren’t connected… then again, I’m almost positive that she has been reading my thoughts lately…

  “Airi, what’s going on?”

  (Fuck if I know dude… er, I mean, Master)

  Natasha walks in the room and begins class.


  “So, are you ready to go?” Cheza asks when class ends.

  “Are you sure you want to still be associating with me? Nothing good can come from it.” I tell her, offering her a way out.

  “Cole… I’m not going anywhere. As far as I’m concerned, all these people can go fuck themselves.” Cheza tells me with a gentle smile.

  “Well, if you’re sure, then…” I reply with a smile as I grab her hand. I reach through my shirt collar and touch my triskele, porting us back to my room; my identity as Feros is going to be common knowledge soon anyway, so why should I continue walking anywhere?

  “You know, I forgot how convenient that is… perhaps I should just have you port me to all my classes.” Cheza says with a surreptitious smile.

  “Haha I’d be happy to, mistress.” I reply.

  “Hmm… I’ve really missed having you call me that.” Cheza tells me with a sultry tone as she pulls my head down towards her. She kisses me deeply before I pull back.

  “I love you, Cheza. I’ve always regretted that I didn’t say that enough while we were together; I’m not going to make that mistake again.” I tell her.

  Cheza looks at me for several moments and starts shaking slightly.

  “I can’t take this anymore!” Cheza shouts as she rips my shirt off, and I don’t mean she quickly pulled it over my head; she literally ripped it off.

  Cheza pushes me onto my bed, jumps on top of me, and straddles me as she unbuttons her shirt.

  “So, shall we continue from the other day?” Cheza asks with a perfect ‘Tia’ smile.

  “Or vould you razher I gazher a car bazzery and speak vith zhe German accent?” Cheza whispers into my ear.

  “Who says we can’t do both? …Minus the car battery…” I tell her with a sly grin.

  “Fine, no car bazzery… but you must address me as mistress!” Cheza demands in a German accent.

  “Of course, mistress! I would never dream of calling you anything else!” I say as Cheza turns around and unzips my pants.

  I stick my head up her skirt, not wanting to be outdone. For whatever stupid, self-conscious reason, I start to question if any of those five guys were better than me, which totally throws off my groove.

  (I’m sorry, but you’ve thrown off the emperor’s groove)

  “Sooooooooorrrrrrryyyyy!” I think as a picture of a little old man being thrown out of a window and off of a cliff in Peru pops into my head. 8

  “Well I guess that I can’t be too mad when I sl
ept with five other guys, but in my defense, you were dead!” I hear Cheza’s hysterical voice say from my throat as I look down at myself lying in the bed in Niflheim; this is pretty freaky.

  (Why did you lie to Cole like that? We both know that Jarrett has been your first attempt at dating since Cole, courtesy of Katie’s concern, and you haven’t even slept with him yet)

  “I know, I panicked! This is all a little overwhelming…”

  I’m back with my head up Cheza’s skirt, stunned by my realization. I haven’t been seeing Cheza’s memories; I’ve been seeing Airi’s! Which means that Cheza is still connected to Airi, despite Cheza no longer being connected to me. So what is Airi really? A personification of my blood seems like a good answer, but my instinct is telling me that is incorrect…

  “Co-oole!” Cheza whines as she shuffles her hips slightly.

  I move her panties to the side and get to work. The fact that it has been a really long time for Cheza is apparent when I feel her finish less than a minute later as she moans out in ecstasy.

  “Let’s stop here for today. I have club practice in little while and homework that needs to be finished before then.” I tell her as I stand, put my dick back in my pants, and sit down at my desk.

  Cheza pouts in response, but doesn’t say anything as she pulls a magazine out of her bag, lies on her stomach, and starts flipping through it. Cheza’s ass just looks so inviting in that skirt… you know what? Fuck homework. I walk up behind Cheza, slide her panties off, and lay down on top of her in one smooth motion.

  “I changed my mind.” I whisper into her ear as I pull out of my pants and slide myself in.

  “AHmmm!” Cheza yelps as she bites into my pillow.

  “Sorry! Should I stop?” I ask, thinking that I might’ve hurt her. She shakes her head in response so I continue. I reach around and massage her breast with my right hand as I kiss and nibble the left side of her neck.


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