The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11)

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The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11) Page 9

by Cara Albany

  His solitude had seemed so important to him before today. He'd distracted himself with other things in an effort to keep his mind off the fact that he had retreated from life.

  Nicole rested her hand on the bench and lifted her head up, taking the sun on her face for a few moments. She closed her eyes and sighed softly. He could tell she didn't want to talk. It was obvious she wanted to enjoy the sunshine, savor the peace of this place. It was the least she deserved after what she'd been through, he told himself.

  Rashid gazed at Nicole. She had such a pretty profile. Her small, delicate nose contrasted so pleasantly with her high cheekbones. In the bright sunshine her skin was clear and fresh looking. He briefly savored the long line of her neck and the way her hair was tucked neatly behind her ears. There seemed to be the permanent promise of a mischievous smile at the corner of her mouth.

  He could see why Hakim had been so attracted to her; could understand what had driven Hakim to take such drastic, even desperate action.

  Nicole opened her eyes and turned to him. Rashid didn't turn away quickly enough and he knew she'd found out he'd been looking at her while she'd been taking the sun. But, she didn't say anything about it; didn't demand to know why he'd been looking at her.

  "You haven't told me what your father does," he said, desperate to compose himself.

  Nicole shrugged. "He's a businessman. He's working in the oil business while he's here."

  "An oil man," Rashid said nodding slowly.

  Nicole squinted at him. "He's not like a millionaire or anything. In case you thought I was the spoiled daughter of some oil man."

  "I wouldn't describe you as spoiled," he said.

  Nicole quirked a brow at him. "You wouldn't say that if you saw me at home," she admitted with a shake of her head.

  "So, you're a troublemaker?"

  Nicole peered at him. He saw her eyes narrow slightly as if she was assessing that comment.

  She nodded. "I know what I like, if that's what you mean," she said hesitantly. "And I know how to get it."

  Rashid hadn't wanted to cause offense. From her expression, he could tell she was trying to figure out what he'd meant by that last remark. "I just wanted to know if you've always liked causing mischief. When we're children, we all like to make trouble."

  Nicole tilted her head. "I guess you'd have to ask my mother and my sisters."

  Maybe it had been a bad choice of subject for conversation. Rashid thought it would be wise to get the subject back to her father.

  "I've known plenty of oil men," he said with a grin. "Oil is big business in Qazhar. And that means money. Which, of course, means all the problems which come from having money."

  Nicole glanced at the palace. "You seem to be doing okay," she said.

  "Inherited wealth," he explained curtly, lifting a brow at her.

  "It must be terrible," she said furrowing her brow. He could see she was mocking him slightly.


  Nicole shook her head. "Having all that money. It must be so difficult." She shook her head once more. Now he really knew she was teasing him.

  "I survive quite well," he said sighing. Did she think he sounded like a spoiled Qazhar son?

  "I can see you do," she added.

  "Let's not talk about money." He turned to Nicole. "It is such a vulgar subject of conversation."

  "Only if you've got too much of it," she bit back. For some reason she sounded suddenly irritated by his casual attitude to wealth.

  The truth was, he'd never really spoken about his wealth with anyone. It was merely something which was useful when it came to asserting his authority when he was with the local tribal leaders. His habitually casual attitude to money had clearly touched a raw nerve with Nicole. He wondered why.

  Rashid tilted his head. Nicole's impatience sometimes got the better of her. He could see why she could get herself into trouble if she was so easily provoked. There was a fiery side to her personality. Why didn't he think that was a bad thing? Normally he would have kept a woman like that at a distance. Somehow, Nicole was different.

  "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" he asked. He realized the way he'd said that had made it sound as if she was already at home here. It would take her a few days to settle in. Maybe he needed to give her some space, as he'd originally intended doing. That was before he'd spent time with her this morning. He wanted more of this, he told himself. He'd forgotten how good it felt to talk with someone like this. He hadn't realized just how much he'd wanted something like this.

  "I might rest a little," she announced after giving it some thought.

  Rashid felt a flurry of disappointment. "Rest?"

  Nicole nodded. She sighed. "It's getting hot."

  "You think so?" he asked. "This is the cool time of the year."

  "You're joking," she exclaimed, looking genuinely shocked. "Then, I'm in trouble."

  "There are ways to keep cool in the palace."

  Nicole lifted a brow. She looked suddenly suspicious. What did she think he was suggesting?

  "The east facing rooms become cooler in the afternoon," he explained. "Once the sun makes its way into the western sky."

  "I might try one of those rooms."

  "I'd be happy to show you the best places," he said.

  "I'm sure you would," she said. There was a slightly defensive tone to her voice now. The same tone which had been there when she'd noticed the way he'd been looking at her by the fountain.

  Nicole stood and Rashid rose quickly. He saw her gaze flicker quickly downward at his torso. He felt the dampness of his sweat on his white shirt. He was so accustomed to being out here on his own, he'd forgotten that his shirt could become damp and cling to his body.

  Nicole shifted awkwardly, wrenching her gaze rather too sharply away from him.

  "I'll take you back inside," he said.

  Nicole looked back at him. She looked mildly embarrassed now. "Thank you," she said softly.

  Then they walked back to the palace.


  Nicole spent most of the afternoon in her room. As she lay on her bed drifting in and out of sleep, she tried to convince herself that the reason she was here, in her suite, was to try and stay cool. Avoid the heat.

  But she knew the real reason. Knew the real heat she was trying to avoid. The heat she'd felt when she'd been with Rashid.

  What had happened with Rashid during their time together that morning had affected Nicole. Surprising feelings had been triggered.

  Because of those feelings, Nicole had to keep her distance from him. It was that simple. She'd seen the way he'd looked at her; seen the approval in his gaze; felt her heart quicken inexplicably in response to those looks.

  Nothing but trouble would come if she encouraged him. Nothing but trouble would come if she allowed herself to succumb to his obvious male temptations.

  But there was a problem. Nicole had found avoiding looking at Rashid so difficult. He was incredibly handsome, and he had a special quality about him that she'd never seen in any other man. At first, Nicole had found that quality hard to pin down, but she'd given it a lot of thought since taking refuge in her room.

  Rashid possessed a strength, mingled with a powerful sense of restrained passion. At every moment he seemed to be holding something back, seemed to be trying to contain a forceful desire which threatened to burst forth from him.

  At the same time she'd discerned what looked like a barely hidden pain, a wound which hadn't healed, even in the solitude of his palace life. She could see struggle hovering behind that fierce gaze of his. Was it simply because she was here with him? Or was it something else? Something he hadn't yet confessed to Nicole? Could it even be that she had triggered a long, subdued desire in him?

  One thing she knew for sure. Rashid liked her. Nicole knew she had a tendency to act impulsively. Being fooled by Hakim hadn't been the smartest thing she'd ever done. But, she also knew when a man was attracted to her. And Rashid was most d
efinitely attracted to Nicole.

  As she lay on the bed, with the cool air of the overhead fan caressing her body, Nicole let her mind wander to thoughts about the man who had both saved her and now had her captive.

  It wasn't really true that she was Rashid's captive. She knew that if she really asked him, he would ensure her safe return to Qazhar city. Even if it meant serious consequences for him, up here amongst the people with whom he lived all year round.

  Nicole and Rashid's agreement was based on mutual need. Her need to see Hakim lose out, and her desire to help Rashid because he had come to her rescue. For Rashid, there was obviously so much more involved. He and Hakim were clearly enemies.

  Rashid was obviously intent on making a firm statement about the need for progress in this part of the country. It seemed like a noble desire, and one that fit in completely with what she'd learned about Rashid.

  He was clearly a man of honor. She couldn't pretend to fully understand what was driving him, but she'd seen hints this morning when they'd shared details about their lives.

  Their agreement for Nicole to remain in the palace was based on convenience. In the end, it would suit both of them. But, in the process, this proximity to such a devastatingly tempting man was starting to awaken feelings in Nicole.

  Nicole stretched out on the bed and felt subtle tensions stirring within her, as she thought about Rashid. She'd felt those same sensations this morning. Trying to prevent him from noticing hadn't been easy.

  She knew there was one crucial aspect to her stay in the palace. An important element. One that she hadn't anticipated when he had swept her out of the camp in the middle of the night.

  It was simply this.

  Nicole found Sheikh Rashid almost unbearably attractive.

  Nicole's body had betrayed her on more than one occasion this morning. She knew that. Nicole had seen the approving glint in Rashid's eyes; she'd noticed the awkward way he'd reacted when she had met his gaze; she'd caught him watching her in the garden when she'd opened her eyes after taking the sun for a few moments.

  It all added up to one inescapable conclusion.

  Sheikh Rashid wanted Nicole.

  The reality of that simple thought shocked her for a moment. Nicole felt panic twist in her middle. Nicole let out a groan, flipped over onto her side and thrust the pillow against her cheek, almost burying her face in the softness.

  This wasn't going to end well, she told herself.

  It was obvious what had happened this morning. They'd spent the whole time flirting with each other. It was that simple.

  Nicole punched the pillow. Why did she have to always go and get herself into situations like this? Why couldn't she be like her sisters?


  Then she remembered the mess Erin had gotten herself into. Her sister had agreed to a marriage of convenience for reasons too complicated to understand, as far as Nicole was concerned.

  Nicole knew she was never very good at politics. Which was funny considering her mother was an ambassador.

  Thinking about her mother, emotion welled up inside Nicole. It was at times like this that her mother was always a rock to lean on. Her mother would know what to do. She'd always been a source of wisdom and common sense. Nicole definitely needed some of those two things, right now. In spades.

  Nicole sat up and sighed. Surely there must be some way she could communicate to her mother that she was safe, Nicole told herself.

  Maybe Rashid could do something to help.

  Nicole left her suite and made her way downstairs. She found Rashid in the sitting room reading a book.

  He looked up when she walked in. "Nicole. How was your rest?" His gaze moved quickly down the length of her body and she drew in a sharp breath trying to control her own treacherous reaction at seeing him again.

  "Fine," she said curtly.

  Rashid put the book down on the table next to him and stood. "Is there something you want?"

  Nicole wrapped her arms around herself and nodded. "Can I ask you something?"

  "Of course."

  Nicole squinted at Rashid. "Is there any way that I can contact my mom?"

  Rashid's brows furrowed. He hesitated before answering. "Why? Is there something wrong?"

  Nicole widened her eyes and nodded. "Other than the fact that I'm stuck here and I have a revolting man waiting outside the palace to see if he can marry me." She quirked a brow at Rashid. "Other than those things, I suppose everything's just perfect."

  She'd been too snarky with him. His shocked expression confirmed it. Nicole immediately felt bad. He didn't deserve that.

  "Look. I know you told me you don't communicate with the outside world much. But, is there any way I can talk with my mom?" she asked.

  Rashid peered at Nicole. Could he hear the desperation in her voice? He thought for a few moments and then nodded. "There is," he replied.

  "Really?" she exclaimed.

  Rashid nodded. "I'll get the satellite phone."

  "You have a satellite phone?" she asked.

  "I only use it in emergencies. It's the only kind of phone which works out here."

  Nicole narrowed her eyes. "And you didn't think to mention it to me?"

  "The subject hasn't really come up," he replied. "Until now."

  She gave him a look that told him she wasn't too pleased with that answer. But, before she could say anything more, he told her to wait and left the room.

  A few minutes later he came back holding a chunky looking cell phone. He handed it to her. She squinted at it, feeling the weight of it in her hand. "How old is this thing?" she asked.

  He frowned at her. "It works. That's all that matters," he said. "I'll leave you to it," he added striding toward the door.

  He paused at the door and turned to her. "Will you join me for dinner tonight?"


  Rashid nodded. "On the terrace." He grinned. "Under the stars."

  Nicole laughed quietly. How could she refuse such an offer? "What time?"

  "Eight," he said.

  "Okay," she replied.

  He looked pleased that she'd agreed. He nodded one last time and left the room.

  She sat down at a table and dialled her mother's personal number. Nicole heard a familiar voice answer.

  "Mom?" she exclaimed.

  "Nicole? Is that you?" she heard her mother say. In spite of a lifetime of diplomatic dealings, when it came to her daughters Annabelle couldn't hide concern in her voice. "Where have you been?" Annabelle asked. "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, mom. I told you I was going traveling in the desert. And that's what I did," Nicole explained.

  "You sound tired, dear," Annabelle said.

  "I'm fine."

  "Where are you?"

  Nicole thought a moment before answering. Should she tell her mother she was staying a sheikh's palace and that she wouldn't be home for while? Or should she soften the blow? She opted for the latter. There would be too many questions if she went into too many details.

  "I'm with a friend," Nicole said.


  Her mother didn't sound too convinced.

  "Is it someone I know?" Annabelle asked.

  "I don't think so."

  "Is he someone local?"

  "Did I say it was a he?" Nicole replied.

  "I'm your mother, Nicole," Annabelle said emphatically. Nicole didn't say anything. "So he is someone from Qazhar," her mother concluded.

  "I guess you could say that," Nicole admitted. There was no fooling her mother. "In any case, I needed to tell you, I'll be away for a few days."

  There was a long silence and then Annabelle spoke."That long? There isn't something you need to tell me?"

  How could she answer a question like that? Of course there were things she wanted to say to her mother. So many things. It was why Nicole had come down this room in the first place, why she'd called her mother.

  But, now that she'd reassured her mother she was safe, now that she'd
heard her mother's voice, Nicole felt reluctant to open up any further. She wondered why that was. And then realized it had to do with Rashid. Again.

  Rashid had helped Nicole by giving her the means to talk with her mother. The lingering doubts about Rashid which had nagged at Nicole up in her room had been gently pushed aside by that one simple action on his part.

  "It's fine, mom."

  "I can always get you on this number, can't I?" Annabelle said.

  For a moment, Nicole was confused, until she realized that Rashid's number would be captured by her mother's phone. It was a connection with the outside world. It meant Nicole wasn't completely cut off. She wondered if that was the reason Rashid had been reluctant to offer her the phone earlier.

  "Of course, you can," Nicole replied.

  "You're not going to tell me where you are," her mother said. It sounded almost like an accusation.

  "There's nothing to worry about, mom."

  "You know I can arrange for you to come home, no matter where you are," Annabelle said. Nicole didn't doubt that for a moment. The embassy had access to resources that would make it easy to bring the ambassador's daughter home. Did Nicole want that? It would bring this whole situation to an end. She thought about Rashid and decided against that option.

  "If I need help, I'll let you know, mom," Nicole said.

  "You're sure?"

  "I'm sure."

  There was a long sigh at the other end of the phone. "What do I tell your sisters?"

  "Tell them what you like," Nicole said. "Tell them I'm having a desert adventure. That'll annoy them," Nicole joked.

  Annabelle snorted. "I think I'll leave that for another time."

  Nicole felt better now that she could hear some of the worry had gone from her mother's voice.

  "I'm going to go now, mom," Nicole announced. "I love you."

  There was a pause and then Nicole heard her mother's voice, quieter now, and filled with obvious emotion. "You take care, Nicole. I love you, dear."

  "I will, mom."

  Nicole's throat felt tight as she disconnected the call and laid the phone down on the table.


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