Alive (Mended Hearts #1)

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Alive (Mended Hearts #1) Page 6

by Beth Maria

  Taking the cell from him, I look at the picture that he’s just taken. Wow. It’s an amazing photo. I actually look really happy. I haven’t seen myself this happy in months. I’m standing there, smiling up at the elephant, while he takes the food, going on with his day-to-day life. “It’s beautiful, Jesse.” I don’t know what else to say. It truly is a beautiful picture.

  “It is. You look so carefree. It’s a nice thing to see for a change. I’ll get it printed for you, if you want?”

  “Yes, please. I want to remember this forever.” Passing Jesse back his cell phone, we head off toward the lions. I really don’t know what to say to him right now. I’m speechless.


  I expected more of a fight over the picture. Any other girl would have looked at it, noticed that they hadn’t posed, and then made me delete and retake it. Maisie always seems to be proving to me that she’s not like other girls. The picture was natural because she didn’t know that I was going to take it. She let her guard down, allowing herself to shine through for a few minutes. It was a beautiful sight. I’m glad I captured the moment.

  I’ve been browsing around the gift store for the last fifteen minutes, trying to find something to buy Maisie for her to keep as memorabilia. Maisie is on the other side of the store luckily, looking through some of the books, so she is none the wiser about what I’m doing.

  I’m about to give up as I can’t find anything good enough for her when I spot the perfect gift. It’s a little fluffy elephant with a green top on that says ‘Feed me’. This elephant would hold a lot of memories for her, which she will remember every time she looks at it.

  Making my way to the check out, I pay for her gift before she realizes what I’m doing.

  “That will be $18.99, please, sir,” the young cashier says.

  “Keep the change,” I reply, handing her $20. I haven’t got time to waste waiting for my change. It’s only $1.01 anyway. It’s not going to change my life.

  Turning around to see where Maisie is, I spot her looking at the elephant that I have just bought her. I need to distract her before she decides to buy it, or otherwise, my surprise will be ruined. “Hey. You ready to go?” I ask, making her jump.

  “Jesus, Jesse! Do you have to creep up on me like that? I think I just peed my pants a little,” Maisie says all serious, holding her hand over her heart. Let’s hope it was enough to distract her.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Forgive me?” I ask, pulling a sad face and fluttering my eyelashes at her. Who couldn’t forgive a face like that? Maisie doubles over in laughter, pointing at my face and trying to catch her breath. God, it’s a beautiful sound to hear. I truly could listen to her laugh all day. That is going to be my goal; to make her laugh as often as possible. She glows when she laughs, and it’s a sight to behold.

  “St-stop pulling th-that face!” she says through her laughter, now holding onto her stomach.

  “Only if you forgive me, or I’m going to keep pulling this face until you do.”

  “Okay, okay. I forgive you. Please, just stop. You’re giving me a stitch!” I flutter my eyelashes a few more times for good measure, causing more laughter. A few people are staring at us, probably wondering what Maisie’s laughing at and thinking we’re crazy. Oh well, let them stare. I don’t care as long as she’s happy.

  “It’s getting late, plus, I’m pretty hungry. You want to go get something to eat?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I’m hungry too. What do you have in mind?” She asks, placing the elephant back onto the shelf. Mission accomplished!

  “How about pizza? There’s a little pizza joint just down the road that’s pretty good,” I ask as we make our way out to the parking lot.

  “Pizza sounds good right about now. I could eat a cow. I’m that hungry.” Just as she says that, her tummy does a loud rumble. A blush appears onto her cheeks at her embarrassment of me hearing it. Putting the present under the seat compartment before she notices, I then hand her my helmet and help her secure it. I sit on my bike, and then Maisie gets on behind me, wrapping her arms in her signature vice like grip. I’d complain that I couldn’t breathe, except I don’t want her to loosen her grip. I like the feel of her chest pressed hard against my back, feeling the heat of her body seep into mine. It does crazy things to my body; things that shouldn’t be happening when you’re trying to drive a motorbike. Starting the engine, I ride off, taking extra care because of the delicate package on the back of my bike.


  We arrive at the restaurant and are shown to our seats straightaway. I don’t even need to look at the menu to know what I’m going to get. I always get this pizza when I come here. Pablo’s Pizza makes the best pizza in the area.

  “You’re not going to look at the menu?” Maisie asks, peering over the top of her menu at me. She looks so tiny sitting in this booth. It’s swallowing her up.

  “No, I always get the same every time I come here,” I reply, shrugging.

  “What are you getting?”

  “The mighty meat feast. It’s the best. That way, instead of having to just choose one meat, you get a big selection.”

  “Hmm... That does sound good. I might get that too then. Otherwise, I’ll regret it if I just get a Hawaiian,” she says, putting her menu down on the table.

  “How about we get a large pizza and share it?” I suggest.

  “Are you ready to order?” the waitress asks. I didn’t even see her walk over. I must have really been focusing on Maisie.

  “We’ll have a large mighty meat feast please,” I say, giving the waitress, whose nametag says Kelly, a polite smile. I don’t miss the way she checks me out. Women of all ages check me out everywhere I go. I’m not stupid. I’m a good looking guy, and I usually use it to my advantage. However, since meeting Maisie a few weeks ago, I haven’t been paying attention to other women. Trust me. It’s not through lack of trying. I’ve tried to pay attention to women who so blatantly want me, but every time I get close to doing anything with them, Maisie’s delicate face pops into my head, and I can’t help but compare everybody to her. She’s ruined me without even knowing about it.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” Kelly asks, sticking her chest out toward my face. That’s another thing I’m used to; women willingly allowing me to check them out. Usually, I would, but like I said, that was before Maisie.

  “Just a diet coke,” I say, not paying attention to her. Turning my attention to Maisie, I see that her eyes are bugging out of her head. I mentally laugh. Bless her, she’s so innocent. “Maisie, what do you want to drink?” I ask because I know the waitress has probably forgotten that she is sitting there.

  “A diet coke too, please.” The waitress snaps her head toward Maisie, giving her the once over.

  “Okay,” Kelly says to Maisie bluntly before turning her attention back to me. Great. “Your pizza won’t be long.” With a wink, she’s gone.

  “Wow, she didn’t even really acknowledge that I was sitting here until you spoke to me. Are women always like that around you?” Maisie asks, looking shocked.

  “I’m not going to lie. Yeah, they are,” I reply honestly.

  “Hmm...” is all she says.

  Maybe now would be a good time to give her the present I bought. It might cheer her up a little bit. Since the waitress left a few minutes ago, Maisie has just stared at the table, fiddling with her hands. It’s a little unnerving. “I got you a little something at the zoo. I hope you like it,” I say, pulling the bag off of the seat next to me and handing it over to her. She doesn’t attempt to get it out of the bag, just stares at it like it’s going to explode at any second. “You can have a look, you know. It’s not going to hurt you.”

  “I know that. I’m just shocked that you bought me something, is all.” She pulls the toy elephant out of the bag and just stares. Great. Maybe she doesn’t like it? What made you think that you know her well enough to know what she would like, Jesse? You fool!

  “If you don’t
like it, I can take it back. I still have the receipt. It’s just, when I saw it, I thought it was the perfect thing to get you. You love elephants, and it says ‘Feed me’, and you fed the elephants for the first time today. This will help you remember.” I’m not a person who is usually uncertain about anything. However, right now, I’m pretty uncertain to whether she likes it or not.

  “NO!” Maisie says loudly, hugging the elephant to her chest. I let out the breath that I didn’t know I had been holding. She likes it. Relief courses through my body. “Sorry about my reaction. I just didn’t expect you to buy me anything, especially something this thoughtful. It’s beautiful. It truly is,” she whispers the last part so quietly I almost don’t hear it.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask, staring at the top of her head, as her head is bent down, staring at the table again. She seems to do that a lot when she’s embarrassed or thinking about things, I’ve noticed. “Maisie, look at me please,” I ask gently. I just want to make sure she’s okay.

  She slowly lifts her head, looking up at me through tear filled eyes. Fuck! This wasn’t what I was aiming for. I just wanted to buy her something that will make her remember what she did today every time she looks at the toy. Not make her fucking cry! I’m such a stupid son of a bitch. I don’t know her well enough to know what she likes. For all I know, it could be triggering some painful memory right now, and it’s my entire fault. “Please don’t cry. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking buying you that. I don’t even know you well enough to know what you like. And now look. You’re crying. This isn’t how I expected you to react,” I tell her, getting angry with myself.

  “Jesse, stop. I’m crying... I don’t even know why I’m crying, but this is the most thoughtful present I’ve ever received. Thank you.” Maisie scoots over on the seat toward me. Wrapping her tiny arms around my neck, she gives me a hug. I’m so shocked that I can’t move. It feels wonderful having her arms around my neck. By the time I go to hug her back, she’s pulling away and moving back over to her seat. Damn it!

  “You’re welcome,” I reply.

  Our food arrives a few minutes later, by a different waitress, thank God. I watch Maisie pick up a slice of the pizza and take a bite. God, I wish I was that pizza right now. Jesus Christ, I’m jealous of a slice of pizza. I need to sort it out!

  “Mmmm,” Maisie moans. She actually moans! My cock stands to attention, throbbing painfully. Right now, my mind is thinking real dirty thoughts. What I would do to her to hear that sound come out of her perfect lips again. Taking a slice of pizza to take my mind off of the situation downstairs, I take a bite, focusing on what is going on outside.

  “I’m so full. I think I’m going to go into a food coma!” Maisie says, rubbing her stomach. She only ate three slices, which isn’t a lot, considering we didn’t get anything to eat at the zoo, and it’s not even five o’clock.

  “I best get you home before you go into it then, eh? Don’t want you falling off the back of my bike,” I reply, earning a laugh.

  “Yeah, it’s probably best. I have a lot of assignments to do for tomorrow, and at this rate, I’m not going to get them completed.” Maisie says with a sigh.

  After paying the bill, we head out to my Ducati, so I can drive her home.


  We arrive outside of the dorms, and Maisie jumps off of the bike like a pro. “You’re getting good at that now,” I say smiling at her.

  “At what?” she asks, scrunching up her nose. It’s an adorable quirk, which makes me smile even bigger.

  “At getting off the bike. You’re becoming a pro. I’m amazed.” Maisie smiles, shaking her head at me.

  “Well, what can I say? I’m a fast learner.” That makes me laugh. I hope right now she doesn’t know that I’m thinking of a million things I could teach her, to see if she really is a fast learner, all of them being x-rated thoughts.

  “I’m sure you are. Thank you for today. I had a good time. I’d like to do something again sometime, if you’re up for it?” Please let her say yes!

  “I think I would like that. I’ll see you tomorrow in English. Night, Jesse.”

  “Night, Maisie.” I wait for her to go in through the doors before leaving, then pull out onto the road and drive toward home.

  The whole way home, thoughts of today flash through my mind on repeat; Maisie feeding the elephant, her face when I gave her the present I bought her, and the way she moaned when she ate the pizza. I’m strung so tight, I know I’m not going to be able to sleep unless I let off some steam. Usually, I would go and find myself a girl, but things have changed for me. The gym it is then!

  Chapter 5


  I stayed up until the early hours of the morning, making sure that my Drama paper for Professor Kendall was completed. She’s a lovely lady and an amazing teacher, but you don’t want to get on the wrong side of her. She will kick you out of the class before you can even say ‘Act’. I’ve already seen one student kicked out for doing exactly what I would have done, had I not stayed up all night completing the assignment.

  Luckily, I had some peace and quiet last night for a few hours, as Chloe left a note letting me know that she was out with a few of her new friends and wouldn’t be back till late. I was still awake when she arrived home at eleven. She wanted to know what was happening with me and Jesse and where I’d been all day, but I didn’t have the time to explain last night. I was behind on my work, especially because the damn stuffed elephant kept distracting me. I couldn’t get over how thoughtful Jesse had been. I didn’t know he was like that. Though, I don’t think anybody knows that side of him. Every time I looked over at it, sitting on the desk, I saw Jesse’s beautiful face and how worried he looked when he thought I didn’t like it. I loved it from the moment I saw it in the shop. I cried because he just keeps making it harder and harder to not let emotions get involved. When he gave me the present, it was sweet enough for the walls, those walls I’d spent weeks putting up, to come crumbling down. Now, I’m left constantly thinking of Jesse, wondering when I will hear from him next and what will happen in the future. The only problem? My heart isn’t ready to be broken again.

  Because I stayed up nearly all night, I wake up late this morning. Noticing that I only have twenty minutes to have a shower and get ready, I rush into the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, I’m ready to leave. Writing a note to Chloe, who must have already left for her early Art class, I tell her to meet me at Cafe Blanc at eleven, and then I’m out the door, practically running to English.


  I arrive to my class just as Professor Jones does. Phew! Scouting the room for a seat, I see one next to Jesse at the back. I quickly make my way toward the seat. I’m about to sit down, but Jesse’s bag is on it. He moves it onto the floor, so I sit down, pulling out my laptop.

  “I saved you a seat. Hope that’s okay?” Jesse whispers in my ear. His hot breath tickles my ear, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. Goosebumps cover my skin, making me shudder.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks.” I whisper back, trying to ignore how close he still is to me. If I turn my head, I’m sure my lips could touch his. God, how I want my lips to touch his. From what I can remember in my drunken haze, he is an extremely good kisser. Now is not the time to be thinking about that, though. Returning my attention back to the Professor, I try to concentrate on what he is teaching us. It’s easier said than done, though.


  I don’t remember anything that was said during English. The whole time I was imagining what it would be like to kiss Jesse again. Now, I’m going to have to ask Professor Jones to email me the lesson plan. Great. I’m going to look like I don’t pay attention. I’m usually top of the class, but I can see Jesse distracting me, making my grades drop. I can’t allow that to happen.

  Packing up my laptop, I put my bag over my shoulder and make my way down the stairs. Jesse must have already left. It was nice of him to say bye to me. I don’t know why I expected
anything different. Maybe it was because we had a nice day together yesterday, and we actually get on great together, and then he bought me the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever been given. I guess I was just fooling myself that he would change and actually be interested in me. Why would a guy who looks like he could be on the cover of GQ be interested in a plain, broken girl like me? This is why I’d put up a wall when it came to him. I knew he would hurt me. I just didn’t think it would be this soon. I know I told him that I just wanted to be friends, but I still thought he would try harder for me. I guess he is who he said he was.

  “Pssssst!” I jump, spinning around, and throw my fist out in front of me. My fist makes contact with something hard, except I don’t know what because my eyes are still closed. “FUCK, Maisie!” Jesse shouts out in pain. When I open my eyes, I see him looking at me, wide eyed, and covering his nose with his hands.

  “Shit! I’m so sorry, Jesse,” I say, disbelief in my voice. “Are you okay?” I reach my hands out and remove his from his nose. Blood is gushing down his face. Shit! “No, that’s a stupid question. Of course you’re not okay. I just punched you in the nose, possibly breaking it. Shit shit shit!” I rush out.

  “Maisie, calm down. I don’t think it’s broken, but I do need some tissues, or I’m going to bleed all over the floor.” I look around frantically for the restrooms, spotting one to my left, just down the hall. Dragging Jesse over toward the restrooms, I tell him to wait outside. I grab handfuls of toilet paper, then rush back outside and place the tissue to his nose.


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