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Earth Page 31

by Jaymin Eve

  The sacred animals surged forward then. They had waited their turn, but now they needed to bond with their girls again. I stepped back and allowed Lugi his chance with Eva. It was simply beautiful, and even though I didn’t think I could cry any more, I apparently had plenty of tears left.

  “We did it, Supes!” Fury looked exuberant when she finally untangled herself from Dune. Crete was snuggled in her arms, and her gray eyes flashed at me, still blending beautifully with the gray marks of Relli. “We beat the mother-freaking Seventine and didn’t even die.”

  They had no idea how close they had been. If their shells had deteriorated or faded away, there would have been nothing I could do but release their essence back to the energy of the worlds. My insistence on seeing their bodies – it must have come from an inner knowledge deep down that I was running out of time.

  “We did do it,” Delane said as she stood, unfurling her wings in a massive feathered cloud of black. “We were victorious in our battle, and that should be celebrated.”

  I grinned at her. “I thought you didn’t celebrate battles?”

  Her dark eyes shone. “Angelica don’t celebrate battles, but I find that I’m no longer that which I was before. Now I’m something so much more. I am half-Walker. I am sister. I am friend. I never had those and I believe that half-Walkers celebrate successful battles.”

  Josian let out one of his booming laughs. “You have no idea, my girls, no idea at all.”


  My eyes fluttered open, before slamming shut again. I waited a few more moments before trying again. Groans left me as the light of the room stabbed at my brain.

  Did I somehow get lost last night and fall asleep on the sun?

  Damn, it was bright. But, most probably, since my butt wasn’t on fire, I wasn’t on the sun. Just hungover from the copious amounts of crandy I’d consumed. That Walker alcohol was potent. Everything around me was a blurry haze, and I couldn’t quite remember the last few hours of the party. Had there been a nudie run?

  I’m never drinking again.

  As I shifted, nausea rolled inside me and I tried very hard not to lose the contents of my stomach. I hit a wall of warmth, my body instantly melting into the hard planes and familiar spicy scent. I finally managed to get my eyes fully open, enough to see that I was in my bed in the Angelisian beach house. Brace was next to me.

  My heart jumped. I greedily drank in the sight of him as he slept. He looked peaceful in slumber. It was one of the only times. Thick, inky lashes fanned out over his broad cheekbones, a mop of dark hair falling across his forehead. It was still longer than the military style he’d favored when we first met. I liked his hair either way, but there was certainly more to run my hands through now.

  “Stop staring at me, Red.” The huskiness of his voice scraped down every single nerve-ending I possessed.

  “I’m not,” I lied.

  I was totally drinking in the sight of every single part of his face, and I hadn’t even moved down to the roped muscles I knew were peeking out the top of the sheets. He was definitely shirtless beneath the covers, and if the gods were feeling generous, he would hopefully be even more naked than that.

  His lashes fluttered up, eyes open in an instant as his arms tightened around me, pulling me flush against his heat. His eyes were depthless, a melting pot of chocolate as they locked on my face. Hands reached up and threaded through the tangled mess of curls at the back of my head, and I almost sighed as his soothing warmth stole away the lingering pain of my hangover. Brace continued to gently massage my head, never taking his gaze from me.

  I could sense his emotions, and he was thinking the same thing as I was. Neither of us had let ourselves believe we’d ever have this moment again. This silly, perfect moment to wake in each other’s arms. To know that we were safe and that most of our loved ones were safe. We wouldn’t forget the hundreds who had lost their lives in this battle, and I most certainly wouldn’t forget my two – Quarn and Francesca.

  A single tear traced from the corner of my eye, slowly descending. I waited for it to fall onto the white sheets, but Brace caught it with his thumb long before that. His hands were on my face, cradling it as if it were the most precious thing in the world. He knew what I felt through the bond, and he did nothing but offer his comfort.

  “You’re the most precious thing, Red. You’re everything, and we have an eternity together now.”

  I had to blink more than once to clear the tears which threatened to burst free again. “I tried so hard to have faith, to believe we could beat them … but such a huge part of me was prepared to die. I knew it was inevitable. I didn’t give up exactly. But I accepted the reality.” I wiggled closer to him. “That makes me weak, doesn’t it? That I was okay with dying to save everyone. That I didn’t fight.”

  Brace looked stunned for a moment, before laughter burst from him. I was both shocked and delighted. He hadn’t laughed in such an abandoned way for a long time. He rolled backwards then, bringing me with him so that I was sprawled across him.

  “You’re the bravest being I’ve ever met. You’re fierce and loyal and so protective of not only those you love but also those you don’t even know. You’ve never been weak.”

  I didn’t think. I simply smashed my lips down onto his. The kiss was not sweet or gentle. It was hard, consuming and completely out of control. We didn’t even bother to breathe; we just lived in the moment. Completely lost to one another.

  Brace growled before snaking one hand behind my back and using his wicked strength to flip me over. He crowded over the top of me, thick cords standing out in his arms and shoulders as he held himself just above my body.

  “I almost lost you, Red.” That sheen was back in his eyes, but behind it was a glint of something. Something dark and feral. “I need you, baby.”

  The sheet slid down.

  Oh yeah, he was totally naked.

  I reached up and threaded my hands across the back of his neck before pulling him down to me. I was wearing one of Brace’s soft shirts – he must have dressed me after I had passed out last night, because I totally couldn’t remember putting it on – and he divested me of it within seconds. Hot skin against hot skin, our bodies moved toward each other. Knowing. Remembering. Needing.

  We needed this moment to heal, to feel whole again. Our melding bond was thrumming strongly between us and, if I could have paid attention to anything other than the heat surrounding me, I’d probably have seen the golden aura lacing the room. The lalunas had said that which was broken might never be the same again, and in some ways I think they were right. Brace and I were stronger than we’d ever been. Our bond thick and tangible.

  For the next little while Brace loved me to the point where I almost couldn’t take the sensations any longer, and in that final moment I think I might have actually left my body the pleasure was so intense. It was like the first time all over again. Only better.

  The rest of the morning followed a very similar and toe-curling pleasurable path. I knew we couldn’t keep this up forever; someone would come looking for us eventually. Of course, they’d have to break down Brace’s energy barrier across the door, though, and there weren’t many who could achieve that.

  Hours later I was sprawled across the broad planes of his chest, my breathing finally calm as our bodies cooled off again. An image flashed through my mind and I sort of jerked up. Placing my elbows on his pecs, I pushed up enough to see his face.

  “Am I going crazy, or were there like two-foot-tall boulders at the party last night?”

  Brace chuckled, his eyes lightening to a caramel color. “Trolls. Yeah, they ventured out of faerie land to celebrate.”

  “Those pixie asshats are the reason my head is killing me,” I said, cursing a few times. “They might be tiny, but they can hold their crandy.”

  “Yeah, never wise to challenge a member of the fey to any contest involving alcohol. They have wicked-fast metabolisms.”

  I groaned. “Now you tell me.”

  He ran a hand down my side, sending a stream of tingles across my body. “Well, actually I did tell you last night, but you told me to pull the five- hundred-year-old stick from my ass.”

  I froze. “I didn’t … crap. I really said that?”

  I’m never drinking again. I switched to our mental talk, and his laughter flowed through my mind. But I could definitely go for some food about now.

  We might finally have a chance for regular meals again.

  Brace hopped out of the bed before swinging me up and onto my feet. One of his hands landed on my butt as he pulled me closer and lowered his head to press his lips to mine.

  “I think we need a shower first,” he said.

  I snorted. “If we shower together, we’ll never make it downstairs.”

  Still, could be worth starving to death for. I thought that to myself, but of course Brace picked up on it.

  No, I need you alive and well. Go shower. I’ll grab one next door.

  “You might want to put some clothes on first,” I said as my eyes scanned the tawny expanse in front of me. It was almost involuntary. I really couldn’t help myself.

  His eyes heated again, and I had to step back into his arms. He lifted me higher so we were almost face to face.

  “I want to do the mating ceremony, Red.” His words were low. “I don’t want to wait any longer, and even though our bond could not be any stronger, I want this for us. Blessing from the elders. Blessing from the gods.”

  I nodded, my head jerky as emotions took me over. “Yes, Brace. A million times yes. I love you,” I said, throwing my arms around his neck. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Abby. More than my life, for all of eternity.”

  We kissed one last time, and then with a strength of will I didn’t know I possessed, I managed to wrench myself away, and dash across into my bathroom. Before I lost my resolve to shower and eat. Brace’s laughter followed me the entire way. I legit could not wait to spend the rest of my life in his arms. Right after I washed away the funk of last night’s party and got some food. Girl’s got to have priorities.

  Once I was done, hair brushed back into a braid, I stepped into my dressing room and threw on the first pair of jeans and comfy tee I could find. Brace had been a touch faster than I was and was waiting as I stepped back into the main room. Dressed in a fitted black shirt and his fatigue-style pants with their many weapon pockets. Plus shit-kicker boots. He looked hot and dangerous, which was my favorite combination.

  As we strolled along the hallway toward the stairs, I could sense so many different energies surrounding us. The party last night had been on the grounds where the original Walker gathering was held. I knew most of the fey, First Worlders and Walkers had passed out somewhere in that vicinity, but I could sense that the half-Walker girls had made it back here.

  And Lucy was definitely around.

  Her green energy was easy to distinguish. Just the thought of her and Fury doing karaoke again had laughter bubbling up. Memories were coming easier now, although plenty still seemed to be on the blurry side.

  “Colt was happy she kept her clothes on this time,” Brace said, picking up on my mental images.

  “I’ll bet he was.” Overprotective wolf-Walker.

  I took the stairs two at a time, keeping up with Brace’s long-legged stride, and practically dragging him across the entrance and into the kitchen area. I could smell food. And I needed it.

  The kitchen benches were filled with large trays of goodness, and there was more than one person perched around there filling their plates.

  “Supes!” Fury gave a shout before bounding over and throwing her arms around me. “Thought you’d be hugging the toilet right about now.”

  I groaned, her words reminding me of the nausea when I awoke. Thank the gods for Brace’s healing hands. My face flushed as I thought more on those talented hands.

  My mate’s grin shot straight across the space, heat burning in his gaze.


  “Abbs, you have to grab some of this deliciousness. It’s to die for.” Lucy distracted me as she mumbled around her full mouth of food.

  She was wedged into a small space at the table, the wall on one side and Colton on the other. Both of them had a mountain of food in front of them.

  I didn’t hesitate, practically running to the side bench. I got some of everything, the colorful fruit particularly appetizing today. Brace and I pulled a few chairs from the more formal dining area and squished them in. I wanted to be close to everyone.

  Lallielle and Josian dropped kisses on my cheek, before strolling over to retrieve some of the scraps which were left. By the time I’d gobbled down my toast, the table was full to bursting. All of the half-Walkers were there, and their mates. Even Lucas was perched close to Ria.

  “Don’t you have a world to boss around or something?” I teased when blue eyes locked in on me.

  His perfect nose wrinkled. “Have we forgotten that you’re the chosen Empress? I’m thinking of retiring and leaving the job up to you.”

  He exchanged a look with Ria. A light started to glow across the amazing color of her eyes. She liked what he was saying.

  I didn’t, though. His words shut me right up. We really needed to have a discussion about how that was going to work. My plan wasn’t to live on First World permanently. I had a home on another world.

  “I think Abby deserves time to relax.” Brace’s words were hard as he nailed the Emperor with a glare.

  “Leaders don’t get down-time. You know that, Princeps.” The last word was drawled for an unnecessarily excessive time.

  Brace and Lucas had once been quite good friends, and then I came along and made things a little complicated. Now that everything was pretty much sorted, I hoped they could be friends again. But you know males – sort of stupid a lot of the time.

  Worst part was that Lucas was right. The responsibility of First World was both of ours, but so was the responsibility I shared with Brace. On Abernath.

  I focused on the food again, knowing that there was going to be a struggle until we found our balance.

  “I might have a solution,” Ria said casually. She held a piece of fruit. It was a melon of sorts, with the consistency and taste of watermelon, only purple with lots of tiny white seeds. “I traced home to Regali yesterday, just before the celebration. I wanted to check on Klea and see if the sacred tree was returning.”

  I leaned forward in my chair. “Was the tether restored?”

  She nodded, and a sense of awe and reverence flowed across her. “Yes, it was and the jungle slowly recovers. But what I wanted to say was that Klea has reigned over the packs with a diplomacy and skill that makes me very proud. She doesn’t need me to be Queen, and … while I haven’t completely decided to step aside, I’m thinking very hard on it.”

  She reached out and in a swift movement took Lucas’ hand.

  “I do believe I should be ruling or acting in some advisory type position,” Ria continued. “Maybe I can help with the running of First World also – we might all think on it.”

  Okay, that would be like the most perfect solution to a problem I had ever heard. But I could see that Ria had not made up her mind fully. She loved her packs and her jungle. It would be a tough one and I didn’t want to force her hand. I just smiled and nodded, and she returned the gesture. No more words were needed. We knew each other pretty well now, and the silence was not uncomfortable. Her words had reminded me of something, though.

  I swung my head around to Fury. The Crais half was deep in conversation at the end of the table.

  “Hey, Fury!” I yelled. “Did the second sun return to Crais?”

  I had forgotten that this might happen. All eyes turned to the white-haired half. Her fiery-red skin seemed to deepen further. “You asked me that last night, Supes, and the answer is still no … it hasn’t returned.”

  I’m never drinking again.

  Fury continued. “I checked in with my tr
ibe. Luiz and Tasha tell me that the single sun remains and that life is slowly filtering back into the parched land.”

  Sapha cleared her throat, straightening. The Dronish half had been sliding awfully close to a certain handsome, dark-skinned princeps. On purpose, I was going to guess.

  “Dronish is still brimming with energy. I wondered of the return of the tethers. So I decided to check.”

  Sapha made a big deal about hating Dronish and Arotia, the world she originated from. She maintained she would never live there again, but still she had looked in on them, which said a lot. It wasn’t all hate.

  “Why would the other tethers return, but not those two?” I mused out loud.

  A tinkly sound echoed across the space, and I recognized that tone. Noise echoed around me as Walkers and halves lurched to their feet, each attempting to bow at the god in the room.

  I was slow, as usual, and it felt strange to bow to her. I knew that the older Walkers, Brace, Josian, Jedi and Colton, had prayed to this deity for a very long time. I wondered if this was the first moment she had paid them a visit.

  Stepping out of that bright light she liked to wander around in, today she looked like a faerie, brightly hued hair and skin all in shades of pink. And large lavender eyes, which blinked rapidly during her observation of the room. Did the Mother just get up in the morning and choose a body like the rest of us chose clothes?

  “I prevented the sun returning,” she said. “There would be no point in the sacrifice to save the worlds, if I let two of them perish anyway.”

  I had always kind of known that the power we transferred between those two worlds had been too great. Crais and Dronish would not have survived the reversal.

  The Mother continued. “I have called upon you today as a favor to a certain guardian and soothsayer.”


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