Scandal of the Season

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Scandal of the Season Page 10

by Christie Kelley

  She was not on the sofa as she had been when she went to sleep last night. Lying still, she heard his rhythmic breathing next to her. Had she been sleepwalking last night? No, she never did that.

  He must have carried her here once she had fallen asleep. Why would he have done that? When would he have done it? After he slammed the door shut, she’d had no idea if he would return or not. Unwilling to take a chance that he would come back, she had decided to sleep on the sofa.

  She wondered if he had slept with Hannah. Or one of the other loose ladies staying at the party. It certainly would not surprise her. The man was nothing but a hardened rake. Even Lady Whitely had told her that. So why did she feel a sense of disappointment? She did not want to become involved with a man like Somerton again.

  Once was enough.

  She silently moved the coverlet off and lowered her feet to the floor. Tiptoeing to the linen press, she prayed it wouldn’t squeak as she opened it. After pulling out a day gown of green wool, she walked to the screen and dressed quickly. Thankfully, she could reach the buttons on this dress.

  Once dressed, she pulled her hair into a loose chignon. As she walked across the room, she paused and stared at the man in the bed. Somerton looked relaxed. She had never seen him like that. In the few short days that she had known him, he always held himself rigid and had laughed only once. She wondered what demons the man held so tight inside of him.

  Shaking her head, she continued to the door. It mattered not what demons were at work in him. He had coerced her into this job. Once they were done with the week, they would only see each other at functions held by their mutual friends. And she doubted he attended many of those.

  She quietly departed the room and walked to the stairs. For the first time, she gawked at her surroundings. The white marble steps led to a huge entranceway for guests. Massive portraits in gilded frames hung from the silk covered walls. As she walked down the stairs to the breakfast room, the extravagance of the rooms continued to amaze her.

  “Well, you are up quite early,” a male voice drawled.

  Victoria turned her head and smiled at Lord Ancroft. “I am used to being up early. And it is almost eight.”

  He shrugged. “I would have thought Somerton would try to keep you in bed all day.”

  Heat scaled her cheeks. What would a mistress say to that? “Perhaps he needed his sleep.”

  “I am certain after being with you, he would,” Ancroft muttered.

  Victoria stood there mouth agape. She had no idea how to reply to such a comment.

  “I apologize, Mrs. Smith,” Ancroft said softly. “I have been rather out of sorts lately.”

  “Apology accepted.” She moved toward the table and sat down across from him. “Why have you been so out of sorts?”

  “I am not certain. Perhaps I should get out of England for a time. Maybe travel to Italy. A dear friend of mine always wanted to visit Florence and Venice.”

  “Then maybe you should go together,” she suggested.

  Ancroft’s lips tilted upward. “I believe her husband might object. And of course, her infant son.”

  He was speaking of Jennette, of course. “You might consider going alone,” Victoria offered.

  He leaned across the table and clasped her hand. “I might. Or perhaps you would consider traveling with me.”

  “I rather doubt she will do that, Nicholas,” Somerton’s cold voice sounded from the threshold.

  Ancroft instantly released her hand and sat back against his chair. “You can’t fault me for trying, Somerton. At some point, she is bound to see that you never commit to anything. In fact, I have never heard of you having a mistress at all. Women, yes. But never a mistress.”

  Somerton crossed the room like a panther. “But now I have.”

  Victoria tensed as he drew nearer. The air grew thick as the two men stared at each other. She felt like the female lion caught between two rival males. There had to be something she could say to relieve the tension.

  She laughed softly until both men looked at her. “I think you both may have forgotten that I have the say in who I take to my bed. If I wish, I could take Ancroft.” She glanced up to see Somerton glaring at her. “But I prefer my current arrangement.”

  Somerton sat in the chair next to her. “As do I,” he replied in a muffled tone.

  Ancroft frowned as he stared at them. “Forgive me, Mrs. Smith. I meant no disrespect.”

  “I do understand,” Victoria said. “Perhaps all you need to do is find another mistress to keep you entertained.”

  Ancroft glanced toward the window with a faraway look in his eyes. “I rather doubt that will satisfy my current condition.”

  A tall man with light brown hair entered the room and glanced at the group sitting at the small round table. “Ancroft,” he said with a nod.

  Ancroft nodded. “Hardy, what brings you here?”

  “I arrived a few minutes ago. I have some business with Lord Farleigh, but I won’t be staying for more than a few days.” Hardy looked over at Somerton with a slight frown. “Somerton?”

  “I don’t believe we have actually met,” Somerton said as he stood to shake the man’s hand. “And this is a friend of mine, Mrs. Smith.”

  After shaking Somerton’s hand, Mr. Hardy bowed over her hand. “It is a pleasure, Mrs. Smith.”

  Somerton’s hand clasped down on her shoulder with a biting pain. “Darling, I need a moment of your time before you dine.”

  “Of course, dear.” Victoria stood up and glared at him.

  “In the salon.” He took her hand and led her out of the room while Ancroft’s gaze burned into her back.

  Hearing people in the salon, Somerton continued on to the empty library. The click of the lock told her of the importance of this meeting.

  “Is there a problem?” she asked softly. She had never seen the full brunt of his anger but had a feeling it would not be pleasant.

  “Yes, there are several.” He paced the room. “First, why did you leave our room without informing me?”

  She sat on the brocade chair and watched him walk the room. “You were still asleep. I did not believe I should wake you just so I could get a bite of breakfast.”

  He stopped in front of her chair and stared down at her. His hazel eyes turned a brilliant green. “Do not leave our room without me. There are some very conniving men here.”

  “Like you?”

  His eyes narrowed on her. “Some of these men will believe you are fair game just because you are my mistress.”

  “A position you forced me to play,” she commented.

  He smirked slightly. “A deal you agreed to.”

  “So I did. Go on,” she said with a wave of her hand.

  “Do not, under any circumstances, encourage Ancroft. His former mistress just ended their agreement.”

  “So he is looking for a new mistress?”

  His eyes hardened. “Do not think it.”

  Smiling up at him, she said, “But our agreement is only for the week. Once that time is completed, I might be interested in such a position. He is, after all, a marquess and will be duke one day. Being the mistress of a duke is certainly an advantage.”

  She knew she should stop baiting him but couldn’t seem to stop. “Besides, think of the money that would bring in for the poor children. I would be able to stop my criminal activities.”

  Suddenly, he hauled her out of her seat until she was up against his chest. Her heart thrummed.

  “You will not take another man to your bed,” he said deliberately.

  “Indeed? You don’t return to our bedchamber until late last night and after sleeping with—”

  “Whom I sleep with is my business.” He tilted her chin up.

  “Just as whom I sleep with is mine. I can take any man I want to. You have no say in the matter.”

  “Oh, but I do,” he replied in a menacing voice before lowering his hard lips to hers.

  If she didn’t know better, she might have
thought his punishing kiss was a show of jealousy. But as she responded to his kiss, he softened his lips and punishment became seduction. Feeling his tongue lash against hers sent a strange tightening sensation to her belly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, attempting to get closer to him. She needed relief from this aching desire she felt for him.

  His hand moved to cup her breast. She wanted so much more than a simple kiss. But she couldn’t tell him that. Why couldn’t he sense her desire for him? As he skimmed his thumb across her taut nipple, she moaned softly.

  He trailed his lips to her ear as he pressed her hips to his. She could feel his erection pressing against her. Moisture pooled between her folds as she prayed he would touch her soon.

  “Dammit!” he said, moving away from her. He walked to the window and stared out at the snowy expanse.

  “Somerton?” she whispered.

  “Don’t say a word.”

  What could she say? The man kissed her as if he intended to take her to his bed then tore himself away as if she were the devil. So he didn’t want her, but he didn’t want her to take a protector, either. Something was completely wrong here.

  “Somerton, we need to talk about what just happened.”

  He turned back to her with a frown. “There is nothing to discuss.”

  “Indeed? So why is it that I’m not good enough for you or your friend, Ancroft?”

  “I never said that,” he replied.

  “You didn’t have to. Your actions told me.” Victoria walked toward the library door. Before she could reach for the door, she found herself spun around to face him again.

  “We are not done with our conversation. Stay away from Ancroft and all the other men here.”

  “Then I demand the same respect. If I am to be the doting mistress, you had better be the adoring protector.”

  Before he could reply, she stormed from the room.

  Chapter Eleven

  Anthony stared at the open door unable to move. Finally, he sank into a chair and stared at the embers in the fireplace. Victoria could have sex with anyone she wanted, once this job was finished and she was out of his life forever. He combed his fingers through his hair in frustration. She would never be completely out of his life. Between the connection they had forged ten years ago, and the fact that she socialized with three of his friends’ wives and his half sister, he would always hear about her.

  He would always see her. Even if it was just through the window of her home as he went to see Lady Whitely. He would know Victoria was there, possibly watching and condemning him for walking into a brothel.

  What the bloody hell did he care what she thought of him? He was an unmarried man and could visit a brothel if he wanted. What she thought of him did not matter.

  Victoria was pure temptation and passion. Moving her into his bed had been a mistake last night. He’d walked back into the room after playing cards with Brentwood and noticed how uncomfortable she’d looked on the sofa. He’d felt he had no choice but to move her. Of course, trying to sleep next to her had been impossible. He lay awake for hours as she dozed next to him.

  “So what exactly is going on between you two?”

  Anthony looked up to see Nicholas staring down at him. “Nothing is going on between us.”

  “Strange answer for a man who is supposed to be her protector.”

  “Stay out of this, Nicholas. You know nothing about her.”

  “I know you two are attempting to make people believe you are lovers and yet, I don’t quite believe it. While you sit in here looking angrier than I have seen you in years, she went back to the breakfast room alone and looking miserable.”

  Anthony clenched his fists. “Stay out of this.”

  “I’m not a fool. I know you have done some work for people in high places.” Nicholas must have seen the look of confusion on his face. “Selby told me.”

  Anthony nodded. Selby only knew because Anthony had used him once when he first started his dealings with Ainsworth. “I might have had some business in the past.”

  Nicholas laughed. “Or even now.” He paused as if considering his words carefully. “I know you wouldn’t be here unless there was a strong reason. Over the past two years, Farleigh has made his objections of you public. But he can’t deny his wife anything. You wouldn’t be here just to pay a call on her. If you need assistance, I shall help you. Let Mrs. Smith leave here.”

  Anthony glanced back to verify the door was firmly shut. “You cannot help me.”

  “Of course I can. If Mrs. Smith is here for—”

  “Mrs. Smith is only here as my mistress. Nothing more.”

  “Somerton, you can lie to many people and they will believe you.” Nicholas smirked. “But not me. I’ve known you far too long for that.”

  “I said, she is here strictly as my mistress.”

  “Somerton,” Nicholas said roughly.

  “All right, can you pick the pocket of a man without him feeling a thing?” Somerton demanded.

  “No, but I highly doubt…” Nicholas’s words trailed off. “You can’t mean to say that Mrs. Smith can do such a thing.”

  “Better than anyone I have ever seen.”

  “Better than you?” Nicholas asked cautiously.

  “Far, far better,” Anthony admitted. “She is the best I have ever seen. Probably why she hasn’t been hanged yet.”

  Nicholas took the seat across from him. “How did you find her?”

  Anthony shook his head. This was a disaster. With Nicholas’s connections to Elizabeth, Jennette, and Banning, he would soon discover Mrs. Smith was really Victoria. “You have to promise me what I am about to tell you will not leave this room.”

  “Of course.”

  “Have you ever heard Elizabeth or Jennette speak of their friend Miss Seaton?”

  “Yes, she owns the home for…no, Mrs. Smith is not Miss Seaton.”

  “One and the same,” Anthony replied. “She picked my pocket at the christening party for Banning’s daughter. I never felt a thing until Jennette accidentally knocked into her.”

  “Then how can you be certain it was her?”

  “Because she admitted it. We came to an agreement. I needed a mistress with me to keep Farleigh from becoming an issue. With a mistress, he won’t think I am after Hannah. So we agreed that she would help me, and I would not speak of her ability to her friends.”

  “Ah, a little case of blackmail.”

  “Perhaps,” Anthony commented.

  “Can I help you?” Nicholas asked.

  Only Selby knew a little about what Anthony did for Ainsworth. And Selby most likely had no idea that so many of the rumors about Anthony were true. However, this was his last job and Nicholas already knew Hardy. Nicholas might be able to get closer to Hardy than he could.

  “What do you know of Hardy?”

  Nicholas shrugged. “Not much. We met a few times, mostly through Farleigh. He is the second son of Viscount Ellington. I have not heard much either way about his finances so I would assume he is secure.”

  Anthony lowered his voice to a whisper. “Any reason he might want to see prinny dead?”

  “What?” Nicholas’s mouth gaped in shock.

  “You heard me.”

  Nicholas’s brows furrowed. “I can think of no reason. His family is nowhere near the lineage of anyone of power. I’m far closer to the line of succession than anyone in his family. You are closer.”

  “I realize that. But is there anyone here who might be closer to the line of succession than you?”

  “No one that I have seen so far. Has anyone warned the prince?”

  Anthony blew out a breath. “I am not privy to that information.”

  “What can I do to help?” Nicholas asked. “I am not about to let the future king of England be killed. With Charlotte gone, the line is in question.”

  “Keep your eyes on Mrs. Smith. I cannot completely trust her. I fear she would turn for a large sum of money.” He knew she would do anything for

  “I don’t see her doing that. Surely she has some loyalty to the king.”

  Anthony closed his eyes. Nicholas always had a soft heart when it came to women. Especially beautiful women. “I have not told her exactly why we are here.”

  “Then perhaps you should.”

  That would involve trusting her. And Anthony had yet to be able to do that.

  “What an odious man,” Victoria muttered as she left the breakfast room.

  “Oh my, I do want to hear which odious man, of the many here, you are speaking of.”

  Victoria stopped at the threshold to the small salon and covered her mouth. Hannah sat in the room holding her daughter. “I am sorry, my lady. I did not know you were here.”

  “My lady? I told you to call me Hannah. Now come in and close the door so we are not disturbed.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Victoria closed the door and took a seat across from Lady Farleigh. “Your daughter is beautiful. How old is she?”

  “Suzette is three months old.” She held the baby out. “Would you like to hold her?”

  Victoria missed all her babies. The youngest was three and didn’t require much holding. She reached for Suzette. Holding the little bundle made her homesick.

  “Now to which odious man were you referring?” Hannah asked with a smile. “Tea?”

  “Yes, please.” Victoria had no idea what to tell this woman.

  “The man?” Hannah pressed again as she placed the teacup on the small cherry table beside Victoria. “My first guess would be Lord Somerton. He is, after all, your protector and most likely to draw your ire.”

  Victoria nodded.

  “Perfect, we shall start with him,” she announced.

  Start? What exactly did this woman want her to do? Gossip? Thinking back to the many conversations Victoria had had with Avis, Jennette, Elizabeth, and Sophie, discussing men had become more popular as each married.

  “I take it you two had a row.”

  Victoria had no idea what to say. “I suppose we did.”

  “Get the man back into bed as quickly as possible. There he will forget the argument and after he is satisfied, he will give you anything you desire.”


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