Alive (Mended Hearts #1)

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Alive (Mended Hearts #1) Page 15

by Beth Maria

  “You okay?” I ask gently in her ear.

  “I am now,” she whispers back, her breath against my skin causing goose bumps to surface. I shiver from the action.

  “Want to go for a coffee? Then you can explain what’s happened.” Unwrapping myself from her body, I pass her the helmet.

  “Do I have to wear this every time?” she asks with a disgusted look as she lifts the helmet in the air.

  “Yes, you do. If anything were to happen to you because you weren’t wearing that, I would never forgive myself. So, for my peace of mind, please don’t fight me on this, and just wear it,” I say exasperated. My life wouldn’t be worth living if Maisie wasn’t in it. I shudder just thinking about it.

  “Okay, Mr safety. Maybe you should invest in another helmet then. I don’t want anything to happen to you, either. That way, both of our consciences are clear,” she says as she puts the helmet on, then climbs on behind me.

  As soon as she touches me, I feel a shock go straight through my body. I’m just so in tune to her touch, the smallest contact sends tingles through my body.

  “Hold tight, baby,” I say as an excuse to have her closer to me.

  Starting the throttle, I ride down the road, taking extra care of the careful package holding onto me.


  “So what happened last night then?” I ask, setting our lattes down on the table, and then shift into the booth opposite Maisie.

  She fiddles with the wrapper on her cup for a few seconds before answering me.

  “Jake and Chloe have always had a thing for each other, ever since I can remember.” That’s news to me. She doesn’t seem like his type. He always goes for brunettes or red heads, hardly ever a blonde. Though, I could feel the tension between the two at his party. Interesting. “As you know, Jake hasn’t had a girlfriend before, which means he’s never given Chloe a chance.” I nod my understanding. “They’ve always gotten along throughout our childhood, been friends and didn’t let the feelings become a problem, until about a month ago. Chloe hadn’t spoken to Jake for nearly four months. Now, every time they are near each other, they argue, giving smart comments to each other. I mean, they used to joke around when we were younger, but not to this extreme. Chloe started dating Evan to try to move on from Jake. I told her to tell Jake, so he wouldn’t find out from somebody else, but she didn’t listen. Then yesterday, before you picked me up, she cracked. I talked to her, and she decided to end things with Evan. Then last night, when you dropped me off, I heard raised voices coming from my room. Jake and Chloe were arguing. I know I shouldn’t have, but I needed to know what was up between the two of them, so I eavesdropped.” I raise my eyebrows, feigning disgust. “Don’t look at me like that. It was important!” Maisie says, pouting. I so want to kiss those lips right now, but it’s not the right time.

  “I’m joking with you. I would have done the same. So, what were they arguing about?”

  “Chloe started going on about how Jake didn’t want her months ago, so why would he want her now? Then she started screaming for him to get out. That’s when I barged in, asking Jake to leave. He did after a while. When he left, Chloe broke down like I’ve never seen her do before. I’d had enough of them arguing at that point, and never being told what’s going on between them, so I told Chloe to just tell me. She told me to leave it, so I said that I’m done. How does she expect me to be there for her, if she won’t let me, Jesse? I don’t want to have to choose between my brother and my best friend. At this rate, I’m going to have to. We haven’t spoken since last night. We’re both ignoring each other, which isn’t hard, seeing as Chloe won’t get out of her bed. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon, and she won’t leave the confines of her comforter. Something has happened between them. I just don’t know what.” By the time she’s finished explaining what happened, she’s furious all over again.

  I don’t know what to say, really. I’m as clueless as she is, except I didn’t even know that they liked each other. I mean, I saw Jake constantly looking at Chloe and Evan the other week at his party, but he didn’t make it so obvious that he was jealous. From what Maisie has just told me, though, he obviously was.

  “Maybe I can talk to Jake? We may not seem that close, but he does actually tell me quite a bit,” I say, trying to be helpful.

  Sighing, Maisie rubs her hand down her face. She looks exhausted now that I’m paying close attention. “It can’t hurt to give it a try. I just hate seeing Chloe like this. She’s usually so hard headed. She doesn’t give a shit about anything. I’m not used to seeing this side of her, so something bad must have happened.”

  “Well, I can only try, right? And if he won’t spill, then I’ll beat it out of him. How does that sound?” I ask, trying to lighten the atmosphere. It works. She laughs so hard her eyes water.

  “He wouldn’t have a chance at fighting back.” That is very true. I don’t say that though. I just laugh. I don’t want to blow my own trumpet. “It does sound very appealing right now. He’s obviously done something to hurt my best friend. Can I think about it and let you know?” Maisie asks seriously.

  “Maisie, I was joking, baby. I’m not going to beat your brother up. I’m a nice guy,” I say, laughing at her seriousness. Bless her. She’s really protective of her friend, so much so that she would have her brother beaten up.

  “I’ll find someone else to do it then. That boy really does need some sense knocked into him.” She crosses her arms over her chest, letting out a huff.

  “Come on. Let’s go to my house and watch a movie before you try and find a hit man.” I’m not joking anymore. The way she’s acting, it could be possible. Remind me never to upset her.


  Heading toward the doors of Cafe Blanc, Jake walks in with Evan. I’m surprised he’s still hanging out with him after what he found out. Well, I’m guessing he found out after what happened last night.

  Maybe I can shed some light on what is going on.

  Standing in front of him, so that he can’t move unless he walks around me, I cross my arms, letting the anger that I’m feeling shine through. He needs to know that I mean business. Jake knows I don’t let anybody fuck with my best friend, and he is no exception. In fact, he will feel my wrath more because he’s my brother. I don’t expect this kind of shit from him.

  “You alright, Maisie? You look a little pissed off.” Yeah, I wonder why, dick weed!

  “Do you really have to ask me why I’m pissed off?” I ask disgusted.

  “Not here, Maisie,” Jake hisses.

  “Yes, right here, you piece of shit. Nobody messes with my best friend,” I answer back, standing my ground.

  “I’m going to get our drinks,” Evan says, walking off, not waiting for a reply. Jake and I are in the middle of a staring contest right now. I’m not going to back down, so he better start explaining.

  “Fine. Let’s go outside so that the whole room doesn’t listen.” Turning around, Jake heads outside with me following closely on his heels.

  “Maybe you should ask Chloe,” Jake says when we are safely away from prying ears.

  “I have, but she never tells me anything when it comes to you. I’m sick of this, Jake. I refuse to choose between the pair of you if it comes to it.” My heart sinks at the thought of it. I wouldn’t know who to choose. It should be easy. You’re supposed to always choose your family, but Chloe is family to me. She’s the sister I never had.

  “It won’t come to that, Mais. I promise.” He looks regretful. Good, he should. This is just as hard for me as it is for them, just in a different way.

  “How can you promise me that, Jake? You can’t. You never know what will happen in the future.” How do I make him see what it’s like for me? He doesn’t understand. He’s a guy. They don’t have problems like this. They just have a fight to get the anger out of their systems. I wish it was that simple for us girls.

  “You’re right. I can’t. I’m sorry, Maisie,” he says, looking apologetic. He should have t
hought about that months ago before whatever happened.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  “Some of it is up to Chloe to tell you. What I can say is that we started sleeping together about seven months ago.” He shrugs his shoulders like it’s no big deal. It is a huge deal.

  “What? Why didn’t Chloe tell me this?” I feel like there’s a lot she’s been keeping from me. This is vital information, and she didn’t tell me.

  “Because I asked her not to. I didn’t want anybody knowing, Maisie.”

  “Why not? You usually like telling everybody your business. Don’t answer that, actually. So what happened then?”

  “I stopped sleeping with her five months ago,” he says, casting his eyes to the floor. Hmm…

  “And why did you do that? Get bored, did you? Though, I have to say, two months is a long time for you to keep the same sexual partner. I thought you only went with the same person once. I’m surprised,” I say, disdain dripping from my voice.

  “That’s enough, Maisie. Now isn’t the time for this. Come on. Let’s go to my house.” I’d forgotten that Jesse was listening. He holds my hand, trying to pull me away. He succeeds, of course.

  “This isn’t over, Jake Peterson,” I warn, staring at my brother one last time. “You can stop dragging me now, Jesse.”

  “I will when we are on my bike and on the way to my home,” he says, leaving no room to argue.

  Deep down, I’m glad that Jesse pulled me away. I would have regretted not confronting Jake in private. I’ll thank him later, but right now, I’m too pissed.

  “Get your pretty little behind on that seat,” Jesse commands, patting the seat.

  “Yes, sir,” I reply, obeying.

  “Good girl.” I laugh at his sarcastic praise.

  The whole way to Jesse’s house, my mind keeps wondering what happened after they stopped sleeping together. I know I’m going to have to talk to Chloe about this. I’m just not looking forward to it.


  As we step into Jesse’s house, the comforting smell that I smelt yesterday hits my nose. It smells like cinnamon, maybe from a candle or scent sticks. I’m not sure. All I know is that I feel at home.

  Jesse’s mom is sitting on the sofa, a book in hand. She looks relaxed. I wish I could say the same for me. I’m all knotted up. If I had the money, I would be paying for a massage right now.

  “Oh, hello, Maisie Love,” Jesse’s mom says, putting her book down to make her way over to me. “You look beautiful, dear. Please excuse my relaxed state of PJs. It’s Sunday, which means it’s PJ day for me,” she says, pulling me in for a hug.

  I don’t usually like hugs from people I don’t really know, but Anna has made me feel so welcome. I love her already.

  “Nice to see you too, Mom,” Jesse speaks up from next to me.

  “Oh, Jesse, you know I love seeing you. Stop being so silly,” Anna says, swatting his shoulder lovingly.

  “I’m going to get a drink. Do you want one, Firecracker?” he asks, looking at me expectantly.

  “Water’s fine, thanks.” Turning back toward Anna, I say, “I don’t mind. I wish I had brought my PJs. Then I could have relaxed with you.” She laughs at that. “Are you reading anything good? I finished my book the other night, so need a new one. Do you recommend any?” I love reading just before I go to bed. I’ve lost count of how many book boyfriends I have; there are just too many. I especially love my cowboys, but a good CEO is a close second.

  “It’s a debut novel that just came out called ‘Silver Lining’ by a new author named EJ Shortall. I’m loving it so far. I only started it last night and am already over half way through. I truly do recommend it if you love a good CEO story. I wouldn’t mind one night with a CEO, especially one like the ones I read about.” Anna winks at me, making me laugh. Who would have thought she had a dirty streak?

  “Oh, mom, please. Too much information,” Jesse says, choosing the wrong time to come into the living room. He looks quite pale from what he just heard his mom saying.

  “Oh, Jesse, stop being such a prude. Just because I haven’t had sex in a long time, doesn’t mean I still don’t know how to get down and dirty. I’m just saying, I could probably show these CEOs a thing or two.” She puts her hands on her hips, acting all serious. I can’t help but burst into laughter.

  If Jesse looked pale before, he looks ghost white now.

  “I think I’m going to be sick. Excuse me, please, while I go and throw my guts up into the toilet.” He shudders before leaving the room. I think it’s for the best. No child wants to hear their parents talking about having sex. I’m no exception. However, this is Jesse’s mom, not mine, so it’s comical too me.

  “Poor boy. Anyway, as I was saying, yes, I think you will enjoy it. You can borrow it after me if you would like. I’ll probably be finished by tonight. I can’t seem to put it down.” With that, she sits back down, the book in her lap.

  “That would be great. Thank you. Well, I’ll leave you to fantasize. Happy reading.”

  Walking into what I’m guessing is Jesse’s room, I take it all in. I’ve not been in here yet. When I came over yesterday, we stayed downstairs.

  He has cream colored walls, with shelves holding trophies; football trophies from what I can tell.

  A navy blue comforter adorns his double bed, which is in the middle of the back wall. There is also a dark wood wardrobe and a desk with a laptop sitting on top. I thought his room would have been darker, going by the clothes he usually wears.

  “Do you like my room?” Jesse asks from behind me. I jump. I was so engrossed in taking everything in that I didn’t realize he wasn’t in here.

  “Jesus Christ, Jesse. Will you stop creeping up on me? Remember what happened last time you did that? I don’t want to have to repeat it,” I tell him seriously. He just laughs at me. “Don’t test me, Jesse. I will do it again,” I warn.

  “Sweetie, give it your best shot.” He crouches down so that he’s eye level with me, daring me to do it again. Fine then. If he wants me to so badly...

  I pull my arm back and swing it forward, aiming for his nose. He captures my hand before I ever have a chance to make contact. Fuck. His reflexes are fast.

  “It’s a good thing I’m fast. Remind me never to dare you again. You’re in trouble now, though, for trying to ruin my pretty face,” he says chuckling.

  Next thing I know, I’m lying down on my back in the middle of his bed. Wow, that was fast. Jesse pins me down beneath him, and then starts tickling me. No. Anything but this. I’m so ticklish. “Jesse! Stop!” I scream, squirming and trying to get him off of me. It’s no use. He’s like a huge brick above me.

  “Jesse, please. I’m sorry!” I’m laughing so hard now that my eyes are watering, probably ruining the small amount of make-up that I have on.

  “This is your punishment. Will you do it again?” he asks, staring into my eyes. God, he’s so beautiful, especially with the carefree look he has on his face at the moment.

  “No, I won’t.” I’ll say anything right now to get him to stop. As soon as he does, he’s getting it.

  “Can I trust you?” Jesse asks, raising his eyebrows. He’s in trouble as soon as I’m loose.

  “Yes, Jesse,” I answer in my most trustworthy voice.

  As soon as he lets go of me, I start tickling him. He doesn’t even react. Oh no. I’ve got a boyfriend who isn’t ticklish. What am I going to do now when he decides to do it to me?

  Trying another tactic, I go for his pressure point next to his collar bone. I don’t even get near it before Jesse starts his torture again. “Jesse, stop! I’m sorry. I really am.” I’m going to pee myself if he doesn’t stop. “Stop! I’m going to pee myself. Get off of me!” I use all of my strength trying to push him off, but he doesn’t budge. Dammit. I’m going to pee myself in the next ten seconds if he doesn’t stop. “Seriously, get off of me.” I’m still laughing, so he’s not going to take me seriously. I wish I wasn’t ticklish.r />
  “If I stop, you’ll just attack again,” he says laughing.

  “I won’t. I have to pee,” I beg. “Please, let me go.”

  “Okay.” He gives up, lying down on top of me.

  What did I need to do again? I can feel the hardness of his body pressed against mine, robbing me of all thoughts except dirty ones.

  I’m panting loudly beneath him, partly from laughing so much, but also from the contact we have right now. Staring into his eyes, I see he’s staring at my lips. I unconsciously bite my lower lip. This makes him groan.

  “You have no idea what you biting your lip does to me, do you?” Jesse asks, growling. I have a pretty good idea, but I’m going to act clueless.

  “No. What does it do, Jesse?” I ask innocently.

  “This,” he growls, smashing his lips against mine roughly. I’m too turned on right now to care about the pain.

  His tongue seeks entry, so I let him in.

  “Mmm,” I moan into his mouth.

  Tangling my hands into his hair, I deepen the kiss. I love the feel of it running through my fingers.

  “Jesus, Maisie. I’ll never get enough of you,” he says into my mouth, still kissing me. He’s such a talented kisser.

  “I’m all yours,” I reply boldly.

  I need more of him. As if hearing my thoughts, Jesse’s hands wonder down my body, resting on my bum. He gives it a little squeeze, being gentle. I don’t want gentle right now. I need rough Jesse.

  “Jesse, please,” I beg, lifting my hips up. I need him to touch me more.

  “What, Maisie? Tell me what you want,” he whispers, starting to nibble my ear.

  “Oh God. So good,” I moan, loving the warmth from his mouth on my ear. It sends tingles all the way to my sex. I’m so wet right now. My panties are probably soaked from my juices.

  “What do you want, Maisie?” He grinds his hips into my sex, sending another wave of tingles through my body.

  What do I want? Am I ready to have sex with him? Do I want to have sex with him?


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