The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11)

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The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11) Page 16

by Cara Albany

  Nicole was momentarily lost for words. Rashid looked somehow different. There was a brightness about his features that she hadn't seen before. His eyes had a light in them that had been missing when she had first met him. He looked like a man transformed.

  Nicole took a step closer, crossing the threshold of the doorway. "Rashid," she breathed. She smiled at him. "You're here?"

  Rashid nodded, but she could tell he was still struggling to find words. He gazed around the cavernous hallway of the palace. "I'm here," he said as if he couldn't quite believe it himself.

  "But I thought you told me you'd never come to this place," Nicole said.

  Rashid looked at her, his eyes filling with emotion. "Looks like I changed my mind," he declared.

  Rashid closed the door behind Nicole. For a long moment they just stood gazing at each other. She asked herself how she could have forgotten how gorgeous he was. The truth was she hadn't. Not for one minute since they'd parted.

  There was one more awkward instant when they both seemed to reflect on what this meant; what it meant that they had found each other again.

  And then Rashid came to her, swept her into his arms and kissed her.

  Sensations flooded through her body; relief that she was back in his arms; joy that she was with him again; happiness that their time apart was over.

  His kiss was tender. He wrapped his arms around Nicole, drawing her close to him so that she could feel that familiar power of his, that strength she had savored so much. It felt so good to be with him again.

  When, at last, the kiss ended, he lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. There was wonder and amazement in those dark, tempting pools of his.

  "I'm so happy to see you again, Nicole," he murmured.

  It felt as if he never wanted to let her go and, right now, she was quite happy to settle herself against his firm body, feel his gentle, firm grasp.

  "I can't believe you're here," she exclaimed. She lifted a hand and moved a loose lock of his hair away from his forehead. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" she asked softly.

  Rashid smiled. "I wanted it to be a surprise," he explained.

  Nicole quirked a brow at him. "You certainly succeeded."

  Rashid's arms tightened and he sighed deeply. "You look fabulous."

  Nicole felt her face flush. "I am not," she retorted, even though she loved what he'd said.

  Rashid leaned his head closer. His gaze moved across her face, as if he was reminding himself of her beauty, reacquainting himself with every detail of her, everything he'd missed since she'd left him. "You are even more beautiful than I remembered, Nicole," he growled. His gaze was intense, a sudden resolve there. She'd seen that look before, back at the palace a week before. She knew what it meant; understood how he was feeling about this moment.

  "I missed you so much," he breathed.

  Nicole drew in a deep breath, feeling her pulse quicken, sensing the growing need in him. She smiled at him and ran the back of her fingers down the side of his face. It felt slightly rough, the beginnings of stubble scratching lightly against her skin.

  "And I missed you, Rashid. I really did," she said.

  He smiled and she could see the satisfaction he felt on hearing her confession, her admission that the last few days had been torture. She wondered if they had been as difficult for him. Seeing the relief on his features, she could tell that the past week had been hard for him, too.

  Rashid said nothing. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. She snaked her fingers through his hair as she submitted to the gentle caress of his lips. Because that was what it felt like. She was giving herself to this wonderful, amazing sheikh who had come back to find her.

  He'd made a decision she'd never thought he'd make.

  A moment of doubt took hold of her as their lips parted. She peered into the depths of his tender loving gaze searching for truth, trying to find any hint of something that could confirm her brief uncertainty.

  But all she saw was love. All she saw was complete and utter adoration in Rashid's gaze.

  She knew that what he'd said to her during their last moments together had been true.

  She was his beloved.

  And she knew one thing that was also true.

  He was her beloved. She was certain about that now.

  They belonged together. He had come back to her, overcoming every doubt and every fear he had. Just to claim her, simply because he knew he belonged with her.

  As far as Nicole was concerned, right now, there was nothing else in the world except her and Rashid. All that mattered was that she was with him again. All she wanted was to be with him. Forever. She'd never been more sure about anything else in her life.

  Rashid seemed to sense all of that. He cradled her face in his hands and gazed into her eyes. "I love you, Nicole. You know that, don't you?" he murmured, his voice a deep, emotional growl.

  Nicole smiled at him, feeling her heart race furiously, every nerve in her body tingling with sensation. She drew in a deep breath and sighed, gazing into his eyes, needing him to know that what she was about to tell him was true.

  "And I love you, too, Rashid," she confessed. The words astonished her because there had been times in her life when she wondered if she would ever say them to a lover. But Rashid was not just a lover. He was her love. The one true love which destiny had brought to her. That realization almost made her gasp.

  Nicole had never felt more alive than she did in this moment, her face cradled in Rashid's tender hands, his gaze filled with a burning love.

  She could see he wanted to say more. His eyes narrowed, as if he was searching for words. And when he spoke those words, they didn't surprise her at all, because she knew how he felt about her, how much he wanted her, how much they both needed each other. Nothing could ever be the same after this.

  "Nicole. I have told you that you are my beloved. You believe me, don't you?" he demanded.

  Nicole nodded and smiled at him. "I know, Rashid." She cupped his chin gently in her hand and looked deeply into his eyes, needing him to know that what she was about to say came from her heart. "And you are my beloved, Rashid."

  His face lit up with a broad smile. He laughed quietly and she could see the joy in his eyes.

  Rashid kissed her again. As he pressed his body against hers, she could feel the beating of his heart.

  When their lips parted he didn't hesitate before breathing his next words. Rashid peered into her eyes. "Nicole. You are more precious to me than anything else in the world."

  Nicole felt her heart quicken. His voice was warm with emotion.

  "I thought I'd lost you forever," he continued. "Finding you made me realize so much. That I was wrong about so many things. But, there is one mistake I'll never make again. I'll never let you go, again."

  Nicole's breath halted for a second. What was he saying? What exactly was he confessing to her? Vague thoughts flickered at the back of her mind, thoughts about what he was about to say to her. At any other time those thoughts would have terrified her. But not now. The recognition about what he might say next merely triggered feverish anticipation in her.

  Rashid's arms tightened around her and she realized the next moment might be momentous, could be life-changing. For them both.

  "Nicole. I love you and I never want to spend another day without you."

  Nicole knew that she'd been right. That quiet voice at the back of her mind had sensed what was coming. Joy filled her heart as she softened into Rashid's loving embrace.

  "And I want to be with you, Rashid," she said.

  His eyes widened, his face a picture of pure delight. "You do?" he asked quietly.

  Nicole nodded.

  Rashid kissed Nicole again and then lifted his head, gazing into her eyes.

  "Nicole. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

  The words sounded unreal, but also utterly beautiful. They almost drew the breath out of her body, almost made her utter a gasp of disbelief. Her mi
nd went blank for a few moments. All she could feel was a raging torrent of emotion as it swept through her.

  But, there was only one word she wanted to say to him in reply.


  Rashid smiled. "My love," he gasped. And then he kissed her. This time the kiss seemed to last for an eternity.

  He lifted his head back and peered into her eyes. "I will always treasure you above all else. I will devote my life to making you happy. I promise to honor and cherish you, forever."

  Nicole could never have imagined mere words would make her feel like this. They sent joy coursing through her entire being. She knew that neither of them would ever be the same again. Not after this.

  Nicole laughed softly. "I can't believe this is happening, Rashid," she said smiling at him, joy filling her heart.

  "It is true. Just as my love for you will always be true. Forever, Nicole," he declared. He leaned closer. "We were destined to be together."

  And when he kissed her again, she knew he was right. Fate had brought them together and their love would keep them joined for all the years to come.



  "What do think?" Rashid asked gazing out over the garden, here in their summer palace in the north.

  Nicole leaned closer to Rashid and wrapped an arm around him, squinting out across the freshly cut lawn, the neatly trimmed borders and clipped branches of the trees. "It's a big improvement on the first time I saw it," she observed.

  It was true, she reflected. The garden had been transformed during the spring which had just passed. Instead of the mess she'd seen on her first day in the palace a year before, the garden now looked transformed. The wildness had been tamed; fresh growth had brought beauty to the garden. All the damage of previous years had been repaired. It had come back to life.

  Nicole looked up into Rashid's eyes. She could see how much it meant to him. For years, it had symbolized everything he couldn't let go off; every change he'd resisted making. Now it looked the way it was meant to look. The way his father would have wanted. She'd heard Rashid express pride and satisfaction at the work which had been done.

  This wasn't the first time they'd come to the summer palace since they'd married. The palace down near Qazhar city had been their main residence since the wedding nine months before. Their life there was a wonderful mix of daytime happiness and nighttime bliss. Rashid had put all his reservations about Qazhar life behind him. Wherever Nicole was happy, it seemed Rashid was also happy.

  Every part of being Rashid's wife had lived up to Nicole's expectations. He was a wonderful husband and she knew he always would be.

  The wedding had been amazing. Her parents and sisters had been astonished that there would another sheikh wedding in the family. However, once they'd gotten to know Rashid, they'd soon come around to the idea. Nicole knew her family loved Rashid as much as she did.

  Well, maybe not as much, she told herself as she looked up at him. No-one could love Rashid as much as she did.

  "I think I'm going to like coming up here in the summers," Rashid announced.

  Rashid leaned down and kissed Nicole. She'd never get tired of his kisses.

  Nicole snuggled up against him. Rashid wrapped his arm around her and held her close.

  Nicole looked up at the blue sky. "It's going to be a warm day," she observed.

  Rashid gazed down at her. "Remember I told you about those cool parts of the palace?" he asked.

  Nicole nodded.

  Rashid glanced back at the palace. "What do you say we go inside and cool off together," he suggested.

  There was a look in his eye with which she'd become all too familiar. She felt warmth stirring inside her.

  "I think that's a good idea," she replied.

  And then they started to make their way back inside, arm in arm, and she knew it was going to be another beautiful day.


  The next novel will be the story of Nicole's younger sister, Belle.

  Also Available.


  Book 1 in The Qazhar Sheikhs series. Three brothers and their search for love


  A Second Chance For The Sheikh To Claim His Lost Love

  Feisty and determined, Chloe Stirling had once loved and lost Sheikh Zayed Al Kharif. But that is all in the past now.

  Or, is it?

  Chloe's work brings her to Zayed's kingdom where she must find a way to resist a former lover who will not be denied.

  Zayed is an untamed Sheikh determined not to waste this chance to possess the only woman he has ever loved. Forced to abandon her once before, he's not about to make the same mistake again. He will use everything he can to win her back, even if Chloe is determined to deny him a second chance.

  Can Zayed seize his second chance at love, and overcome the barriers to finding a happy ever after with a woman who is now so close to becoming the love of his life?

  Book 2 in The Qazhar Sheikhs series


  Enemies in public. Lovers in private.

  Feisty Ella Brant never thought that the sheikh she had come to expose and publicly shame would become more than an enemy. He would become her lover.

  Sheikh Raz Al Kharif has been happy for every woman to believe that he's a man who can't be tamed. Life has been too good to allow any woman to bring him to his knees and marry.

  But, Ella isn't just any woman. She's not just another pretend future wife.

  The spirited American woman has made it her mission to teach Raz a very important lesson. Can she do it while keeping the sheikh at bay?

  Can Raz break down the barriers between himself and the amazing woman who is driving him to distraction? And, can he stop her from turning his world upside down?

  Book 3 in The Qazhar Sheikhs series.

  The Sheikh's Rebellious Bride


  Independent business woman, Zoe Smith never thought she'd have to ask her former lover Sheikh Tariq Al Kharif to honor the promise he'd made to her years before. But, when her world is turned upside down she has no choice but to demand that the Sheikh keep his word.

  Even if it means entering into a marriage of convenience.

  Sheikh Tariq can still remember the passion he once felt for the feisty American. Now she's back in his kingdom and she has a dangerous proposal. When he rejects it, the woman who never took no for an answer gives him little choice but to accept a temporary arranged marriage.

  One year of marriage. No intimacy allowed.

  Now that they're back together, sharing a palace and a bed, can they both resist their reawakened attraction? Can the sheikh overcome the resistance of his rebellious bride?

  Book 4 in the Qazhar Sheikhs series

  The Sheikhs Reunion Bride


  Smart and professional, Mia Watson never believed she'd be reunited with the handsome sheikh who once mercilessly played with her emotions during a summer she would never forget.

  Her older brother's best friend, Sheikh Rafiq, left an indelible memory on Mia, and she is determined to move on with her life.

  Sheikh Rafiq Al Kharif, cousin to the recently married Al Kharif brothers, has a problem. He has recently avoided an unwanted arranged marriage and is in no hurry to fall into that trap any time soon. However, when a crisis looms he must rely on a beautiful, feisty woman he once drove to distraction. And she hasn't forgiven him.

  He was captivated before by her innocence. Now she's captured his heart again.

  But when he gets the chance to sweep her off her feet, he finds she's far less willing than before. That isn't about to stop him. Once she's in his palace, Rafiq is sure that Mia won't be able to resist him, even if she's still pretending to be the innocent.


  Book 5 in The Qazhar S
heikhs series. Three sheikhs and their search for love

  The Sheikh turned her world upside down and then walked out on her.

  Fiercely independent, Lana Huntly will do anything for her best friend, Mia. Especially now that Mia is getting married to her own beloved Sheikh, Rafiq Al Kharif. But, in order to attend the wedding, Lana must do something she never thought she'd do again.

  Set eyes on Sheikh Malik, brother to the groom.

  Malik Al Kharif. The untameable sheikh of Qazhar.

  Wild and uncontrollable, Sheikh Malik is under pressure to settle down, accept marriage and responsibility. The last thing he expected was to get a second chance to show his feisty American just how much she means to him.

  But, has Malik underestimated the spirited woman who seems determined to torment him once again?

  Lana's going to prove that Malik hasn't changed one bit. Once bitten, twice shy.

  But, Malik has other plans. It's his last chance to show Lana that he is every inch the powerful sheikh with a wicked reputation.


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